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Gil Jesus

Feb 2, 2009, 5:17:53 AM2/2/09


Feb 2, 2009, 6:29:07 AM2/2/09

Gil Jesus

Feb 2, 2009, 7:07:32 AM2/2/09


Feb 2, 2009, 10:43:32 AM2/2/09

Hey Dud,.....Does political leaning have any effect on FACTS?? How
about religious affililiation....

Isn't it true that a fact is still a fact regardless of the political
leaning of the person presenting the fact?

What was the political leaning of the men who first proved that it was
possible to put a manmade satellite in orbit around the earth?
Weren't they communists? Were they lying when they said they could
put a sputnik in orbit?

I'm sure that you will disagree but the Russians, Chinese, Italians,
French. Germans, Danes, Turks, Greeks; et al, all had a better
perspective on the murder of JFK than Americans did. They were
viewing the murder from afar and with far less bias and more
objectively. They knew the murder was not the work of a lone
deranged individual.....

Gil Jesus

Feb 2, 2009, 10:51:10 AM2/2/09
On Feb 2, 10:43�am, Walt <> wrote:

> I'm sure that you will disagree but the Russians, Chinese, Italians,
> French. Germans, Danes, Turks, Greeks; et al, all had a better
> perspective on the murder of JFK than Americans did. � They were
> viewing the murder from afar and with far less bias and more
> objectively. � They knew the murder was not the work of a lone
> deranged individual.....

I used to think Bud was simply an a**hole.

I was wrong.

He's an ignorant a**hole.


Feb 2, 2009, 10:54:43 AM2/2/09

Hey Chico? Explain something for me. Why is is that everybody else
is an asshole and yet, it's YOU who gave us

1. The Connallys shot JFK
2. JFK was coughing up a bullet

Anastase Vonsiatsky

Feb 2, 2009, 11:08:28 AM2/2/09
On Feb 2, 5:17 am, Gil Jesus <> wrote:

Vladimir Zorin on a Moscow radio station blamed "the racist and
Fascist scum" from the Southern
States "which is exactly where Goldwater gets most of his support" for
the murder of JFK. He cites
"those who wanted to oppose JFK's attempts at normalization of
relations with Russia" for this political
conspiracy. Others feel very strongly that the Nixon Watergate issue
which led to Nixon's downfall
was exacerbated because of Nixon's efforts at resuming diplomatic
relationships with both China
and Russia in the same year.

It is just amazing that a jounalist from Moscow could pinpoint the
source of the JFK plot with such
amazing accuracy while Walter Cronkite reports on this "Russian
propaganda" as being just that,
deliberately false propaganda. Mind Control is such a powerful
thing. And it was programmed
assassins who were victims of Mind Control who shot JFK and then
journalists programmed with
coercive but subtle Mind Control and Attitude Control techniques who
went along with the Lone Nut
thesis. The net effect for a few decades was that the American public
believed the Lone Nut thesis.
And for the first few years, the Revilo P. Oliver scapegoating and the
Rev. Gerald L K Smith efforts
at deflection were working. And now we all know that Oliver and
Smith were lynchpins of the plot
to kill JFK and then the plot to cover-up the identity of the real
perpetrators. Amazing stuff. Plotters
as Scapegoaters. What a concept! Smith also had Senator Huey Long
killed then arranged for Carl
Weiss to be shot dead on the spot. How Huey Long had 8 bullet wounds
from the six-shooter found
next to Carl Weiss is a mystery for the ages. Long's bodyguards
claimed that in the struggle they
must have shot Huey Long by mistake themselves and placed 6 more
missed cartridges in the walls.

Gerald L K Smith used this same approach for the JFK hit as well but
they failed to find and kill Oswald.

