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Lovestyles and Astrology

1 prikaz
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18. velj 2003. 21:27:0918. 02. 2003.
Measuring Six Basic Styles of Love

Listed below are sample items from Hendrick and Hendrick's love scale, which
was designed to measure the six styles of love identified by Lee (1977, 1988).
Read through the various items and think about your current or past
relationships. Which style or styles characterize
each of these relationships. According to Lee, people could experience many
different styles of love during their lives.


Pluto, Leo
Mars, Fire Element

1. My lover and I were attracted to each other immediately after we first
2. Our lovemaking is very intense and satisfying.
3. My lover fits my ideal standards of physical beauty/handsomeness.


Jupiter, Fire
Mercury, Gemini

1. I try to keep my lover a little uncertain about my commitment to him/her.
2. I have sometimes had to keep two of my lovers from finding out about each
3. I enjoy playing the "game of love' with a number of different partners.


Uranus, Air Element

1. It is hard to say exactly when my lover and I fell in love. (Our
friendship merged gradually into love over time.)
2. Love is really a deep friendship, not a mysterious, mystical emotion.
3. My most satisfying love relationships have developed from good


Earth Element

1. I consider what a person is going to become in life before I commit myself
to him/her.
2. I try to plan my life carefully before choosing a lover.
3. A main consideration in choosing a lover is how he/she reflects on my


Fire, Uranus

1. Sometimes I get so excited about being in love that I can't sleep.
2. When I am in love, I have trouble concentrating on anything else.
3. If my lover ignores me for a while, I sometimes do stupid things to get
his/her attention back.


Water, Neptune

1. I would rather suffer myself than let my lover suffer.
2. I cannot be happy unless I place my lover's happiness before my own.
3. I would endure all things for the sake of my lover.

Source: Adapted from C. Hendrick & S. Hendrick, 1986.

Astrological Correlations: Edmond H. Wollmann

Also there are love types, which can be correlated as well;
Love as a Triangle (Sternberg 1988) conceives of different kinds of love being
a Intimacy combination of the three basic (liking)components of intimacy,
passion, and commitment.

Romantic Companionate love (intimacy + G / + commitment)

Passion Commitment (infatuation)(empty love)

Fatuous love (passion +commitment)

Robert Sternberg ( 1986, 1988) has proposed that love can be thought of as a
triangle, with its three corners consisting of the three components of passion,
intimacy, and commitment According to Sternberg, all kinds of love are made up
of different combinations and
proportions of these components:

Liking: the experience of intimacy without passion and commitment
(e.g., friendship)

Infatuated love: the experience of passion without intimacy and commitment
(e.g., "puppy love")

Empty love: the experience of commitment without passion and intimacy
(e.g., stagnant marriages)

Romantic love: the experience of passion and intimacy without commitment
(e.g., extramarital affairs)

Companionate love: the experience of intimacy and commitment without passion
(e.g., many long-term, happy marriages)

Fatuous love: the experience of passion plus commitment without intimacy
(e.g., love at first sight)

Consummate Love: the experience of intimacy, passion, and commitment
(good luck!)

Although Sternberg's theory appears to capture the richness and diversity of
the love experience, its weakness is that the scales used to measure passion,
intimacy, and commitment
don't appear to measure distinct, independent components (Hendrick & Hendrick,
Until this measurement problem is corrected, we cannot confidently assess
how useful this
theory is in helping us better understand the various love types. "Social
Psychology", Stephen L. Franzoi, Chapter 9, Intimate relationships, page 364,
Marquette University, 1996.

"Infatuation is when you think he's as sexy as Robert Redford, as smart as
Henry Kissenger, as noble as Ralph Nader, as funny as Woody Allen, and as
atheletic as Jimmy Connors.
Love is when you realize that he's as sexy as Woody Allen, as smart as Jimmy
Connors, as funny as Ralph Nader, as atheletic as Henry Kissenger, and nothing
like Robert Redford in any category-but you'll take him anyway." (quoted by
Hatfield & Rapson, 1993, Social Psychology, Stephen Franzoi)

Edmond H. Wollmann P.M.A.F.A.
(c) 2003 Altair Publications, SAN 299-5603
Astrological Consulting


18. velj 2003. 22:43:3818. 02. 2003.

