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Pottie Mouth Tom, Your Brothers Died Keeping You Safe To Be A Traitor. Here Is Death record. For Shame, Pottie Tom, They Died For You, They Are Your Saviors, You Traduce Them.

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La fanciulla del West

2012年8月20日 下午1:35:222012/8/20
Pottie Mouth Tom loves Corporal Adolph Schickelgruber, the Kanzler and
Fuehrer of the Third German Empire. He forgets that others were his
saviors, they preserved his life. Pottie Mouth Tom is shameless.
Wars ranked by total number of US military deaths
Rank War Years Deaths Deaths per Day US Population in First Year
of War Deaths per Population
1 American Civil War 1861–1865 625,000 599 31,443,000 1.988%
2 World War II 1941–1945 405,399 416 133,402,000 0.307% (1940)
3 World War I 1917–1918 116,516 279 103,268,000 0.110% (1920)
4 Vietnam War 1955–1975 58,209 26 0.03% (1970)
5 Korean War 1950–1953 36,516 45 151,325,000 0.02% (1950)
6 American Revolutionary War 1775–1783 25,000 11 2,500,000
0.899% (1780)
7 War of 1812 1812–1815 20,000 31 8,000,000 0.345% (1810)
8 Mexican–American War 1846–1848 13,283 29 21,406,000 0.057%
9 War on Terror 2001–present 6,280 1.72 294,043,000 0.002%
10 Philippine–American War 1899–1913 4,196 1 72,129,000 0.006%

La fanciulla del West

2012年8月20日 下午1:35:342012/8/20

La fanciulla del West

2012年8月20日 下午1:35:112012/8/20

La fanciulla del West

2012年8月20日 下午1:34:502012/8/20

Tom Potter

2012年8月20日 晚上11:18:152012/8/20

"La fanciulla del West" <> wrote in message
Pottie Mouth Tom loves Corporal Adolph Schickelgruber, the Kanzler and
Fuehrer of the Third German Empire. He forgets that others were his
saviors, they preserved his life. Pottie Mouth Tom is shameless.
Wars ranked by total number of US military deaths
Rank War Years Deaths Deaths per Day US Population in First Year
of War Deaths per Population
1 American Civil War 1861-1865 625,000 599 31,443,000 1.988%
2 World War II 1941-1945 405,399 416 133,402,000 0.307% (1940)
3 World War I 1917-1918 116,516 279 103,268,000 0.110% (1920)
4 Vietnam War 1955-1975 58,209 26 0.03% (1970)
5 Korean War 1950-1953 36,516 45 151,325,000 0.02% (1950)
6 American Revolutionary War 1775-1783 25,000 11 2,500,000
0.899% (1780)
7 War of 1812 1812-1815 20,000 31 8,000,000 0.345% (1810)
8 Mexican-American War 1846-1848 13,283 29 21,406,000 0.057%
9 War on Terror 2001-present 6,280 1.72 294,043,000 0.002%
10 Philippine-American War 1899-1913 4,196 1 72,129,000 0.006%

My pal raises a good point!

Who has made the greatest sacrifices
to preserve American wealth, freedom, free speech and culture?

Although, according to Jews,
the German people were massacring Jews,
few American Jews took an active role
in the military.

As can be seen by examine the historical FACTS,
Jews got about 10% of the Medal of Honor awards
that they should have gotten based on population percentage.

It is also interesting to see, that as usual,
Jews are actively trying to rewrite history
and fill the gaps by claiming that field commanders
were prejudiced against Jews and didn't put them up for
Medal of Honor awards, and Jew are trying to get
Medal of Honor awards LONG AFTER THE FACT!

Can you imagine a Christian or Muslim or Asian fighting alongside
a Jew who performed actions that warranted a Medal of Honor,
and them treating such a performance as unworthy?

Color, race and religion disappear when a common danger exists.

It is interesting to see that during WWII,
so many Jews who could not get deferments,
or hide out like the
Jew who bought the grave site at Arlington next to JFK's site,
joined the Coast Guard
that it was called the "Jewish Navy".

Jews in the Mass Media, education, government
and Jews in general are constantly working to
destroy factual history and free speech,
and to rewrite history to portray
Jews as "Intelligent, virtuous victims."

Everyone, including Jews,
understands how devious and contrary Jews are,
and how they trash the cultures of their hosts.

the question is
what can be done to get Jews to conform
to Asian or European ethics, morals, and standards?

