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To Martin and everbody else (Part 1)

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Frans Lupschen

Jul 27, 2006, 10:03:43 PM7/27/06

"Martin" <> wrote in message

> I'll ignore most of Vince Palamara's juvenile attempts at relevance, but
> I will make this comment on what he copied:

> 1) Judyth was provided with a complete printed copy of Harry
> Livingstone's edit of the book.

Yes and it showed up here on the door, she took it went up, and later she
came down crying. Seemed that Livingstone put the whole book on his name,
she showed us both. Judy made an desission and took Livingstone off his
power and got the book on her name only.

> 2) She and I spent several weeks, chapter by chapter, making corrections.

What for corrections Martin?

> 3) The recently published book is the Judyth-corrected edition.

Corrected edition, why was it that Judy told us the same thing as she does
now at the time she was here, ohh and we can proof that Martin there are
emails from that event and more?

> 4) Judyth is the book's copyright-holder, and the author for purposes of
> royalties.

At the time she was here we saw a contract, show me that one and I show you
the contract from the time she was here.

> 5) If this is someone's idea of "unauthorized" I'm a bit confused.

You are not the only one who gets confused from the whole thing Martin, you
had the nerve to tell me that I know nothing, let me tell you point by point
what I know from memory. Keep in mind I saw a lot, we talked a lot with Judy
at that time. And my wife (Angie) and (me) we where in the midle of all the
bad things what did happen and not by us, no no ... Emails between
Livingstone and Judy, she didn't agree -- and because of that he called her
a BITCH how do you call that, a correct statement "Bitch"?

Now lets go into that idea of "unauthorized", you say you are confused, its
not that hard to understand Martin, these words came from Judy, NOT from

You claim I know nothing lets first go into the 26 facts about Judy shall we
(If they are true that is) after that you may explain the people what has
been left out, talking about the current book, here we go 26 facts about
Judyth Ann/Vary Baker as far I remember, its sometime ago you see, but I do
my best:

