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How to qualify the lonely baobab from the island of Penang - as a proof of lies or just as a proof of ignorance of the monopolistic science?

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Sep 14, 2011, 6:24:33 PM9/14/11
The philosophy of totalizm teaches us, that "without learning truths
there is NO progress". But in fact truths turn out to be very
difficult to learn. After all, the humanity managed to almost make
extinct such kinds of people who had the courage to tell or to write
truths. As an example of our lack of knowledge of truths, let us
consider the so called "monopole". Only the science of economy still
timidly reminds us that monopoles are so bad for the humanity, that if
they manage to infest the economy of any country, then they ruin this
country. After all, they cause lowering of production, increase of
prices, destruction of food - as this is explained e.g. in item #D5 of
the totaliztic web page named "fruit.htm", etc., etc. But it still
remains unknown to a majority of people whether consequences of other
kinds of monopoles are equally destructive as consequences of economic
monopoles? Does for example, the political fall-down of many countries
stem from the fact that their leaders and governments found a manner
of maintaining their monopole for the political power for too long? Or
whether the present extensive fall-down of our civilisation and the
arrival of the "neo-medieval epoch" is caused by the fact that the
official human science (by some people called also the "atheistic
orthodox science") keeps its "monopole for knowledge" much too long
and that until the time of official formation of the new "totaliztic
science" this old orthodox science in fact has NO-one who would "look
it at hands" and check its monopolistic behaviours and activities?

In order to learn the truth about the destructive influence of the
"monopole for knowledge" of this "atheistic orthodox science" to-date,
one would need to catch it "red-handed" on intentional telling lies to
maintain and to extend its monopole. Unfortunately, without an
official establishing a "competitive" towards it "totaliztic science",
which would check and correct every claim of this monopolistic
official science, such catching "red-handed" on telling lies is almost
impossible. After all, how for example catch the official science on
discouraging alternative views by telling people untruth that
supposedly "God does NOT exist" - in spite that there is a wealth of
scientific evidence which confirm that "God does exist" (a part of
which evidence and proofs the new totaliztic science published,
amongst others, on the web page named "god_proof.htm")? Or how to
catch the official science on undermining the credibility of religions
by spreading untruth that the entire universe come to existence from
nothing in the result of a "big bang" - while simultaneously the
agreeable with religions process of eventuation of the physical
universe, described in subsections A1 to A6 of the monograph [1/5]
(disseminated free of charge via the totaliztic web page named
"text_1_5.htm") and confirmed in (5) from item #C12 of the web page
"bible.htm", reveals that the visible "matter" of the universe was
intelligently created from the invisible "counter-matter" (which
counter-matter existed since infinitively long time)? Or how to catch
the official science on the blocking of recognition of the new
"totaliztic science" through promoting a false assumption that the
"gravity field is a monopolar field" – in spite that the so-called
"Concept of Dipolar Gravity" (described briefly, amongst others, on
the web page named "dipolar_gravity.htm") already in 1985 has proven
formally that this assumption is false?

But as it turns out, there are various truths which can be
definitively verified, but about which the "atheistic orthodox
science" to-date also and still tells untruth to naive people. As an
example of these let us consider the matter of pollination and
procreation of baobab trees.

The matter of pollination and procreation of flowers and trees, is NOT
only elementary, but also it is researched by entire crowds of present
expensive atheistic orthodox scientists. So we are believing that in
this matter there are NO puzzles left, while scientists so heavily
subsidised from our taxes know already practically everything on this
subject. Thus no-one is surprised by nonchalant statements of these
scientists, that commonly known African trees called "baobabs", are
pollinated at nights NOT by wind or insects, but by "fruit bats".
After all, in spite that "bats" are rather unusual kinds of
"pollinators", this information with the high impression of certainty
is published by present scientists literally in hundreds of works and
sources - e.g. the reader can find it in almost every web page devoted
to baobabs. However, the truth is such, that this claim is just a
"huge pile of lies or incompetence". In reality baobabs are NOT
pollinated as scientists claim it, nor procreate in the way as science
describes this to us. In fact, the official human science (i.e. the
science which by some is called the "atheistic orthodox science")
still does NOT have any clue how baobabs really are pollinated and how
they really procreate. (More information about this old "atheistic
orthodox science", which still desperately clings to its absolute
"monopole for knowledge" - although uses just a single, highly
limited, and erroneous approach to research by philosophers called "a
posteriori", the reader can learn from item #A2.6 of the web page
"totalizm.htm", item #C1 of the web page named "telekinetics.htm",
item #J2 of the web page named "pajak_jan_uk.htm", and items #F1.1 to
#F3 of the web page named "god_exists.htm". Reading that information
the reader will learn a bitter truth explained more comprehensively in
item #C1 of the web page "cooking.htm", namely that "all problems of
our civilisation are secondary consequences of the fatal 'monopole for
knowledge' so possessively held by the 'atheistic orthodox science' to
date".) There is even an illustrative proof which everyone can check,
and which documents that "fruit bats do NOT pollinate baobabs". For
the use of readers, I am going to describe now this proof.

