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Gil Jesus

Nov 22, 2007, 7:21:40 AM11/22/07
Proof justme is calling every new poster through AOL me and the "IP
address" she claims proves that Robcap and Curious George and myself
are the same person is a lie.

Keep in mind that she is an Information Technology expert of 12 years.

Let's see who owns, shall we ?

Gil Jesus

Nov 22, 2007, 7:36:01 AM11/22/07

And it's not like the mental midget doesn't know this. She's been told
by me and others several times that the NNTP Posting HOST is just
that----the address of the HOST, in this case AOL.

However, she continues to perpetrate this lie that it is the IP
address of the machine doing the posting. I've clearly demonstrated
that this is NOT the case.

So stop the lying, justme. You're making a fool out of yourself and
the world is seeing you for the wretched lying c**t that you are.

Sam Brown

Nov 22, 2007, 7:52:33 AM11/22/07

"Gil Jesus" <> wrote in message

Nice to see your Christian love shining through bigot. Have you no shame?

Gil Jesus

Nov 22, 2007, 7:54:40 AM11/22/07

Now let's see who own NNTP Posting Host

Case closed.

Gil Jesus

Nov 22, 2007, 7:55:55 AM11/22/07
still having problems addressing the truth, huh Sam ?

Sam Brown

Nov 22, 2007, 7:57:41 AM11/22/07
Nope, I have no problem with the "truth" that you are a lying, thieving,
bigotted, homophobic social misfit.

"Gil Jesus" <> wrote in message

Gil Jesus

Nov 22, 2007, 8:18:09 AM11/22/07
On Nov 22, 7:57�am, "Sam Brown" <> wrote:
> Nope, I have no problem with the "truth" that you are a lying, thieving,
> bigotted, homophobic social misfit.
> "Gil Jesus" <> wrote in message
> > still having problems addressing the truth, huh Sam ?- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Lying ? What part of my original posting in this thread above is a
lie ? I providied links to prove my point. Did you ?

Thieving ? What did I steal, when did I steal it and from whom ?

Bigotted and homophobic because I don't condone homosexuality ?

Neither does God.

Please feel free to be more specific and provide proof of your
accusations and not just make wild accusations out of hatred.

Nov 22, 2007, 9:14:43 AM11/22/07

The day I would be afraid of you it would be a cold day in Hell, you
pathetic piece of feces. We've been thru this whole posting host bs
before. You keep trying to save yourself Chico, it's not going to
work. The examples I left had nothing to do with the posting host and
everything to do with the profile that comes up under CuriousGeorges
name, not to mention the email address where you messed up just as
did trying to use Justins name.

You go right ahead and plead your innocence to Rossley, like he is
your God. He's all you have besides Healy, that are going to believe
you because they are too stupid and ignorant to see the truth.
evaluation of a CT. You have been exposed for the lying, dishonest
piece of crap you are. Your credibility is gone (except for your ass
kisser friends who had no credibility themselves to begin with).

For any lurkers reading this site, who aren't Gil Jesus/Robcrap/
CuriousGeorge...take note of what this man is all about. Using the
word man to describe him is a term he doesn't deserve. He is a bigot,
he hates homosexuals as human beings, he's a hypocrite, and he lies
save himself every chance he gets. Most of his videos he brags about
on youtube, are scarfed off the internet...then he takes ownership of
them and pats himself on the back. He blocks all comments from his
youtube site because the negative remarks were over powering the
positive ones. Then he lies saying the reason he has stopped the
comments section is because of spam. Spam postings could very easily
be deleted, the way he deleted all the comments that insulted his
ideas and videos.

Gil Jesus is a loser of the highest power. A failure in life, and a
failure in the JFK research community.
He was banned from his news server for being deceitful and posting
vulgarity under the name of an 11 yr old child named Justin. Need
proof? Just google the posts and see for yourself how he has already
been exposed as scum. Gil Jesus/Robcap/CuriousGeorge can whine and
pleading their innocence till hell freezes over...but the proof is
here in writing and nothing they say or do is going to change it. To
give an example of this scenario and this bigot still posting here,
like having a sex offender living in your neighborhood. You must
their every move because they can't be trusted. Once an offender,
always an offender. (Now lets sit back and wait for Rossley and Healy
to start their 3rd grade insults to protect their here Jesus, with
use of vulgarity which is all they know)

Any questions?

