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sblive plugin error

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Patrick Isekin

не прочитано,
17 янв. 2000 г., 03:00:0017.01.2000
After starting my sblive mixer i get the following error message: "Failed to
load plugins".
This problem first started after installing liveware 3.0, with version 2.1 I
never had any problems.

Any ideas ?

Rob Mamede

не прочитано,
8 мар. 2000 г., 03:00:0008.03.2000
Having the same problem. Seeking a solution as well.

Thanks for the help in advance.

Rob Mamede,

Rob Mamede

не прочитано,
9 мар. 2000 г., 03:00:0009.03.2000
I found a solution in another part of this newsgroup. For anyone
experiencing this problem who happen accross this message first, the
following is the problem description and solution:

When attempting to access the SoundBlaster Live! Mixer on a system with a
USB webcam with a mic built in, an error occurs and the mixer does not load:
"Failed to load plugins."

The USB webcam microphone and the SoundBlaster Live! do not properly coexist
and conflict with each other although no device conflict is reported in the
Windows Device Manager.

Disable the USB webcam microphone and use the SoundBlaster Live! with a mic
instead. To disable the USB webcam microphone, perform the following steps:

1) Open the Control Panel
2) In the Control Panel, open the System item.
A shortcut to performing steps 1 and 2 would be to click the right
mouse button on My Computer and select Properties.
3) When the System Properties dialog box appears, the General tab will be
active. Select the Device Manager tab.
4) Click on the plus sign (+) next to the "Sound, video and game
controllers" item.
5) Locate the entry that is similar to: "Your Camera; Audio (Microphone)"
and click on that item.
6) Click the Properties button.
7) Click in the check box next to "Disable in this hardware profile" so
that there is a check in the box.
8) Press the OK button to return to the Device Manager in the System
9) Press the OK button to close the System Properties.
-- Your SoundBlaster Live! Mixer should now work.

I hope this helps those who are experiencing these problems, as this
solution worked for me.

Rob Mamede

"Patrick Isekin" <> wrote in message

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