Anastase Vonsiatsky

Feb 2, 2009, 11:31:44 AM2/2/09

Here are examples of "the racist and other Fascist scum among the
supporters" which were cited by Vladimir Zorin as being the
perpatrators of the JFK
plot and murder:

How much do you think you REALLY know about: The JFK Assassination and
"The Pioneer Fund" of Wickliffe Draper and Tsar Anastae Vonsiatsky,
The Manchurian Candidate? After you finish this manuscript, you will
likely join the many others who are 100% CONVINCED that Draper and
Assassination Conspiracy to date

Question: Where did JFK's killers get their inspiration for using
Programmed Assassins, Racist Holy Wars and Mind Control Techniques to
get their way with JFK?
Answer: From the two mysterious, villainous and enigmatic New England
neighbors whose stock in trade was treason, violence, assassination,
murder and mayhem for over 40 years for the advancement of Naziism,
Fascism and Reich Wing Extremism. I have accumulated evidence that
they were the paradigms for Little Orphan "Annie" and "Big Daddy"

1) "Colonel" Wickliffe P. Draper, who funded "The Bell Curve" and
promoted Master Race Eugenics via his "Pioneer Fund"

2) "Count" Anastase Vonsiatsky, the convicted violator of The
Espionage Act of 1917 and protagonist of "The Russian Fascists"

The founders of The Pioneer Fund promoted Master Race Eugenics, the
Training of Kamikaze Pilots, Psychological Warfare, Genocide, anti-
Semitism, Mind Control and Bacteriological Warfare from 1937 to the

The History of the Pioneer Fund and Wickliffe Preston Draper, Park
Avenue pseudo-Patriot, sponsor of Master Race Eugenics in America, the
millionaire funder of the John Birch Society and Liberty Lobby and the
designer of everything that became Naziism, Fascism, anti-Semitism,
Right Wing Extemism, and McCarthyism (Harvard Class of 1913)

Please excuse the possible imposition but this is a topical and
critical message about "The Pioneer Fund" of Wickliffe P. Draper
(1891-1972), Harvard Class of 1913, who essentially funded most of the
research behind "The Bell Curve" published in 1994 and helped to
formulate the "Model Eugenics and Sterilization Laws in America" which
was used as the paradigm by the Nazis for The Nuremburg Holocaust
Laws. He was also the primary motivation behind the framing of Sacco
and Vanzetti who organized strikes against his father at The Draper
Company before the first World War. I believe every thinking and
caring individual should know more about the truly sordid history of
this Wickliffe Draper funded Pioneer Fund, (which IS NOT involved with
the Investment Management Company of the same name) and their previous
involvement with the blueprints for the training programs for Japanese
Kamikaze pilots in Manchuria (Manchuoko), their encouragement and
development of Mind Control te! chniques via Dr. Hans J. Eysenck
(1917-1997) one of their primary grant recipients, and the funding of
the gestapo-like Mississippi Sovereignty Commission in the 1960's by
their founder using his J.P. Morgan Trust Account which was discovered
by The Wall Street Journal's Doug Blackmon in 1999, and their
indirect, after-the-fact involvement with both the Biological and
Bacteriological Warfare experiments also conducted in Japanese
occupied Manchuria (Manchuoko) during and even after World War II.
These topics have all become very topical and mainstream areas of
concern once again today, as I am sure you are well aware, in the
direct aftermath of the 911 tragedies that still affect us all today.
Wickliffe Draper wrote the blueprint for terrorism, murder, extremism
and violence to advance his xenophobic agendas. This manuscript also
describes Draper's direct involvement over the course of 40 years with
the person positively identified by author Richard Condon as "The Man!
churian Candidate", in the novel and movie of the same name which star
red Frank Sinatra, Lawrence Harvey and Angela Lansbury. Condon's
insightful book was written between 1957-1958 during the waning months
of the heyday of the McCarthyite movement and HUAC hysteria coinciding
with the onset of the pre-emptive Cold War assault on Communism.
Draper and his Fascist cohorts led this assault on first the
Bolsheviks when he allied with the Czarists, then later against the
Communists when he allied with Hitler, Goebbels and Hitler's favorite
commando Otto Skorzeny, himself and finally with the American Reich
Wing Extremists who laid the groundwork for today's neo-Nazi militants
who were part of the Militia Movements and various domestic and
international terrorist cells like those aligned with the Oklahoma
bomber Tim McVeigh.

