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Corsican Mafia!

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Nov 28, 2007, 1:50:06 AM11/28/07
There are a few different sources that come to the conclusion that the
shooters that kiled JFK were from the Corsican Mafia. A French prisoner
Christian David claimed he was offered the contract on JFK, but refused
because it was too dangerous.

A book "Regicide", by Gregory Douglas contains supposed documents from
Robert Crowley of the CIA. The documents, along with the book, claim that 4
Corsican Mafia hitmen had accepted the contract. The book claims that 3 of
the the assassins were killed and cut up in a Maryland house. The book
claims that one of the assassins got on a bus to Mexico for unknown reasons.
According to the documents, they never found the 4th assassin.

David on the other hand, mentioned only 3 people who had accepted the
contract. He first only named a man by the name of Lucien Sarti, but he
soon released the other two names. The only problem is, the other two men
he named had solid alibies on for that day.

I cannot remember where I read this but someone named the other two
Corsicans. The names are François Chiappe and Jean-Paul Angeletti. From
what I just read, Jean-Paul Angeletti was with Lucien Sarti in Mexico when
he was killed. Someone claims that Nixon ordered the takedown as part of
the War on Drugs.

Another useful piece of information is E Howard Hunt's deathbed confession.
One of the men he named was Lucien Sarti. It is quite possible that Sarti
was "Badgeman", the person who appears to be a policeman holding a rifle in
a firing position in Mary Mooreman's photo.

In reality, it seems logical for the government to hire foreigners to kill
JFK. If they are caught, they can't be linked back to the CIA. On the plus
side, French assassins would easily blend in in Canada. It is claimed that
the Corsicans were flown out of the country to Montreal.

There is no doubt in my mind that the documents presented in Gregory
Douglas' book "Regicide" may be fakes. Regardless, the Corsican mafia
assassin theory is not destroyed even if they really are fakes.

Any input would be appreciated.


Nov 28, 2007, 11:03:13 AM11/28/07

"nig" <> wrote in message

All you need is the evidence/testimony in the 26 volumes to prove that
of Government & National Media Lied & destroyed evidence.

Nov 28, 2007, 1:29:29 PM11/28/07

The things I have read have shown the whole David story to be false in
the major contentions. David, and especially the men he named, were
low level thugs in the Corsican mob. The only person I have heard of
that "may" have been involved is Michael Mertz/Jean Soutre because
there is a FBI document showing he was arrested/detained within 48
hours after the assassination in Texas. He was deported without a full
investigation and wound up in Canada. We know this because DeGaulle
inquired about his whereabouts as he was linked to attempts on his
life and he was coming to the US and Mexico on trips. For years
researchers believed it was Soutre who worked for the OAS (was part of
the French Resistance in WWII), but when the FBI finally caught up
with Soutre in the late 1990s (better late than ever I guess) he was
able to show them he never went to the US. He told the FBI he
suspected Micheal Mertz (fellow OAS man) of being the one there and he
is backed up by the KGB who stated they believed Mertz was involved
due to the evidence they found. Mertz and Soutre were enemies, so the
idea that Mertz would use Soutre's identity is not totally far

The book I found that covers this in full detail is "Triangle of
Death" by Brad O'Leary adn L.E. Seymour. Even if you don't buy all of
their theories they do cover this topic extremely in-depth. They
believe the SE Asia CIA worked with the OAS/Corsican Mob to help
assassinate JFK. They don't rule out the Mexico City/Florida CIA
assets either. The cause they believe is the wife of Diem putting a
contract out on JFK due to the Diems knowing JFK is going to remove
them (they insist assassinate, but I don't really buy this part).
Supposedly according to them JFK acts to quickly and removes them.
They do show you some comments by Mrs. Diem that do read like
threats. Supposedly they got assistance from the CIA/OAS because of
the huge heroin trade coming out of SE Asia via Algeria (this is the
cause of the hatred towards DeGaulle and JFK as DeGaulle gave Algeria
its independence - this is a similar situation to Cuba - with JFK's
backing and this is the main route of the heroin) was in jeaordy now
that Algeria had its independence. I personally don't believe this
because Algeria stayed independent after the asssassination so nothing
really was accomplished. But if you want more details on this angle
this book as it.

