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A Hedge Hog Is Out Eating My Cat Food Again !!!

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Sir Gilligan Horry

2008年3月18日 05:09:462008/3/18
A Hedge Hog Is Out Eating My Cat Food Again !!!

And i Love it !!

You see, I'm sometimes staying at a friends place, and my two cats are
I sit out in the garden a lot and like to feed the cats on a huge
plate at night.

Then one or three hedgehogs come over and get stuck into the tucker.

An hour ago there was one of my cats and a hedgehog four inches away
from each other getting into the expensive tin of 'Sardines and
Whiting Mousse'.

I've got aliens all around me.

Who needs a disclosure !
What could tell us more !
I Don't Know !


2008年3月18日 18:02:422008/3/18
On Mar 18, 3:09 am, Sir Gilligan Horry <>

My sister has a hedgehog. He is adorable, though not cuddly unless
wrapped in a towel. That is one alien animal:)


Sir Gilligan Horry

2008年3月24日 01:01:462008/3/24
On Mar 19, 10:02 am, mantismind <>

It's a battle around here.
I have to feed the sparrows when the clothes washing isn't out.
And not let the wild hedgehogs get too much cat food or they poo a lot
on the concrete.
Also keep the cats busy so they don't get the sparrows.
And make sure the starlings don't eat all the sparrow food.
I used to have to worry about my short eared black bunny too.
But a 'mother of all big domestic cats' from across the road
killed him. I dug a sophisticated underground base for him.
But he didn't get down there in time.
And just now I had a New York style frankfurter,
made from dead scrap beef, scrap mutton, scrap pork, etc.
Tomorrow I have to build a corporate website
for a bunch of businessmen that make huge dollars
from upping the real estate prices.
It's either that or work in a factory making stuff
that is bought for a quick thrill and then thrown
away into the landfills with stupid batteries
somewhere near the buried nuclear waste
on Planet Earth, while there's probably 24 millions! of advanced
intelligent extraterrestrials
spectra-light-worming through the universe remote viewing galaxy
or upgrading some cute little rafuuoli fish just in time 204,733 years
later to join the mostly humanoid shaped
Eerwisck Galactic Federation for a nice cup of wuwuespa and a chat
about how joy
is strongly sought in the universe for it's energy is divine,
but some negative multi dimensional beings could disagree for 35
million years!

Everyone nice and busy !!

LOL ;-)


UFO Alien Extraterrestrial UFOs Aliens Proof Evidence !!!

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