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Gay Tolerant Credentials

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no leída,
14 ene 1999, 3:00:0014/1/99
Top Ten Reasons to Have Gay Tolerant Credentials:

10- You'll be Bill Clinton's friend.

9 - You can tell which one of the Dana Girls is Louise.

8 - You'll know the truth about Aunt Gertrude.

7 - You can pal around with Lettie Briggs and Ina Mason.

6 - Monica Lewinsky will leave you alone.

5 - You can go to the bathroom with George Michael.

4 - You'll see more than cable cars in San Francisco.

3 - Rick Brant and Scotty won't seem so boring anymore.

2 - You'll understand why Chet Morton is always so hungry.

1 - You'll know what Tom Swift Jr. really does with his Electronic Retroscope.


no leída,
20 ene 1999, 3:00:0020/1/99
>2 - You'll understand why Chet Morton is always so hungry.

I don't get it.


no leída,
20 ene 1999, 3:00:0020/1/99
>>2 - You'll understand why Chet Morton is always so hungry.
>I don't get it.

It's probably a good sign that you don't.


no leída,
20 ene 1999, 3:00:0020/1/99
>>2 - You'll understand why Chet Morton is always so hungry.
>I don't get it.



no leída,
20 ene 1999, 3:00:0020/1/99
HooDeeDoo wrote in message <>...

>>2 - You'll understand why Chet Morton is always so hungry.
>I don't get it.

It makes no sense to me, either.


no leída,
21 ene 1999, 3:00:0021/1/99
>>>2 - You'll understand why Chet Morton is always so hungry.
>>I don't get it.
>It makes no sense to me, either.

Hey, getting nine out of ten ain't bad. Qualifies you for a set of

Tom Angi

no leída,
21 ene 1999, 3:00:0021/1/99
HooDeeDoo wrote in message <>...
>>2 - You'll understand why Chet Morton is always so hungry.
>I don't get it.

I thought it was a reference to eating disorder theory. Chet could have
"stuffed his feelings" for Frank and Joe and "not dealt with" the "issue" of
his "latent homosexuality" by overeating. If he had been an alcholic or
drug addict, the "treatment" people would have said the same thing.

Now as far as the "conversion 'therapy'" people go, Chet's overeating is
a good thing. At least he's not acting out his homosexual perversion. And
if you take a look at the "conversation 'therapy'" people, you'll see a lot
of overweights! heh, heh, heh... From their religious right point of view,
it's probably better that Chet eventually die from chronic heart failure
than be a pervert and live in sin! heh, heh, heh...

smiling :-) in River Heights....


no leída,
21 ene 1999, 3:00:0021/1/99
You are having way too much fun.

Mark Johnson

Tom Angi

no leída,
21 ene 1999, 3:00:0021/1/99
RMJ1962 wrote in message <>...

>You are having way too much fun.

Hey, Mark, is this your very best response? heh, heh, heh

You remind me of Mr. Babcock in Auntie Mame, heh, heh, heh.

"Life is a banquet", and it is a real darn shame that some people are
out there trying to make all of us starve!

heh, heh, heh in River Heights

Warren McFerran

no leída,
21 ene 1999, 3:00:0021/1/99
Tom Angi wrote in message <7873ms$9cq$>...

>HooDeeDoo wrote in message
>>>2 - You'll understand why Chet Morton is always so hungry.
>>I don't get it.
> I thought it was a reference to eating disorder theory. Chet could
>"stuffed his feelings" for Frank and Joe and "not dealt with" the "issue"
>his "latent homosexuality" by overeating. If he had been an alcholic or
>drug addict, the "treatment" people would have said the same thing.

No wonder a lot of people didn't understand the comment. It doesn't make


no leída,
21 ene 1999, 3:00:0021/1/99
Ton Angi said:
>You remind me of Mr. Babcock in Auntie Mame, heh, heh, heh

According to her, Mr. Babcock was never in Auntie Mame.
So there.



no leída,
21 ene 1999, 3:00:0021/1/99
>No wonder a lot of people didn't understand the comment. It doesn't make

What would be the point of making sense on this newsgroup?


no leída,
21 ene 1999, 3:00:0021/1/99

I think a better explanation is that Chet Morton simply likes to eat,
just like some people like to pretend to be pschiatric theorists.

Tom Angi

no leída,
21 ene 1999, 3:00:0021/1/99

Warren McFerran wrote in message <787cvb$m84$>...