Good luck!

Martin Shackelford

Nov 29, 2007, 4:05:12 AM11/29/07
Gregory Douglas is reportedly the alias of a con artist who has a history of
documents, and passing off "public domain" documents as exclusive secret
documents. He
previously did this with a book on a Nazi. His book is completely
unreliable. He got nothing
from Crowley--the documents came off the Internet.
Steve Rivele is the primary researcher who has explored the Corsican angle,
and was the
source of the segment on that in the series "The Men Who Killed Kennedy."


"nig" <> wrote in message

Steve Thomas

Nov 29, 2007, 12:29:28 PM11/29/07
On Wed, 28 Nov 2007 06:50:06 GMT, "nig" <> wrote:


>There are a few different sources that come to the conclusion that the
>shooters that kiled JFK were from the Corsican Mafia.

Here are some raw notes I have taken over the years:

It seems to me that there are two trains of thought for the origin of
a plot to kill John F. Kennedy.

One line runs through the Mafia/CIA/Cuban exile connections of Santos
Trafficante. The other runs through the Corsican Mafia connections of
Antoine Guerini/Christian David as outlined be Steve Rivele and/or
William Reymond.

Lately, I have been wondering if there was some connection or
intersecting point between these two.

I got to wondering if it couldn't be found in Paul Mondolini who I
believe I read was Antoine Guerini's adopted son.

A biography of Steve Rivele

Recently Rivele commented that: "I believe that Sarti was involved,
but apparently I was wrong on the other two. If I were working on the
case today, I'd look at Paul Mondoloni of Montreal... Two points I
would add: I saw a documentary TV show last year about the KGB's
investigation of the assassination, and was amazed to learn that they
came to the same conclusion as me. Second, I was contacted two years
ago by a former CIA agent (who worked in the mind control program
among others), who told me that I was right about the assassination.
Small comfort but better than nothing."

From: Lets Roll ( The Strength of
the Wolf This is the only article in this thread
View: Original Format
Newsgroups: alt.politics.immigrationDate: 2004-06-20 01:02:13 PST
Douglas Valentine

A warning to potential readers. If Valentine's account is compelling
in its detail, the price is that the book is often close to
unreadable. Try this paragraph about the Kennedy assassination for
size: "It's almost as if [James Jesus] Angleton was a double agent,
and if he was the 'mole' he was searching for, it's possible that
SDECE agents working for the KGB may have sent an assassin into Dallas
through Angleton's Brown-Castellani drug network, or through Paul
Mondolini. If Angleton was a KGB mole, perhaps he used QJ/WIN (who
could have been Mertz) to assassinate JFK, and programmed Lee Harvey
Oswald as the unwitting patsy through the MKULTRA Program".

This next is from a news article I read on the Internet concerning
some Montreal mobster getting married.

Remember that Michele Nicoli? told Steve Rivele that the assassins
were flown to Montral after they killed JFK.



"Singing for Their Supper"

"Lucien Rivard was a Montreal hood who worked his way up the ranks to
become a drug-ring operator for Paul Mondolini, one of the major capos
in the city. At one point in his career Rivard ran a casino in Cuba
for Mondolini before Castro came to power, and there are stories he
ran a few guns to the island for the Cotronis.

Rivard and Mondolini, according to one account, were associated with
Santos Trafficante, the powerful mobster alleged to be involved with
the CIA in plotting to get rid of Castro. This also brings up the
possible connection between Rivard's friends and one Lee Harvey

Anyway, let's just say Rivard knew a lot of things that certain people
would have preferred to keep secret. So, when a Montreal couple was
busted in October, 1963, at the Texas border trying to smuggle heroin
out of Mexico, alarm bells went off in mob circles when they fingered
Rivard as their handler.

Rivard was arrested in June, 1964, in Montreal by Canadian police and
parked in Bordeaux jail awaiting extradition to the U.S."