Nov 22, 2007, 9:53:08 AM11/22/07
This is Gil Jesus and I am using my ONLY back-up account because I
have exceeded my posting limit to Google under my real name.

I've proven you to be a LIAR more than once. At best, you're a
hysterical nutcase with no clue as to what you're reading. Everytime
you post, you make a fool out of yourself. And the funny part is that
you don't seem to care, you just keep doing it again and again.

So either you're a cementhead that doesn't get it, or you're purposely

I've posted links in this subject that shows you to be a LIAR or at
best in error or ill-informed. As you always have, you have elected
not to address that evidence.

You've chosen to respond with insults. What a surprise.

You cannot be the computer "expert" that you claim to be and make the
wild accusations that you have become famous for.

You accuse any new poster who posts through AOL and is a CT of being
Gil Jesus (me). I have provided the proof that the NNTP Posting HOST
number is just that...the HOST number.

The point is: Your childish accusations are unfounded.

When you persist in this line of ranting, you are going beyond merely
being in error, you are either KNOWINGLY making statements that are
NOT true, or you are making statements that you cannot prove.

Either way, it damages your credibility.

It's time to grow up already.

Nov 22, 2007, 10:47:23 AM11/22/07

It matters not which name you post under Chico....everything you say
is in your defense is irrelevent. I have SHOWN the link and copied and
pasted the text from the profile and email address, which has nothing
to do with your ONE defense of the isp posting host. Now for the last
time, because everyone else on this newsgroup knows your guilt, I will
make a final explanation to you about the isp posting host. Your only
defense, blown to hell. Read carefully moron....and stop making an ass
of yourself and just admit you were wrong and you infact did do what
you have been proven of doing.

AOL has an isp pool. It assigns ip addresses to groups of people who
log on from each geographic location. The ip addresses, are randomly
assigned, BUT (and heres the killer Chico) they are randomly assigned
to each computer per the owner of the computer. So Chico, either you
are all of the above people or Robcrap and George are using your
computer to post. Which is it? Rob does NOT live in your geographic
area, therefore he would not be assigned the same series of posting
isp addresses that you are.

Now, what you don't know is anything about the HHTP user agent. And
that is something that I WILL NOT explain to you. You want to see how
you're nailed, google it. Tell me Chico, do you own 2 computers???
You haven't got a leg to stand on anymore Jesus, you have been and
will be exposed every single time I have the opportunity to prove to
this newsgroup (and any other forum) of your deceitful ways. Deal with
it bigot boy!


Nov 22, 2007, 2:36:55 PM11/22/07

"Gil Jesus" <> wrote in message

Anyone wanna bet that that address is within driving distance of CIA


Nov 22, 2007, 2:41:25 PM11/22/07
sam the ABOMINATION is a "Heterophobic" ABNOMINATION who Dodges official

"Sam Brown" <> wrote in message


Nov 22, 2007, 2:50:39 PM11/22/07

<> wrote in message

Any questions?

Just answers.
We Retaliate with evidence/testimony proving you're a Felon Suppporter.
We Retaliate with Better insullts in response to your insults.

In other words CUNT, We beat the shit outta you on Every playing field.

NOW, Wrap that "LEATHERY CUNT" around these CRIMES by your employers.

If you need room in that Cunt, just temporarily remove that 18 wheeler you
stole when you sat on it.

Sam Brown

Nov 24, 2007, 1:55:18 AM11/24/07
Once again Toothless happily demonstrates what a lying piece of shit he is.
I don't have to say anymore.

"tomnln" <> wrote in message

Sam Brown

Nov 24, 2007, 1:56:14 AM11/24/07

"tomnln" <> wrote in message

Good christian sentiments there Toothless. Jesus must be really proud of



Nov 24, 2007, 3:44:53 AM11/24/07
On Nov 23, 10:56 pm, "Sam Brown" <> wrote:
> "tomnln" <> wrote in message
> news:cDC1j.311$so3...@newsfe18.lga...
> > <> wrote in message

well Jesus and his FATHER do wonder why your barren..... something to
do with "go forth and multiply...." I don't think shacking up with
another lady is what he had in mind... what say you, hon?