>Tom Angi wrote in message <7873ms$9cq$>...
>>HooDeeDoo wrote in message
>>>>2 - You'll understand why Chet Morton is always so hungry.
>>>I don't get it.
>> I thought it was a reference to eating disorder theory. Chet could
>>"stuffed his feelings" for Frank and Joe and "not dealt with" the "issue"
>>his "latent homosexuality" by overeating. If he had been an alcholic or
>>drug addict, the "treatment" people would have said the same thing.
>> Now as far as the "conversion 'therapy'" people go, Chet's overeating
>>a good thing. At least he's not acting out his homosexual perversion.
>>if you take a look at the "conversation 'therapy'" people, you'll see a
>>of overweights! heh, heh, heh... From their religious right point of
>>it's probably better that Chet eventually die from chronic heart failure
>>than be a pervert and live in sin! heh, heh, heh...
>>smiling :-) in River Heights....
>No wonder a lot of people didn't understand the comment. It doesn't make

It makes a lot of sense to the Conversion Therapy People! Talk to one
of them. They'll tell you!

First they told us that people *choose* to be gay! Now they are telling
us that being homosexual is *caused* by early childhood trauma--such as an
absent father!

So that means that Dan Burton made the 13-year-old boy he fathered out
of wedlock and refused to even acknowledge a homosexual. Yes, Dan Burton
made his own son a homosexual! Any "conversion therapist" can tell you

Tom Angi

no leída,
21 ene 1999, 3:00:0021/1/99
RMJ1962 wrote in message <>...

>According to her, Mr. Babcock was never in Auntie Mame.
>So there.

Well, well, well--not a very nice thing for a Christian to say!

It looks like *you* are having too much fun....

So there to you! I'm forwarding your post to the Religious Right!

Tom Angi

no leída,
21 ene 1999, 3:00:0021/1/99

Mikesbooks wrote in message
>Who is Dan Burton?

You don't know who Dan Burton is?

>Is he in a Nancy Drew book?

No, he's in the House of Representatives!

>Conversion Therapy seems like 'cult' stuff to me. Those people get all
>fanatical about being 'cured', but then you see the ones on TV who dropped
>and went back to being gay and resent the movement for having duped them .

Come on Mike, Conversion Therapy is the rightwing hope for America!

>It seems folks don't like the idea of Chet perhaps being gay, although no
>has a problem with George Fayne possibly being gay. Maybe because she has a
>boy's name.

Nope, they obviously don't want Chet to be gay. They want him to be a
happy heterosexual fat boy that dies prematurely from chronic congesitive
heart failure. He just loves to eat, heh, heh, heh--the same way people
like to drink themselves to death, just because they like to drink. It's
not a disorder, or disease or anything like that....

If the boys would be allowed to grow up to say--early-to-mid 20s, I
think Chet would finally put the makes on Joe. Chet is in love with Joe.
The irony, here, is that Frank is the gay guy, and Joe's straight. Frank
and Chet just aren't into each other. Frank eventually moves to San
Francisico, and Chet goes back to the farm. Joe stays in River Heights,
trying to figure the whole thing out, and finally takes over Fenton's
detective business. Frank eventually moves in with a butch mechanic that
owns a fancy car repair service South of Market. Chet has a massive heart
attack at age 32 and dies.
>I just don't think Frank and Joe would've hung around with Biff if his name
>Biffette. Nancy Drew is obviously more liberal.

Well, I think that Frank had the hots for Tony Pritto from day number
one! Names really don't have anything to do with it! :-) Now I'm not
saying that it was mutual, mind you. But I *always* suspected Frank of
being different....

J. Michael Click

no leída,
21 ene 1999, 3:00:0021/1/99
Mikesbooks wrote:
> Nancy Drew is obviously more liberal.

Nuh-uh. Two words: Aunt Gertrude. :-)

~ JMichael

Mancini Co

no leída,
22 ene 1999, 3:00:0022/1/99
>I think a better explanation is that Chet Morton simply likes to eat,
>just like some people like to pretend to be pschiatric theorists.

Not only is he obtusely obfuscating, but he's also psychiatricaly theorizing!

Get a hold of yourself, man!



no leída,
22 ene 1999, 3:00:0022/1/99

Who is Dan Burton?

Is he in a Nancy Drew book?

Conversion Therapy seems like 'cult' stuff to me. Those people get all

fanatical about being 'cured', but then you see the ones on TV who dropped out
and went back to being gay and resent the movement for having duped them .

It seems folks don't like the idea of Chet perhaps being gay, although no one

has a problem with George Fayne possibly being gay. Maybe because she has a
boy's name.

It'd be interesting if Chet or another of the Hardys' chums had been given a
girl's name. Oh, say Biff had been named 'Biffette'. But that would have been
unacceptable in a series book - a boy with a girl's name. Yet George was
accepted with the boy's name and thought to be very cool by everyone.

I just don't think Frank and Joe would've hung around with Biff if his name was

Biffette. Nancy Drew is obviously more liberal.


no leída,
22 ene 1999, 3:00:0022/1/99

Who the heck is Mr. Babcock?

