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Lee Harvey Oswald's Ever-Changing Alibi(s)

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David Von Pein

Sep 28, 2007, 6:37:24 PM9/28/07
One of the main points to be made re. Lee Oswald's "alibi" attempts is
the fact that LHO so obviously didn't have a good and ironclad
one.....BECAUSE HE GAVE SEVERAL OF THEM to various people in authority
from 11/22 to 11/24.

A person who DOES have an ironclad, rock-solid alibi doesn't need to
waver AT ALL, does he now?

And Vince Bugliosi (in his JFK book) picked up on a very good "Oswald
slip-up" that came out of LHO's mouth on the morning of November 24th,
just before Oz was killed. And this indicates, once more, the fact
that Oswald was all over the map with respect to his alibi for the
exact time of the shooting......

"During Sunday's {11/24/63} interrogation Oswald slipped up and placed
himself on the sixth floor {of the TSBD} at the time of the
assassination. .... In his Sunday-morning interrogation he said that
at lunchtime, one of the "Negro" employees invited him to eat lunch
with him and he declined. .... He said before he could finish whatever
he was doing, the commotion surrounding the assassination took place
and when he "WENT DOWNSTAIRS," a policeman questioned him as to his
identification, and his boss stated that he was one of their
LUNCHROOM? {Answer:} The sixth floor." [All emphasis Bugliosi's.] --
Vincent Bugliosi; On Page 957 of "Reclaiming History" (c.2007)*

* = The source number ("36") that is attached to the above text in Mr.
Bugliosi's book leads to this Source Note on the CD-ROM disc attached
to the back cover of each copy of "Reclaiming History":

"WR, p.636; 7 H 302, WCT Harry D. Holmes."

Here is Page #636 of the Warren Report:

And from Holmes' Warren Commission testimony, we find these remarks
(which back up what VB says on page 957 of his book):

"You see, I assumed that obvious questions like that had been asked in
previous interrogation. So I didn't interrupt too much, but he {Lee
Oswald} said, "Send the elevator back up to me." Then he said when all
this commotion started, "I just went on downstairs." And he didn't say
whether he took the elevator or not. He said, "I went down, and as I
started to go out and see what it was all about, a police officer
stopped me just before I got to the front door, and started to ask me
some questions, and my superintendent of the place stepped up and told
the officers that I am one of the employees of the building, so he
told me to step aside for a little bit and we will get to you later.
Then I just went on out in the crowd to see what it was all about."
And he wouldn't tell what happened then." -- HARRY D. HOLMES; VIA HIS

Sep 28, 2007, 7:00:04 PM9/28/07
You believe anybody in officialdom who condemns Oswald don't you? Harry
Holmes has a big credibilty problem, but you would have to have read
harvey & Lee to find that out...

David Von Pein

Sep 28, 2007, 8:09:47 PM9/28/07
>>> "...but you would have to have read Harvey & Lee to find that out..." <<<

LOL. (Hat trick.) .....

"John Armstrong actually went on to publish a 983-page book in
2003 called "Harvey and Lee: How the CIA Framed Oswald", in which he
carries his fantasy about a double Oswald to such absurd lengths that
not only doesn't it deserve to be dignified in the main text of my
book, but I resent even having to waste a word on it in this
endnote. ....

"Obviously, if Armstrong had a source for any of the things he
charges, he would be only too eager to give it. Instead, his only
source is his exceptionally fertile imagination. ....

"On the day of the assassination, Armstrong has both Lee Harvey
Oswald and Harvey Oswald, two people {per looney author Armstrong} who
are spitting images of each other, in the Depository. .... At the
moment of the assassination, HARVEY Oswald was in the second-floor
lunchroom having lunch and LEE Harvey Oswald was on the sixth floor
firing at Kennedy. ....

