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Ark of the Covenant model

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Dec 11, 1998, 3:00:00 AM12/11/98
Hi gang,

Would any of you have either the entire Ark of the Covenant or a
piece of it. Looking for a model for a religeous scene I'm working

Thanks a lot


Dec 12, 1998, 3:00:00 AM12/12/98
Considering nobody knows that the thing looks like, that might be kinda


Reb Ruster

Dec 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM12/13/98
On Sat, 12 Dec 1998 15:30:36 -0600, "Omar" <>

>Considering nobody knows that the thing looks like, that might be kinda

Unless you have a screen capture from the movie.

Reb Ruster

Dec 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM12/13/98
On Sat, 12 Dec 1998 15:30:36 -0600, "Omar" <>

>Considering nobody knows that the thing looks like, that might be kinda

Yeah, it seems to have disappeared after the reign of King Solomon.
Some say it's hidden somewhere in Ethiopia, but what the heck, the
Jews don't really need it to return to Workship anyway.
As for it's dimensions, sources indicate that it was merely a
rectangular box made of wood, not the ornate Indiana Jones type of
Hollywood prop.
You might try looking for film of that movie, or the various 3D sites
for meshes.


The Book of Revelation 8, 9:1-19, and 11:15 and 19....

When the Lamb broke open the seventh seal, there was silence
in heaven. Then, as I watched, the
seven angels who minister in God's presence were given seven

The First Four Trumpets

When the first angel blew his trumpet, there came hail and
then fire mixed with blood, which was
hurled down to the earth. A third of the land was scorched,
along with a third of the trees and every
green plant.

When the second angel blew his trumpet, something like a
huge mountain all in flames was cast into
the sea. A third of the sea turned to blood, a third of the
creatures living in the sea died, and a third
of the ships were wrecked.

When the third angel blew his trumpet, a huge star burning
like a torch crashed down from the sky. It
fell on a third of the rivers and the springs. The star's
name was "Wormwood" because a third part of
all the water turned to wormwood. Many people died from this
polluted water.

When the fourth angel blew his trumpet, a third of the sun,
a third of the moon, and a third of the
stars were hit hard enough to be plunged into darkness. The
day lost a third of its light as did the

As my vision continued, I heard an eagle flying in midheaven
crying out in a loud voice, "Woe, woe
and again woe to the inhabitants of earth from the trumpet
blasts the other three angels are about to

The Fifth Trumpet

Then the fifth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a star fall
from the sky to the earth. The star was
given the key to the shaft of the abyss; he opened it and
smoke poured out of the shaft like smoke
from an enormous furnace. The sun and the air were darkened
by the smoke from the shaft. Out of
the smoke, onto the land, came locusts as powerful as
scorpions in their sting. The locusts were
commanded to do no harm to the grass in the land or to any
plant or tree but only to those men who
had not the seal of God on their foreheads. The locusts were
not allowed to kill them but only to
torture them for five months; the pain they inflicted was
like that of a scorpion's sting. During that
time these men will seek death but will not find it; they
will yearn to die but death will escape them.

In appearance the locusts were like horses equipped for
battle. On their heads they wore something
like gold crowns; their faces were like men's faces but they
had hair like women's hair. Their teeth
were the teeth of lions, their chests like iron
breastplates. Their wings made a sound like a roar of
many chariots and horses charging into battle. They had
tails with stingers like scorpions; in their tails
were enough venom to harm men for five months. Acting as
their king was the angel in charge of the
abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in Greek

The Sixth Trumpet

The first woe is past, but beware! There are two more to
come. Then the sixth angel blew his
trumpet, and I heard a voice coming from between the horns
of the altar of gold in God's presence.
It said to the sixth angel, who was still holding his
trumpet, "Release the four angels who are tied up
on the banks of the great river Euphrates!" So the four
angels were released; this was precisely the
hour, the day, the month, and the year for which they had
been prepared, to kill a third of mankind.
Their calvalry troops, whose count I heard, were two hundred
million in number. Now, in my vision,
I saw the horses and their riders. The breastplates they
wore were fiery red, deep blue, and pale
yellow. The horses' heads were like heads of lions, and out
of their mouths came fire and sulphur and
smoke. By these three plagues -- the smoke ans sulphur and
fire which shot out of their mouths -- a
third of mankind was slain.

The Seventh Trumpet

Then the seventh angel blew his trumpet. Loud voices in
heaven cried out, "The kingdom of the
world now belongs to our Lord and to his Anointed One, and
he shall reign forever and ever."

Then God's temple in heaven opened and in the temple could
be seen the ark of his convenant.
There were flashes of lightning and peals of thunder, an
earthquake, and a violent hailstorm. "

Dan McMillan

Dec 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM12/14/98

>As for it's dimensions, sources indicate that it was merely a
>rectangular box made of wood, not the ornate Indiana Jones type of
>Hollywood prop.

This is incorrect information. The production designers of the Hollywood
prop rebuilt a replica ark based upon the Biblical
details forund in Exodus.

Though the Churubs surrounding the mercy seat I thought were a bit
overextended. (a Hollywood touch)

Dan McMillan

Reb Ruster

Dec 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM12/15/98
On Mon, 14 Dec 1998 11:01:16 -0500, "Dan McMillan" <>

>>As for it's dimensions, sources indicate that it was merely a
>>rectangular box made of wood, not the ornate Indiana Jones type of
>>Hollywood prop.

>This is incorrect information. The production designers of the Hollywood
>prop rebuilt a replica ark based upon the Biblical
>details forund in Exodus.
>Though the Churubs surrounding the mercy seat I thought were a bit
>overextended. (a Hollywood touch)
>Dan McMillan

Yes, well according to Exodus 25:22:

"There, above the cover between the two cherubim that are over the ark
of the Testimony, I will meet with you and
give you all my commands for the Israelites."

Whether this refers to the Ark of the Covenant, I'm not sure, but it
doesn't state specifically that the two angels were part of the ark
itself. They could have been a frieze suspended above it.
As for the "Ark of the Testimony" reference, it's assumed by Hollywood
that the Ark of the Convenant contained the Ten Commandments. Good
guress, since the Ark of the Testimony contained the original scrolls
of the Torah, which were the basic laws of the Jewish faith.

Anyway, this entire thread is off-topic, but I will include a small
graphic of what the Ark is assumed to have looked like.

Dan McMillan

Dec 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM12/15/98

"Reb" Ruster wrote in message <>...

Hehe, kind of a funny illustration. It looks like an Ethiopian artists
rendition? Where did this come from "Reb"?


Reb Ruster

Dec 19, 1998, 3:00:00 AM12/19/98
On Tue, 15 Dec 1998 10:29:29 -0500, "Dan McMillan" <>


I forget exactly where I got that graphic, but there were more on the
same site.It's probably the Ethiopian rendering of the history. For
some more interesting information on the Ark, check out this URL:

Reb Ruster

Dec 19, 1998, 3:00:00 AM12/19/98
On Tue, 15 Dec 1998 10:29:29 -0500, "Dan McMillan" <>

>"Reb" Ruster wrote in message <>...
>Hehe, kind of a funny illustration. It looks like an Ethiopian artists
>rendition? Where did this come from "Reb"?

...and for our friend looking for information for his project, these
leads to follow:

"OneWorld Magazine - Ethiopia, The Lost Ark of the
Biblical and other archaic sources speak of the Ark of the Covenant
blazing with fire and light, inflicting cancerous tumours and severe
URL: Last modified
4-Mar-98 - page size 11K - in English",0,"AltaVista"
"The Ark of the
Covenant","","The Ark of the
Covenant. Present Location and Importance. Background: Ron Wyatt is an
archeologist who has been led by the Lord to discover the location...
URL: Last modified 19-Nov-96 - page
size 27K - in English",0,"AltaVista"
"Ark of the Covenant - The
Book","","The story
about to break will shock the world! Ark of the Covenant Virtual
Interpretative Centre reveals the staggering truth! URL: Last modified 10-Sep-98 -
page size 10K - in English",0,"AltaVista"
"The Ark of the
Covenant","","THE ARK OF THE
COVENANT. Article 118: God Begins At The Ark. Article 119: The
Contents Of The Ark. Article 120: They Looked Into The Ark. Article
121:... URL: Last modified 22-Sep-98
- page size 2K - in English",0,"AltaVista"
"Ark of the
Covenant","","The story
about to break will shock the world! Ark of the Covenant Virtual
Interpretative Centre reveals the staggering truth! URL: Last modified 12-Sep-98 - page
size 13K - in English",0,"AltaVista"
"Where is the Ark of the
Covenant?","","Where is
the Ark of the Covenant? By Thomas S. McCall, Th.D. The Ark of the
Covenant disappeared off of the pages of history by the time of the
Babylonian. URL: Last
modified 29-Jul-98 - page size 8K - in English",0,"AltaVista"
"Ark of the Covenant: Free
demo","","Download a free
demo of the Ark of the Covenant Virtual Interpretative Centre CD-Rom.
URL: Last modified 11-Sep-98 -
page size 7K - in English",0,"AltaVista"
"Ark Of The
of last year when writing P.T.73. I closed with a mention of the
possible discovery of the Ark of the Covenant in Jerusalem. Since then
I have had the opportunity",0,"What-U-Seek"
"Prophecy Club, Ark of the Covenant & The Temple
PZ","","nbsp; Ark
of the Covenant & The Temple. This article appeared in the March 95
issue of Prophecy Club. Will the Ark of the Covenant be revealed prior
to. URL: Last modified
7-Aug-98 - page size 28K - in English",0,"AltaVista"
"1. Ark of the Covenant, Lost or Found? -
on the possibilities of the current location of the Ark of the
Covenant URL: Last
modified 12-Sep-98 - page size 7K - in English",0,"AltaVista"
"""Ark of the Covenant"" On-line Order
Form","","The Ark of the
Covenant Virtual Interpretative Centre CD-Rom. The world's definitive
work on the discoveries of the Ark of the Covenant, Noah's Ark, Sodom
URL: Last modified 9-Aug-98 -
page size 27K - in English",0,"AltaVista"
"Ark of the Covenant - The Book","","
The story about to break will shock the world! Ark of the Covenant
Virtual Interpretative Centre reveals the staggering
"ICT Animated Christian Graphics Gallery, Ark of the
Covenant",""," ICT Animated Christian
Graphics Gallery, Ark of Covenant",0,""
"Mysteries of the Bible","","Every week
participate in an exploration of another Bible Mystery. Torah Codes,
Ancient Chronology, Lost Tribes, Dead Sea Scrolls, Origins Of
Christianity, Egyptology, Biblical Archaeology etc. A Book Shop is
available plus insightful commentary on news events impacting the
Middle East.",70,"Magellan"
"Discovered! Exciting New Archaeological Discoveries From the Holy
Land...","","Archaeological discoveries that
illuminate Biblical history and events where God intervened in human
affairs. Featuring the discoveries of Ron Wyatt.",69,"Magellan"
"Discovered! The Ark of the
Covenant!","","There are many
claims being made today as to the location of the Ark of the Covenant
and the purpose of this site is to give you an opportunity to hear Ron
Wyatt's story as he has told it and his wife has written
III","","This forwarding
page has been provided for your convenience. Send your comments or
suggestions to Michael S. Sanders © 1997 Michael S. Sanders. All
Rights Reserved.",0,"What-U-Seek"
"OneWorld Magazine - Ethiopia, The Lost Ark of the
work began the moment that we arrived. Waiting to greet us as we
stepped down from the plane was an elderly Abyssinian gentleman
wearing a slightly threadbare",0,"What-U-Seek"
"BIBLE QUIZZES, ""The Ark of the
Covenant""",""," Gospel site by a lover of
Jesus Christ. Prayer requests, Bible info & quizes, testimonies,
missionaries, PenPals, Much Much more! This site grows almost daily
with user help and the grace of God.",0,""
"Vendyl Jones Research
Research organization primarily concerned with Judaism and the history
and archaeology of Israel.",66,"Magellan"
"Catholic Encyclopedia: ARK OF THE
COVENANT","","The Hebrew
word , by which the Ark of the Covenant is expressed, does not call to
the mind, as that used for Noah's Ark, a large construction, but
rather a chest. This word is generally determined in the sacred text;
so we read of the Ark of the Testimony , the Ark of the Testament ,
the Ark ....",0,"SEARCH.COM"
"LuseNet Bible Quiz","","LuseNet Bible Quiz. An
interactive and inspirational Bible Quiz Site. Real time scoring and
grading., 3155 bytes, 1998/07/10",99,"Anzwers"
"ATRI - Ark of the Covenant"," of the
covenant.html","Christian apologetic articles from the John Ankerberg
Show. Bible answers for economics, Jehovah Witness, Mormons, AIDS,
Israel, the New Age, creation, cults, occult, rock music, religions,
astrology, doctrine, education, prophecy, moral issues and
"OneWorld Magazine - Ethiopia, The Lost Ark of the
Biblical and other archaic sources speak of the Ark of the Covenant
blazing with fire and light, inflicting cancerous tumours and severe
burns, levelling mountains, stopping rivers, blasting whole armies and
laying waste cities.",70,"WebCrawler"
"Untitled","","His will in everything we do. We
believe we are a part of the remnant church. We study the book of
Revelations and believe we are living in the last days. It is
OF THE COVENANT The Ark of the Covenant The Ark of the Covenant You
have asked for My Presence, Church and now I will COME, but not as you
suppose I will not come with flowery words and sweet fragrance I will
COME in All the Power of My...",0,""
"HaMikdash","","Send email to Welcome to the Beis HaMikdash! A Light Unto
The Nations Related Links The Ark of the Covenant: Where It Stood in
Solomon's Temple by Leen Ritmeyer Biblical Archaeology Review Jan/Feb
"The Ark of the
TITLES John O'Connell It is recorded in the Old Testament that Moses
and the Israelites built the Ark of the Covenant to house the tablets
of the Decalogue . The Lord instructed His People to also place manna
that He had given them in the desert on the Ark . Centuries later,
when King ....",0,"SEARCH.COM"
"ICT Animated Christian Graphics Gallery, Ark of the
Covenant","","ICT Animated
Christian Graphics Gallery, Ark of Covenant",98,"HotBot"
"Anchor Stones -- Wyatt Archaeological
newsletters and photos of Ron Wyatt, searching for archaeological
evidence of biblical events and locations. Where is the REAL Mt.
Sinai? The Red Sea Crossing? Has Noah's Ark been found? The Ark of the
Covenant? Sodom",0,"InfoHiway"
"The Temple and the Ark of the
TEMPLE AND THE ARK OF THE COVENANT The following analysis contains
extracts from the Study Booklet: The Temple and the Rock, THE ARK OF
THE COVENANT The Ark of the Covenant was undoubtedly the most holy
piece of furniture ever made, if it can be referred to as
"Lord Ling","","Unto all
who have kept the Flame of the Ark of the Covenant I speak. I direct
the Ray of Light from my Heart, even the Ray that did descend from
Almighty God to etch",0,"What-U-Seek"
"Dispatch From Jerusalem",""," - Nature
- Home Where They Belong - Wildlife Restored To It's Biblical Habitat
Hula Valley Swamplands Restored Big Game In Israel, Wild Boar Acacia
Tree Was Material For The Ark Of The Covenant Nature in Israel Bread
From the Earth Use the form...",0,""
"Meshach's Christian
Page","","Joshua 22:5But be
very careful to obey the commandment and the law that Moses the
servant of the Lord gave you: to love the Lord your God, to walk in
all His ways, to obey His commands, to hold fast to Him and to serve
Him with all your heart and all your soul. -NIV",66,"Magellan"
"AlaPadre Catholic Corner :
Covenant","","08:19:20 CT 22 October
1998 If you have come to this AlaPopStop in a frame from another site,
click on this line to break free. From AlaPadre Catholic Corner a
quickloading list of hypertext links which reference or pertain to
Covenant .. Click on..",98,"HotBot"
prophecy. Creation science. Photos of where God parted the sea. The
crucifixion date, calculated. Isaiah 17 (Damascus' destruction)
imminent? Plus more.",69,"WebCrawler"
"Anchor Stones: Wyatt Archaeological
bookmark this site! List of Discoveries Choose One! - Noah's Ark Tower
of Babel Sodom & Gomorrah Red Sea Crossing The Real Mt. Sinai Ark of
the Covenant Discoveries",0,"What-U-Seek"
"Anita Cohen-Williams, Ark of the Covenant -
bibliography",""," Anita Cohen-Williams,
Ark of the Covenant - bibliography",0,""
"PropheZine Issue #43 - WHERE IS THE ARK OF THE COVENANT? - John
the John Ankerburg show Where is the Ark of the Covenant Now? I've
read quite a bit on the Ark of the Covenant and there are different
theories about if the Ark's ....",0,"SEARCH.COM"
"Creative Genius Internet","","Creative
Genius is an Internet Web publisher par excellence! We live to create
& publish anything you desire on the Web. We also have the lowest
priced sites on the largest Internet mall - Introducing Guthy Renkers'
Americas Choicemall View some of.",96,"HotBot"
"Should the Annual Holydays be Kept
Today?","","Covenant ,
the New Testament - what is the link between these? What are the
obligations of Christians today concerning these things? Are
Christians still obliged",0,"What-U-Seek"
"BiblePlus - The premiere on-line source for serious Bible
study","","Pastors, Evangelists, Bible
Students, the Curious . . . Here's one of the most time saving sites
for Bible Studies on the Internet. Especially created for those who
really want to know the FULL picture about what the Bible has to say
on a wide variety of subjects.",65,"Magellan"
"Anita Cohen-Williams, Ark of the Covenant -
Cohen-Williams, Ark of the Covenant - bibliography.",0,"SEARCH.COM"
THE COVENANT The Ark of the Covenant The Ark of the Covenant You have
asked for My Presence, Church and now I will COME, but not as you
suppose I will not come with flowery words and sweet fragrance I will
COME in All the Power of My...",94,"HotBot"
"The Karen Allen Raiders
Page","","Karen Allen in
Raiders of the Lost Ark Reviews Variety, June 5, 1981 Boston Globe,
June 12, 1981 1981 Oscar Nominations for Raiders of the Lost
Miscellanea","","Ark of
the Covenant. From the more reputable Graham Hancock who has
identified Axum in Ethiopia as the Arks resting place through the
charlatan Ron Wyatt who claims",0,"What-U-Seek"
"Prophecy Club, Ark of the Covenant &amp; The Temple
article appeared in the March 95 issue of Prophecy Club Will the Ark
of the Covenant be revealed prior to the millennium? Why is the Ark of
the Covenant important to Bible Prophecy in 1995? It may play a major
role in the last days. A time is coming when Gods'
"Art; Sacred Ark of the
Gallery;Ark of the Covenant",94,"HotBot"
"Menu To Brian's Annex: Where Yesteryear's Treasures
Sojourn Through History Now Progresses Through The Final 42 Year-Hour
Where A Great Restoration Is To Evolve. Even The Preserved Remains
(The Inner Temple) Of Each Of Three Temples May Readily Be Reentered
And GOD'S Holy Arks Will Be Brought Forth.",68,"WebCrawler"
Pope Male Age 64 Hits to Page: Some of my friends at The Globe:
CHRISTIAN ARTICLES: I have composed many Christian articles over the
years because of being a non denominational Pastor and would like to
share them with the Christian community for consideration and/or
"The Ark of the
of Contents The priest magicians, the first prophet of God and
concealed mysteries Ceremonial beginnings in Egypt, Moses' divine
blueprint, and the Glory of Yahweh Towards the Promised Land,
"index","","The On-Going Search For THE
LOST LIBRARY OF THE ITZA MAYA The web page of: The Institute of Mayan
Antiquities (IMA) A non-profit, scientific and educational corporation
John Coppage, Pres. IMA Click Photo for Bios THE GREATEST TREASURE As
"Angels! They are for
real!","","Bible study
links. Love! Temptation, how to overcome! Temple News! Answer Links To
serve God A study on Angels by John L. Chopores Angels in the
"OneWorld Magazine - Ethiopia, The Lost Ark of the
Biblical and other archaic sources speak of the Ark of the Covenant
blazing with fire and light, inflicting cancerous tumours and severe
burns, levelling mountains, ....",0,"SEARCH.COM"
Issues","","Controversial Issues
Concerning Bible Prophecy The Jews in Prophecy Cast aside or destined
for glory? The Arabs in Prophecy Fated for hope or despair? The Land
of Israel To whom does it belong? The Meaning of Heaven An ethereal
spirit world or a...",93,"HotBot"
"Letter A
Bible Topics arranged by letter.",67,"WebCrawler"
" - BAALSCHEM PRESS Verlag: The Moziani
Sephirot","","Reprinted from
Archives for Mosaical Metrology and Mosaistics (AMMM) vol. 2, no. 4
(1997) p. 12 by courtesy of BAALSCHEM PRESS Verlag, Bahnhofstr. 19,
D-35745 Herborn",0,"What-U-Seek"
"Together","","THE ARK OF THE
COVENANT The Bible tells us that God entered into a covenant with the
people of Israel when he gave Moses the Ten Commandments. The stone
tablets upon which the Commandments were written, were subsequently
placed in a box called, the.",93,"HotBot"
THUNDERS",""," Rev. 10:1: And I saw another mighty
angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was
upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as
pillars of fire:",67,"WebCrawler"
of Essays by Dr.Richard Pankhurst Ethiopian Polulation The Black World
Profile Today Menelick Ethiopia, History Ethiopia, the lost Ark of the
"KJV on AreaGuide : Joshua - Chapter
3","","Chapter: 3 Chapter:
And Joshua rose early in the morning; and they removed from Shittim,
and came to Jordan, he and all the children of Israel, and lodged
there before they passed over. And it ....",0,"SEARCH.COM"
"Welcome to Bridges For
Peace","","- Dispatch
From Jerusalem - - July / August Edition - Front Page: Ancient
Armenian Scrolls Held For Ransom! Bridges For Peace In Action: Bridges
Receives ECFA Membership Commentary: Natanyahu's Victory: What Does It
Mean? Signs Of The Times: Israel.",93,"HotBot"
"Ark Theories","","- According to Hollywood
Inspired by Raiders' depiction of the Ark's fate, this catalog of lost
treasures stowed in a mysterious, albeit fictional, government
warehouse contains such diverse artifacts as 2001's black monolith and
Monty Python's literally Killer Joke.",72,"Excite"
"Amazing Discoveries in Bible
discoveries are being made daily which prove that the Bible is
historically accurate and that the scriptures are the inspired word of
"Mysteries of the Bible Article in the London
buried in terrorist camp? by Jon Ungoed-Thomas EVEN Indiana Jones
could be forgiven for getting the jitters over this one. A biblical
scholar has uncovered new",0,"What-U-Seek"
"Bible Tutor - general knowledge - Ark of the
The box which held the tablets inscribed with the Ten Commandments.
While at Mount Sinai Moses was given instructions for building the Ark
of the Covenant.",72,"Excite"
"Untitled","","By Don
Walker “Then the Angel of the Lord commanded Gad to say to David, that
David should go up and build an altar to the Lord on the threshing