EHWollmann wrote:

> Measuring Six Basic Styles of

Screed. So, where's my lawsuit?


18. velj 2003. 22:54:0018. 02. 2003.
u (EHWollmann) wrote in

> Measuring Six Basic Styles of Love[slap!]

Still the same old screed, codger? Where's my fucking lawsuit, asshole?

You suspect incorrectly, I am the most stable person on the
planet. - Edmond Wollkook breaking Irony Meters worldwide.
Cujo - The Official Overseer of Kooks and Trolls in
alt.paranormal, alt.astrology and alt.astrology.metapsych.
Winner of the August, 2000 HL&S award. Hail Petitmorte!
Fanatic Legion # 555-PLNTY
Rank: Colonel


19. velj 2003. 00:20:4719. 02. 2003.
Yes, but Ed, can you tell me about those crazy, insane Scorpios?

Once they find out I like them they act like they fucking OWN me!



19. velj 2003. 13:41:0219. 02. 2003.
In article <>,

Edmond "Pantyhead" Wollmann <> wrote:

>Measuring Six Basic Styles of Love

1. "EAT SHIT YOU UGLY BITCH!!!!!!" -ehw

2. "She hired someone to do it." -ehw

3. "I have been the man in many women's lives." -ehw

4. "First day on campus! AAAAAiiiiiiieeeeee! 30,000 femininas! So little
time!!!!" -ehw

5. "Anticipation of interaction with me is enough to make most women squishy" -ehw

6. "She is the shitball." -ehw



19. velj 2003. 14:38:4219. 02. 2003.
u (EHWollmann) wrote in

> Measuring Six Basic Styles of Love

1."She gave me nothing-I on the other hand gave her a nice pair of tweety
bird panties, a nice silk get up, and a camping trip to look at the real
constellation of Scorpio."

2."Nope, one of the complaints of most women is that I am TOO charming."

3."I like feminine women"

4."She must real unsightly I guess."

5."By the way I only spent 3 days with this bitch for her to stalk me for

6."I can see why you have difficulty understanding why I am a babe

Way to charm the panties off the wimmenfolk, Eddieeeee. Too bad that I
hear you're too flaccid to do anything about it.


19. velj 2003. 16:44:4919. 02. 2003.
On 19 Feb 2003 02:27:09 GMT, in message
<<>>, EHWollmann
<> spleniated...

Edmond 'Fucknuts' Wollmann's 'lovestyle'.

1> Offer the bitch a chart reading.
2> If the bitch wants more, give her a 'cut rate'.
3> If the bitch is dissatisfied with your plagarized material,
offer more in exchange for a 'loan'.
4> Try to make sure the bitch has some money, so cash is available
AND if she acts up later, she can be slagged off to her bitch
friends, who might also have some money.
5> Convince the bitch to tell you all her problems in detail.
That's always good blackmail material.
6> Explain to the bitch that you are from Arcturus and everything is
in her head.
7> Explain to the bitch that astrological healing requires hot
monkey sex, or at least, sex with you.
8> When you can't get it up when you go to screw the bitch, try
putting a pair of panties on your head.
9> If the bitch gets mouthy about your inadequacies, explain to the
bitch why she's a moron.
10> Most bitches don't stick around this far, but if they do, they
must be big suckers. Ask for another 'loan'. Rinse, repeat.
If they're out of money, move on.
(If she's poor) > If the bitch refuses to behave, explain to her
that her 'loan' is now a 'gift'!
(If the bitch hasn't fallen in line ever) > Harass her ISP with
Dial-a-Prayer calls for hours of Christian fun!
(If the bitch has money but leaves)> Repost the bitch's email
endlessly until she comes back and gives you another loan.

['Just so, fucknuts.']

"We oughta tell 'em th' whole Army don't look like us, Joe."
Give me Liberty or give me a nice house in France from whence I
can hunt some Liberty down. Or you can eat lead. Get off my wave.
Two|Riven against a Black Sun|six|...that which we are we are|One

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