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An object can not be in two positions at once. Normally, you don't expect your car to be parked at two sites. Having a car parked at more than one location at the same time would be most tricky. Besides, parking a car at one location only saves money while making it easier to find. Come on, nobody parks any car in two locations at once, so cut the crap: you never had any zodiac at all, both of you.

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Academic Zodiac

Sep 2, 2011, 11:35:19 AM9/2/11
An object can not be in two positions at once. Normally, you don't expect
your car to be parked at two sites. Having a car parked at more than one
location at the same time would be most tricky. Besides, parking a car at
one location only saves money while making it easier to find. Come on,
nobody parks any car in two locations at once, so cut the crap: you never
had any zodiac at all, both of you.

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