floor of Ornan the Jebusite” (I Chron. 21:18)",67,"WebCrawler"
ANSWERS","","You Have Questions, Food
Storage OnLine Has Answers! If you're confused, you're not alone! Why
Should You Trust Us? It's simple, bizarre weather changes, global
"Qumran","","A VOICE FROM
THE DUST The Qumran Legacy The Qumran site lies along the northwestern
shore of the Dead Sea,and approximately fifteen miles east of
"Wyatt Archaeological Research Fraud Documentation
","","Letters from archaeologists,
geologists, museum curators, etc., denouncing Ron Wyatt's discovery
"Moses lied about the ten
commandments.","","Moses was
one of the greatest con men of all time; learn how he tricked his
"OneWorld Magazine - ETHIOPIA, LAND OF
focuses on environmental, cultural, and adventure stories revealing
through images, sounds and words both the different and common aspects
of our world's cultures and environments. Ten different authors write
about this rich and diverse empire. Searching for the lost ark, hiking
in the African mountains, exploring the people and the history of the
land of Zion.",66,"WebCrawler"
"Warehouse 23","","Somewhere, those
with true Power have built a facility to imprison forces man was not
meant to know . . . things we were never meant to comprehend. The Ark
of the Covenant.",66,"WebCrawler"
*****check photo links below***** >>>MABEL OLA ROYCE >>TERESA'S MELLOW
"Tabernacle of Mose,
Rebuilt","","Revistit the
Ancient Jewish Worship Center. Tabernacle of Moses,
"Home Page","","Bible Prophesy is
happening NOW Mark of the Beast announced by TIME MAGAZINE (April 27,
1998) TIME MAGAZINE announces COMPUTER CHIP that will be IMPLANTED
UNDER YOUR SKIN (1999-2007).",65,"WebCrawler"
"Untitled","","- A Vessel of
Glory Bible Study Outlines Other Links Download An Executable Version
of Back to the Main Deck The Mystery of The Ark of The
"Ark of the Covenant -- Encarta® Concise Encyclopedia
&#44; in Judaism, sacred chest. Mentioned frequently in the Bible, the
ark is described as a chest of acacia wood. It was known also as the
Ark of the Law, the Ark of the Testimony, or the Ark of God. According
to various sources, the ark contained Aaron's rod, a pot of manna, and
the stone tablets of the Decalogue (<i>see& </i>Ten
"Golden density
gate","","You can find
links and informaiton on the following subjects:Secret societies, star
gate, ark of the covenant, kama sutra, tantra,
"Angels","","They were
considered the highest order of the Hierarchy of Angels. They are the
Angels of Love, Light, and Fire. Seraphim are the closest to God. In
the Throne Room,",0,"What-U-Seek"
"Arc of The Covenant",""," The Ark of the
Covenant Found At Last ? Finding the Ark of the Covenant will change
the course of history. It is the lost link to the Israelites of the
Old Testament. Find the Ark and you find the Lost Ten Tribes of
Israel, and clearly point to...",0,""
"ZION MINISTRIES: The Beast of Daniel - Part
one","","The Great Image
and the four beasts of Daniel describe events for our day. There is
much confusion over whom they represent. Many people have attempted to
offer opinions.",0,"What-U-Seek"
Joshua 3 3:1 And Joshua rose early in the morning; and they removed
from Shittim, and came to Jordan, he and all the children of Israel,
and lodged there before they passed over. 3:2 And it came to pass
after three days, that the officers went through the host; 3:3 And
they commanded the people, saying, When ye see the ark of the covenant
of the LORD your God, and the priests the Levites...",71,"Excite"
"Ark of the
begin with let us find out what the is. Most Bible students already
know. Others, having seen the film have an idea what it is. For the
benefit of those who do not know what the Ark is, here are a
"October 27, 1996: The Ark of the
Covenant","","October 27, 1996:
The Ark of the Covenant ""No sooner had these priestly bearers of the
ark waded into the waters at the edge of the Jordan, which overflows
all its banks during the entire season of the harvest, than the waters
flowing from upstream.",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"Ark",""," Search for the Ark of the Covenant The
disappearance of the Ark of the Covenant is one of the greatest
mysteries of the Bible, and the search for answers has been taken up
by people from all walks of life for thousands of years. This search
"The Temple Mount in Jerusalem","","Where were
the First and Second Jewish Temples Located? Highlighting the Research
of Tel Aviv Architect Tuvia Sagiv Aerial photo of the Temple Mount in
Jerusalem showing the Proposed Northern, Central and Southern Sites
for the First and Second Temples.",63,"Magellan"
"Great Joy in Great
Tribulation","","This 368 page book will
clear up the confusion of the many unbiblical teachings concerning the
end times. Understanding the scriptures regarding the Great
Ethiopia's most ancient city, and capital of one of the most glorious
empires of the past, is one of the most illustrious links in the
Historic Route.",62,"Magellan"
"strange and
the may be explained. To the Unexplained. From the strange to the
bizarre. Its your choice were you wish to travel. Be warned ! once you
start to travel these",0,"What-U-Seek"
"Ark"," of
Covenant/ark.html","Search for the Ark of the Covenant The
disappearance of the Ark of the Covenant is one of the greatest
mysteries of the Bible, and the search for answers has been taken up
by people from all walks of life for thousands of years. This search
"Archeology","","""In all
affairs it's a healthy thing now and then to hang a question mark on
the things you have long taken for granted."" Artifacts, Terrestrial..
Stonehenge The Giza Plateau Atlantis The Ark of the Covenant Noah's
Ark The Shroud of Turin Secret...",93,"HotBot"
"Jesus Silenced Home Page
",""," This
rediscovery gives Jewish and Christian lay persons, as well as clergy
and academicians, a new tool for biblical exegesis (analysis) with
which they may draw a bright line between biblical history of
visionary experiences and biblical history of actual events and real
Grazia","","Grazian Archive:
YHYH (""yahweh"") Home YHYH Jerry Ziegler YHYH is the transliteration
of four Hebrew letters signifying the ineffable name of God. YHYH is
pronounced ""Yahweh"" today replacing the earlier ""Jeohovah"". YHYH
is transliterated ""Lord"" in...",93,"HotBot"
"A few words about Ron
Wyatt","","Ron Wyatt Ron
Wyatt is famous for his excavation work on Noah's Ark, at the site of
the ship found in the Mount Ararat region of Turkey, several thousand
feet above sea level. But he has continued over the years to excavate
sites that will prove...",93,"HotBot"
"Raiders of the Lost Ark - Durham,
of the Lost Ark DIRECTOR: Steven Spielberg RATING: PG GENRE: Adventure
Harrison Ford is Indiana Jones ""Raiders"" is about all you'd ever
want from a popcorn flick, and it still remains the gold standard
against which most other such movies...",93,"HotBot"
"The Great Pyramid, Holy of
Great Pyramid Website, information on the Great Pyramid of Giza, the
Revelation of Adam in Stone",93,"HotBot"
"What We Offer","","At Redeemer
we offer everyone an opportunity to come to know the Lord and to grow
in a committed relationship to God and others. We are a church for all
ages but we think young. Children are important.. We offer children
the gifts of love...",93,"HotBot"
"Middle Passages Inc. Picts. Page
=left> The Herald Leg Irons A Title of Ownership The Ark of the
Covenant Alonglos B'Mia Eliyah Dara Ben-Judah Frederick Douglas Free
Blacks in 1859 Golden Slave Ship Middle Passages Home Page CONTACT
"Vienna Today - Photographs of Contemporary Jewish Life by Harry
Weber","","HARRY WEBER [Vienna
Today - Photographs of Contemporary Jewish Life] Catalogue published
by: Jewish Museum of the City of Vienna Dorotheergasse 11, 1010
Vienna. To purchase the photography of Harry Weber, please contact:
Susi Schneider U.S...",92,"HotBot"
"Search for Ancient Wisdom,
The","","World Culture The
Search for Ancient Wisdom Bea and Bob Connelly, a Canadian couple
intent on discovering the secrets of the ages, lead your tour in The
Search for Ancient Wisdom (Flying Disc Entertainment). Visit Easter
Island and the pyramids of..",92,"HotBot"
"The Prophecy Puzzle","","The
Prophecy Puzzle provides vital information on all aspects of Biblical
Prophecy including: the Rapture, Tribulation, Armageddon, Signs of the
Times, Mark of the Beast.",0,"EuroSeek"
for the Ark of the Covenant The disappearance of the Ark of the
Covenant is one of the greatest mysteries of the Bible, and the search
for answers has been taken up by people from all walks of life for
thousands of years. This search for...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
CONSPIRACY!","","Journal of
Copyright Information (June 1997) exposes whole scam to insure ASCAP
extortion via Senate Judicial Committee Chairman. Immediate
Impeachment of BOTH called for!",0,"EuroSeek"
"Lord Ling","","Unto all who have
kept the Flame of the Ark of the Covenant I speak. I direct the Ray of
Light from my Heart, even the Ray that did descend from Almighty God
to etch in stone those covenants that our God would make with a holy
people. These tablets I did break",0,"EuroSeek"
Guard Dog dines on occupants of ASCAP Chicken Coop - eats the eggs,
pays a few Roosters/Hens, lies to the Chicks, steals the
"Art; Sacred Ark of the Covenant",""," Art
Gallery;Ark of the Covenant",0,""
"Where is the Ark of the
Covenant?","","- By Thomas S.
McCall, Th.D. The Ark of the Covenant disappeared off of the pages of
history by the time of the Babylonian Captivity. Nothing in the Bible
is said about the Ark in the Old Testament after the return from
Babylon, but the Apocrypha states that the Ark could not be found when
the Jewish people rebuilt the Temple at the time of Ezra and
"Ark Of The Covenant","","- I have
read and heard many things about the Ark. I have personally spoken to
people who claim to have the Ark in their possession. I have learned
never to doubt anyone and their belief system.",71,"Excite"
"The Ankerberg Theological Research Institute (Frequently Asked
Qu","","The Ankerberg Theological
Research Institute CONTENTS: Home John Ankerberg Show Real Broadcast
of the John Ankerberg Show Classical Questions Current Events Cults
Occult Frequently Asked Questions Resource Center Search the Site
Feedback REAL MEDIA broadcast o",0,"EuroSeek"
for the Ark of the Covenant The disappearance of the Ark of the
Covenant is one of the greatest mysteries of the Bible, and the search
for answers has been taken up by people from all walks of life for
thousands of years. This search for...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"Dispatch From
Nature - Home Where They Belong - Wildlife Restored To It's Biblical
Habitat Hula Valley Swamplands Restored Big Game In Israel, Wild Boar
Acacia Tree Was Material For The Ark Of The Covenant Nature in Israel
Bread From the Earth Use the form...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
Discoveries In Todays World These discoveries are AWESOME! Discover
stories and pictures of significant Archaeological finds, of the last
ten years which confirm the truth of the Holy Bible. Information used
with the kind permission of...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"Bible Archaeology BASE Institute Table of
Contents","","Bible Archaeology
Explorer Religion Mt. Sinai with Christian author Bob Cornuke The Gold
of Exodus Adventures in Expedition Exodus Ark of the Covenant Indiana
Jones Saudi Arabia Goshen Ethiopia Moses Holy Land Old Testament
Raiders of the Lost",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"Ark of the Covenant",""," Ark of the
Covenant Test your knowledge of the Ark of the Covenant. Below are 10
events, not in order of sequence, concerning the ark. Answer all 10,
picking what you believe is the proper order of sequence then select
""Correct sequence"" at the...",0,""
OF THE COVENANT DVD! Price: US$15.94 Platform: Macintosh Publisher:
DIRECT VIDEO DISTRIBUTION Category: Release Date: July 01, 1998
Comments? Suggestions? or Questions? Click Here EXTENEDED
DESCRIPTIONAdapted from award-winning...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"Ark of the
of the Covenant ( ahrk uv dhu COV-e-nint ) The Ark of the Covenant,
made by Bezalel, was a chest of acacia wood measuring four feet in
length, two and a half feet in width, and two and a half feet in
height. The ark was covered with a gold...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"Wyatt Archaeological Research",""," This site has
all of the Wyatt Archaeological Research videos online for free, in
RealVideo format! You can also find here most of Ron Wyatt's books and
newsletters about Noah's Ark, The Ark of the Covenant, Sodom and
Gomorrah, Mount Sinai and more!",0,""
"And Adam Knew Eve: Index
(A-C)","","Index A-C | D-G | H-K | L-P |
Q-Z Aaron A, M Abdon C Abel A, C Abigail A, D, H Abijah M Abimelech,
king of Gerar A, I Abimelech, son of Gideon G Abishag A, C, H, S, V
Abner C abortion C Abraham A, C1, C2, C3, F, G, I1, I2, I3, L, S
Absalom A, B, C..",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"LuseNet Bible Quiz","","LuseNet Bible
Quiz. An interactive and inspirational Bible Quiz Site. Real time
scoring and grading.",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"Plagues Trumpets Thunders of
Revelation","","The Plagues,
Trumpets, and Thunders of The Book of Revelation There are
similarities between the plagues, trumpets and thunders of the book of
Revelation. This chart demonstrates how these are similar. (Please
note this is a simplistic overview to..",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"Ark fo the Covenant found? You must
fo the Covenant found? You must decide! [ Follow Ups ] [ Post Followup
] [ Command & Conquer Press Center ] [ Press CenterFAQ ] Posted by
Anonymous on September 01, 1996 at 07:49:03: The ark's location has
been known (and visited) since 1982...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"Raiders of the Lost Ark - Durham,
of the Lost Ark DIRECTOR: Steven Spielberg RATING: PG GENRE: Adventure
Harrison Ford is Indiana Jones ""Raiders"" is about all you'd ever
want from a popcorn flick, and it still remains the gold standard
against which most other such movies...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"Military Crisis In Israel (Part
3)","","Read about the most
incredible, earth-shaking Bible prophecy predictions poised to be
fulfilled at the dawning of the new millennium! Military Crisis In
Israel Before",0,"What-U-Seek"
"Living Word World Outreach Center -- Women of the Living
Word","","Meetings are held the
2nd Thursday of each month. For meeting location and time, or any
other questions, call the church office at 712-246-4557, or email
"Sacred Places and
Teachings","","SACRED PLACES AND
Drinking Milk, Shedding Blood, Shedding Oil GRID POINT 44: CHAMBERS
"Re: Ark of the
Ups | Post Followup | Back to Discussion Board From: gerry cannon
( Subject: Re: Ark of the Covenant Date:
May 07, 1998 at 12:20:44 EST In Reply to: Ark of the Covenant posted
by mg on August 31, 1997 at 19:24:03..",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"Hypermail Torah-Forum Archive: Re: The Ark of the
The Ark of the Covenant Eli Reidler ( Mon, 16
Sep 1996 10:20:14 -0400 (EDT) Messages sorted by: [ date ][ thread ][
subject ][ author ] Next message: Adam Szpiro: ""Re: Security Cameras
On Shabbos"" Previous message: Joseph..",92,"HotBot"
"Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) - AFI
#60","","Books, music, videos
and more related to the film Raiders of the Lost Ark!",92,"HotBot"
"Masonic Secrets and the Arc of the Covenant near
the Ark of the Covenant still exist and where has it been hidden? For
around three hundred years, Freemasons have searched for the 'long
lost secrets of a master mason'. Their ritual is a ""system of
morality veiled in allegory and illustrated..",92,"HotBot"
library of materials, prepared and presented by Larry Wilson, offers
in a most exciting and convincing way, the truths of the everlasting
gospel form the prespective of end-time Bible prophecy. FREE BOOKS
Selected articles from.",92,"HotBot"
"Waroot's Links","","The June 09, 1994
003313 GMT Earthquake at 13.84S 67.55W 370 miles deep in Northern
Bolivia, S. America . the Home of ""WAROOT"" WE",0,"What-U-Seek"
"Index of Topical Links","","Index of
topical links to hundreds of sources of Biblical and Historical Study.
One Stop Shopping",92,"HotBot"
"Concordia Sunday School Rally Day
Lutheran Church Sunday School Rally Day August 31, 1997 Jonathan
Grummer played the role of Concordia Jones in this year's Sunday
School Rally Day theme: The Search for the Lost Ark. The Youth Group
(in costume) carry the Ark of the...",92,"HotBot"
"Great Pyramid and the Arc of the
Covenant","","Great Pyramid
and the Arc of the Covenant The Connection Between the Pyramid and the
Ark of the Covenant The word ark comes from the Hebrew word aron,
which means a chest, box. Its dimensions are described by the bible as
2.5 cubits by 1.5 cubits...",92,"HotBot"
"Ego in Dream Pool Sindarian Chronicles SunSpider Earth
shimmers thru rustling palmettos. Eating peaches on library porch of
red pillars Ego feels earthspirit flicker alive his heart when he
visions real the",0,"What-U-Seek"
"Free Christian Software Downloads On The
Net.","","Click Here for Free Web
Hosting. Free Christian Downloads Welcome to this ever growing,
popular site of great FREE Christian software downloads. Look around
for what",0,"What-U-Seek"
"""In Movie Battle, Air Farce Won"" (Daily Universe #17,
Cinema played host last week to one of the masterpieces of modern
filmmaking, a movie so astounding in its beauty and magnificence that
audiences and",0,"What-U-Seek"
"Sanctuary's Furniture","","My People
Are Destroyed.. For Lack of Knowledge (Hosea 4:6). God is truly
working a work in our day that this writer is not believing, even
though I am personally experiencing it. On June 28, 1998 while
conversing with my wife, God revealed to me...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"Hypermail Torah-Forum Archive: The Ark of the
Ark of the Covenant Israel Rosenfeld ( Sun, 18 Aug
96 13:35 +0200 Messages sorted by: [ date ][ thread ][ subject ][
author ] Next message: MarvinLeff: ""Measuring distance to the nearest
city"" Previous message: Reuven Subar..",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"Hypermail Torah-Forum Archive: The Ark of the
Ark of the Covenant Israel Rosenfeld ( Sun, 18 Aug
96 13:35 +0200 Messages sorted by: [ date ][ thread ][ subject ][
author ] Next message: MarvinLeff: ""Measuring distance to the nearest
city"" Previous message: Reuven Subar..",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"The Ark","","- The Ark Of The
Covenant! (No, I do not know where it is...I have my theories.) (Due
to the floods of e-mail I have recieved about the Ark, I am forced to
ask you not contact me about the Ark - unless you found it in your
attic: ""I found this in a box; it's been in the family for
generations...Couldn't understand what that humming noise was, all
these years!"".",71,"Excite"
"A Whisper of Thunder topic Ark -
Chest","","- The ark of covenant
was a beautiful temple fixture. God describes how to build it. Tells
the history of the Ark of God.",71,"Excite"
THE COVENANT By the time the bulk of the Jews had assembled at Mount
Horeb Moses was an old man in his 80's. It was here that he received
the Ten Commandments.",71,"Excite"
"Doreen Palmer, Life From the
Ark","","- Why is the God
of the Bible different from all other Gods? Why is a Christian
different from those of all other faiths? The answers lie within the
Ark of the Covenant!",70,"Excite"
"Bible Study -- from Knight Web
Creations","","His strength
and wealth. - SOLOMON began his reign with a pious, public visit to
God's altar. Those that pursue present things most eagerly, are likely
to be disappointed;",0,"What-U-Seek"
Adventist Ministry Proclaiming YAHUWAH Elohim and His Son YAHUSHUA;
Exposing Roman Catholicism and Her Daughters",62,"Magellan"
"Arc of The Covenant","","- To
explain the Ark of the Covenant.",70,"Excite"
Stories","","04/14/98 Ark of
the Covenant Search One of the men who claims to have discovered the
Mount Sinai of the Bible now has set his sights on another Biblical
artifact. Bob Cornuke is president of the Bible Archaeology Search and
Ex- ploration Institute..",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"PRAYER","","- NOTE: This was
a Sunday-Sabbath talk given by my son Gabriel Hylton. It was not
intended for the Internet, but the originality of the idea expressed
made it a valuable contribution to the study topic of
"Untitled","","- The Ark
of His Covenant August 18th, 1887 by C. SPURGEON (1834-1892) ""And
there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake
And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his
temple the ark of his testament [covenant-R-V.]:, and great
hail.""-Revelation 11:19.",70,"Excite"
"Archie McPhee: The Ark of
Covenant","","- The Ark of
Covenant$11.95 ea. The details of the design might be a bit off, but
who can read all of those pages and pages of ancient measurements
without getting really bored?",70,"Excite"
Readings The Ark of the Covenant Heaven's Grocery Store For The Family
Interesting Reading Orthodox Churches The Kids' Corner |Home Page|
|Church Profile| |Our Faith| |Service Place and Time| |Meet The
Clergy| |Church Committees| ...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"The Book Shelf at the Book
Binder","","Each title
listed here is a special and unique ""work of art."" Many of these are
""hard to find,"" and all are recommended by an editor, book reviewer,
or an author",0,"What-U-Seek"
"This site has all of the Wyatt Archaeological Research videos online
for free, in RealVideo format! You can also find here most of Ron
Wyatt's books and newsletters about Noah's Ark, The Ark of the
Covenant, Sodom and Gomorrah, Mount Sinai, and
more","","This site has all of the
Wyatt Archaeological Research videos online for free, in RealVideo
format! You can also find here most of Ron Wyatt's books and
newsletters about Noah's Ark, The Ark of the Covenant, Sodom and
Gomorrah, Mount Sinai, and mo",0,"InfoHiway"
evidence points to Jesus coming again very soon! An Illustration
Suppose day after day you commute to work and you pass an empty parcel
of land along the way.",0,"What-U-Seek"
"ZPC Sermon Archive - Jun. 23,
1996","","How are we going to
pay for this? Are we absolutely sure this is what God wants? We've
never done it this way before!"" I attended the seminary of a
denomination that",0,"What-U-Seek"
EXISTS!","","Can it be
true? Has the Ark of the Covenant really been found? As we await
further details, we must prepare ourselves for a major shock to our
paradigms, for the Ark is only one example of ""divine"" technology
which was used in ancient times. A growing band of researchers is now
adamant that there once ...",0,"Infoseek"
"Judgment During The Millennium (Part
3)","","Read about the most
incredible, earth-shaking Bible prophecy predictions poised to be
fulfilled at the dawning of the new millennium! Judgment During The
"Joshua Chapter 3","","Joshua 3 1.
And Joshua rose early * in the morning; and they removed * from
Shittim,and came * to Jordan, he and all the children of Israel, and
lodged * there before they passed over",0,"Infoseek"
"What is the Associationo Universal
is universal philosophy? How did an association begin? Webster's
dictionary defines universal as used or understood by all; an
entity(s) which can be in many",0,"What-U-Seek"
"Ark of the Covenant","","The EPHOD
And David danced before the Lord with all his might: and David was
girded with a linen ephod. So David and all the house of Israel
brought up the Ark of the Lord with shouting, and with the sound of
the In ...",0,"Infoseek"
"World History Archives: The Near East as a
History Archives: The Near East as a whole",92,"HotBot"
"Bible Study -- from Knight Web
Creations","","The Lord appoints
Joshua to succeed Moses. (1-4) God promises to assist Joshua. (5-9)
Preparation to pass over Jordan. (10-15) The people promise to obey
"Atlantis And Ancient Egypt...A Psychic Quest for the Ark of the
Covenant","","The main reason for
the site, is for beings that have had psychic links to Atlantis, the
Great Pyramid or the Ark of the Covenant, can share their stories with
others. I feel that we ...",0,"Infoseek"
"The Ark of the
Covenant","","The Ark of the
Covenant. URL: Last modified
11-Nov-96 - page size 620 bytes",0,"AltaVista"
"Horn of Africa Archive
of Africa Archive (GIF) Index of Ark Images Ark Thumbnail.GIF Ark
1.GIF Ark 2.GIF Ark 3.GIF Ark 4.GIF Ark 5.GIF Ark 6.GIF Ark 7.GIF Ark
8.GIF Ark 9.GIF Ark of the Covenant.GIF al-Arusi.GIF Dinka
Women/Beaded Bodices.GIF Djibouti.GIF Hamar...",92,"HotBot"
"The Ark of the Covenant, Part
4","","Video and printed
documentation is available on these amazing discoveries. The Ark of
the Covenant, Part 4. ""God Bless You in What You are Doing Here""
The. URL: Last modified
18-Sep-98 - page size 11K - in English",0,"AltaVista"
"Sure Word Of
""The True Noah's Ark"" * Discover: "" Lost Secrets of the Ancients""
* Discover: ""How and where the Red Sea parted "" ** Discover: ""The
True Mt. Sinai"" - Not where you think it is! ** Discover: ""The Lost
Cities of Sodom and Gomorrah"" ** Discover: ""The Ark of the
Covenant"" it's whereabouts *** Discover: ""Why ...",0,"Infoseek"
"Baha'u'llah is ""Father Sun"" - He fulfills prophecies from religions
spanning the
world.","","Taken from a
BUPC transcribe of Dr. Leland Jensen's fireside class.) The second
Christ, Baha'u'llah has come, and He fulfills the prophecies for the
Prince of Peace.",0,"What-U-Seek"
"Monument to a
Miracle","","Monument to a
Miracle Copyright DramaShare 1994 Staging Information!--mstheme-->
Characters!--mstheme--> Joseph - the father, middle age Eli - the son,
10 - 12 years old Background!--mstheme--> Scripture Joshua 3 & 4 tells
of the Israelites...",92,"HotBot"
"The Sign and the Seal : The Quest for the Lost Ark of the Covenant by
Sign and the Seal : The Quest for the Lost Ark of the Covenant by
Graham Hancock Price: $12.00",0,"Infoseek"
"The Discovery of the Ark of the
Covenant","","The Ark of the
Covenant Virtual Interpretative Centre CD-Rom. The world's definitive
work on the discoveries of the Ark of the Covenant, Noah's Ark, Sodom
URL: Last modified 11-Aug-98 -
page size 11K - in English",0,"AltaVista"
"Bible Study -- from Knight Web
Creations","","Hannah could not
bear the provocation. Those who are of a fretful spirit, and are apt
to lay provocations too much to heart, are enemies to themselves, and
" Publisher Comment
Only Keyword search Books Music Publisher Comments The Sign and the
Seal : The Quest for the Lost Ark of the Covenant by Graham Hancock
Just a Moment! Are you the Publisher? If you are not the Publisher or
the Publisher's authorized...",92,"HotBot"
"The Ark of the
of Contents A New Chronology David Rohl's timeline of ancient Egypt
supports the historical reality of the Exodus Moses and the Egyptian
Priesthood The priest magicians, the first prophet of God
"OneWorld Magazine - Ethiopia, The Lost Ark of the
Biblical and other archaic sources speak of the Ark of the Covenant
blazing with fire and light, inflicting cancerous tumours and severe
URL: Last modified
4-Mar-98 - page size 8K - in English",0,"AltaVista"
"Bible Study -- from Knight Web
Creations","","This book is the
history of the reign of king David. It relates his victories, the
growth of the prosperity of Israel, and his reformation of the state
of religion.",0,"What-U-Seek"
"Product : PC Bible
Atlas&#153;","","PC Bible Atlas The
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Moses through the Exodus. Retrace Paul's journey to Rome. PC Bible
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into the characters of Lucifer and the son of god. ADAM AND EVE.
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prophetic 70 weeks - Biblical ages and
should I be interested in prophecy?"" we might ask ourselves. ""Is not
that something for theologians to discuss or debate? something that
only super saints can",0,"What-U-Seek"
"Yahoo! Video
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"Ritmeyer Archaeological Design Home
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"Rush","","RUSH The Temples of
Syrinx Words by Neil Peart, Music by Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson ..
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single facet of every...",92,"HotBot"
"The Ark of the
Ark of the Covenant. Table of Contents. A New Chronology. David Rohl's
timeline of ancient Egypt supports the historical reality of the
Exodus. Moses.. URL: Last modified
27-Nov-97 - page size 4K - in English",0,"AltaVista"
"Ark of the Covenant: Publisher
Ark of the Covenant Virtual Interpretative Centre CD-Rom. The world's
definitive work on the discoveries of the Ark of the Covenant, Noah's
Ark, Sodom URL: Last
modified 11-Aug-98 - page size 7K - in English",0,"AltaVista"
"new age, occult, theology -- MI-KA-YA Publishing House And Online
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"Animotion Studios - Home Page","","-
Animotion Studios. Technical excellence combined with artistic
"BIBLE QUIZZES, ""The Ark of the
Covenant""","","Gospel site by a
lover of Jesus Christ. Prayer requests, Bible info & quizes,
testimonies, missionaries, PenPals, Much Much more! This site grows
URL: Last modified 26-Feb-98 - page
size 5K - in English",0,"AltaVista"
"Ark of the Covenant CD-ROM - Shockwave Demo and CD-ROM
Shockwave. Map below. go here for the if you need the shockwave
plugin. This is the map used in the CD-ROM to get around the
virtual... URL:
Last modified 14-Aug-98 - page size 5K - in English",0,"AltaVista"
"Ark of the Covenant: Free demo. Macintosh
version","","Download a
free demo of the Ark of the Covenant Virtual Interpretative Centre
CD-Rom. URL: Last modified
14-Aug-98 - page size 7K - in English",0,"AltaVista"
"Walk-Thru Bibles : Roadside
America","","The Holy
Bible is one popular book. Two thousand years on the best sellers
list, with myriad sugar-coated ""good news"" and ebonics versions
reaching out to everyone.",61,"Magellan"
"GURPS Warehouse 23
","","Written by S.
John Ross Edited by Sean Barrett Cover by Bruce Popky Illustrated by
Dan Smith and Brian Despain DANGER! THIS SIDE UP! The Ark of the
Covenant rests in a crate next to the gold plates of Moroni and the
dissected corpses of the Martian invaders.",61,"Magellan"
"Lycos Pictures and
Gallery Religion Judaism Symbols Ark of the Covenant 93K; Ark of the
Covenant; David and the Ark of the Covenant; 1943 Click here for full
size photo &#160;&#160; Image Gallery Home Powered by Wood River
Media, Inc. ©1998 Wood River Media All.",92,"HotBot"
"Lycos Pictures and
here to visit site Image Gallery Religion Judaism Symbols Ark of the