The Origins of Saboteurs, Terrorists, Kamikaze Pilots, Biological
Warfare and Fascism in America
The amazing story about the paradigms for Little Orphan "Annie" and
"Big Daddy" Warbucks
Czar "Annie" Vonsiatsky (White Russia's Hitler) and Colonel Wickliffe
P. Draper (America's Hitler)

Suspend your tendency towards disbelief for just a moment until you
have read this entire article. It will open your eyes to two heinous
and despicable individuals who were engaged in a sort of Master-
Blaster or "Brains and Brawn" symbiotic relationship for four decades
of mayhem, violence and destruction from 1925-1965. They were nearby
neighbors in New England where the borders of MA-CT-RI intersect, one
in Hopedale, MA the other in Thompson, CT, who joined forces between
the World Wars to wreak havoc on Democracy, Freedom and Humanity in
the name of their personal brand of Fascism. Colonel Draper, the
textile machinery multi-millionaire and later founder of The Pioneer
Fund, has been called "America's Hitler", "the main reason why Child
Labor Laws were written in the 1920's", "the driving force behind The
Nuremburg Holocaust Laws", "the primary funder of the Gestapo-like
Mississippi Sovereignty Commis! sion", "the silent leader of the anti-
Civil Rights Movement in America", "the main impetus behind everything
that was McCarthyism", "the persecutor of Sacco and Vanzetti, the
inventor of pogroms against the Jews in Europe, the lead prosecutor of
Alger Hiss and the Hollywood Seven". In short, an evil, devious and
conniving miscreant.

Draper's partner in duplicity, deviousness and dastardly acts,
Anastase "Annie" Vonsiatsky, was a hulk of a man, standing almost 6'6"
tall and weighing over 250 pounds. He was "orphaned" during the
Russian Revolution, when he served as a distinguished Cavalry Officer
in the Czar's Army fighting against the Bolshevik insurrection. He
spent the last 50 years of his life laying the groundwork for the
eventual destruction of the Bolshevik Communist Empire, joining forces
with Hitler and other American Nazi sympathizers, like Draper, after
being offered the position as Hitler's Prime Minister in a restored
Czarist Russian Empire.!

From his international headquarters in Harbin (Manchuria ) China,
Vonsiatsky, indirectly named as "The Manchurian Candidate" by author
Richard Condon in the novel of the same name (1958), oversaw the
development of the "mind control" and "brainwashing" tactics and
techniques that eventually led to the creation of Japan's Kamikaze
suicide bombers. He was also involved in the development of biological
and bacteriological warfare techniques in the same region for the
Japanese Imperial Army along with Maj General Charles A. Willoughby
Douglas MacArthur's Chief of Intellignce, who was dubbed, "My Little
Fascist", by MacArthur. Vonsitasky was an early version of Sadaam
Hussein, Osama bin Laden and Adolph Hitler all rolled into one

Has there ever been a pair of individuals like Draper and Vonsiatsky,
who achieved less notoriety while perpetrating more heinous and
despicable acts during the 20th Century than this one individual,
Wickliffe P. Draper, of The Draper Company in Hopedale, Massachusetts,
the original Co! mpany Town, and Draper Labs of Cambridge,
Massachusetts, and later a major preferred stockholder in Rockwell
International? The answer of course is, no. A resounding NO. Slowly
but surely the evidence about his lifetime of cruelty, violence,
criminality and callous disregard for all laws, is coming to the
surface. I will cite references to him that have appeared in the last
10 years or so in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and just
about every other International Magazine and Newspaper when his
lifetime efforts in the field of Eugenics - The Master Race Science -
culminated with the publication of "The Bell Curve" in 1994.