The author of this article does not say why or how Rivard's friends
were connected to Lee Harvey Oswald.

From Ron Ecker in the Education Forum 12/06/04:

Could there have been a Canadian connection to the French/OAS plots?

Gerry Patrick Hemming was at the 1996 Dallas in November conference.
In his summary of what Hemming had to say while in Dallas, Charles
Drago wrote, "In Montreal, Arturo Espaillat gathered funds from Canada
and Europe and sent them to Dallas in order to fund a French team"
("Hemming Does Dallas," Kennedy Assn Chronicles, Winter 1996-97, p.

In his HSCA deposition, Hemming said, "I had been in touch in Ottawa
with Arturo Espaillat, who at one time had been part of the
triumvirate that took over when Trujillo was assassinated. One of my
people, (Ed) Kolby, had been in Canada with Espaillat . . . Kolby had
disappeared, let us say, from the Miami scene and busied himself up in
New York and Canada . . . And, now, I had gotten the information that
Espaillat and this American had traveled to Dallas and were in Dallas
that week (of the assassination). Now, this perturbed me considerably
that behind my back everybody I knew was going to meet the Texans" (p.
171-172). (What Hemming was supposedly perturbed about was that all
these people - he named Cuesta, Hall, Sturgis, Vidal, Espaillat, and
Aguilar - were going to Dallas to "burn" his financial contacts, "the
Texans" such as Lester Logue; but he also said he tried to find Vidal
in Miami on 11/21 to warn him "to stay the hell out of Dallas while
the president was there") (p. 167).

Hemming identified "the American" who traveled with Espaillat from
Canada to Dallas as Robert Johnson, who Hemming believed (according to
Noel Twyman) was "Raoul" in the MLK assassination (Hancock, Someone
Would Have Talked, p. 277). Hemming told Dick Russell in a 1975 Argosy
interview, "There was an American, an ex-Marine, who worked for Arturo
Espaillat, Trujillo's chief of intelligence . . . Espaillat tried to
take over after the (Trujillo) hit went down. He died in an accident
in Lisbon a few years ago. His American friend (Johnson) went to work
for a private CIA operation in Baltimore called International Services
of Information."

It is also worth noting that U.S. Army Pfc. Eugene Dinkin, who claimed
to have advance knowledge of the JFK assassination (he was diagnosed
by the Army as having a mental condition called "schizo-assassination
prognostication") presumably learned of the JFK plot through his work
as a military code breaker in France.

What follows are some notes on Rivele's published account of the
alleged Corsican connection to the Kennedy assassination. Rivele's
book was published in French; what we now publish are a university
professor's notes on what he had read.

p. 75 "...Trafficante maintained close ties with Antoine Guerini via a
Corsican criminal based in Havana named Paul Mondoloni....Educated,
multilingual, courteous and dignified in appearance, he seemed to
belong more to the diplomatic corps than to the bloody Marseilles
hampa.(Mafia)" [He then moved to Montreal after leaving Cuba].

Steve Rivele: 163: I asked him some of Jim Lesar's questions. I asked
if David knew whether Antoine Guerini had participated in the CIA
conspiracies to assassinate Fidel Castro. To my surprise, he told me
that Guerini was involved. "I believe that the intermediary was Paul
Mondoloni," he said. Mondoloni used to spend a lot of time in the US."

Connected montréalaises in the assassination of JFK

Shortly after the assassination, Jean-Paul Tremblay, an agent of the
American customs working in Montreal, warned the American Secret
service that he had seen Oswald in Montreal in August 1963 . Tremblay
known as to have seen Oswald in company of three other people
distributing its famous leaflets of "Fair Play for Cuba" during a
demonstration. The report was sent to the Warren commission which
completely overlooked it . Indeed, it does not appear in 26 volumes of
testimonies and evidence published by the commission. It was learned
thereafter that photographs of Oswald had been taken in Montreal but
the FBI (Federal Office of Investigation) refused to make them public.
However, it is additional proof that depicts Oswald like a Communist.
Why did the Warren commission and the Secret service want to hide

Perhaps what they tried to do was protect the identity from the three
people who were in company of Oswald at this time? Unfortunately, no
physical description of these suspects exists.