Covenant 93K; Ark of the Covenant; David and the Ark of the Covenant;
1943 Click here for full size photo &#160;&#160; Image Gallery Home
Powered by Wood River Media, Inc. .",92,"HotBot"
"First Temple Period","","Jerusalem in
the First Temple Period (1006-586 BCE) One of David's first actions as
king was to conquer Jerusalem and declare it the capital of his
kingdom. A geopolitical constraint apparently dictated this choice,
despite the city's drawbacks...",92,"HotBot"
of Israel on migration",92,"HotBot"
"HOLY BIBLE, KJV. Text of 1 SAMUEL, Chapter
4","","- Chapter 4 1 And the
word of Samuel came to all Israel. Now Israel went out against the
Philistines to battle, and pitched beside Ebenezer: and the
Philistines pitched in Aphek. 2 And the Philistines put themselves in
array against Israel: and when they joined battle, Israel was smitten
before the Philistines: and they slew of the army in the field about
four thousand men. 3 And when the...",69,"Excite"
"Keep Looking Up! ","","In Memory of
Marlene Janet Davis 1944-1998 ""Welcome to the Keep Looking Up home
page. Please take your time to browse through our pages. Be sure to
call or e-mail us with any comments or questions!""",61,"Magellan"
"OneWorld Magazine - Ethiopia, The Lost Ark of the
Biblical and other archaic sources speak of the Ark of the Covenant
blazing with fire and light, inflicting cancerous tumours and severe
burns, levelling mountains, ....",0,"SEARCH.COM"
"Ordering Mindvision
MindVision CD-ROMs read below .. Internet Solutions go here .. Order
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"Ark of the Covenant: Object Lesson: Bible Picture Tour of the People,
Places, Things and Topics of the Bible;
the tour of the people, places, things and topics of the Bible. From
Egypt to Rome, our 360 degree, interactive IPIX pictures allow you to
see the Pyramids, Walk Where Walked and Discover the mystery of Petra
all from the comfort of you",92,"HotBot"
"Ancient Wisdom Mailing
List","","Ancient Wisdom Mailing List
Information Application Form Reading List 1998 AW Convention\ Member
Database To Contact Me This page is an introduction to the Ancient
Wisdom Mailing List. Ancient Wisdom is a closed list, but joining is a
Discoveries In Todays World These discoveries are AWESOME! Discover
stories and pictures of significant Archaeological finds, of the last
ten years which confirm the truth of the Holy Bible. Information used
with the kind permission of...",92,"HotBot"
"Your E-Mail!","","- After
several amazing years, I'm forced to write this column... Since I got
on-line with my first 5 articles, the change in e-mail has been
"Sandalphon.Com Christian Pursuit Home
Page","","WEB PAGE HIGHLIGHTS: -I nnovative
non-denominational Christian theology -Quotes from the Talmud, the
Desert Fathers, and other sources rarely studied by students of
Christian theology",61,"Magellan"
"DAGON 7'2m0f The Ark of the Covenant destroys Dagon's temple
","","- (PRIEST & SMITH
raise phones to their ears simultaneously, standing on opposite ends
of the stage) SMITH --- Ashdad police. This is detective
Grace General Store is pleased to make available free support and
encouragement articles from around the Web for your reading
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Page","","Nissi Home Book Store
Christian Gallery Vietnam Gallery Show Case Use the form below to
search for documents in this web containing specific words or
combinations of words. The text search engine will display a weighted
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"The Israel Museum, Jerusalem - Archaeological
Museum","","Archaeological Museum
Archaeological Museum spans half a million years of Holy Land,
Biblical and Near Eastern history. Here you can follow the development
of Israel and its neighboring cultures, from prehistoric times through
the Middle Ages...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"Eparchy, Our Lady of Lebanon, LA, CONSECRATION OF CHURCH SUNDAY.
","","- Eparchy of Our Lady of
Lebanon of Los Angeles Nov. 10, 1996 CONSECRATION OF THE CHURCH SUNDAY
Liturgical Notes: The liturgical year of the Maronite Church opens
with commemorations in honor of the Church of Christ.",68,"Excite"
REVEALED Angels, Part One Angels Part Two The Ark of the Covenant The
Cloud of Yahweh What is the Soul? What is Spiritual Energy? Retreat 97
SACRED PLACES Retreat 97 Out of Body Experience (OBE) Retreat 97
Angels Can You Prove...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
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Bible","","Ancient Secrets of
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Price $5.35 (save 10% $.60) ISBN: 0-440-21801-2 Publisher: Dell Form:
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"Area G","","Area G ""David occupied
the stronghold and renamed it the City of David; David also fortified
the surrounding area, from the Millo inward"" (2 Samuel 5:9). This
area, which was excavated from 1978 to 1985 by an archaeological
mission led by the late..",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"RE: The ARK of the COVENANT is in the CREATION
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"Amenra's Pages of UFO-Paranormal
UFO updates Information/Help The Paranormal Paranormal Databanks Crop
Circles Ark of the Covenant Ark find a fraud? Art Bell Billy Meier's
Story UFO Areas Fortune City Area 51 Information EG&G General Area51
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"Bible Study -- from Knight Web
Creations","","Isaiah prophesied
in the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah. He has been well
called the evangelical prophet, on account of his numerous and full
"OneWorld Magazine - Ethiopia, The Lost Ark of the
Biblical and other archaic sources speak of the Ark of the Covenant
blazing with fire and light, inflicting cancerous tumours and severe
burns, levelling mountains, stopping rivers, blasting whole armies and
laying waste cities..",0,"SEARCH.COM"
Survey of 1Chronicles",92,"HotBot"
"GURPS Warehouse
23","","Written by
S. John Ross Edited by Sean Barrett Cover by Bruce Popky Illustrated
by Dan Smith and Brian Despain DANGER! THIS SIDE UP! The Ark of the
Covenant rests in a crate next to the gold plates of Moroni and the
dissected corpses of the Martian.",92,"HotBot"
"Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Sounds","","All the Indiana Jones and
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Indiana: Pretty sure. fly_yes.wav (84K) Henry Jones: I didn't know you
could fly a...",92,"HotBot"
"Re: acacia
wood","","Re: acacia
wood [ Follow Ups ] [ Post Followup ] [ Woodworker's Bulletin Board -
Lumber ] Posted by Dr Tuazon on July 03, 1998 at 03:07:14: In Reply
to: Re: acacia wood posted by Howard on July 24, 1997 at 11:33:31: : I
am trying to find the common.",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
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history | ancient-worlds ±×·£±â ¼ ±×·ì¸¸ ±Û¿Ã¸®±â µµ¿ò¸» ¼º ÀÚ Á¦ ¸ñ
³¯ Â¥ 1 Bob and Suzanne Kessler Re: Ark of the Covenant: gone before
Nebuchadnezzar 98/ 9/10 2 Robert J.",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"Mysteries of the Bible -
Library","","Send your comments
or suggestions to Michael S. Sanders. All contributions gratefully
received Website development and hosting by Photo Ad
"Title:Seventh Day Sabbath
Truth","","Seventh Day
Sabbath Truth",59,"Magellan"
DEATH Pro Organo item #CD7023 Organ Works of Petr Eben An Eben Organ
Anthology Janette Fishell, organist The Casavant Organ of St. George's
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"Lycos Pictures and
Gallery Religion Judaism Symbols Ark of the Covenant 93K; Ark of the
Covenant; David and the Ark of the Covenant; PicturesNOW! Click here
for full size photo    Image Gallery Home Powered by Wood River Media,
Inc. ©1998 Wood River...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"OneWorld Magazine - Ethiopia, The Lost Ark of the
Biblical and other archaic sources speak of the Ark of the Covenant
blazing with fire and light, inflicting cancerous tumours and severe
burns, levelling mountains, stopping rivers, blasting whole armies and
laying waste cities..",0,"SEARCH.COM"
"Military Crisis In Israel (Part
2)","","Read about the most
incredible, earth-shaking Bible prophecy predictions poised to be
fulfilled at the dawning of the new millennium! Military Crisis In
Israel Before",0,"What-U-Seek"
"Body","","Doctrine by the late
Claude Duval Cole. Bro. Cole died reading Volume II (Sin Salvation
Service) the same morning he had received it in the mail. He had
already started",0,"What-U-Seek"
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Arts, Litterature, Business, Computers, Telecom, Music, Education,
Entertainment, Government, Politics, Health, Medicine, Agriculture,
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"Scott Rayl - Ceramics and Works on
Paper","","G.B. Tate & Sons Art
Gallery Online We are pleased to offer a fine selection of ceramic
works and paintings on papyrus by the artist, Scott Rayl Click on any
image to view a larger image. For a information on the artist, go to
our Biography Page...",92,"HotBot"
"raidert","","Information on
Raiders Treasures Goddess of Fertility Idol The Idol of the
Chachapoyan Warriors rested on a pedestal at the end of a booby
trap-filled hallway. The absence of the idol triggered the release of
the huge boulder which nearly killed...",92,"HotBot"
"Ark of the Convenant
Found?","","Ark of the
Convenant Found? [ Follow Ups ] [ Post Followup ] [ Watchtower Review
] [ FAQ ] Posted by Michael HaShev (NIGHT) on September 08, 1998 at
02:51:34: Some scholars think the Temple treasure is legendary, some
think it's allegorical (a sort.",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"What is
is The Ark of the Covenant? / The Ark of the Covenant was a chest
measuring 2.5 cubits in length by 1.5 cubits in width, and 1.5 cubits
in height (4 feet 2 inches x 2 feet 6 inches x 2 feet 6 inches). It
was made of shittim wood, which was...2385 bytes,
"Diocese of Las Vegas: Desert
1998 IN THIS ISSUE Del E. Webb Foundation Pledges $3 Million to New
St. Rose Dominican Hospital Facility Bishop Walsh's Letter A Day of
Recollection for Priests The Story of My Vocation, By Bishop Walsh
Mary: The Ark of the Covenant A Summer...",92,"HotBot"
"Ancient Secrets of the Bible: Ark of the Covenant - The DVD at
Digital Video","","Most complete
selection of DVD titles for rent and purchase! Wholesale to the
public! Special orders welcome!",0,"Infoseek"
"The Karen Allen Interviews
Page","","Karen Allen
Interviews ""It has been a long time between screen sightings of the
actress — her romp with Harrison Ford in Raiders was 15 years ago, and
Starman came out in 1984.",59,"Magellan"
"The American Cross","","We are building
a 1000 foot, mirror-finish, stainless steel Cross.",59,"Magellan"
"Rev 11","","1 I was given a
reed like a measuring rod and was told, ""Go and measure the temple of
God and the altar, and count the worshipers there. 2 But exclude the
outer court; do not measure it, because it has been given to the
"1Sa 4:3 4:3 And when the people were come into the camp, the elders
of Israel said, {a}
...","","1Sa 4:3
4:3 And when the people were come into the camp, the elders of Israel
said, Wherefore hath the LORD smitten us to day before the
Philistines? Let us fetch the ark of the covenant of the LORD out of
Shiloh unto us, that, when it ...",0,"Infoseek"
GRAND LIARS! Misram Alheid, New Delhi, India. Be your own Executive
Producer and DOUBLE YOUR ROYALTIES in spite of the liars at ASCAP, BMI
and SESAC! How to do it, what to look for.",0,"EuroSeek"
"Virtual Art Gallery, Acacia Trees Paintings by Ron Gang: Sinai and
Neg...","","the art of
Ron Gang the Acacia Series The Acacia tree, referred to in the Bible
as the Shitta, is widespread in the Savannahs of Africa. Its farthest
northern habitat is Israel's Negev region.",59,"Magellan"
"Ritual of the Cathedral
Lightwork Healing Schools & Techniques Ascension Movement Ascension
Mysteries Claire Watson Ascension Activities Ritual of the Portal for
Planetary Ascension: Ritual of the Portal for P",0,"EuroSeek"
Clips Presentation of Discoveries: Noah's Ark - 11 min. Sodom And
Gomorrah - 9 min. Red Sea Crossing - 7 min. Mt. Sinai - 13 min. Ark of
The Covenant - 9 min. Noah's Ark - 2 hour video: Part 1 - 1 hour 10
min. Part 2 - 50 min. Sodom And Gomorrah - 45",0,"EuroSeek"
"The Form and Spirit of
Religion","","A Sermon
Delivered on Sabbath Morning, April 4, 1858, by the REV. C.H. SPURGEON
At the Music Hall, Royal Surrey Gardens. ""Let us fetch the ark of the
covenant of the Lord out of Shiloh unto us, that, ...",0,"Infoseek"
changing articles leading to eternity.",59,"Magellan"
Information on Raiders Treasures Goddess of Fertility Idol The Idol of
the Chachapoyan Warriors rested on a pedestal at the end of a booby
trap-filled hallway.",68,"Excite"
"Ritual of the Cathedral
Lightwork Healing Schools & Techniques Ascension Movement Ascension
Mysteries Claire Watson Ascension Activities Ritual of the Portal for
Planetary Ascension: Ritual of the Portal for P",0,"EuroSeek"
"Past Lives With Zoroaster","","Past
Lives With Zoroaster Ellie and Zoroaster in Persian lifetime as
channeled to artist Deja Allison Zoroaster has always come to Earth to
seed the planet with spiritual truths. In April 1954, when I was 11
years old, my mother took me to Nevada. In the deser",0,"EuroSeek"
"Catholic Quick
Questions","","It's surprising
how many biblical errors and false assumptions are present in your
question. For starters, read 1 Samuel 4 again. It nowhere says that
the people of Israel ""placed their faith"" in the ark
Central Gathering Place for Christian Teaching, News, and
"Christian Author/Tabernacle of
CAPstoneWebRing site is owned by Join CAPstone - a WebRing for
Christian Authors and Poets (Artists and Publishers, too!) Below is a
listing of the tapes:",58,"Magellan"
"the source - Steeling the Mind of
America","","- 1998, The
Newly Found Location of the Real Mt. Sinai and the Ark of the
Covenant! by Bob Comuke--Biblical Archeology Audio: Retail $6.95, Our
Price $6.25 (save 10% $.70) Video: Retail $19.95, Our Price $17.95
(save 10% $2.00) Form: Audio & Video",68,"Excite"
These discoveries are AWESOME! Discover stories and pictures of
significantArchaeological finds, of the last ten years which confirm
the truth of the Holy Bible.",68,"Excite"
"Indiana Jones","","-
Temple of Doom - - 76k (.zip) The Last Crusade - - 75k (.zip) Info
About Indy IV The Indy IV Script (Same as above) - - 288k (.html) Info
About Each Movie",68,"Excite"
"ICT Inspired Christian Technologies Megasite, Animated Graphics
Galle...","","ICT's Animated
Christian Graphics Gallery index page",58,"Magellan"
"F A Q s ","","- What will the
Ark of the Covenant contain ? According to the Torah, the two Tables
of the Testimony were placed in the Ark by Moses (Ex. 25:16,
"page2","","- The old and
new covenants:(or old and new ""testaments"") We start with this New
Covenant prophecy from Jeremiah 31:31-34 In which we see reiterated in
Hebrews 8:8-12.",67,"Excite"
"Hot Links","","- Today, a
co-worker told me about Ron Wyatt, an archeologist who has found some
amazing things, including THE ARK OF THE COVENANT, the chariots at the
bottom of the Red Sea, and apparently Noah's Ark.",67,"Excite"
THURSDAY Apostle Dinka's Second Epistle Christ was not Crucified on