You will also see every known citation to Wickliffe P. Draper that
ever occurred during the last 50 years of his life between 1922-1972.
It is only then that you will begin to recognize the pattern that was
set by this despicable excuse for a human being. As an upscale, highly
educated and very aware intellectual, yo! u have always probably
wondered about some of the major "show trials" of the 20th Century,
like "Sacco and Vanzetti", "Alger Hiss", "the Hollywood Seven" and
"McCarthyism". And sometimes you have probably wondered about some of
the "object lessons" you have may have witnessed or read about which
were nothing more than contrived "acts of vengeance, retribution and
persecution" like "The Trials of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, Sacco and
Vanzetti and Alger Hiss and others..." And you may also have read in
amazement about some of the monumental Supreme Court Decisions and
Legislation Draper either vigorously promoted or totally opposed as a
result of Draper's efforts during that same period like "Involuntary
Sterilization", "The Anti-Immigration Act of 1924", "Public School
Desegregation Act", and "The Civil Rights Act of 1964".

You may have also wondered if there was a connection, again centered
around ONE despicable individual, among some of the most violent acts
of death and destruction in the deep South in the 1960's including !
the Bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama
and the murder of the Freedom Riders in 1964, Cheyney, Schwerner and
Goodman as well as the assassinations of Medgar Evers, Jr. (1963),
Martin Luther King (1968) and President John F. Kennedy (1963)?

Well, wonder no more, you were absolutely correct on all scores. That
individual, once again, was Wickliffe P. Draper, one of the founders
of The Pioneer Fund, one of Hitler's main supporters through The
America First Committee and the primary mover and shaker in the
International Eugenics Movement - the formulators of "Master Racism as
a pseudo-Science". When you have finished reading this manuscript you
should be more aware of what has to be done to prevent another Draper-
Vonsiatsky combination from ever being permitted to have free reign to
wreak havoc against Democracy ever again. Vonsiatsky was one of the
most powerful World War II era Saboteurs and Spies in the History of
America an! d for that he received a 5-year sentence in the Federal
Penitentiary, in Springfield Missouri. Both he and Draper should have
received the death penalty for their Crimes Against Humanity.

Here are some of the citations and references that will be elaborated
upon in great detail in the 100+ page, 50,000 word manuscript
entitled: "Big Daddy Warbucks (Draper) and Little Orphan Annie
(Vonsiatsky)" Reich Wing Extremism in America During the 20th

I have also included several comments from other noted authors
including manuscript reviews and testimonials.

The Power and Danger of International Fascist Networks

Take a look at some of the other links on the world wide web which
recount the evil achievements and accomplishments of this dangerous
and despicable duo during their lifetime of heinous deeds and targeted
acts of violence, murder and mayhem:

Links to: Wickliffe Draper Links To: Anastase Vonsiatsky

What will you learn from reading the complete and extensive

Little Orphan "Annie" and "Big Daddy" Warbucks Reich Wing Extremism
in America during the 20th Century

The Origins of Mind Control for mayhem: "Manchurian Candidate" style
The Training of Kamikaze Suicide Pilots in Manchuria during World War
The Origins of Bacteriological and Chemical Warfare BEFORE Hussein
Abuse of the political process and the court systems to promote
How massive private funding can prolong human suffering and
Current organizations advance the Pioneer Fund's repressive agendas
Where criminals like bin Laden, Hussein and Quadaffi obtained their
What Democracy MUST do to combat the effects of dangerous extremists

What other authors and experts have said about this manuscript:

"...essentially corroborates what I had discovered about Willoughby,
Morris and the nexus of characters involved with McCarthyism, SISS and
the American Security Council." William W. Turner - author of "Hoover
and the FBI", "Danger on the Right" and "Deadly Secrets" and a former
FBI agent who left his position because of disagreements with Hoover.
"You have proven beyond the shadow of a doubt many facts about the
involvement of former Nazi intelligence agents and operatives in
numerous Cold War activities including political assasssination, CIA
penetrations, and other extremist activities." Carl Oglesby - author
of The Yankee Cowboy Wars and The Assassination of JFK.
" of the most amazing and compelling descriptions of the
political assassinations that occurred during the 1960's that I have
ever read. I could not put the manuscript down. I stayed up all night
reading it cover to cover." Mary Ferrell - a leading expert on the
political assassinations of the 1960's.

