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Facts LNT'ers Simply *Hate* (#3)

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David Von Pein

Jan 24, 2007, 1:38:50 AM1/24/07

>>> "The BOH photo contradicts the Autopsy Report. Of course, it also
contradicts over 40 eyewitnesses - but LNT'ers will argue that *all* of
them were simply mistaken.

But they are forced to accept the Autopsy Report, and it *clearly* places
the large head wound 'largely in the Parietal, but extending somewhat into
the Occipital and Temporal' (as I recall the language.

But no LNT'er yet has been able to point to any part of the Occipital
*NOT* seen in the BOH photo. The autopsy report clearly states that the
large wound was 'devoid of bone and scalp' - yet this is simply *not* seen
in the BOH photo." <<<



I cannot deny that I'm puzzled and concerned by the number of witnesses
(mostly Parkland Hospital witnesses) who have gone on record to say they
saw a gaping hole in the back of President Kennedy's head that day back in

But I'm also curious as to HOW so many people at Parkland Hospital in
Dallas were of this singular opinion when JFK was in a prone (supine)
position, flat on his back, the entire time he was in the emergency room?
It seems to me as though Kennedy would have been literally lying on the
wound that so many people said was in the very back part of his head. Very

But in order to believe the several "BOH" wound witnesses, we are also (at
the very same time) being forced to DISbelieve and completely disregard an
enormous amount of the official, documented evidence in the JFK murder
case (and at the same time assume that a large number of people, within
various organizations, told numerous lies with respect to the facts
surrounding Kennedy's death and also faked evidence to support a
Lone-Assassin conclusion).

I ask -- Is that type of conspiratorial belief any MORE logical than the
LNers who disbelieve the witnesses who support a large wound in the back
of JFK's head?

If JFK had a massive hole in the back of his head at Parkland and at
Bethesda Medical Center on the night he was autopsied, then we must
totally trash the official autopsy report (signed by all three primary
doctors who performed that post-mortem exam on the President). In such a
conspiracy-favoring scenario, all three of those doctors MUST be scheming,
low-life liars, who didn't hesitate to sign off on the most important
document any of them would ever sign, even though they had to know the
report was nothing but a pack of lies.

If that large hole was at the back of JFK's head, we've also got to
swallow the notion that a large amount of the ballistics evidence in the
case is dead wrong and was deliberately falsified by an unknown number of
people who served the "cover-up" very well. Or, short of believing that
theory, we'd have to believe that a "magical" thing occurred just after
JFK was shot from the front, and that all of those frontal-shot bullets
(however many there might have been that struck President Kennedy) just
vanished on their own without the aid of any conspirators' handiwork.

In order to believe in a JFK conspiracy, we'd probably also have to
believe that every member of the Warren Commission panel was up to no
good, with all of these guys rigging the Warren Report to paint Lee Oswald
as a sole assassin (and the lone killer of Dallas city policeman J.D.
Tippit as well).

And in such a "conspiracy mindset", it would also almost assuredly mean
that many, many members of the House Select Committee On Assassinations in
the late 1970s were also no-good, lying SOBs too -- because that committee
came to the same basic conclusion that the Warren boys did in 1964, when
it came down to the question of: "How Many Bullets Struck The Victims; And
Who Fired Those Shots?" .... With the answers being: only 2 shots hit any
of the victims in the President's limousine; both of those bullets came
from behind the vehicle; and Lee Harvey Oswald fired those shots from the
Texas School Book Depository Building.

Do the "BOH Wound" witnesses really trump the hard, physical evidence in
the JFK case? Because if it truly does, then a whole bunch of OTHER STUFF
sure worked out in perfect apple-pie order for these unidentified
conspirators who mapped out that amazing multi-shooter plot to kill the

Did the "real assassins" really get THAT LUCKY with respect to all of the
physical evidence (i.e., guns, bullets, shells, and fingerprints), which
ALL adds up to ONLY Lee Harvey Oswald's guilt in the murders of Jack
Kennedy and J.D. Tippit?

Is it even remotely possible that a group of plotters could have
pre-arranged such a perfect "It Was Only Oswald" plot (save for those
"BOH" wound witnesses), while at the same time utilizing multiple gunmen
hidden throughout Dealey Plaza?

The number of people who needed to be "in" on such a massive
after-the-shooting cover-up operation must have been staggering. ....
Extending from the Dallas Police, to the FBI, to the Secret Service, to
the Dallas doctors who attended both JFK and wounded Texas Governor John
Connally (doctors who must have hidden some of the bullets from view,
surely!), to the scumbags at Bethesda doing the botched autopsy and then
faking the official autopsy report (a report which states, unequivocally,
that Kennedy was shot twice from mention of any frontal shots
at all striking the President). .....