In an article about William Morgan by H.P. Albarelli Jr. in the
April 21, 2002
Paul D. Bethel, who was the press officer at the U.S. Embassy in
Havana during Castro's rise to power, revealed in his 1969 book
entitled "The Losers" that William Morgan produced great consternation
among U.S. officials in 1959 when he began "keeping company with a
very unwholesome American who lived at the Capri Hotel," whom others
described as a "gangster."
Federal Narcotics Bureau documents strongly suggest that this was an
associate of Spiritto's who frequently stayed at the Capri Hotel using
a false U.S. passport bearing the name Samuel Rowland. This was
actually Paul Damien Mondoloni, a former French intelligence agent
turned international narcotics trafficker. Mondoloni, who is also
believed to have been an occasional CIA contractor, was a silent
partner in the El Morocco Club in Camaguey, Cuba, which was also
partly owned by Meyer Lansky and Isadore Shadletsky. Mondoloni had
been deported from Cuba to France in February 1957 to face criminal
charges but quickly returned to Havana where he often brokered heroin
shipments using convicted New York City traffickers Adela Castillo and
Milton Abramson.
Tinea Warrenist in

Sunday October 31, 2004 with 14h46 #11891

The book of Maurice Phillips relates, mainly, to the bonds that there
would have been between the Montreal underworld and the assassination
of Kennedy, particularly the case of Lucien Rivard, sought in Texas
for heroin traffic, and who was the middleman between the underworld
Italian of Montreal (pledged with that of New York) and famous "French
Connection" Marseillaise...

From Robert Charles Dunne in the Education Forum 11/22/05


Here are some pix of Mondolini [note the spelling], circa late
50s/early 60s.

As for Norman LeBlanc, he was a "reputable" Montreal businessman who
was indicted alongside Robert Vecso for several multi-million dollar
frauds. He also appeared to have facilitated heroin importation from
Europe to Montreal by brokering financing from Vesco to subsidize the
projects. [A US Senate investigative committee declared otherwise.]
Moreover, LeBlanc was tight with the Montreal Cotroni crime family,
which specialized in heroin trafficking. [I have no photos of him.]

If LeBlanc is the same man ID'ed here by Gerry Hemming, one sees an
interesting convergence of interests. [The surname in French is much
like "White" in English, so there may have been several Norman

Attached image(s)

From: "lday0000" <lday@p...>
Date: Sun Nov 30, 2003 11:52 am
Subject: corsicans, zionists and jfk

As quoted by Lee Forman in the Education Forum 11/23/05:

Back in the 1960's investigative journalist Terence Robertson
attempted to write a biography of Sam Bronfman but it was never
published. He got death threats. On New Year's Eve 1970 he died of a
barbituate overdose in a New York hotel room.
Sam Bronfman made a giant pile of money shipping Montreal liquor to
thirsty Yanks during prohibition. He made even more money in Texas
oil in the early 1960's, gambling that JF Kennedy's oil depletion tax
loophole would not be closed. Kennedy conveniently died and oil-
supporting, Israel-arming Texan LBJ came to power.

Bronfman was a Zionist as was his lawyer Louis Bloomfield. Major
Bloomfield was on the shady board of Permindex along with Colonel
Clay Shaw/Bertrand. Bloomfield, like Frank Fiorini/Sturgis fought
with the Haganah in Israel's creation war. Tibor Rosenbaum,
another 'founder of Israel' controlled the Swiss bank that financed
for Permindex and shady 'arms procurement' deals like getting nukes
for Israel despite JFK's vehement objections.
These strands of coincidence are all woven togethor in research by
Michael Piper Collins in his book which, like Robertson's Bronfman
biography, is unavailable in your local bookstore.