On the Malaysian island of Penang lives a lonely, large, single
baobab, over 140 years old - see a photograph of it shown as "Fig.
#C1ab" from the web page named "cooking.htm". One can find this baobab
in the middle of a rondo especially build over there to protect it on
the junction of three streets named "Jalan Macalister", "Jalan
Residensi" and "Jalan Pangkor". About this baobab from the Malaysian
island of Penang a lot of legends and funny stories is told, e.g. that
it was brought to Penang and planted in there by a strange traveller
with capabilities of the famous "magician" named David Copperfield, or
that when it rapidly releases the excess of water accumulated in its
tissues then local people believe a miracle happens and pray to it
(supposedly then their prayers are even answered). But the most
mysterious attribute of that lonely baobab from the Malaysian island
of Penang is, that in spite of blooming generously, it never produces
fruits from which its descendants could grow. In the result, until
today it has NOT produced a descendant in Malaysia. This its inability
to multiply is also a document of the ignorance of present scientists.
Namely, present "atheistic orthodox scientists" complacent in their
armchairs (as they are described in items #F1 to #F3 from a separate
web page named "god_exists.htm", and also reminded in item #D3 of the
web page named "cooking.htm"), nonchalantly express unverified
opinion, that in order to pollinate baobabs, suffices that fruit bats
feed at night on their flowers. However, on the island of Penang live
tropical fruit bats and for sure many of them feed on flowers of the
discussed baobab. But still this baobab remains not pollinated and
still it does NOT produce fruits capable of generating new trees. In
other words, similarly as this is the case with humans, in order to
produce descendants, probably are necessary at least two unrelated
baobab trees - which mutually for each other perform functions of a
husband and wife (i.e. perform male and female functions). So in this
matter, baobabs clearly are similar to trees of Malaysian "durian"
fruit (i.e. the fruit described in item #G1 of the web page named
"fruit.htm") - which also can multiply and produce fruits only if
close to each other grow at least two mutually unrelated durian trees.
So when a next time we read ignorant claims of present "atheistic
orthodox scientists" on the subject of pollination of baobabs by
tropical fruit bats, it is worth to have in memory this lonely baobab
tree from Penang, which produces flowers and which is visited by fruit
bats, but because there is no male tree around to fertilise these
flowers, thus, unfortunately, even after over 140 years of flowering
it still failed to produce fruits - thus until today it remains in
Malaysia without having its own descendants.

* * *

Descriptions and photographs of the lonely baobab from the island of
Penang, from which the above post was adopted, originally are
published in item #C2 of the totaliztic web page named
"cooking.htm" (update of 1st September 2011, or later), and also
briefly repeated in item #F4.4 from the web page named
"stawczyk_uk.htm". Thus, reading the above descriptions would be even
more effective from that web page "cooking.htm" than from this post,
as on the web page are working all (green) links to other related web
pages with additional explanations, it is printed in colour, it is
supported with illustrations, the content of it is updated regularly,
etc. The latest update of the web page "cooking.htm" can be viewed,
amongst others, at addresses (while looking at these web pages notice
meaningful difficulties with viewing them): or alias:
(which always links to the most important amongst current updates)
Notice that every above web site should contain all totaliztic web
pages, including pages "text_1_5.htm" with free copies of monograph
[1/5] which is an "official textbook" of the "totaliztic science". But
I would recommend to download this [1/5] from the address where this monograph is updated the
most frequently.

It is also worth to know, that almost each new topic that I am
researching with "a priori" approach of the new "totaliztic science",
including this one, is repeated in all mirror blogs of totalizm still
in existence (the above topic is repeated in there as the post number
#205E). In past there were 5 such blogs. At the moment only two blogs
of totalizm still remain undeleted by adversaries of the new
"totaliztic science" and the moral philosophy of totalizm. These can
be viewed at following internet addresses: or alias:
It is also worth to have look in there at related posts, e.g. at posts
number #205E to #200E, #195E, #171E and #151E - which also discuss the
incompetence and errors of the old official science in solving the
most burning problems of our present civilisation.

With the totaliztic salute,
Jan Pajak


Oct 8, 2011, 1:39:21 AM10/8/11
> (which always links to the most important amongst current updates)
> Notice that every above web site should contain all totaliztic web
> pages, including pages "text_1_5.htm" with free copies of monograph
> [1/5] which is an "official textbook" of the "totaliztic science". But
> I would recommend to download this [1/5] from the address where this monograph is updated the
> most frequently.
> It is also worth to know, that almost each new topic that I am
> researching with "a priori" approach of the new "totaliztic science",
> including this one, is repeated in all mirror blogs of totalizm still
> in existence (the above topic is repeated in there as the post number
> #205E). In past there were 5 such blogs. At the moment only two blogs
> of totalizm still remain undeleted by adversaries of the new
> "totaliztic science" and the moral philosophy of totalizm. These can
> be viewed at following internet addresses:http://totalizm.wordpress.comor alias:http://blog.zs.pl
> It is also worth to have look in there at related posts, e.g. at posts
> number #205E to #200E, #195E, #171E and #151E - which also discuss the
> incompetence and errors of the old official science in solving the
> most burning problems of our present civilisation.
> With the totaliztic salute,
> Jan Pajak

1 moment, please!
First and foremost, your whole discourse start from the erroneous
position of something you name Science or groups of scientists
said this and that, while there is only one fact: science is the
study of Nature, and what is not shown there, just cannot exist
Now, to retale your tale, you start positioning a whole world of
nothingness with a king over it all, you name God. Which is your
proof of it? Just ideas. Nothing material and consistent- you must
show your god. You must show your spirit flying above. You cannot
compete with logic and then you are living in the old time when people
gather in the night to think about this and that without going out
to measure, take the weight of it, the distance, the color, etc.
The times when people gather to talk without proof is over.
Now, I concur with you that we would be really better positioned in
this planet if those spirits of thin air were guarding (or pestering)
saving us from this and that. Preventing our death from earthquakes,
tsunamis, sinking boats, landslides, war and other catastrophes, but
as you can read on any newspaper and here in the Internet, there are
all of those catastrophes and a dozen more, and people is dying,
bad things occurring and religious people sending drones, tanks,
bombs, soldiers to kill here and there, and nothing stops the
turmoil because there is nobody up there, except, of course, the guys
at the ISS.
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