Judyth Vary/Ann Baker

Born May 15, 1943 in South Bend, Indiana.
Sister, Lynda, born August 19, 1944. They become very close.
1949: hospitalized with a ruptured appendix, and severe complications,
Judyth spends over a year in the hospital during a slow recovery. She spends
much time reading and creating works of art in her hospital bed.
1954: Judyth's family receives government security clearance when her father
is approved to work on top secret project at Sandia Corporation,
Albuquerque, N.M.
1955 Judyth's family moves to Florida. A year later, her grandmother dies of
cancer. Judyth begins experimenting with cancerous fish and dissects
1958: After SPUTNIK shocks the US, Judyth and many other science students
are tested for IQ in Melbourne, FL. Judyth is selected, with a few others,
to receive special training.
She meets Dr. Canute Michaelson, a CIA associated geneticist and
radiobiologist from Norway, who has Oak Ridge connections. Michaelson,
impressed, sponsors Judyth's training in radiobiology and gets her science
instructor, Col. Philip Doyle, in touch with doctors in her area who are
being trained by Oak Ridge under CIA supervision. Judyth briefly meets Dr.
Alton Ochsner at a nearby clinic dedication.
1959-1960: Judyth is doing cancer research with 2,4-D and growth hormones.
She begins doing research with stearates, hypothermia, and human cancer
Dr. Jacobus, chief radiobiologist at Walter Reed Institute , one of
most prestigious government research centers, sends chemicals and requests
discussions. Judyth meets retired military leaders, mostly right-wing, who
are also impressed with her patriotic poetry. Judyth and other science
students join Col. Doyle's Manatee High School's Science Seminar, working on
advanced science projects. Tropicana (Orange Juice) Laboratories, Bausch &
Lomb Labs, and Manatee Memorial Hospital provide advanced resources for
Judyth's cancer research work.
1960: Judyth invents a modified method for obtaining magnesium metal from
seawater that nets her national attention, scholarships, and an award at the
International Science Fair in Indianapolis, the home of right-wing John
Birch Society. Judyth meets military officers, CIA recruiters, University
doctors and Eli Lilly managers. She signs a loyalty oath in exchange for
additional training in the field of cancer research. Doctors trained at Oak
Ridge are now mentioned in newspaper articles as supervising Judyth's cancer
research projects.
White mice, cages and equipment are provided by The American Cancer Society,
The Rockefeller Foundation, and local banks. Judyth also dates Albert
Freeman: he builds sophisticated telescopes and teaches Judyth how to grind
lenses and identify constellations. Lee Harvey Oswald and Judyth will later
find they have common interests in astronomy.
Judyth is asked by Col. Doyle to attend Russian classes taught by Dr.
Concevitch at Manatee Jr. College. . These classes are funded by the
National Science Foundation. Judyth switches to auditing these Russian
classes, due to her science fair travels, culminating in Indianapolis.
1961: Judyth meets MacKinlay Kantor, who likes her writing style. Kantor,
who is writing Gen. Curtis LeMay's biography, tells TV entertainer/aviator
Arthur Godfrey and others (including Eddie Rickenbacker and New Orleans
celebrity Dr. Alton Ochsner), about Judyth's lung cancer projects. Judyth
receives congratulatory telegrams from Godfrey and Nobel Prize winner
Bertrand Russell after winning American Cancer Society scholarships.
Judyth is dating Tony :Lopez-Fresquet, son of Fidel Castro's Finance
Minister, Rufo Lopez-Fresquet and becomes involved with anti-Castroites.
She meets two Nobel Prize winners and the nation's foremost cancer research
scientists at the Science Writers' Seminar in St. Petersburg, Florida,
including Dr. Harold Diehl, in charge of research and funding for the
American Cancer Society. She speaks in person and by phone to the world's
top cancer research scientists (including, once more, Dr. Alton Ochsner) and
is offered more grants and scholarships.
She wins Honors in Florida's Westinghouse Science Talent Search for giving
mice lung cancer faster than had ever been done before.
Lord and Mrs. Robinson help her travel to a summer research position offered
in Dr. George Moore's personal laboratory at Roswell Park Institute in
Buffalo, New York, which he directs.
Senator George Smathers, Governor LeRoy Collins, and others appreciate not
only her cancer research, but her interest in fighting communism and Castro.
She is asked to write President Kennedy and receives a reply from Ralph
Dungan, Kennedy´s longtime friend and Latin American-anti-Castro advisor.
She works with melanoma and is directed to do research on ´the most deadly
cancers,´ including CIA asset Tom Dooley´s melanoma cancer cells. She begins
college at St. Francis College in Fort Wayne, Indiana., with a large
technology development grant promised in return for her laboratory work with
human cancer cells in a semi/ private setting supervised by Eli Lilly.
Three Franciscan nuns (two of them doctors) accompany Judyth to verify her
competence to present her research paper on melanogenesis at a university
seminar sponsored by The Indiana Biological Association. Judyth is 18 years
Judyth, tired of her life being run by government-connected sponsors who
overwork her, decides to enter the Order of St, Francis to become a medical
doctor free from government-connected interference in her life. Her alarmed
parents remove her suddenly from St. Francis. St. Francis cannot keep the
Dooley melanoma project going without Judyth. As a result, the cells die,
causing anger in New York. St. Francis College then loses a multi-million
dollar medical technology building grant.
Judyth´s parents isolate Judyth and give her anti-Catholic materials to
read. Judyth, learning of Inquisitions and false popes, responds by becoming
a near-atheist. Lee Harvey Oswald and Judyth discovered they had identical
beliefs about religion when they met in 1963.
In February, 1962, Judyth enters University of Florida under a special
scholarship, with grants, sponsored by Senator George A. Smathers, the most
powerful Senator in the United States. A "Window of Opportunity" allows her
to attend advanced classes and do semi-secret research under special
licensing for radiobiology experiments in cancer in the blood research
laboratories at the university. Judyth's records are manipulated to allow
her late entrance.
Judyth has many boyfriends but believes she is in love with Robert A. Baker.
In early April, 1963, she is invited by Dr. Ochsner to work with Dr. Mary
Sherman in Dr. Alton Ochsner's cancer research clinic in the bone pathology
unit in New Orleans. She is told she enter medical school in Tulane after
the internship, in the Fall. Judyth has a miscarriage (she thought she could
not get pregnant due to her severe childhood illness) and Robert Baker says
he'll marry her. They want the freedom of birth control pills.
Judyth leaves for New Orleans two weeks early and meets Lee Harvey Oswald
before marrying Robert. They begin to fall in love, but Judyth marries
Robert (who will be out of town most of the summer anyway) in order to
obtain birth control pills. Influenced by Bertrand Russell's writings,
Judyth considers herself a free woman in this regard. Ochsner, out of town,
cannot be reached before Lee Oswald introduces her to "Dr." David Ferrie,
who invites Judyth into the secret side of the cancer project involving Dr.
Mary Sherman.
26. Judyth becomes involved in a secret underground lab, is hired by Reily
to cover Lee Oswald's activities.

Now I could say Read the book to get the rest! But then we have a problem
because Fact 27 would say "I am unhappy about the book's having been
published behind my back, but I do not sue people unless it is a last
resort." that sound strange indeed, and book's is that not multiple however
lets proceed!

See : To Martin and Everbody else (Part 2)

Frans Lupschen

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