The sordid achievements of "The Czar", Anastase "Annie" Vonsiatsky

Machine gunned 500 unarmed pro-Bolshevik prisoners of war
Violently opposed dozens of strikes against U.S. textile mills
Appointed leader of the entire North American Nazi spy ring in
operation during World War II and led their sabotage efforts
Nurtured the development of both the Japanese Kamikaze pilot program
and their bacteriological and chemical warfare efforts
Participated in assassination plots against FDR, JFK and others.
Was to be appointed Hitler's Prime Minister of Czarist Russia
Worked tirelessly to bring down the Iron Curtain for 40 years

Rockwell International, The Pioneer Fund and Wickliffe Draper

1963 - Draper personally finances majority of the budget for the
Gestapo-like Mississippi Sovereignty Commission using his private J.P.
Morgan account as the secretive funding conduit: Wall Street Journal -
Doug Blackmon - August 1999
1963 - Wickliffe Draper and Annie Vonsiatsky orchestrate the
"termination with prejudice" of both Medgar Evers, Jr. using Senator
James Eastland's nephew, Byron DeLa Beckwith and then President John
F. Kennedy using Pioneer Fund operatives
1964 - Wickliffe Draper and the Pioneer Fund support Nixon, Thurmond,
Helms, "B-1 Bob" Dornan, Goldwater and Ronald Reagan. Source: The New
York Times December 11, 1977
1964 - Pioneer Fund operatives participate in the murders of Chaney,
Goodwin and Schwerner - the Freedom Riders, as seen in "The Ghosts of
1966 - B-1 Bomber and MX missile decisions reversed in Congress after
long and hard lobbying fights led by Draperites, McCarthyites and
Reich Wing Extremists.
1967 - Drapers receive $100,000,000 in Rockwell Pfd Stock when the
Draper Corporation and North Amer Phillips are acquired by Rockwell-
1968-1972 - Rockwell International contracts for the B-1 bomber, the
MX missiles and other weapons of war increase tenfold during Draper's
Vietnam War era


Feb 2, 2009, 12:01:36 PM2/2/09

Gil....A person's title should always be capialized.... as in: Dud is
an... Ignorant Asshole


Feb 2, 2009, 1:00:08 PM2/2/09
On 2 Feb, 10:08, Anastase Vonsiatsky <> wrote:
> On Feb 2, 5:17 am, Gil Jesus <> wrote:
> >
> >
> Vladimir Zorin on a Moscow radio station blamed "the racist and
> Fascist scum" from the Southern
> States "which is exactly where Goldwater gets most of his support" for
> the murder of JFK.  He cites
> "those who wanted to oppose JFK's attempts at normalization of
> relations with Russia" for this political
> conspiracy.  Others feel very strongly that the Nixon Watergate issue
> which led to Nixon's downfall
> was exacerbated because of Nixon's efforts at resuming diplomatic
> relationships with both China
> and Russia in the same year.
> It is just amazing that a jounalist from Moscow could pinpoint the
> source of the JFK plot with such
> amazing accuracy while Walter Cronkite reports on this "Russian
> propaganda" as being just that,
> deliberately false propaganda.

It is just amazing that a jounalist from Moscow could pinpoint the
source of the JFK plot with such amazing accuracy while Walter
Cronkite reports on this "Russian propaganda" as being just that,
deliberately false propaganda.

The reason the United States became the most powerful (economically
and militarily) nation in the world was because of the electronic news
media, which is regulated by the FCC. ( government control) People
like good ol unca Walt Cronkite with is convincing voice were
excellent messengers for the government's propaganda machine. The
government of the United States is basically nothing but a "front" for
the mafia.