Another book that is missing is Steven Rivele's "Les Assassins de JF
Kennedy". He spent about four years researching it circa 1985-1988.
While Collins deals with the 'why' of the assassination, Rivele dealt
with the 'how': the mechanics. There seems to be a great deal of
evidence suggesting the grassy knoll shooter with the dumdum bullet
was Brussel's based Corsican Lucien Sarti working on contract from
the Marseilles based Guerini heroin gang. Guerini got the contract,
supposedly, from Sam Giancana but there is no way to know for sure as
they all naturally died in the famous 'hail of bullets' variation.

Also missing from the bookstore is Henrik Kruger's "The Great Heroin
Coup" originally written in Danish. Fortunately Kris has archived it,
in English, chapter by chapter for CTRL. Chapter 15 gives excellent
data on the motivational relationship of Meyer Lansky (Giancana's
boss and Zionist), heroin, Cuban-American relations at the time of
the JFK hit, and the CIA.

Rivele's main source casually gives the name of the liason between
mob and CIA as one Paul Mondoloni [sic], a Corsican of course. This is
probably the right guy but in the age of Google, misspelling Mondolini
research awkward.

Curiously, googling "Paul Mondolini" brings up 7 entries. Three of
them are the CTRL relay of Kruger's Danish book. The other 4 have to
do with the boss of early-60's Montreal-based heroin smuggler Rivard
and are all
Canadian. Apparently no American has ever mentioned Paul Mondolini on
the web!

A related Corsican named Rene Mondolini from the Marseilles gang was
another of those 'died in a hail of bullets' characters. Mistype it
acorn style as Mondoloni and the only google entry is the supposed
notes on the translation of Rivele's book. The very same article
mentions Paul Mondoloni [sic] several times, yet google can't find

Most curious about this man who never was and if he was misspelled and
if he was the club owner in Cuba that Jack Ruby/Jacob Rubinstein
visited since the
mysterious Mondolini was also a club owner in Cuba and these spooks
always have a whole lot of names.

By Maurice Philipps
(Click on pictures to see bigger photos)
On October 10 1963, US Customs Agents at Laredo, Texas arrested Lucien
Rivard's courrier and make the second most important seizure of
narcotics of the time. The heroin was coming from Mexico and was
furnished by Paul Mondolini, a Santos Trafficante associate and a
relation of French agent Michel-Victor Mertz that was expelled from
Dallas the day after John F. Kennedy assassination.

Eight months later, in June 1964, after Attorney General Robert F.
Kennedy gave order to start extradition process against them, Lucien
Rivard and his accomplices Julien Gagnon, Raymond Jones and
Charles-Emile Groleau were arrested in Canada.

With Carmine Galante (above right) and his right hand man Salvatore
Giglio (down left) Lucien Rivard ( down right) was in fact one of the
top lieutenant of Jos Bonanno, the supreme chief of Montreal organized
crime, that was seen by some as one of the planners of the JFK

NB: Bonanno's implication in the JFK assassination is not commonly
accepted. In fact, excepted for a mention from David Copeland (alias
William Torbitt) in his Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal,
Bonanno's name is rarely seen in the JFK assassination literature.
Interestingly enough, in this manuscript, Bonanno is named as an
associate of Major Louis Mortimer Bloomfield, a Montreal lawyer that
was Clay Shaw's associate in Permindex and the Centro Mondiale
Commerciale. And lot more about Bloomfield will be said in this blog…

Picture 1: Top Left
In 1958, in Cuba Giuseppe Cotroni was associate to Santos Trafficante,
to Lewis McWillie (Jack Ruby's idol) and to Norman Rothman, an
important CIA contact, with whom he participated in smuggling stolen
arms.. from Ohio National Guard.

Picture 2: Top Right
At the same time, Lucien Rivard was little known in Canada but, in
addition to being Trafficante's associate, was seen as one of Cuba top
arms smugglers.

Picture 3: Bottom Left
One of most active members of the French Connection, Corsican Paul
Mondolini was in Cuba associate to both trafficante and Rivard. He
also was accomplice of French smuggler and secret agent Michel-Victor

Picture 4: Bottom Right
Cotroni's associate Luigi Greco was in Montreal one of Bonanno family
top lieutenant. According to Jules Kimble, a CIA contract agent,
Greco's men did fly from Québec to Memphis to take part in Martin
Luther King assassination.