Friday but Thursday The Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ Unites the
World The Mathematics of GoodFriday The Ark of the Covenant THURSDAY
MAY 26,1994 EVENING SERVICE",92,"HotBot"
"Abu Gosh Vocal Music
Festival","","During the
Festival, concerts are held in churches - the Crusader Church and its
crypt, and the Church of the Ark of the Covenant - which both have
excellent acoustics, remarkable beauty, and a very special
"Book of 1 Samuel, Chapter 4,
(KJV)","","King James Version
of the Bible. Book of 1 Samuel. Chapter 4. 1 And the word of Samuel
came to all Israel. Now Israel went out against the Philistines to
battle, and pitched beside Ebenezer: and ...",0,"Infoseek"
"Dispatch From
Jerusalem","","- Nature
- Home Where They Belong - Wildlife Restored To It's Biblical Habitat
Hula Valley Swamplands Restored Big Game In Israel, Wild Boar Acacia
Tree Was Material For The Ark Of The Covenant Nature in Israel Bread
From the Earth Use the form...",92,"HotBot"
"Australian Books C.D'S, VIDEOS, CASSETTES by Author Name begining
Mind Body Spirit Internet Australian Authors Section-with Descriptions
and ExtractsOver 1250 Books, Tapes, C.D.'s and Videos by Author Name
begining with G",58,"Magellan"
"Chronicles I,
I. Chapter 15. 15:1 And David made him houses in the city of David,
and prepared a place for the ark of God, and pitched for it a tent.
15:2 Then David said, None ought to carry the ark of ...",0,"Infoseek"
"KFJC play list 8/18/96 for Spliff
TRACK ALBUM Joe Higgs Uncle John's Band V/A:Fire on the Mount. Dub
Syndicate J.A. Minor/Night Train Classic Selection 1 No Lightweight
Sound Ital Breakfast Scientist Love ...",0,"Infoseek"
"Indiana Jones
Raiders of the Lost Ark Trivia Harrison Ford was actually dragged
behind the truck for some of the shots. When asked if he was worried,
Ford quipped: ``No.",67,"Excite"
"Diocese of Las Vegas: Desert
1998 IN THIS ISSUE Del E. Webb Foundation Pledges $3 Million to New
St. Rose Dominican Hospital Facility Bishop Walsh's Letter A Day of
Recollection for Priests The Story of My Vocation, By Bishop Walsh
Mary: The Ark of the Covenant A Summer...",92,"HotBot"
THURSDAY Apostle Dinka's Second Epistle Christ was not Crucified on
Friday but Thursday The Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ Unites the
World The Mathematics of GoodFriday The Ark of the Covenant Watch and
Pray THURSDAY MAY 26,1994 EVENING...",92,"HotBot"
"A Dusty Shelf Holding a Single
Book","","A Dusty Shelf Holding a
Single Book Guided by unknown forces you make your way down a long
dark hallway. Crates of papers and books form rough isles and just out
of your sight, small animals dart about the shadows. You think for a
moment that the...",92,"HotBot"
"Women Alive -- Editor's Notes Jan/Feb
98","","Homepage |
Bulletin | Magazine | Guestbook | Resources | Contacts We Must Have
the Ark! by Aletha Hinthorn How empty are our ""successes"" when we
accomplish them in our own strength. The uncrossable Jordan lay before
the Israelites. God told them to.",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"JOSHUA_3.html","","The Holy
Bible KJV JOSHUA 3:1 And Joshua rose early in the morning; and they
removed from Shittim, and came to Jordan, he and all the children of
Israel, and lodged there before they passed over. 3:2 And it came to
pass after three days, that the...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"Religion @ David Evans Home
page","","- There
have been a Few big events at our church, the most memorable of which
was the visit by archeologist Ronald Wyatt who explained to us his
amaizing discoveries",67,"Excite"
"Welcome to The Holy of
Holies","","Involved in
the reenactment of the Tabernacle and the Holy of Holies. We would
like to come to your church to bless others.",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"Welcome to The Holy of
Holies","","Involved in the
reenactment of the Tabernacle and the Holy of Holies. We would like to
come to your church to bless others.",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"Words of
HOPE","","August 9,
1997 Getting Your Feet Wet Read: Joshua 3:6-17 When the people of
Israel set out to cross the Jordan River, God Himself went before
them, as must always be the case in any successful spiritual
enterprise. In the past, when God was ready...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"Ark of the Covenant: Free demo. Windows 3.1
version","","Download a
free demo of the Ark of the Covenant Virtual Interpretative Centre
CD-Rom. URL: Last modified
12-Aug-98 - page size 10K - in English",0,"AltaVista"
"3","","Yahushua 3 3:1
And Joshua rose early in the morning; and they removed from Shittim,
and came to Jordan, he and all the children of Israel, and lodged
there before they passed over. 3:2 And it came to pass after three
days, that the officers went...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"King James Bible (Gen. - Rev.) ... Joshua Chp.
3","","Search more than 25701
pages of free materials on Christian living using 2981005
hyperlinks.",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"Dispatch From
Nature - Home Where They Belong - Wildlife Restored To It's Biblical
Habitat Hula Valley Swamplands Restored Big Game In Israel, Wild Boar
Acacia Tree Was Material For The Ark Of The Covenant Nature in Israel
Bread From the Earth Use the form...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
Quizes Accidents. Who suffered these? Actions. Who did these things?
Events at the Altar. What happened at these altars? Angels. People and
angels. Anger. Questions about anger. Anointings. Who was anointed?
Ark of the Covenant. This will...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"The Tabernacle Ark of the
Covenant","","nbsp; The Ark
of the Covenant. The Scanned painting on the transparency is full page
and in full color. Artwork by Priscilla Silver. For more... URL: Last modified 10-May-98 - page
size 8K - in English",0,"AltaVista"
"Found! The Ark of the
Covenant","","The Ark of
the Covenant Virtual Interpretative Centre CD-Rom. The world's
definitive work on the discoveries of the Ark of the Covenant, Noah's
Ark, Sodom URL: Last modified
13-Aug-98 - page size 9K - in English",0,"AltaVista"
"OneWorld Magazine - Ethiopia, The Lost Ark of the
Biblical and other archaic sources speak of the Ark of the Covenant
blazing with fire and light, inflicting cancerous tumours and severe
burns, levelling mountains, stopping rivers, blasting whole armies and
laying waste cities..",0,"SEARCH.COM"
"Vision of men carrying the
Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 17 August 1993 at 12:29 AM. I just
had a vision of some men carrying something shiny that glowed and was
very bright like a star with a pair of poles. It glowed so bright I
thought of a star at first, but as.",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
& The Levites Carrying the Ark of the Covenant. Sam Philipe depicting
the miracle when Joshua first entered Israel, crossing the Jordan
river and the Levites carrying the Ark of the Covenant on their
shoulders. ""And it shall come to pass...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
& The Levites Carrying the Ark of the Covenant. Sam Philipe depicting
the miracle when Joshua first entered Israel, crossing the Jordan
river and the Levites carrying the Ark of the Covenant on their
shoulders. ""And it shall come to pass...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"Arthur &amp; Rosalind
ARK OF THE COVENANT From Arthur &amp; Rosalind Eedie of THE PROPHETIC
TELEGRAPH In November of last year when writing P.T.73. I closed with
a mention of the possible discovery of the Ark of the Covenant in
Jerusalem. Since then I have had the opportunity of following this up,
and have found ....",0,"SEARCH.COM"
"Ark of the Covenant
Snazzy List of Links. Temple News!: To know Wisdom: The Book of
Daniel: This page has been visited. times. Ark of the Covenant News!
Gather by JOHN... URL:
Last modified 15-Aug-98 - page size 3K - in English",0,"AltaVista"
"Ark of the Covenant: Free demo. Windows 95-NT
version","","Download a
free demo of the Ark of the Covenant Virtual Interpretative Centre
CD-Rom. URL: Last modified
12-Sep-98 - page size 10K - in English",0,"AltaVista"
"Ark of the Covenant, a MUD, About
AotC","","A christian based
mud open to all URL: Last modified
19-Sep-98 - page size 651 bytes - in English",0,"AltaVista"
& The Levites Carrying the Ark of the Covenant. Sam Philipe depicting
the miracle when Joshua first entered Israel, crossing the Jordan
river and the Levites carrying the Ark of the Covenant on their
shoulders. ""And it shall come to pass...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
& The Levites Carrying the Ark of the Covenant. Sam Philipe depicting
the miracle when Joshua first entered Israel, crossing the Jordan
river and the Levites carrying the Ark of the Covenant on their
shoulders. ""And it shall come to pass...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
" Shining the Holy Ark Web
Links","","GameSpot's Web Links for Shining the Holy Ark",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"Chapter 4 -
& Phoenicians - Phoenicians and Indo-Europeans; the Hebrews and the
development of monotheism The Phoenecians The Phonecians lived along
the eastern coast of the Mediterranean in what is now Lebanon and
"Twila Paris ","","""God Is
In Control"" - 850k Beyond A Dream Sometimes I feel like a pale
reflection/ Living in the blessing they passed down/ Some of them have
held me/ Some never knew my name/ But the secret has been
"KeelyNet WWW Home Page","","John
Worrell Keely 1827-1898 E-mail a Comment or Suggestion Compound
Disintegrator When reading Theo's book, keep in mind; 1) - the
universe is pressurized by aether flowing into the centers of
"Solomon's Court","","The ministry of
Rick Torretto not only includes evangelization, preaching and
teaching, but also the publication of the Good News through audio and
video cassettes, books, pamphlets, tracts and newsletters. All
presentations are Scripture-based, Christ-Centered, and obedient to
the Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church.",57,"Magellan"
"Ark of the
of the Covenant ( ahrk uv dhu COV-e-nint ) The Ark of the Covenant,
made by Bezalel, was a chest of acacia wood measuring four feet in
length, two and a half feet in width, and two and a half feet in
height. The ark was covered with a gold...",92,"HotBot"
"Re: Ark of the
Ups | Post Followup | Back to Discussion Board From: gerry cannon
( Subject: Re: Ark of the Covenant Date:
May 07, 1998 at 12:20:44 EST In Reply to: Ark of the Covenant posted
by mg on August 31, 1997 at 19:24:03..",92,"HotBot"
"Today's Israel: Is God On Her
Israel Is God On Her Side? By Jon Zens ""Rev. Jerry Falwell, founder
of the Moral Majority, says he has been assured by Prime Minister
Menachem Begin that Israel eventually will control an area that
includes parts of Egypt and Turkey. 'Begin shares the Biblical view of
the promised land,' said Falwell in a copyright story in Sunday's
editions of the Tyler Courier-Times Telegraph.",57,"Magellan"
"Ark of The Covenant
Comments","","Ark of
The Covenant Comments by Bill Somers The following comments are in
reference to the Ron Wyatt article The Ark of The Covenant The Very
Large Sword in the Chamber And the priest said, The sword of Goliath
the Philistine, whom thou slewest in..",92,"HotBot"
"Ian Tresman's Home
Page","","Hello, my name's Ian
Tresman, and apologies to those with a nervous disposition for the
photograph. If you find the sign irresistible, then I'm a Capricorn,
otherwise I'm a Guardian reader.",56,"Magellan"
"The Truth About
Baptism","","The following
announcement appeared in a denominational bulletin: ""This afternoon
there will be a meeting in the north and south ends of the church
"Call Me a Child of the
Funny Pages: Large and growing collection of internet email
"Lost Tribes, etc. Course Outline
491 Seminar, Offered Bi Yearly WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF THE STRANGE,
ABSURD, AND DOWNRIGHT WHACKY! ! The past is powerful. For many, it is
simply just interesting and a source of entertainment.",54,"Magellan"
"Ritual of the Cathedral
Lightwork Healing Schools & Techniques Ascension Movement Ascension
Mysteries Claire Watson Ascension Activities Ritual of the Portal for
Planetary Ascension: Ritual of the Portal for P",0,"EuroSeek"
"The Last
Call","","Video and
printed documentation is available on these amazing discoveries
Newsletter One The Last Call ""Behold, I will this once cause them to
know.... that my name is The Lord."" For approximately six thousand
years planet Earth has been under the vicious tyra",0,"EuroSeek"
"newso","","O N.B. 1. Click on
your BACK button to return to the index page 2. Remember that this
work for] INR02/09/98 20:1 O'REILLY, TONY [HEAD OF INDEPENDENT]
[Interview] GM 07/09/98 2+# O.TEL.O Veba",0,"EuroSeek"
"Crystalinks Alphabetical
" Shining the Holy Ark Web
Links","","GameSpot's Web Links for Shining the Holy Ark",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"Joshua 3","","Joshua 3
[Verse Index] 1 And Joshua rose early in the morning; and they removed
from Shittim, and came to Jordan, he and all the children of Israel,
and lodged there before they passed over. 2 And it came to pass after
three days, that the officers.",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"Altar of
altar of incense, also called the golden altar, was located in the
ancient Israelite tabernacle or tent of meeting referred to in the
Hebrew Bible. The tabernacle was the Israelites' central place of
worship and ....",0,"SEARCH.COM"
3","","Saturday, August 22,
1998 JOSHUA CHAPTER 3 1 ¶ And Joshua rose early in the morning; and
they removed from Shittim, and came to Jordan, he and all the children
of Israel, and lodged there before they passed over. 2 And it came to
pass after three...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
Three Chapter Index: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 1 And Joshua rose early in the morning; and they
removed from Shittim, and came to Jordan, he and all the children of
Israel, and lodged there before they...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"King James Version","","King
James Version Joshua Chapter 3 3:1 And Joshua rose early in the
morning; and they removed from Shittim, and came to Jordan, he and all
the children of Israel, and lodged there before they passed over. 3:2
And it came to pass after three days..",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"1 Samuel 4. King James Version. 1 And the word of Samuel came to all
...","","1 Samuel 4.
King James Version. 1 And the word of Samuel came to all Israel. Now
Israel went out against the Philistines to battle, and pitched beside
Ebenezer: and ....",0,"SEARCH.COM"
"1 Samuel Chapter
4","","Chapter 4 And
the word of Samuel came to all Israel. Now Israel went out against the
Philistines to battle, and pitched beside Ebenezer: and the
Philistines pitched in Aphek. And the Philistines put
"I","","Genesis 6:9-22 Noah
Contrasted with his Contemporaries (9-14) Noah, the Only Righteous Man
He is ""just"" and ""perfect"" We know this already from 6:8 And this
helps define ""righteous man"" He is one who has found favor in God's
eyes ""Perfectly...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
CHAPTER 3 1 And Joshua rose early in the morning; and they removed
from Shittim, and came to Jordan, he and all the children of Israel,
