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What's Really Happening In the World (all will be ok)

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Apr 16, 2010, 1:01:52 PM4/16/10
The truth sets us free from the misery of ignorance and a sense of
hopelessness. The following is sure to help some come to a better

Humanity today is living at a unique time in its history. The
events that I submit are now under way will transform our lives, our
world, in the most fundamental, radical fashion, within a relatively
short number of years. We are at the end of a civilization, and
therefore at the beginning of a new one: if we would have it so, this
can be the most brilliant in our long history.

Most people will know that we are entering a new era, a new cosmic
cycle. We call it the Age of Aquarius because of the particular
relationship now being formed in space between our solar system and
the constellation of Aquarius. In its cyclic movement around the
heavens, our solar system has come into a definite energetic alignment
with that constellation, which will continue for the next 2,350 years,
more or less. This alignment causes the Earth to become saturated with
the cosmic energies of Aquarius. Every civilization, beginning roughly
every 2,000 years, is the result of this changing cosmic relationship.

As we near the end of the century, a powerful thoughtform of
destruction is gripping the minds of millions of people. Throughout
the world there is a 'doomsday complex'. As a result of
misunderstanding the prognostications of people like Edgar Cayce,
Nostradamus and others, people have the idea that towards the end of
the century there will be some great catastrophic event in which the
world will be physically changed: mountains will rise and many
countries, perhaps continents, will sink under the sea. This belief is
widespread and it comes largely from a misunderstanding of history and
of scriptures which seem to point to such an apocalyptic end to the

As we enter a new age, everything changes. Political, economic,
religious and social forms inevitably change under the impact of the
new, powerful, cosmic energies that enter our lives. The foretold
destruction I believe is altogether exaggerated. Countries will not go
under the oceans. The oceans will not rise as mountains. The cataclysm
which has been foretold by so many, emanating in the main from the
astral planes -- the planes of illusion -- has little foundation in
fact. Change there will be, but change for the better.

We are about to enter an era in which the innate spiritual nature
of humanity will begin to express itself in a mass form. Countless
millions throughout the world will awaken to the true purpose of their
lives. A deeper, more soundly-based attitude to life will develop and
people will recognize themselves as souls -- souls in incarnation. They
will come to understand the purpose of their incarnation, and, more
and more, they will take a conscious part in their own evolution,
creating modes of freedom and justice which this world has never
before seen. Freedom and justice, and therefore peace, will allow the
divine, spiritual aspect of humanity to come to the fore and be given
expression, not only as a religious experience, but in every
department of life. In politics, economics and education, in art and
science, the inner awareness of our spiritual nature will increasingly
be demonstrated. This will allow the discovery of a science, and the
control over the forces of nature, which will give humanity unlimited
power over its environment.

All of this awaits us as we enter the new cycle. Far from
destruction, we shall enter an era of unprecedented creativity and
beauty of life. And this in large measure because of the re-entry into
our lives of a group of men without fault, spiritual giants -- from our
point of view, perfected men. These are men who have gone ahead of us
in evolution, and have completed the journey on which we are still
engaged. They need no longer live on this planet, but accept the
responsibility of remaining here to guide the rest of us to that same
perfection. They have many names: the Great White Brotherhood, the
Society of Illumined Minds, the Elder Brothers of humanity, the
Teachers, the Guides, the Mahatmas, the Masters of Wisdom and the
Lords of Compassion.

Cycle after cycle, one of these Great Ones has come into the world
to teach humanity the way forward, the next step in our evolution to
perfection ... Some 2,600 years ago, Gautama Buddha prophesied that at
the beginning of this cycle there would come into the world another
great teacher, a Buddha like himself, by name Maitreya. Maitreya, he
said, would inspire humanity to create a brilliant golden civilization
based, as he put it, on Righteousness and Truth 1/4 In June 1945 --
significantly at the end of the Second World War -- the Lord Maitreya
announced his intention to return to the world at the earliest
possible moment, if humanity would take the first steps to put its
house in order. He said he would come when a measure of peace had been
restored to the world; when the principle of sharing was beginning to
govern economic affairs; and when the energy of goodwill, the lowest
aspect of love, was manifesting, and leading to the establishment of
right human relationships ... This event would be the externalization
of the activity of the Masters for the first time in nearly 100,000

above is from:

the bottom line:

Everything will be ok. Hang in there. Earth is a school. We are all
students. Very few know about the administrators.

Reverend Al

Apr 16, 2010, 1:13:28 PM4/16/10
knowbuddee wrote:

> The truth sets us free from the misery of ignorance and a sense of
> hopelessness.

Maitreya is the Antichrist!



Apr 16, 2010, 1:16:19 PM4/16/10
Reverend Al wrote:

Steven Colbert puts those Maitreya cultists in their place:

Master Bait

Apr 16, 2010, 1:17:44 PM4/16/10
Collier wrote:

Colbert doesn't realize that it is Me, Master Bait the One Maitreya, who is your
new avatar, not Ben Creme!

Venerable Rinpoche

Apr 16, 2010, 1:19:24 PM4/16/10
Master Bait wrote:

You're ALL wrong. The only true avatar of those Ben Creme cultists is MONEY.
One thousand blessings

Bruce Morgen

Apr 16, 2010, 1:57:38 PM4/16/10
Venerable Rinpoche <> wrote:

Not that Creme isn't a
certifiable nutbag, but
SI is not about $$$ --
Creme apparently funds
most of its activities
from his rather
considerable personal

Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole

May 9, 2010, 11:17:10 PM5/9/10

Master Bait wrote:

> Collier wrote:
> > Reverend Al wrote:
> >
> >> knowbuddee wrote:
> >>
> >>> The truth sets us free from the misery of ignorance and a sense of
> >>> hopelessness.
> >>
> >> Maitreya is the Antichrist!

The Descendant of the TARA Buddha!!!!!!!!

Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole

May 9, 2010, 11:18:49 PM5/9/10

Reverend Al wrote:

The "SATAN"??

Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole

May 9, 2010, 11:21:57 PM5/9/10

Venerable Rinpoche wrote:

> Master Bait wrote:
> > Collier wrote:
> >
> >> Reverend Al wrote:
> >>
> >>> knowbuddee wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> The truth sets us free from the misery of ignorance and a sense of
> >>>> hopelessness.
> >>>
> >>> Maitreya is the Antichrist!
> >>>
> >>>>
> >> Steven Colbert puts those Maitreya cultists in their place:

No he doesn't, he puts em Forth!
Gaudra, the Red, White, and Blue, and All!!!!!!!
Drones of the Ma BEE, Maube, Magho Ba tt/y

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