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ABC's JFK Assassination Poll -- 83% Think Oswald Was Involved

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David Von Pein

Mar 4, 2007, 6:51:31 AM3/4/07
Regarding "JFK Assassination Polls":

An ABC News poll from November 2003 can be found at the above weblink.
One of the questions in the poll reveals the fact that a mere 7% of
those asked think that Lee Harvey Oswald was totally UNINVOLVED in
President Kennedy's assassination.

I wonder what the "OSWALD NOT INVOLVED" percentage would be if just
the CTers at this kookhouse were polled? Think it'd be as low as 7%?
Or closer to 93%?

More ABC poll results.....

"Do you feel the Kennedy assassination was the work of one man, or was
it part of a broader plot?".....

ONE MAN -------- 22%
NO OPINION ----- 8%


"Do you think Lee Harvey Oswald was the only gunman in the Kennedy
assassination, do you think there was another gunman in addition to
Oswald there that day, or do you think Oswald was not involved in the
assassination at all?".....

ONLY OSWALD ----------- 32%
ANOTHER GUNMAN ------- 51%
NO OPINION ------------- 10%

Mar 4, 2007, 7:07:24 AM3/4/07
Good post DVP.. The tide is turning.
And most importantly, only about a
small number have a handle on the
essentials in the case.. If that
figure were higher the results would
shift even more.. High profile movies
like JFK (chock-full-of-BS) and
thousands of conspiracy books have
distorted the public's opinion. That
is changing and will continue to


Mar 4, 2007, 9:05:24 AM3/4/07
> > Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

It is often pointed out by critics that 70% of Americans believe there
was a conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy, as if the
percentage itself is enough to change the reality of what really
happened. Six hundred years ago, the vast majority of humanity
believed the world was flat. That still didn't change the reality of a
spherical world. We know that many Americans base their opinion of the
Kennedy assassination on a mixture of fact and fantasy derived from a
variety of often suspect sources of information. While opinion polls
can reveal cultural trends, they don't change facts. In the final
analysis, the truth doesn't require anyone's belief.


Mar 4, 2007, 9:30:36 AM3/4/07

How many of the people polled have actually read the WCR ?
and those not having read it still feel inclined to render a opinion ?
Read the report ...........0.1 %
Still have opinion .......99.9 %
O'h well . So much for rear ends who think like Rossley !


Mar 4, 2007, 11:14:24 AM3/4/07

Hell, when I was growing up (a process that is still continuing),
everyone "knew" you didn`t go swimming for an hour after eating, or
you`d suffer cramps and drown.

>That still didn't change the reality of a
> spherical world. We know that many Americans base their opinion of the
> Kennedy assassination on a mixture of fact and fantasy derived from a
> variety of often suspect sources of information. While opinion polls
> can reveal cultural trends, they don't change facts. In the final
> analysis, the truth doesn't require anyone's belief.

The kooks here bring up polls in a dishonest attempt to show that
they somehow represent mainstream American thought on the
assassination. As DVP points out, they don`t believe Oz was a shooter,
so they don`t represent the majority. The majority of Americans concur
with LN that Oz was shooting at the limo.


Mar 4, 2007, 11:44:34 AM3/4/07
> > > > quoted text -

> > > - Show quoted text -
> > It is often pointed out by critics that 70% of Americans believe there
> > was a conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy, as if the
> > percentage itself is enough to change the reality of what really
> > happened. Six hundred years ago, the vast majority of humanity
> > believed the world was flat.
> Hell, when I was growing up (a process that is still continuing),
> everyone "knew" you didn`t go swimming for an hour after eating, or
> you`d suffer cramps and drown.
> >That still didn't change the reality of a
> > spherical world. We know that many Americans base their opinion of the
> > Kennedy assassination on a mixture of fact and fantasy derived from a
> > variety of often suspect sources of information. While opinion polls
> > can reveal cultural trends, they don't change facts. In the final
> > analysis, the truth doesn't require anyone's belief.
> The kooks here bring up polls in a dishonest attempt to show that
> they somehow represent mainstream American thought on the
> assassination. As DVP points out, they don`t believe Oz was a shooter,
> so they don`t represent the majority. The majority of Americans concur
> with LN that Oz was shooting at the limo.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Very good Bud , as did Yo Harvey !

Mar 4, 2007, 12:18:02 PM3/4/07
"ONE MAN----22%

Looks like you guys are still way behind the eight-ball when it comes to
public opinion.


Mar 4, 2007, 1:05:18 PM3/4/07
What has NOT "Changed" is the Refusal of WCR Supporters to address the

Starting with ed cage

MORE subjects to follow.

<> wrote in message


Mar 4, 2007, 1:10:38 PM3/4/07

"cdddraftsman" <> wrote in message


> How many of the people polled have actually read the WCR ?
> and those not having read it still feel inclined to render a opinion ?
> Read the report ...........0.1 %
> Still have opinion .......99.9 %
> O'h well . So much for rear ends who think like Rossley !