"It is our opinion that the deceased died as a result of two perforating
gunshot wounds inflicted by high-velocity projectiles fired by a person or
persons unknown. The projectiles were fired from a point behind and
somewhat above the level of the deceased." -- Via Page 6 of John F.
Kennedy's Official "Pathological Examination (Autopsy) Report"

People who wish to believe that President Kennedy received the fatal blow
to his head as a result of a gunshot from the Grassy Knoll in Dealey Plaza
should ask themselves a thought-provoking question regarding the above
paragraph I just provided from the 1963 autopsy report.

That question being ----

Is it reasonable to believe that all three of those autopsy physicians
would have possessed a desire to attach their signatures to an
incredibly-important document like the official autopsy report of the
President of the United States, all the while knowing full well that the
conclusions they reached within that document they had just signed were
complete, outright lies? Is that truly a "logical" thing to believe with
respect to Drs. Humes, Finck, and Boswell?

What a perfect all-inclusive "Let's Frame Oswald" plot it must have been
(per many conspiracists) -- to have been able to wangle signatures out of
ALL THREE of those autopsy doctors....even though the doctors KNOW what
they're signing isn't true at all; and they know without question that
that "Report" they've signed-off on would probably be more at home on a
roller in their bathrooms!

And then (as if signing and fully endorsing an obviously-inaccurate
autopsy report isn't bad enough) -- All of these doctors then must have
been forced to follow up their initial falsification of the autopsy report
by lying about the true nature of JFK's wounds whenever they spoke of the
matter to anyone .... for years and years on end, including during their
sworn testimony in front of the WC, the HSCA, and the ARRB. An amazing and
comprehensive decades-long cover-up that is still continuing to this day

And that's precisely one of the biggest reasons to know why such a
large-scale JFK conspiracy never could have possibly happened (or have
been covered-up so beautifully) in the grandiose fashion that many CTers
champion. Because only Houdini could have masterminded such
sleight-of-hand magic and such indomitable powers of unrelenting influence
and domination over so many different people (within various official and
unofficial capacities) in 1963, and for all eternity thereafter.

Back to reality now.......

The documented evidence that exists surrounding the 1963 murder of
President John F. Kennedy does NOT indicate "conspiracy". Not even close.
Let's have a quick look:

1.) Three bullet shells are discovered in the Book Depository's "Sniper's
Nest" by police (shells that positively came from the rifle of Lee Harvey

2.) A bullet ("Commission Exhibit 399") is found in Parkland Hospital; and
CE399 is a bullet which just happened to also come from the rifle of Lee
H. Oswald.

3.) Two large bullet fragments (also from Oswald's rifle "to the
exclusion") are found inside the very vehicle which was being occupied by
John F. Kennedy when he was killed by rifle fire on the afternoon of

4.) Lee Harvey Oswald's fingerprints are all over the "Sniper's Nest"
area, including his prints on a paper bag THAT HAD NO LEGITIMATE AND
DEPOSITORY OPERATIONS. (A very important point, IMO.)

5.) Eyewitnesses who place Lee Oswald (or someone who looked remarkably
similar to him) in the Sniper's Nest at the exact moment JFK was being
assassinated via rifle fire (or just seconds prior to the murder).

6.) Oswald's actions after leaving his workplace on 11/22/63; e.g.:

6a.) Oswald leaves work three minutes after the American President is
gunned down right in front of his place of employment (and lies about why
he did so, with his excuse of "I figured there would be no more work
today" being one that won't make the grade, even via "CT" standards --
because of WHEN he actually left -- 12:33 PM; there is no way, at that
time, he could have KNOWN he could just leave without getting permission
first from one of his bosses, Bill Shelley or Roy Truly; which is
permission he never obtained).

6b.) Oswald rushes into his roominghouse on North Beckley Avenue, grabs a
jacket and a revolver, and quickly leaves.

6c.) Oswald shoots and kills police officer J.D. Tippit with a handgun at
approximately 1:14 PM on Tenth Street.

6d.) Oswald is seen acting and looking "funny" (suspicious) by shoe-store
employee Johnny C. Brewer just minutes after the Tippit slaying.

6e.) Oswald punches in the face and attempts to kill another of Dallas'
finest within the Texas Theater.

6f.) Oswald's comments made in the theater: "This is it!" and/or "It's all
over now!" ... Now, can some CTer come up with a good and reasonable "He's
Innocent Of Killing Anyone" explanation for Oswald having said those two
phrases -- or even just one of them -- just as the police approach him in
the theater on November 22nd? Good luck trying, because Oswald's "It's all
over now!" has "consciousness of guilt" stamped all over it.