and lodged there before they passed over. 2 And it came to pass after
three days, that the...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"HOLY BIBLE, KJV. Text of JOSHUA, Chapter
3","","JOSHUA Chapter 3 1 And
Joshua rose early in the morning; and they removed from Shittim, and
came to Jordan, he and all the children of Israel, and lodged there
before they passed over. 2 And it came to pass after three days, that
the officers went..",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"Cloning blood from the
blood from the Shroud [ Follow Ups ] [ Post Followup ] [
childrensermons Message Board ] Posted by Sandra Lamb on June 23, 1998
at 12:09:23: I believe it would be a basphemous and wicked thing to
do. Man wants to play God and be God. The...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"1. Where's the Ark of the Covenant Been? -
on where the Ark of the Covenant has been in the past URL: Last modified 11-Aug-98 -
page size 12K - in English",0,"AltaVista"
"Ark of the Covenant, a MUD, General
Info","","A christian based
mud open to all URL: Last
modified 19-Sep-98 - page size 3K - in English",0,"AltaVista"
"Ark of the Covenant: Perspectives On-Line
Conference","","The Ark of
the Covenant Virtual Interpretative Centre CD-Rom. The world's
definitive work on the discoveries of the Ark of the Covenant, Noah's
Ark, Sodom URL: Last modified
12-Sep-98 - page size 10K - in English",0,"AltaVista"
"The Tabernacle Ark of the
Covenant","","The Ark of the
Covenant The Scanned painting on the transparency is full page and in
full color. Artwork by Priscilla Silver For more info contact: Rusty
Russell The graphics on this web site may not be used without
permission. This site has been...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"Ark of the Covenant, a MUD, AotC
News","","A christian based
mud open to all URL: Last modified
9-Sep-98 - page size 504 bytes - in English",0,"AltaVista"
"The Story of the Ark of the
Covenant","","The Ark of the
Covenant Virtual Interpretative Centre CD-Rom. The world's definitive
work on the discoveries of the Ark of the Covenant, Noah's Ark, Sodom
URL: Last modified 12-Sep-98 -
page size 10K - in English",0,"AltaVista"
"Ark of the Covenant may lie in West
Bank","","British scholar wants to
dig for lost ark in Palestinian area By Douglas Davis. LONDON, Sept. 7
(JTA) -- A latter-day Indiana Jones believes he has found.. URL: Last modified 15-Sep-98 - page size 9K
- in English",0,"AltaVista"
"Ark of the Covenant, a MUD, AotC Links
Page","","A christian based
mud open to all URL: Last modified
9-Sep-98 - page size 527 bytes - in English",0,"AltaVista"
"Ark of the Covenant, a MUD, AotC
Staff","","A christian based
mud open to all URL: Last modified
9-Sep-98 - page size 798 bytes - in English",0,"AltaVista"
"Tabernacle -- Encarta® Concise Encyclopedia
in the Old Testament, tent established by Moses in which the Ark of
the Covenant was conveyed (Exodus 25-31, 35-40). It was believed to
represent the presence of God. In the Roman Catholic church the term
«i»tabernacle«/i» refers to the receptacle containing the
"Temple of Zeus -- The Heart of
Gods","","Are you interested
in Star Wars? Are you interested in movies in general? Then come visit
my site - Temple of Zeus -- The Heart of Gods!",54,"Magellan"
"Randall Price - The Stones Cry Out -","","Products New
Bibles Software Kids StoryKpr VegTales Books Fiction NonFiction Men
Women Reference Music Alternative Popular Information Links First Time
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Stones Cry Out By: Randal..",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"Armageddon","","The Garabandal
Story Three signs from God to come soon! Zeitun, Egypt The Virgin Mary
Apparitions! The Fatima Story Three signs from God to come soon! The
Ark Of The Covenant The Lost Ark Of God! The Pyramids The Truth About
Pyramids! His Birth...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"The Delphian Tripod
Restored","","Line Art From Rare
Manuscripts The Delphian Tripod Restored From Beaumont’s Gleanings of
Antiquities. According to Beaumont, the above is the most authentic
form of the Delphian tripod extant; but as the tripod must have
changed considerably...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"The Ark of God","","- The
Ark of God HEADLINE: ""And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and
there was seen in his temple the ARK of his TESTAMENT: and there were
lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake and great
hail,"" Revelation 11:19.",67,"Excite"
"Caution! You are in the Presence of
God!","","- Pastor Tony Vis July 26,
1998 I must confess to you that I approach today’s Bible story with
some reluctance. I further confess that I was greatly tempted at
several points during this week of preparation to move quickly past
this story.",67,"Excite"
"King James Bible (Gen. - Rev.) ... I Chronicles Chp.
15","","- Search more than
25701 pages of free materials on Christian living using 2981005
"John Dublirer web page design Amiga graphic paintings Huntsville
JPD","","Ancient History
and Biblical Items The Great Pyramid - Part I The Great Pyramid - Part
2 The Pyramids of Giza The Pyramids' connection to the planet Mars
Ancient History Timeline World History Timeline Biblical Events
Timeline Biblical Events Ancient History Timeline ...",0,"Infoseek"
"Exposition of the Divine Principle 1996
Translation","","The Bible
contains many secrets concerning God's work of salvation. It is
written, ""Surely the Lord God does nothing, without revealing his
secret to his servants the prophets.""1 However, without knowing the
principle behind God's providence, people have been unable to discern
the ...",0,"Infoseek"
"RASPAGE","","Welcome to the
humble abode of Can I interest you you in taking a look at my favorite
links 'It's a BLACK thing you would not understand, unless you are
BLACK and have felt the oppression of the MAN.",54,"Magellan"
"Civilizations in Africa:
Axum","","   The Aksumites
were a people formed from the mix of Kushitic speaking people in
Ethiopia and Semitic speaking people in southern Arabia who settled
the territory across the Red Sea around 500 BC.",54,"Magellan"
"Welcome to PropheZine #19 -Ray
#19 May 15, 1996 Welcome Raymond Gano Welcome to Issue #19 Articles
Grant R. Jeffrey Peace in the Middle East or Prelude to War? Jim
Pinkoski Ron Wyatt's Discovery of the Ark of the Covenant David M.
Williams The 4 Main Approaches to...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"Untitled","","339. Vision
given to Raymond Aguilera on 17 August 1993 at 12:29 AM I just had a
vision of some men carrying something shiny that glowed and was very
bright like a star with a pair of poles. It glowed so bright I thought
of a star at first, but as..",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"What IS the ""Ark of the
Covenant""?","","- ""Types
and Antitypes"" All of the objects of the earthly tabernacle were
""patterns of things in the heavens"" (see Hebrews 9:23). The Ark
represented God's Throne- it was where He manifested His Presence
among His people.",67,"Excite"
"An Amazing Revelation ","","-
Dear Friend, What follows is an amazing revelation I received from the
Spirit of the Lord on January 27, 1993. I wanted to share it with you.
I was watching Grant Jeffries, January 27, 1993 on a Morris Cerullo
program talking about the possible return of the Ark of the Covenant
to Israel from Ethiopia when I received...",67,"Excite"
"A Great Christian
crowning achievement was the discovery of the lost Ark of the Covenant
buried 20 feet below the crucifixion site. He claimed the Ark was
sprinkled by the blood of Jesus Christ when his side was
"Old Testament Survey, session
4","","Georgia Double Your Class &
Disciplemaking Teachers Conference -- We are in a series of lessons
studying a survey of the Old Testament. Today's lesson is from Joshua.
What has happened so far in the story of the Old Testament? As we read
this passage, look for precisely when the Jordan river parted. Let's
"Widescreen Cinema - Widescreen
Movies","","Widescreen Movies
In the early years of motion picture history, virtually all films were
shot in an aspect ratio of approximately 1.37:1, which closely matches
the Academy aperture of today’s television screen
"Spurgeon Archive Lite","","This
page is a scaled-back version of The Spurgeon Archive for users of
Lynx—and other obsolete web browsers. Our advice: Upgrade now! Here,
we'll make it easy:",53,"Magellan"
"The San Damiano Crucifix Part
1","","Click Here for
what's new Most High glorious God enlighten the darkness of my heart.
Give me Lord, a correct faith, a certain hope, a perfect charity,
sense and knowledge, so that I may carry out your holy and true
"The Ark of the Covenant","","The Ark
of the Covenant. Will it ever be found? Dr. David R. Reagan. It was in
the mid-eighties, and I was hosting a pilgrimage group on a tour of
the... URL: Last modified 22-Sep-98 - page
size 15K - in English",0,"AltaVista"
"Ark of the Covenant, a MUD, AotC
Rules","","A christian based
mud open to all URL: Last
modified 19-Sep-98 - page size 1K - in English",0,"AltaVista"
"Ethereal Scourge: Songs - Death of Hades
explained","","Death of
Hades explained Return to Songs Lyrics time: ?.? words: Greg music:
Asoka o, there ya go; make of it what you will for a moment & then
I'll tell you where it came from.. Finished? Right then..In ye olde
good book there be many stories...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"Christian Videos","","Christian
Videos IN THE BEGINNING SERIES Children's Videos| Christian Videos|
Educational Videos| Westerns Only| Videos for the Entire Family|
Special Buys| Video List in Alphabetical Order| Video List by Price|
Ordering Discover all the splendor...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"The Faith Connection News Letter July 1996
","","- A publication of
Healing Springs Church July 1996 Pastor Brad H. Mercy by the blood of
Jesus was established for anyone who would receive the provision by
"ss-97-08-10-The Disgusting Pre-Chewed Food
Lesson","","- Are you
getting a balanced diet? Have spread of breakfast pastries Label/card
describing each · Breads · Fruit · Pre-chewed food (really just put in
Joshua 4 4:1 And it came to pass, when all the people were clean
passed over Jordan, that the LORD spake unto Joshua, saying, 4:2 Take
you twelve men out of the people, out of every tribe a man, 4:3 And
command ye them, saying, Take you hence out of the midst of Jordan,
out of the place where the priests' feet stood firm, twelve stones,
and ye shall carry them over with you, and leave them
"1:1 Now after the death of Moses the servant of the LORD it came to
pass, that the LORD
which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel. 1:3 Every
place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given
unto you, as ...",0,"Infoseek"
"joshua","","Now after the
death of Moses the servant of the LORD it came to pass, that the LORD
spake unto Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' minister, saying, 1:2 Moses
my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, thou,
and all this people, unto the land which I do give to them, even to
the children of Israel. Every place that the ...",0,"Infoseek"
"Genesis Networks - The Holy Bible (KJV) -
Now after the death of Moses the servant of the LORD it came to pass,
that the LORD spake unto Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' minister,
saying, 1:2 Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over
this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the land which I do give
to ...",0,"Infoseek"
"05: Adventures & N-F Books at","","A
library of fine fiction & non-fiction, dealing with things
"JOS 1:1 Now after the death of Moses the servant of the LORD it came
to pass, that the LORD
1:1 Now after the death of Moses the servant of the LORD it came to
pass, that the LORD spake unto Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' minister,
saying, JOS 1:2 Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go
"Making Something
Holy","","- Some
Sabbatarian Christians claim that since God made the Sabbath holy it
is incumbent upon all Christians to observe this day and keep it holy.
But in regards to making something holy, God blessed and made holy
many things.",67,"Excite"
"Ritmeyer Archaeological Design Home
Lists of Slide Sets You are visitor number Since 17th of February '98
NEW FROM RAD: super quality pictures of newly constructed Temple Mount
models, see Cibachromes",67,"Excite"
"Hypermail Torah-Forum Archive: Re: The Ark of the
The Ark of the Covenant Eli Reidler ( Mon, 16
Sep 1996 10:20:14 -0400 (EDT) Messages sorted by: [ date ][ thread ][
subject ][ author ] Next message: Adam Szpiro: ""Re: Security Cameras
On Shabbos"" Previous message: Joseph.., 2181 bytes,
"Ronnie Coone's Home
Page","","JESUS is LORD!
Believe It Or Not Your Thoughts Bread Of Life
WHY PRAY, WHEN YOU CAN WORRY? There are many ""swinging door
Christians.""-A lot of motion but going nowhere!",52,"Magellan"
"04: Adventures & N-F Books at","","A
library of fine archaeological and archaeo-spiritual fictions &
"Catholic Apologetics on the
be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the
reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and
respect"" (1 Peter 3:15)",51,"Magellan"
"Bring Back The
Sermon #1274 Miscellaneous Sermons Title: Bring Back The Glory! Text:
1 Samuel 4:22 Reading: 1 Samuel 4:1-22 Subject: The Glory of God
Displayed in Gospel Preaching",66,"Excite"
Secrets","","- Walk
with Biblical scholars - and skeptics - through the Bible's most
challenging mysteries. Included are expert testimony, dramatic
re-creation of Bible events, scientific experiments that put the Bible
claims to the test and compelling new evidence that the Bible is
indeed factual and trustworthy",66,"Excite"
"The Nitpickers Site: Movie Nitpick - Raiders of the Lost
Ark","","A Other
category nitpick on the movie Raiders of the Lost Ark - SUMMARY =
Belloch swallows a fly",92,"HotBot"
"Re: Raiders of the Lost Ark
Raiders of the Lost Ark Ending [ Follow Ups ] [ Post Followup ] [ The
Indyfan Forum ] [ FAQ ] Posted by Ultra Seven 21 on September 01, 1997
at 06:17:07: In Reply to: Re: Raiders of the Lost Ark Ending posted by
Sallah on August 31, 1997 at 19..",92,"HotBot"
"Mystery of the
Ark","","Mystery video
"Awesome Christian Bookstore - Videos for The Whole
videos, VHS, books and music for adults and children, book search,
music search and free business opportunities",92,"HotBot"
"Untitled","","- Covenant
Format in the Torah To more properly understand the meaning and
placement of many passages in the Torah and to more fully appreciate
many nuances concerning the G-d-Israel Covenant, it is helpful to be
familiar with ancient Near Eastern treaty format and
"Bart Henderson's Home
Page","","Bart Henderson's
"I saw a piece of Noah's Ark... - Bobby Dill (28
Dill (28 April) ""I saw a piece of Noah's Ark.."" Hello All Watchers,
Remember, Ron Wyatt is the one who discovered Noah's Ark and The Ark
Of The Covenant. I spoke by phone to Ron's wife yesterday and she
seemed really nice to me. I told her...",92,"HotBot"
"Raiders of the Lost Ark For
Sale","","- When the
Allies discover the Nazis are planning to use the Lost Ark of the
Covenant as a weapon, they send archeologist Indiana Jones to find it
first. Ford is like a cross between Humphrey Bogart and a Superball in