Clueless in Cleveland

Tom Angi

no leída,
22 ene 1999, 3:00:0022/1/99
Thought I'd change the header to be more in line with the Silent Minority



no leída,
22 ene 1999, 3:00:0022/1/99
> No, he's in the House of Representatives!

Is that that place they throw peaches?

>Come on Mike, Conversion Therapy is the rightwing hope for America!

Well, they better watch out. It destroyed Anita Bryant's carreer. She'd still
be selling orange juice if she'd had 'credentials'.

>If the boys would be allowed to grow up to say--early-to-mid 20s, I
>think Chet would finally put the makes on Joe. Chet is in love with Joe.
>The irony, here, is that Frank is the gay guy, and Joe's straight.

How does Aunt Gertrude fit into all this?

> Well, I think that Frank had the hots for Tony Pritto from day number

Figures he'd go for the Italian, and not Phil Cohen, the Jew.

Tom Angi

no leída,
22 ene 1999, 3:00:0022/1/99
Mikesbooks wrote in message

>> No, he's in the House of Representatives!
>Is that that place they throw peaches?

No! That's the place where they Impeach Klinton for purely partisan
reasons. If you have the majority in the House, you can overturn the
election of the President from the opposite party. Everybody knows that.
The Dems did it to Regan over and over again--and to Bush too. It's how the
Constitution works. Klinton's the same as Nixon. He broke into the
Republican Party Headquarters and had his own private little secret war in
Nicaragua with taxpayer funds, everybody knows that. It's payback time in
the Culture Wars! It's not just the fact that she's an ugly chub and that it
was oral sex between two consenting adults, it's because she's Jewish!
Everybody knows that too. Oral sex is the same as intercourse! Everybody
knows that too. Just go ask Jesse Helms, who said in the Senate that
heterosexuals cannot commit sodomy. Only homosexuals can commit sodomy,
according to that great, aged "mind". It's just a real good thing that
Monica's not in the military, because they'd throw her out for having
lesbian sex with a man!

Dan Burton is the guy who called Klinton a "scumbag".

It turns out that Burton not only had an adultrous affair, but he had a
son, who recently turned 13, out of wedlock! He never acknowledged the son.
The boy doesn't know who his daddy is. The boy can't tell his friends, hey,
my daddy, works in Washington in the House of Representatives! He can't go
visit his dad and ride the underground trains and stuff like that. He never
got to play ball with his daddy--and not playing ball with your father
causes homosexuality--any conversion therapist can tell you that. Burton
said he pays child support for the boy, and that's enough. He's paying
$20/week, recently up from $15/week. Burton is one of the darlings of the
religious rightwing. So don't say he's an immoral scumbag!

>>If the boys would be allowed to grow up to say--early-to-mid 20s, I
>>think Chet would finally put the makes on Joe. Chet is in love with Joe.
>>The irony, here, is that Frank is the gay guy, and Joe's straight.
>How does Aunt Gertrude fit into all this?

Aunt Gertrude doesn't fit into this at all. She's just a literary
device. Aunt Gertrude had an affair with Harry Houdini in the early 1920s.
The story goes that after that she was satiated for life! She did it all,
and retired to Bayport, pretending to be a prude.

>> Well, I think that Frank had the hots for Tony Pritto from day number
>Figures he'd go for the Italian, and not Phil Cohen, the Jew.

Mike, ethnicity plays no part here! Tony is just a hot and sensual guy,
and Franks fell head over heels for him the first time he saw him. Tony
likes fast boats. So does Frank!

Phil is too repressed to be sensual. It wasn't easy being a Jew in
Bayport in the late 1920s.... His father couldn't join the Bayport Country


no leída,
22 ene 1999, 3:00:0022/1/99
Tom Angi:

> Well, well, well--not a very nice thing for a Christian to say!
> It looks like *you* are having too much fun....

I ALWAYS have fun when I realize I have driven a liberal to a state of
gibbering blather. Calm down and wipe the slobber off your chin Tom.

Mark Johnson


no leída,
22 ene 1999, 3:00:0022/1/99
>It wasn't easy being a Jew in
>Bayport in the late 1920s.... His father couldn't join the Bayport Country

When I was a boy in the 1950's and reading all the series books I could get my
hands on, parts of Shaker Heights, which at that time was the wealthiest city
in the USA, did not allow Jews in. So they all moved next door to Beachwood,
which is now about 90% Jewish. Now the conservative Jews there are fighting
with those extreme Orthodox ones. The Orthodox want to build more temples and a
high school. The conservative ones feel the city is already Jewish enough
without more of the same.

You're right. Even amongst the same ethnic group, it has nothing to do with
ethnicity. It's all about power and who's gonna control who.

It'd be like the people in Little Italy complaining that a few more pizza
parlors would make the neighborhood TOO Italian. Which, of course, they
wouldn't care, because the more pizza the better!