Mexico City, October 1963

In Summer 1963, Michel Caron is only a small criminal having to his
credit only some minor burglaries. Father of four children, Caron
needs money. Being in touch with Lucien Rivard, he quickly accepts to
run errands without asking questions. On September 26, 1963, Rivard,
who needed an anonymous courier for an important operation, decided to
send Caron and his wife to Mexico City, to bring back a packet...

Caron leaves immediately and enters Mexico on September 31. On October
2, like a simple tourist, he arrives in Mexico City, just as another
visitor, Lee Harvey Oswald, is also in the city on a blindfold
mission. Oswald leaves Mexico City on October 3. Caron, who has
confided his car to some unknown peoples who have the task to hide
something in it, innocently visited the city until October 9.

On October 10 1963, at the Mexico-United States border, the U.S.
Customs officers search Caron's car and, by luck, discover 35
kilograms of heroine. At a market price of one million dollars a
kilogram, this 35 millions seizure is the second most important of
U.S. history. Submitted to a persuasive interrogatory, and confident
that he, his wife and his four children will be protected, Caron
starts to confess. First, Caron denounces his Quebec's accomplices
and, finally, their chief, the recipient of the merchandise, Lucien
Rivard himself.

Though he doesn't know their complete names, he finally identifies on
photographs the Mexico City's suppliers. Thus he incriminates the
Corsican Paul Mondolini, partner of Santos Trafficante and
Michel-Victor Mertz, and considered as Mexico City heroin's king;
Jorge Edouardo Moreno Chauvet, Mexico most important narcotics
trafficker; Fulgentio Cruz Bonet, a Cuban exile; and Mafiosis Tony
Farina and Frank Giovani Scalici, members of Carlo Gambino's New
York's family, the most powerful chief of the U.S. Cosa Nostra.

Even if they didn't understand all the implications of this huge
transaction involving such important international Mafia's characters,
observers of the Rivard Case noticed that, on view of this file's
importance, U.S. Attorney General Robert Kennedy did show personal
interest to the case. Maybe his interest was motivated by his
knowledge of the network to which participated Rivard.

So, the Rivard Case reveals the existence of an important heroin
transaction, taking source in Mexico just at the moment when,
according to Christian David, three Corsican killers where in Mexico
City, in transit toward Dallas. Christian David was the French heroin
trafficker that revealed to reporter Steve Rivele that a contract to
kill John F. Kennedy was offered to him in Marseille. According to
David's story, he declined any participation in the contract but three
Corsican shooters took a part in the assassination and where paid with
heroin. In the BBC television series The Men Who Killed Kennedy,
Rivele stated that he believe Paul Mondolini was the coordinator of
the Corsican shooters.

Interestingly enough, the same Paul Mondolini was the source of the
heroin that Lucien Rivard tried to import to the United States.

The ties linking Rivard to the Trafficante-Ruby network and the
Mertz-Mondolini French connection, as well as the synchronism between
Oswald's trip, the presence of Corsican assassins in Mexico City and
the Rivard Case, had never been exposed anywhere, neither even
suggested otherwise that by an obscure allusion to Lucien Rivard in
The Plot to Kill the President, a book written by Robert G. Blakey,
Chief Counsel of the House Select Committee on Assassination.
posted by youshouldknow @ 10:35 PM
Ten years have past since the publication of my essay, DE DALLAS À
MONTRÉAL, La filière montréalaise dans l'assassinat de JFK*. Even if
it got good reviews and a fair distribution in Quebec, Canada, this
book didn't reach the American public neither the JFK assassination
researchers community. I've never care too much about international
publishing success, since I wrote the book in order to humbly share
information that were overlook by American writers. But I still think
that a few important pieces of the JFK assassination puzzle may be
found in Montreal.
So, De Dallas à Montréal main originality was to show how Dallas'
crime of the century was related to Canada biggest political scandal:
the Rivard Case. A complex affair, the Rivard Case started in October
1963 with a massive heroin importation from Mexico to the United
States. Its principal actor, Lucien Rivard, a prominent Mafia captain
was both a drug and arms smuggler and a financial backer of the
Liberal Party of Canada.