Rossley HAS read the WCR along with the 26 Volumes.
Preparing meto address the evidence/testimony.

It's you Felon Supporters who Refuse to address the Evidence/Testimony.
Evidence/Testimony you have DODGERD sofar are HERE>>>


Gil Jesus

Mar 4, 2007, 1:36:28 PM3/4/07
> "Do you feel the Kennedy assassination was the work of one man, or was
> it part of a broader plot?".....
> ONE MAN -------- 22%
> NO OPINION ----- 8%
> ===================
> "Do you think Lee Harvey Oswald was the only gunman in the Kennedy
> assassination, do you think there was another gunman in addition to
> Oswald there that day, or do you think Oswald was not involved in the
> assassination at all?".....
> ONLY OSWALD ----------- 32%
> ANOTHER GUNMAN ------- 51%
> NO OPINION ------------- 10%

LOL....You guys really are ignorant aren't you ? You can't even read
poll numbers and understand what they say. Only 22% believed that the
crime was committed by one man. This is a victory ? The tide is
changing, Ed ? Wow, you people really ARE clueless.

The glass is 3/4 empty and you're celebrating it being 1/4 full.

Your position has always been that one man and one man alone commited
the crime, and although 78 % of the people polled four years ago
disagree with you, you claim some sort of victory out of this.

In addition, although you claim that that one man was Oswald, 68% of
the people polled did NOT agree with you that Oswald was a lone

A poll was done recently and the results were that 97.5 % of the
respondents felt that the Lone Nutters should have their heads
examined as soon as they can get them out of their asses. Now I know

Gil Jesus

Mar 4, 2007, 4:56:31 PM3/4/07

It's funny but as usual, Von Pein cites one poll and omits some other
polls on that same web page :

FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. Oct. 14-15, 2003. N=900 registered
voters nationwide. MoE ± 3.

"This November is the 40th anniversary of the assassination of
President John F. Kennedy. Do you feel that the assassination of
President John F. Kennedy was the act of one individual or part of a
larger conspiracy?"

Individual 25
Conspiracy 66
Not sure 9

"Do you think that we know all the facts about the assassination of
President John F. Kennedy or do you think there was a cover-up?"

Know all the facts 14
There was a cover-up 74
Not sure 12

"Do you think the government should conduct another investigation of
the assassination of President John F. Kennedy?"

Yes 20
No 74
Not sure 6

CBS News Poll. Nov. 16-17, 1998. N=1,118 adults nationwide.

"Do you think one man -- Lee Harvey Oswald -- was responsible for the
assassination of President Kennedy, or do you think there were others

One man, Oswald 10
Others involved 76
Don't know/No answer 14
"Do you think there was an official cover-up to keep the public from
learning the truth about the Kennedy assassination?"

Yes, a cover-up 74
No 13
Don't know/No answer 13
"Do you think that eventually we will know the whole story about the
Kennedy assassination, or do you think we will never really know about
what happened?"

Yes, will know 19
No, will never know 77
Other (vol.) 1
Don't know/No answer 3

Gallup Poll. Nov. 10-12, 2003. Nationwide.


"Turning now to the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963: Do you
think that one man was responsible for the assassination of President
Kennedy, or do you think that others were involved in a conspiracy?"
Form A (N=533 adults, MoE ± 5)

One Man Others
Involved No Opinion

11/03 19
75 6
3/01 13
81 6
11/93 15
75 10

"There have been many theories about who was involved in the
assassination. I'd like to know if you think any of the following were
involved in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Do you
think [see below] was/were involved in the assassination, or don't you
think so?" Form B (N=471 adults, MoE ± 5)

Involved Not Involved No

The mafia 37
56 7
The CIA 34
60 6
Lyndon Johnson 18 75
The Cubans 15
78 7
The Soviet Union 15 77

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Message has been deleted

David Von Pein

Mar 5, 2007, 12:53:15 AM3/5/07
>>> "You guys really are ignorant aren't you? You can't even read poll numbers and understand what they say. Only 22% believed that the crime was committed by one man. This is a victory?" <<<

Who claimed it to be a "victory"?

My main reason for posting this thread (which, of course, has already
been posted last April, and I linked to a 2006 post with the same
basic stuff in it above) was to emphasize the "83% THINK OSWALD *WAS*
INVOLVED" statistic via the ABC News poll from November 2003.

That's a significant "83%" figure in this nuthouse full of "OSWALD WAS
NOTHING BUT A PATSY" kooks/loons/zanies -- since not nearly that high
a pct. of you kooks in here think that Oswald was a shooter at all on
November 22.

Got the significance now, Jesus...or should I go through it again with
a pointer and a blackboard?