Steve Cupp

no leída,
22 ene 1999, 3:00:0022/1/99
a Mikesbooks
To Whom It May Concern: Would you please be so kind as to remove my email from
your mailing list. I would appreciate this very much. Thanking you in advance for
your cooperation in this matter.


no leída,
23 ene 1999, 3:00:0023/1/99
>To Whom It May Concern: Would you please be so kind as to remove my email
>your mailing list. I would appreciate this very much. Thanking you in
>advance for
>your cooperation in this matter.

newbies ar soooooo annoying!

Bob Finnan
Series Book Central
Hardy Boys Page
Tom Swift Page

Tom Angi

no leída,
24 ene 1999, 3:00:0024/1/99
RMJ1962 wrote in message <>...

My chin, Mark, is always dry. Just don't let the slobber on your chin
splatter on others!

Tom Angi

no leída,
24 ene 1999, 3:00:0024/1/99
Hardyboy01 wrote in message
>newbies ar soooooo annoying!

I *agree*!!!! His e-mail handle says it all!



Tom Angi

no leída,
24 ene 1999, 3:00:0024/1/99
RMJ1962 wrote in message <>...
>Tom Angi:
>> Well, well, well--not a very nice thing for a Christian to say!
>> It looks like *you* are having too much fun....
>I ALWAYS have fun when I realize I have driven a liberal to a state of
>gibbering blather. Calm down and wipe the slobber off your chin Tom.
>Mark Johnson

It's not just the fact that I don't have slobber on *my* chin, Mark, but
I don't consider myself a *liberal*. I've always been a political centrist.

I do realize when lined up in the same newsgroup with
ultra-conservative, as-far-right-as-you-can-go extremists like you, I might
look *liberal*. I also don't resort to name-calling until the right-wing
loonie starts slinging dirt.

The only blather I see is all that white stuff on you CCC chin. And the
blather is a carbon copy of the blather that spews out daily from the mouths
of the so-called "social conservatives" you mimick. And that so-called
"social conservative" blather has very dangerous, rampant and rabid racism
and homophobia at its core.

You're losing the Culture Wars. Are you goind to blow up another Federal
building to make up for lost time?


no leída,
25 ene 1999, 3:00:0025/1/99
>that so-called
>"social conservative" blather has very dangerous, rampant and rabid racism
>and homophobia at its core.

Well, look at how much they hate Clinton who embraced blacks and gays and had
bad sex with a Jew. They have much to fear in a society not totally controlled
by upper class white WASPS.

Somebody not like them might get too close them, poor things.


no leída,
26 ene 1999, 3:00:0026/1/99
Tom Angi stated:

> It's not just the fact that I don't have slobber on *my* chin, Mark, but
>I don't consider myself a *liberal*. I've always been a political centrist.
> I do realize when lined up in the same newsgroup with
>ultra-conservative, as-far-right-as-you-can-go extremists like you, I might
>look *liberal*. I also don't resort to name-calling until the right-wing
>loonie starts slinging dirt.
> The only blather I see is all that white stuff on you CCC chin. And the
>blather is a carbon copy of the blather that spews out daily from the mouths
>of the so-called "social conservatives" you mimick. And that so-called

>"social conservative" blather has very dangerous, rampant and rabid racism
>and homophobia at its core.
>You're losing the Culture Wars. Are you goind to blow up another Federal
>building to make up for lost time?

I called you names? Lets take a look at your lovely post.
In it you called me:
A. an "extremist"
B. a "loonie"

You by implication suggested:
A. I and/or my words are "dangerous"
B. I and/or my words are "racist"
C. I and/or my words are "homophobic"
D. I have blown up a "Federal building"
E. I am likely to blow up another "Federal building"

And you make reference to my "CCC chin".

Admitedly I don't really know what that means but I suspect it was not meant as
a compliment.

The only "name" I ever called you was "liberal". Apparently that hurt you
deeply, so I forthwith apoligize.

What you are really upset about is that I have the temerity, the utter gall, to

Afterall, hasn't all the work of the left wing over the past 30 years been
about shuting down the the free expression of ideas that conflict with the
agenda? And now this uncouth conservative DARES to speak his mind?

Kill him! Or at least discredit him by accusing him of things he has never
done, said, or even thought, for he is DANGEROUS!!!!!

And by the way, I am not losing "the culture war" because I am not fighting it.
That seems to be your obsession and specialty.

Poor Tom.

Mark Johnson


no leída,
26 ene 1999, 3:00:0026/1/99
>D. I have blown up a "Federal building"
>E. I am likely to blow up another "Federal building"

You forgot some!

A. I am blowing up a Federal Building.
B. I did blow up a Federal Building.
C. I will blow up a Federal Building.
F. I shall have blown up a Federal Building.
G. Caesar and his troops were to have blown up a Federal Building. (After, of
course, they reconnoiter!)

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