Tom Potter


2012年8月20日 晚上11:40:172012/8/20
Maybe not as canon fodder, but look at the Manhattan Project:



2012年8月21日 清晨6:36:102012/8/21
ahahaha.. AHAHAHA... Hey Potter, are you at it
again , at riling up & arousing kikes & their cattle,
like these 2 goyim below?... ahahaha... Hilarious!...
"Olrik" aka Old Dreck <> wrote:
-- Le 2012-08-20 23:18, Tom Potter a �crit :
--- "La fanciulla del West" <> wrote:
"La fecesculo del West" wrote:
Pottie Mouth Tom loves Corporal Adolph Schickelgruber,
the Kanzler and Fuehrer of the Third German Empire.
He forgets that others were his saviors, they preserved
his life. Pottie Mouth Tom is shameless.
Wars ranked by total number of US military deaths
<Snip ididotic c&p of selfserving stats>
> __________
Tom Potter wrote:
My pal raises a good point!
Who has made the greatest sacrifices to preserve
American wealth, freedom, free speech and culture?
Although, according to Jews, the German people
were massacring Jews, only _FEW_ American Jews
took an active role in the military.
hanson wrote:
But Potter, give the Jews credits were credit is due.
After the war, when jew-controlled Hollywood made
its WWII movies against Germany, the US film heroes
in those flix were always kikes, who were never in the
military and much less served at the frontin Europe...
Old Dreck Olrik wrote:
Maybe not as canon fodder, but look at the Manhattan Project:
hanson wrote:
See <>,
Yeah, yeah, "Old Dreck". The MP, that is the place where
kikes, like Uncle rect-Al Schwartz bragged about that: ...
"the Manhattan Project had more Jews/m^2, than a
Nazi KZ". Conveniently rect-Al did not mention that in
the Manhattan Project there were more Jewish traitors
to the US, who sold atomic secrets to the Soviets, then
there were traitors in the entire roster of treason in the
history of the USA. The Jewish couple Ethel Greenglass &
her husband Julius Rosenberg, communists, got fried in
the chair for passing information on the A-bomb to Stalin.
"Old Dreck", see also the eminent Jewish scholar Harold
Wallace Rosenthal's explanation in
wherein he says:
||R:|| We Jew have willingly sacrificed some Jews so that
||R:|| we can continue with our "persecution" propaganda
||R:|| & our phony cries of "Anti-Semite/ism"....
||R:|| We have always been ready to sacrifice a few 1000
||R:|| Jews in exchange for world leadership. This was the
||R:|| plan of us Jews who instigated WW II.
||AS|| We are **Judeo-Nazis**. We might use nuclear arms.
||AS|| We might go wild and burn all the oil fields in the
||AS|| Middle East! --- We might start World War Three.
||R:|| We Jews do direct American foreign affairs.
||R:|| We Jews control every media including newspapers,
||R:|| & before long we will completely control your thinking.
||R:|| Our Jewish beliefs are entirely different from yours.
||R:|| Our Talmud/Nedarim/Kol Nidre = "all vows" allows
||R:|| us Jews to lie, subvert, cheat the Goyim.
Now, you "Old Dreck"& the "Shitass West", keep on
marveling in your fantasy world as the brainwashed
goyim that you are, and keep on serving the kikes and
do their bidding as their goyim ( = Yiddish for cattle).
I didn't intend to rile you up but I do thank you for
playing & for the laughs, you blossoms of intelligence
.... ahahaha... ahahahanson

Bell Bottoms [Blue Crushed Velvet with a Flowery Shirt]

2012年8月21日 清晨7:08:532012/8/21
On Tue, 21 Aug 2012 03:36:10 -0700, "hanson" <> wrote:

>I didn't intend to rile you up but I do thank you for
>playing & for the laughs, you blossoms of intelligence
>.... ahahaha... ahahahanson


Tom Potter

2012年8月22日 凌晨4:30:082012/8/22

"Bell Bottoms [Blue Crushed Velvet with a Flowery Shirt]"
<OldAndKnacker...@BatonRouge.invalid> wrote in message
"18 Jewish servicemen were awarded the military's highest award, the Medal
of Honor"
Civil War: Six
Indian Wars: Two
Haitian Campaign: One
World War I: Three
World War II: Three
Korean War: One
Vietnam War: Two
464 United States military personnel received the Medal of Honor,
266 of them posthumously.
Seventeen of these were Japanese-Americans fighting in both Europe and the

464 Medal of Honor medals were awarded during WWII,

Observe that non-Jews who had little at stake
and were basically brainwashed and forced into
getting involved in a foreign war
were awarded 461 medals.

and Jews who had much at stake in the war,
and were active in getting America to
join with the Gang t6hat had co-opted the Russian government
and were using Russia as a base from where to train terrorists,
and instigate Class Wars all over the world,

were only awarded 3 medals.

Also observe that Jews are almost 2 percent of the U.S. population
and they were awarded less than 1 percent of the medals.
( 3 medals out of a population of about 5,000,000. )

And note that there are about 700,000 Japanese in the U.S.
and they were awarded 17 medals.
( 17 medals out of a population of about 700,000.)

One has to wonder how many medals American Jews would
be awarded if America was in a war with Israel.

If Jews were as loyal to America as the Japanese were,
Jews would get over 100 medals if America
had a war with Israel.
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