Feb 2, 2009, 4:36:42 PM2/2/09
On Feb 2, 10:51 am, Gil Jesus <> wrote:
> On Feb 2, 10:43 am, Walt <> wrote:
> > I'm sure that you will disagree but the Russians, Chinese, Italians,
> > French. Germans, Danes, Turks, Greeks; et al, all had a better
> > perspective on the murder of JFK than Americans did. They were
> > viewing the murder from afar and with far less bias and more
> > objectively. They knew the murder was not the work of a lone
> > deranged individual.....
> I used to thinkBudwas simply an a**hole.

> I was wrong.
> He's an ignorant a**hole.

You`re the commie lover. Why not cite the Klan`s opinion while you
are at it, it`s just as valid.


Feb 2, 2009, 4:46:37 PM2/2/09
On Feb 2, 10:43 am, Walt <> wrote:
> On 2 Feb, 05:29,Bud<> wrote:
> > On Feb 2, 5:17 am, Gil Jesus <> wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > Commie lover.
> Hey Dud,.....Does political leaning have any effect on FACTS??

What Gil was citing was the opinions of some Russians. I know you
have a hard time differentiating between facts and opinion, but you
should stop broadcasting your ignorance.

> How
> about religious affililiation....
> Isn't it true that a fact is still a fact regardless of the political
> leaning of the person presenting the fact?

Thats right, it`s a fact Oswald shot Kennedy for his own reasons
regardless of how many people accept this fact.

> What was the political leaning of the men who first proved that it was
> possible to put a manmade satellite in orbit around the earth?
> Weren't they communists? Were they lying when they said they could
> put a sputnik in orbit?

Another commie lover.

> I'm sure that you will disagree but the Russians, Chinese, Italians,
> French. Germans, Danes, Turks, Greeks; et al, all had a better
> perspective on the murder of JFK than Americans did.

What facts did these peoples have at their disposal that the
American people did not?

> They were
> viewing the murder from afar and with far less bias and more
> objectively. They knew the murder was not the work of a lone
> deranged individual.....

Based on what? What did your average Chinese person base his
conclusions on, idiot? Was it the "back and to the left" movement of
Kennedy shown in the z-film? Has the average Chinese person even
viewed the z-film?


Feb 2, 2009, 4:47:47 PM2/2/09
On Feb 2, 12:01 pm, Walt <> wrote:
> On 2 Feb, 09:51, Gil Jesus <> wrote:
> > On Feb 2, 10:43 am, Walt <> wrote:
> > > I'm sure that you will disagree but the Russians, Chinese, Italians,
> > > French. Germans, Danes, Turks, Greeks; et al, all had a better
> > > perspective on the murder of JFK than Americans did. They were
> > > viewing the murder from afar and with far less bias and more
> > > objectively. They knew the murder was not the work of a lone
> > > deranged individual.....
> > I used to thinkBudwas simply an a**hole.

> > I was wrong.
> > He's an ignorant a**hole.
> Gil....A person's title should always be capialized.... as in: Dud is
> an... Ignorant Asshole

At least I`m not an apologist for the Russians.

Anastase Vonsiatsky

Feb 2, 2009, 5:10:19 PM2/2/09
> 2.  JFK was coughing up a bullet- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Hey, I don't know how true these statements are but at
least he was not like Peter Whitmey who once stated
emphatically that Oswald "...was really trying to kill Gov. Connolly,
but missed by a mile by mistake." Whitmey also tried
to place David Ferrie in Winnipeg, Manitoba when he was
in Cleveland, Ohio at his uncle's funeral and he tried to
convince everyone that Prof. Harold Isaacs would be the one hired
to dispose of an incriminating vehicle instead of someone
from Isaac's Detective Agency described by John Newman.

Laugh out friggen loud.... LOFL Now there is a total idiot
working as a part time substitute teacher for Canadian chump change.