Nov 24, 2007, 3:53:35 AM11/24/07

the flaming muncher's aren't here for JFK, Gil -- they need dates
preferably ones with a few bucks -- evidently they'll do anything,
ANYTHING for a bit of recognition... Now Sammy from down-undah is
different, she's got herself a career don't-cha-know. She be what we
call in the trades, a *puff* writer.... They use to inhabit this board
by the tens..... looking for freelance gig's (usually for the tube),
actually Dave Reitzes did the same thing.... they're hacks, we also
called them whores, they'll write anything for money.... (sound
familiar?) By my count we have 4 of those who post regularlly, nearly
always, Lone Nut nonsense...

Sam Brown

Nov 24, 2007, 4:46:38 AM11/24/07

"aeffects" <> wrote in message

Thankyou for proving what a bigotted idiotic person you are once again. All
in your own words. How proud future generations of the Healy family will be.

Sam Brown

Nov 24, 2007, 4:49:00 AM11/24/07

"aeffects" <> wrote in message

How flattering that you think I write for a living. It's off to rehab with
you Junkie, you are having a psychotic break. I must admit it's marvelous to
watch you unravel.

Gil Jesus

Nov 24, 2007, 4:50:16 AM11/24/07
Dave, when justme tries to connect one person with another through the
Posting Host number, she is perpetrating a fraud on the lurkers.

AOL owns the NTTP Posting Host number.

Not me

Not Robcap

Not Curious George

So even though we have the same posting host number, it doesn't mean
we're the same person.

In fact, it seems that a few months back, jmoore and myself had
DIFFERENT posting host numbers, but becuase we apparently both posted
through AOL, she accused us of being the same person.

She's just a nutcase. A "Chicken Little".

Advice for lurkers: Ignore this mental midget.


Nov 24, 2007, 4:59:53 AM11/24/07

I'm coming down the stretch with the wee ones


kutgw with the youtube gig......


Nov 24, 2007, 5:05:36 AM11/24/07
On Nov 24, 1:49 am, "Sam Brown" <> wrote:
> "aeffects" <> wrote in message

hon, you know not what you speak..... think four elephants... have
your brother post here Sammy, scared? You think his rendering engine
is bigger than mine.... Tell himm renderman is at PIXAR, he'll know
Sammy from down-undah.... no reason to be be nervous, Sammy -- he's
not some messenger boy for a Santa Monica animation house is he,
trying to impress the family, eh? Not unravellling are ya, hon?

Sam Brown

Nov 24, 2007, 5:04:58 AM11/24/07

"aeffects" <> wrote in message

"gig". <snicker>

Sam Brown

Nov 24, 2007, 5:20:21 AM11/24/07

"aeffects" <> wrote in message

No, I'd be embarrassed to ask him, he doesn't deal with people like you very
well. Plus, unlike you, he is a very busy man and is working on two films at
the moment. One for George Miller and one that he and a few colleagues are
collaborating on. He wont waste his valuable time on you. Why would he? And
lets face it, HE hasn't made any claims on this group. You can Google him or
you can continue to bitch and whine. It's entirely up to you. I'll continue
to point out your idiocy either way.

You think his rendering engine
is bigger than mine....

I'm not the animator, so that is a silly question isnt it?

Tell himm renderman is at PIXAR,

As I've explained to you, he was offered a job at Pixar but chose to stay
here and work on Happy Feet .He also doesn't his children raised in the US
at this time.

Sammy from down-undah.... no reason to be be nervous, Sammy -- he's
not some messenger boy for a Santa Monica animation house is he,
trying to impress the family, eh? Not unravellling are ya, hon?

No, I really don't believe I am, how things for you Toots? ROTFLMAO


Nov 24, 2007, 5:34:05 AM11/24/07
> No, I really don't believe I am, how things for you Toots? ROTFLMAO- Hide quoted text -

Hahhhahahaha !
She puts that smuck in his place all righty !
Healy is such a sad faced clowny
D U N C E !


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