During the late fifties, in Montreal, Rivard was one of the top
officer of Jos Bonanno, the head of an important New York Mafia
family. But what is more significant relatively to the JFK
assassination is the fact that Rivard was an associate of Santos
Trafficante, Jr. in Havana casinos and that he was smuggling arms in
Cuba. According to the House Selected Committee on Assassinations,
Rivard was one of Castro prisoners for whom Jack Ruby did negotiate in
1959. This fact wasn't published in HSCA's report since Rivard's name
was only reproduced in HSCA's volumes of testimonies. But in 1981, in
his book The Plot to Kill the President, G. Robert Blakey, chief
counsel of the HSCA, flatly stated that Rivard was one of the
prisoners that Jack Ruby tried to get released in 1959. Years after
the publication of my book, and after Rivard's death, his widows
confirmed to a Montreal film producer that Rivard indeed was in
contact with Ruby.

In 1964, after the JFK assassination, Rivard and Bonanno were jailed
in Montreal, awaiting extradition to the U.S. Their attorney and high
officers of both the Canadian Department of Justice and the
Immigration Department offered bribe to the lawyer representing the
United State in the two extradition cases. The scandal that followed
finally forced the resignation of Canada Minister of Justice, Guy

Maurice Philipps

* French title translates as: FROM DALLAS TO MONTREAL, The Montreal
Connection in the JFK Assassination.
posted by youshouldknow @ 11:18 PM

Steve Thomas


Nov 29, 2007, 7:49:23 PM11/29/07
Hello Martin, I do believe we have exchanged thoughts before. I would like
to talk to you again about the THREE TRAMPS. You talked about this as if
were a forensic artist/facial expert, or even knew something about the

Lois Gibson's slideshow presentation:

There is no doubt in my mind as to the conclusions of Lois Gibson. There is
no doubt in her mind that the men were Charles Harrelson, Charles Rogers,
and Chauncey Holt.

In the book "The Man on the Grassy Knoll", they make a solid case of Charles
Rogers being the man who shot from behind the picket fence. In the book,
there are two other pictures of Rogers that you can fully compare to the
short tramp. One is of Rogers in the same vicinity as Oswald when he was
passing out his Cuban fliers. Another picture of Rogers was taken by a CIA
agent I believe at an airport (Rogers was an excellent pilot).

I strongly believe that Roger's parents found out of his and Harrelson's
involvement in the assassination. At this point, Charles brutally murdered
his parents.

Chauncey Holt made a full confession shortly before his death in 2003. I
suggest doing a Google search for it.

As for the document that claims the tramps were Harold Doyle, John F.
Gedney, and Gus Abrams. Drawing a line though Gus Abrams' mouth, you will
see that the bottom of his ears meet this line. On the older tramp, this is
not so. Thus, it is impossible for Gus Abrams to have been the old tramp.
Obviously, the document just magically appeared to try and discredit
conspiracy theorists. The men were never photographed or fingerprinted

Take a look at the picture of the tall tramp (Harrelson), he is SMILING!!!
The president was just shot and killed, people are crying everywhere, but
this man seems pretty happy. If you cannot see a problem with this then you
might need your head examined. Now look at a picture of Harrelson being
walked to his murder trial, HE IS SMILING!

Unfortunately, Harrelson died earlier this year in prison. Holt is dead
now, and Rogers was never found.

Hmm, I wonder what was in that bag Holt was carrying. Maybe a walky-talky
and a gun possibly.