"Lee Harvey Oswald escaped arrest, but Armstrong doesn't tell
his readers what happened to him thereafter, though...he tells them
near the beginning of the book that he may be "very much alive"." --
Vince Bugliosi; Pages 565-567 of "RH" Endnotes (c.2007)


DVP Says: Vince Bugliosi was right when he said on page 567 of the
'RH' endnotes that the premise for Mr. Armstrong's whole book is
"prodigiously ridiculous" and the book represents a "long tribute to
absurdity". Incredibly, though, Bugliosi spends 14 full endnote pages
(and part of a 15th) debunking many aspects of Armstrong's "Double
Oswald" insanity. (Vince, though, was probably simply having too much
fun destroying Armstrong's crazy theories in print to stop after only
two or three pages of debunking. That'd be like trying to eat just one


Sep 28, 2007, 8:18:19 PM9/28/07
WHICH transcripts are those lies on David?
WHICH Video tapes are those lies on David?

"David Von Pein" <> wrote in message


Sep 29, 2007, 9:49:00 AM9/29/07
On 28 Sep, 17:37, David Von Pein <> wrote:
> One of the main points to be made re. Lee Oswald's "alibi" attempts is
> the fact that LHO so obviously didn't have a good and ironclad
> one.....BECAUSE HE GAVE SEVERAL OF THEM to various people in authority
> from 11/22 to 11/24.
> A person who DOES have an ironclad, rock-solid alibi doesn't need to
> waver AT ALL, does he now?
> And Vince Bugliosi (in his JFK book) picked up on a very good "Oswald
> slip-up" that came out of LHO's mouth on the morning of November 24th,
> just before Oz was killed. And this indicates, once more, the fact
> that Oswald was all over the map with respect to his alibi for the
> exact time of the shooting......

What a gross exaggeration!!!..... Oswald was NOT "all over the map"
You are simply a liar.

> "During Sunday's {11/24/63} interrogation Oswald slipped up and placed
> himself on the sixth floor {of the TSBD} at the time of the
> assassination. .... In his Sunday-morning interrogation he said that
> at lunchtime, one of the "Negro" employees invited him to eat lunch
> with him and he declined. ....

Didn't Charles Givens ask Oswald to go to lunch??

He said before he could finish whatever
> he was doing, the commotion surrounding the assassination took place
> and when he "WENT DOWNSTAIRS," a policeman questioned him as to his
> identification, and his boss stated that he was one of their employees.

Another distortion of the FACTS.... The FACT that you must lie to
make Oswald appear guilty only serves to show that he was NOT
guilty..... If he truely was guilty you could present the story
wiothout distorting it.



David Von Pein

Sep 29, 2007, 6:51:57 PM9/29/07
>>> "It was Eddie Piper who invited Oswald to have lunch. This was at noon and on the first floor. .... When the commotion occurred, Oswald was on the second floor where he had gone to get a Coke." <<<

That's not what Postal Inspector Harry Holmes said that Oswald told
him. Now, granted, by the time Holmes wrote up his report on December
17, 1963, perhaps some of the details of Oswald's ever-changing alibi
could have gotten muddled and "merged" together somewhat. Nobody can
know that for sure.

However, the record is clear on Page 636 of the Warren Report, which
includes Holmes' 12/17/63 report, wherein Holmes says the following
just AFTER Holmes said that Oswald was talking about having the
elevator being sent back up to the sixth floor.....

"Before he could finish whatever he was doing, he stated, the
commotion surrounding the assassination took place and when he went
DOWN STAIRS [DVP's emphasis], a policeman questioned him as to his
identification." -- Harry D. Holmes; Via written report dated 12/17/63
(WR; Pg. 636)

Via the above Holmes' version of Oswald's alibi, LHO couldn't possibly
have been talking about Eddie Piper inviting Oswald to have lunch,
because it's clear from the chronology in Holmes' 12/17 report that
Oswald was talking about his conversation with Charles Givens on the
SIXTH floor around 11:55 AM. That's obvious because the words written
by Holmes in his report immediately prior to the excerpt I've quoted
above are these words:

"He {LHO} said one of the Negro employees invited him to eat lunch
with him and he {LHO} stated "You go on down and send the elevator
back up and I will join you in a few minutes"." -- From H.D. Holmes'
12/17 report.

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