7.) Oswald's continual lies to the police and to the American people VIA
LIVE TELEVISION after his arrest .... e.g., "I didn't shoot anyone" and
"They've taken me in because of the fact I lived in the Soviet Union; I'm
just a patsy!", among gobs of other provable falsehoods spouted by LHO.

8.) And let's not forget this not-so-trivial little item --- Oswald's
Mannlicher-Carcano rifle (proven to have been used to kill JFK without a
shred of a doubt) is found on the Depository's sixth floor at 1:22 PM on
November 22nd -- the very same rifle that just happened to turn up missing
in Ruth Paine's garage that very same day.

And what do conspiracy theorists have in their "Physical Evidence Of A
Conspiracy/Multiple Shooters" basket? (Stuff like "guns", "bullets",
"shell casings", "clothing fibers", and/or "eyewitnesses who positively
identified a specific human being to the exclusion of all other humans as
being the killer of both JFK and Officer Tippit"? How much of that kind of
stuff is on the CT table to date?)

Answer: None. Not a scrap. And there never has been.

The above batch of "single-assassin evidence" (with all of this evidence
spelling out "Oswald is a murdering and lying President-killing,
cop-killing piece of filth") means little to hardline CTers, I know. But,
in reality, that's of little consequence, and always has been. Because
what theorists WANT to believe regarding this evidence is meaningless --
because, like it or not, THAT'S the physical evidence CTers must deal with
(and somehow squirm their way out of in order to paint Oswald as an
innocent "Patsy" on 11/22/1963 AD).

And the "Hole-In-The-Back-Of-The-Head" witnesses do not come close to
trumping all of the above evidence. They can't. No matter how many there
are. Because there's too much OTHER STUFF on the "LN/LHO" table that is
telling us that those witnesses cannot possibly be correct regarding the
precise location of President Kennedy's head wound; and too many OTHER
PEOPLE who would all have to be included in the category of
"co-conspirators" in order for the back of JFK's head to be missing -- way
too many to believe such a plot could have possibly been successful.

But, thankfully, there are people like Dale Myers, Larry Sturdivan, and
Vincent Bugliosi around who DO still put some value on the physical
evidence in the JFK and J.D. Tippit murder cases, instead of merely
screaming "It MUST all have been faked (somehow)", which is nonsense of
the first order, of course, when considering the totality and perfect
"LN/LHO Cohesiveness" of such a huge basket of would-be "faked" evidence
(in both the Kennedy and Tippit cases).

Ignoring (or deeming as "all phony") the above batch of "One Assassin
Named Oswald" evidence is about as silly an exercise as believing that
some dumbbell plotters tried to frame a lone "patsy" by shooting up Dealey
Plaza from every conceivable angle. THAT goofball plan should have
everybody laughing out loud (even the CTers). But, remarkably, many
conspiracy theorists have latched on to that "Patsy" theory and won't let
go of it, despite its obvious implausibilities.

As I said before, I cannot fully explain the strange "BOH" tale that has
been told by so many Parkland (and Bethesda) people since 1963. But I'm
certainly not willing to insult the basic intelligence of multiple
professional medical technicians, doctors, and nurses by speculating (as
author Jim Moore does in his book "Conspiracy Of One") that NONE of these
people could tell the SIDE of a patient's head from the BACK of his
cranium. That's just crazy, IMO.

If I were to hazard a guess as to why (and how) so many different
observers could all see the same (wrong) thing re. JFK's head wound, I'd
say it's possibly due to the fact that the massive amount of blood coming
from the President's large wound on the right side of his head was pooling
toward the BACK of his head while he was resting flat on his back on the
hospital stretcher, creating the incorrect impression to the observers
that the wound was located where the greatest amount of blood was seen.

I think it's also possible (and, I admit, this is just a guess as well)
that when Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy was "trying to hold his head on" (as
Mrs. Kennedy later said) during the high-speed ride to the hospital, it's
quite possible that the loose piece of "hinged" scalp (which is a "flap"
of skull/scalp that can be seen in the autopsy photos taken at Bethesda
after the body was returned to Washington) was at least partially hiding
the large hole at the right side of JFK's head when he was in the
emergency room at Parkland.

This "flap" of loose scalp could then have dislodged itself from INSIDE
the cratered wound on the right side of the head before the autopsy photos
were taken on the night of November 22. The "flap", as seen in the photos,
is not covering any portion of the right-side head wound, but instead is
hinged "outward" from the wound.

Whether that "flap" was configured in that exact "outward" position at
Parkland we can never know. But I think it's certainly a possibility that
the "flap" could have been covering the large exit wound, especially in
light of the fact that Jackie Kennedy, we know, was physically handling
the President's head during the drive to Parkland, and also was "trying to
hold his head on".

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