Nov 29, 2007, 8:33:16 PM11/29/07

Looks like Wim Dankbaar sent one of his schills over to add more
garbage to what's already here. The Jimmy Files gang strikes

Martin Shackelford

Nov 30, 2007, 5:37:21 AM11/30/07
Lois Gibson is a forensic artist.
Someone who ANALYZES facial comparison photos is a forensic ANTHROPOLOGIST.
Gibson is entirely wrong about the three tramps. They were identified a
decade and a half ago.
I read The Man on the Grassy Knoll a long time ago--I found it interesting,
but skipping over
too many links for its conclusion to be credible.
Chauncey Holt was a con man who may have had some peripheral knowledge of
the JFK
assassination, but was certainly not one of the tramps. I heard his Dallas
presentation at a
conference--I didn't buy it. He spent more than a decade "confessing," i.e.
making claims.
Where the ears relate to the mouth in a photo depends on the angle at which
the photo was
taken. I've seen too much of this simplistic "photo-analysis"--Jack White
did a lot of it.
If you want to continue to embrace the fantasy, that's up to you.


"nig" <> wrote in message


Aug 23, 2014, 12:41:27 PM8/23/14
What I want to Know is if it was the Corsican Mafia that kidnapped me in Nice France in 2010 and took me over international waters to a Boston dock in Massachusetts USA were around 30 Gambino Mafia from New York showed up to tourcher and murder me. I dont think they are fake.


Aug 23, 2014, 12:55:19 PM8/23/14
Is the Corsican Mafia offering a reward for your whereabouts?

Aug 23, 2014, 10:07:03 PM8/23/14
to wrote:
> On Wednesday, November 28, 2007 12:50:06 AM UTC-6, nig wrote:
> > There are a few different sources that come to the conclusion that the
> > shooters that kiled JFK were from the Corsican Mafia. A French
> > prisoner Christian David claimed he was offered the contract on JFK,
> > but refused because it was too dangerous.
> >=20
> > A book "Regicide", by Gregory Douglas contains supposed documents from
> > Robert Crowley of the CIA. The documents, along with the book, claim
> > tha=
> t 4
> > Corsican Mafia hitmen had accepted the contract. The book claims that
> > 3 =
> of
> > the the assassins were killed and cut up in a Maryland house. The book
> > claims that one of the assassins got on a bus to Mexico for unknown
> > reaso=
> ns.
> > According to the documents, they never found the 4th assassin.
> >=20
> > David on the other hand, mentioned only 3 people who had accepted the
> > contract. He first only named a man by the name of Lucien Sarti, but
> > he soon released the other two names. The only problem is, the other
> > two me=
> n
> > he named had solid alibies on for that day.
> >=20
> > I cannot remember where I read this but someone named the other two
> > Corsicans. The names are Fran=E7ois Chiappe and Jean-Paul Angeletti.
> > Fr=
> om
> > what I just read, Jean-Paul Angeletti was with Lucien Sarti in Mexico
> > whe=
> n
> > he was killed. Someone claims that Nixon ordered the takedown as part
> > of the War on Drugs.
> >=20
> > Another useful piece of information is E Howard Hunt's deathbed
> > confessio=
> n.
> > One of the men he named was Lucien Sarti. It is quite possible that
> > Sart=
> i
> > was "Badgeman", the person who appears to be a policeman holding a
> > rifle =
> in
> > a firing position in Mary Mooreman's photo.
> >=20
> > In reality, it seems logical for the government to hire foreigners to
> > kil=
> l
> > JFK. If they are caught, they can't be linked back to the CIA. On the
> > p=
> lus
> > side, French assassins would easily blend in in Canada. It is claimed
> > th=
> at
> > the Corsicans were flown out of the country to Montreal.
> >=20
> > There is no doubt in my mind that the documents presented in Gregory
> > Douglas' book "Regicide" may be fakes. Regardless, the Corsican mafia
> > assassin theory is not destroyed even if they really are fakes.
> >=20
> > Any input would be appreciated.
> What I want to Know is if it was the Corsican Mafia that kidnapped me in
> N= ice France in 2010 and took me over international waters to a Boston
> dock i= n Massachusetts USA were around 30 Gambino Mafia from New York
> showed up to=
> tourcher and murder me. I dont think they are fake.
= murdering you didn't seem to shut you up though did it

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