Feb 2, 2009, 6:59:01 PM2/2/09
> working as a part time substitute teacher for Canadian chump change.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Yeah, but all the journalists in the Media are MK Ultra grads??!!
That's got to be one for the great classics!! How about butt licking
scum that will do anything for a paycheck?



Feb 2, 2009, 8:21:26 PM2/2/09

Anastase Vonsiatsky wrote:
> On Feb 2, 5:17 am, Gil Jesus <> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> Here are examples of "the racist and other Fascist scum among the
> Goldwater
> supporters" which were cited by Vladimir Zorin as being the
> perpatrators of the JFK
> plot and murder:
> How much do you think you REALLY know about: The JFK Assassination and
> "The Pioneer Fund" of Wickliffe Draper and Tsar Anastae Vonsiatsky,
> The Manchurian Candidate? After you finish this manuscript, you will
> likely join the many others who are 100% CONVINCED that Draper and
> Assassination Conspiracy to date
> Question: Where did JFK's killers get their inspiration for using
> Programmed Assassins, Racist Holy Wars and Mind Control Techniques to
> get their way with JFK?
> Answer: From the two mysterious, villainous and enigmatic New England
> neighbors whose stock in trade was treason, violence, assassination,
> murder and mayhem for over 40 years for the advancement of Naziism,
> Fascism and Reich Wing Extremism. I have accumulated evidence that
> they were the paradigms for Little Orphan "Annie" and "Big Daddy"
> Warbucks

Cue the Woody Woodpecker laugh.

Well, you connected the dots nicely, although I can`t see how you
missed Orsen Welles obvious involvement.

> The Origins of Saboteurs, Terrorists, Kamikaze Pilots, Biological
> Warfare and Fascism in America
> The amazing story about the paradigms for Little Orphan "Annie" and
> "Big Daddy" Warbucks
> Czar "Annie" Vonsiatsky (White Russia's Hitler) and Colonel Wickliffe
> P. Draper (America's Hitler)
> Suspend your tendency towards disbelief for just a moment until you
> have read this entire article.

I think I`d need a home lobotomy kit.

With a pinch of Bugs Bunny.

From the author of "The All Lead-Based Paint Chip Diet".

> I have also included several comments from other noted authors
> including manuscript reviews and testimonials.
> The Power and Danger of International Fascist Networks
> Take a look at some of the other links on the world wide web which
> recount the evil achievements and accomplishments of this dangerous
> and despicable duo during their lifetime of heinous deeds and targeted
> acts of violence, murder and mayhem:
> Links to: Wickliffe Draper Links To: Anastase Vonsiatsky
> What will you learn from reading the complete and extensive
> manuscript:
> Little Orphan "Annie" and "Big Daddy" Warbucks Reich Wing Extremism
> in America during the 20th Century
> The Origins of Mind Control for mayhem: "Manchurian Candidate" style
> The Training of Kamikaze Suicide Pilots in Manchuria during World War
> II
> The Origins of Bacteriological and Chemical Warfare BEFORE Hussein
> Abuse of the political process and the court systems to promote
> Fascism
> How massive private funding can prolong human suffering and
> intolerance
> Current organizations advance the Pioneer Fund's repressive agendas
> today
> Where criminals like bin Laden, Hussein and Quadaffi obtained their
> inspiration


> What Democracy MUST do to combat the effects of dangerous extremists

I like Ruby`s method.

Anastase Vonsiatsky

Feb 4, 2009, 6:07:15 PM2/4/09
> ...
> read more »- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

I think you must have had a few frontal lobotomies in your wasted

What the hell have YOU ever accomplished?

LOL you little twerpie, chirpy.


Feb 4, 2009, 6:54:38 PM2/4/09

I think you were kicked in the head by a very stupid horse.

> What the hell have YOU ever accomplished?

Why just yesterday I wrote a scathing rebuke to a retard.

> LOL you little twerpie, chirpy.

Why are you here? Are you unaware that the Cartoon Network is on
round the clock?

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