>>> "A poll was done recently and the results were that 97.5% of the respondents felt that the Lone Nutters should have their heads examined as soon as they can get them out of their asses." <<<

Yeah, that poll was conducted by Rossley, wasn't it? And the only
"respondents" were residents of this Google Kookhouse. Wonder why the
end result wasn't 100% though? Must be a conspiracy to foul up a
kook's conspiracy poll or something. Get on that Jesus. Something's
fishy there.

>>> "As usual, Von Pein cites one poll and omits some other polls on that same web page." <<<

Ah yes! I forgot...I'm obliged by LAW to paste in every single thing
on a given webpage! Thanks for the tip, Jesus.

Of course, I posted the entire page (via a link) I wasn't hiding
anything that you kooks couldn't easily look up yourselves. Here it is

But, as long as your panties are in a bind by my terrible omissions
(which were parts of those polls that aren't particularly germane to
this thread's purpose anyway...but oh well).....

You'll note that the percentages in ANY of those polls are not
anywhere near the "90%" figure (or higher even) that a certain Mr. Ben-
Kook has traipsed out of his closet from time to time over the years.

In fact, I'd say that the FOX Poll results of 25% in favor of a single
assassin is a fairly interesting figure, considering the fact that
uninformed people have been bombarded with pretty much nothing but
kooky conspiracies everywhere they look re. the JFK case (with the
biggest bombardment of all, of course, being Oliver Stone's mega-
movie, which many people have based their "conspiracy" opinions on).

So, in the pre-VB JFK book world and in a world with Ollie Stone's
fiction up in lights for all to see, I'd say that 1 person out of 4
thinking that Oswald was a lone gunman isn't too terrible of a
percentile. It's certainly way higher than what Holmes seems to think.
Go figure.

And then there's this CS&L from VB (yes, him again).......

"It's been said that if you push something at someone long enough,
eventually they're going to start buying it -- particularly if they're
not exposed to any contrary view. And I think that's precisely what
has happened here. For 25 years, the American people have been
inundated with an unremitting torrent of books, and radio and TV talk
shows, all alleging conspiracy. And what's happened, is that the
shrill voice of the conspiracy buffs finally penetrated the
consciousness of the American people and convinced the majority of
Americans that there was a conspiracy. Even though the reality is that
no one in 25 years has come up with one scrap of credible, substantive
evidence pointing in the direction of a conspiracy. ... I think it's
very, very noteworthy that before this five-hour {televised Docu-}
trial, 85 percent of the American people believed in a conspiracy. And
being exposed to only five hours, it dropped dramatically to 71. If
they had seen the eighteen hours of testimony and evidence, it would
drop even further. And if they knew all the truth about the case, very
few people would conclude that there was a conspiracy." -- Vincent
Bugliosi; 1988


Mar 5, 2007, 9:20:18 AM3/5/07

DVP? Don't loose patience with Chico Jesus....he works at Kentucky
Fried Chicken and reading isn't necessary.....Caramaba Chico!!!
Kuchi, kuchi, kuchi! Want to impress us all Chico? I'll ask you
SWITHCED AT PARKLAND? You made this statement, one of
many ignorant statements you've made now PROVE IT or shut
the fuck up!!!


Mar 5, 2007, 2:49:13 PM3/5/07

"David Von Pein" <> wrote in message
>>>> "You guys really are ignorant aren't you? You can't even read poll

>>>> numbers and understand what they say. Only 22% believed that the crime

>>>> was committed by one man. This is a victory?" <<<
> Who claimed it to be a "victory"?
> My main reason for posting this thread (which, of course, has already
> been posted last April, and I linked to a 2006 post with the same
> basic stuff in it above) was to emphasize the "83% THINK OSWALD *WAS*

> INVOLVED" statistic via the ABC News poll from Nov. 2003.

> That's a significant "83%" figure in this nuthouse full of "OSWALD WAS
> NOTHING BUT A PATSY" kooks/loons/zanies -- since not nearly that high
> a pct. of you kooks in here think that Oswald was a shooter at all on

> Nov. 22.

> Got the significance now, Jesus...or should I go through it again with
> a pointer and a blackboard?

>>>> "A poll was done recently and the results were that 97.5% of the

>>>> respondents felt that the Lone Nutters should have their heads examined
>>>> as soon as they can get them out of their asses." <<<

> Link please?

> Yeah, that poll was conducted by Rossley, wasn't it? And the only
> "respondents" were residents of this Google Kookhouse. Wonder why the
> end result wasn't 100% though? Must be a conspiracy to foul up a
> kook's conspiracy poll or something. Get on that Jesus. Something's
> fishy there.

Add von Pain in the ass to the Growing list of Felon Supporters who are
Scared Shitless of Rossley.

von Pain in the ass ias ANOTHER Felon Supporter who Refuses to address the
official Records>>>


Mar 5, 2007, 2:51:48 PM3/5/07
WHO is Yo(momma)Harvet?>>>

ALL in his/her own words.

"YoHarvey" <> wrote in message

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