this bare-knuckled, barnstorming, pot-boiling, eye-popping,
cliffhanging bucket of Technicolor popcorn. Sequel: 'Indiana Jones and
the Temple of Doom.' Academy Award...",66,"Excite"
Joshua 6 6:1 Now Jericho was straitly shut up because of the children
of Israel: none went out, and none came in. 6:2 And the LORD said unto
Joshua, See, I have given into thine hand Jericho, and the king
thereof, and the mighty men of valour. 6:3 And ye shall compass the
city, all ye men of war, and go round about the city
Aurameter 6 & 8, Atlantean Generator L-8, Keely, Vortells Project 9,
Petroleometer 9, Perpetural Motion 11, Hieronymus Box L-11, L-14 &
"Religion and History","","- With
new archeological discoveries in the Holy Land, one can now prove the
existence of Jesus from non-Christian scripts.",66,"Excite"
"The Search Begins","","-
written by Mary Nell (Mrs. Ron) Wyatt In 1978, Ron and his sons, Danny
and Ronny, made two trips to Israel in order to drive down to the
western shore of the Gulf of Aqaba in Egypt to search for chariot
parts in the Red Sea.",66,"Excite"
SET 3: FROM SINAI TO SAKHRA, The journeys of the Ark of the Covenant A
representation of the Ark of the Covenant In the Jan./Feb. 1996 issue
of Biblical Archaeology Review, an article by Dr. Leen Ritmeyer
entitled ""The Ark of the Covenant...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"News Flash: Altar
| News Flash | Dig This | FYI | Up Close | Daily Grind | SOS Discovery
of an Altar Screen While clearing out the floor near the altar area of
the church we came across what we believe to be the base of support
for the altar screen. An altar...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"News Flash: Altar
| News Flash | Dig This | FYI | Up Close | Daily Grind | SOS Discovery
of an Altar Screen While clearing out the floor near the altar area of
the church we came across what we believe to be the base of support
for the altar screen. An altar...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"The Ark and a Third
Temple?","","The Ark and a
Third Temple? THE ARK AND THE JEWS- SACRIFICES, AGAIN? A question we
are asked frequently is if we believe the Jews are to re-institute the
sacrificial system when the Ark is revealed. If we believe the Word of
God, the answer can...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"Street Wizdom's Urban
Jungle","","FACTS about the
Bible you never knew! Street Wizdom gear spotted in the 1st
century-Jesus was sporting our clothing witnessing to people. (Sike!
Just joking. I could not resist putting this in. HaHaHa!) People of
great physical size and strength...",92,"HotBot"
"PropheZine Audio and
200 New Audio Messages! And all 66 Books of The Bible ONLINE! (This
Space Is Available) Video Messages You will need the Real Media
Software to view these messages. Disclaimer: The information presented
in these messages are the views of the...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
die sŠmmtlichen Festgebete der Israeliten. Vienna: Schlessinger, 1900.
Temple Beth-El, Ithaca A Hebrew prayer book for the autumn harvest
festival of the Feast of Tabernacles, this volume is bound in blue
velvet and is decorated with..",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
artist Sam Philipe's interpretation of the ""Ark of the Covenant"". A
1:10 scale of one of the holiest legacies for both Jews and
Christians. Based on biblical studies, he made the Ark out of pure
gold, which houses a hand-hammered silver box,in..",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
artist Sam Philipe's interpretation of the ""Ark of the Covenant"". A
1:10 scale of one of the holiest legacies for both Jews and
Christians. Based on biblical studies, he made the Ark out of pure
gold, which houses a hand-hammered silver box,in..",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
artist Sam Philipe's interpretation of the ""Ark of the Covenant"". A
1:10 scale of one of the holiest legacies for both Jews and
Christians. Based on biblical studies, he made the Ark out of pure
gold, which houses a hand-hammered silver box,in..",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
artist Sam Philipe's interpretation of the ""Ark of the Covenant"". A
1:10 scale of one of the holiest legacies for both Jews and
Christians. Based on biblical studies, he made the Ark out of pure
gold, which houses a hand-hammered silver box,in..",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"Genesis Chaper 7","","Genesis 7
[Gen 7:1] And the LORD* said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house
into the ark; for thee have I seen righteous before me in this
generation. LORD = YHVH in His covenant-relation with Noah, and in
connection with the seven clean beasts...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"Bible study programs and
of /bibstudy/ Bible study programs and files 695083
05-16-95 EasyGreek Case Study: Acts 10, Peter as Innovator [DOS] 310726 12-31-95 The Ark of the Covenant - In depth,
graphical program that presents a Bible study...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
Jim Pinkoski Editors Note: I received a great amount of mail regard
the Ark article that first appeared in Prophe-Zine #17. The following
is a follow-up to the article by Jim Pinkoski, who has been working
for Ron Wyatt for the past 6 years. I want to thank Jim for coming to
me with this VERY important ....",0,"SEARCH.COM"
"1 Samuel 4","","1
And what Samuel had said happened to all Israel. And Israel went out
against the Philistines to battle, and encamped beside Eben-ezer; and
the Philistines encamped in Aphek. 2 And the Philistines put
themselves in array against Israel; and the battle spread, and Israel
was routed before the Philistines; and they slew ....",0,"SEARCH.COM"
"Samuel I,
I. Chapter 4. 4:1 And the word of Samuel came to all Israel. Now
Israel went out against the Philistines to battle, and pitched beside
Ebenezer: and the Philistines pitched in Aphek. 4:2
"Joshua","","the son
of Nun, Moses' minister, saying, 2 Moses my servant is dead; now
therefore arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto
the land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel. 3
Presbyterian Standard"" - Editorials Editor: David Blunt M.Sc.,
Dip.Theol. Associate Editor: Rev. James Frew M.A., Dip.Theol. The
Sufficient God",51,"Magellan"
"Bridging The Gap Art
Edition sculptures, angels, and jewelry from Israel. Hand-crafted in
sterling silver with 24 karat gold overlays. Certificates of
authenticity with all sculptures. Unique and appealing to
all.",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
son of Nun, Moses' minister, saying, Moses my servant is dead; now
therefore arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto
the land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel.
"Torrey's New Topical
Textbook","","Download Torrey's
Topical Textbook as a zip file for your own computer. Public Domain
This document (last modified October 09, 1997) from the Christian
Classics Ethereal Library server, at Wheaton College",51,"Magellan"
"Millennium Apocalypse Antichrist comet Hyukatake comet Hale Bopp
signs...","","comet, Hale Bopp,
asteroid, meteor, rapture, constellation, meteorite, doomsday,
Wormwood, Jerusalem, Temple, Israel, Egypt, Arab, Russia, Ezekiel 38,
planetary alignment, Anti-christ, Revelation beast, anti christ,ufo,
ufo cult, apocalypse, End Time prophecy, Millennium, millennial
prophecy, Bible prophecy, Jerusalem temple mount, antichrist, ufo,
alien, May 2000, satan",51,"Magellan"
"Indiana Jones
TOTN","","Raiders of
the Lost Ark Trivia 1. The location of Indy's attempt to blow up the
ark is the same as the place R2D2 was abducted by Jawas. This is a
canyon in Tunisia. 2. Also, if you watch closely as Indy enters the
map room in Raiders, on the left..",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
Ark of the Covenant -12,500$ The Lion & The Lamb -375& Joshua Carrying
the Ark of the Covenent -11,350$ Jerusalem Candlesticks -99$ The
Nativity set -(S) 175$, (M) 375$, (L) 750$ Moses Sculpting the Ten
commandments -2800$ The Soldier at The...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
in progress ......... the question ... Where in the Bible,
specifically the Hebrew Scriptures, do we find the end of the Law
prophesied, and that the Messiah would bring this
"Mysteries of the Bible - The Philistines For
Philistines - Arch Enemy' -- This chapter in the series looks at the
long-lived strife between the Israelites and the Philistines,
examining the stories of David and Goliath, Samson ...",0,"Infoseek"
"VIDEOS","","- (V9400) The
real life story of Vendyl Jones and his search for the Temple
artifacts, including the fabled Ark of the Covenant. Follow the
exploits of Professor Jones as he uses the inscriptions of an ancient
Copper Scroll to uncover historical treasures from the caves of Qumran
in Israel. $22.00 (ppd.) $25.00 (Outside U.S.)",66,"Excite"
Ark of the Covenant -12,500$ The Lion & The Lamb -375& Joshua Carrying
the Ark of the Covenent -11,350$ Jerusalem Candlesticks -99$ The
Nativity set -(S) 175$, (M) 375$, (L) 750$ Moses Sculpting the Ten
commandments -2800$ The Soldier at The...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
Ark of the Covenant -12,500$ The Lion & The Lamb -375& Joshua Carrying
the Ark of the Covenent -11,350$ Jerusalem Candlesticks -99$ The
Nativity set -(S) 175$, (M) 375$, (L) 750$ Moses Sculpting the Ten
commandments -2800$ The Soldier at The...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
Ark of the Covenant -12,500$ The Lion & The Lamb -375& Joshua Carrying
the Ark of the Covenent -11,350$ Jerusalem Candlesticks -99$ The
Nativity set -(S) 175$, (M) 375$, (L) 750$ Moses Sculpting the Ten
commandments -2800$ The Soldier at The...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"Bible Archaeology BASE Institute author Bob Cornuke
Christian","","Bible Archaeology Explorer
Religion Mt. Sinai with author Bob Cornuke Christian The Gold of
Exodus Adventures in Expedition Exodus Ark of the Covenant Indiana
Jones Saudi Arabia Goshen ...",0,"Infoseek"
John McRay and Dr. Randall Price For those Orthodox Jews in the Temple
Movement, the peace agreements with Jordan and the Palestinians have
put the Temple Mount further out of reach than at any time
Ark of the Covenant -12,500$ The Lion & The Lamb -375& Joshua Carrying
the Ark of the Covenent -11,350$ Jerusalem Candlesticks -99$ The
Nativity set -(S) 175$, (M) 375$, (L) 750$ Moses Sculpting the Ten
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"Mr. Critic / Personal WBS Home
Critic MY RATING SYSTEM! =GREAT MOVIE! Well worth watching! =An okay
movie..Not too bad but not great either..About average. =Not good at
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movie! =The movie was missing something.",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"Grace Ministries ","","- Grace
Ministries, a Christian Ministry of God's Word",66,"Excite"
Adult Reference Books (All prices quoted are in U.S. dollars.)
Conflict in Somalia and Ethiopia (Conflicts), Patrick Gilkes Ships in
2-3 days",50,"Magellan"
(""The Genes of Isis""): The First Book of Revelations GENESET (""The
Genes of Set""): Target Earth A Review and Synopsis by Dr. Bruce
Cornet Campbell's Response to Cornet's Book Review of Genisis and
"Libertarians in
Space, Brad Linaweaver & Edward E. Kramer, eds. Martin Morse Wooster
Study the science fiction field in any depth and you will find that a
surprising number of sf's leading writers believe in free
"Religion and
History","","With new
archeological discoveries in the Holy Land, one can now prove the
existence of Jesus from non-Christian scripts. George Washington is
commonly known as the first President of the United States - he
"Untitled","","Against All
Odds: A Chronicle of the Eritrean Revolution by Dan Connell
0-932415-89-X hb $24.95 1-56902-046-9 pb $14.95 Being And Becoming
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THE TEMPLE AND THE ROCK Do you want to have the latest research on the
ancient Temple Mount at your fingertips? Do you have students you
would like to inspire and excite with up to date information on this
compelling subject?",66,"Excite"
"Noah","","- Noah, a Covenant
Breaker There are many ""firsts"" that occur in the Bible with Noah.
The word ""grace"" is used the first time (Genesis 6:8).",66,"Excite"
"We Sought Him Not After The Due
Sermon #1265 Title: We Sought Him Not After The Due Order. Text: 1
Chronicles 15:3 Subject: The Importance of Small Things in Worship
Date: Sunday Morning - December 1, 1996",66,"Excite"
"Ark of Covenant Page","","-
None Available",66,"Excite"
TOUR > Genuine unretouched photograph of Mohandas Ghandi
congratulating Ralf R. Rinkle, Esq. for winning the Nobel Law
"Death or life...your
choice","","DO YOU
REALIZE IT IS YOUR CHOICE? All that needs to be done has been done for
you! God has told us through His Word what He needs. He has told us of
His Law and the punishment Of breaking His Law. He ...",0,"Infoseek"
"The Book of
another Chapter ------------------------- Zug durch den Jordan 1. Da
machte sich Josua des Morgens 1. Early in the morning Joshua rose früh
auf, und sie brachen auf von and set out ...",0,"Infoseek"
"Vendyl Jones and David Fasold, February,
1992","","The Lost Arks
Presented By Vendyl Jones and David Fasold, February, 1992 This is
newsletter #2 The Eclectic Viewpoint presents a double headliner this
month: The real ""Indiana Jones"" (Vendyl Jones) who is looking for
the Ark of the Covenant, and...",91,"HotBot"
"Soc.Religion.Bahai 10/94-4/95: Re: Re: Question: What is the 'Ark' on
Re: Question: What is the 'Ark' on Mt. Carmel? Don R. Calkins
( Tue, Jan 31 1995 20:52:37 GMT Messages
sorted by: [ date ][ thread ][ subject ][ author ] Next message: ""Pilgrimage"" Previous message.",91,"HotBot"
" Shining the Holy Ark Web
links Shining the Holy Ark Shining the Holy Ark - The
Game Sega's
official site with some really helpful maps and character profiles
Chris' Game Pic Archive http://www...",91,"HotBot"
"ark","","All Sources
Almanac Entertainment Sports Dictionary Encyclopedia Encyclopedia ark
in the Bible.&#160;1&#160;Boat of Noah, which he built at God's
command to preserve his family and certain creatures from the
Flood.&#160;2&#160;Ark of the Covenant..",91,"HotBot"
& The Levites Carrying the Ark of the Covenant. Sam Philipe depicting
the miracle when Joshua first entered Israel, crossing the Jordan
river and the Levites carrying the Ark of the Covenant on their
shoulders. ""And it shall come to pass...",91,"HotBot"
& The Levites Carrying the Ark of the Covenant. Sam Philipe depicting
the miracle when Joshua first entered Israel, crossing the Jordan
river and the Levites carrying the Ark of the Covenant on their
shoulders. ""And it shall come to pass...",91,"HotBot"
& The Levites Carrying the Ark of the Covenant. Sam Philipe depicting
the miracle when Joshua first entered Israel, crossing the Jordan
river and the Levites carrying the Ark of the Covenant on their
shoulders. ""And it shall come to pass...",91,"HotBot"
& The Levites Carrying the Ark of the Covenant. Sam Philipe depicting
the miracle when Joshua first entered Israel, crossing the Jordan
river and the Levites carrying the Ark of the Covenant on their
shoulders. ""And it shall come to pass...",91,"HotBot"
& The Levites Carrying the Ark of the Covenant. Sam Philipe depicting
the miracle when Joshua first entered Israel, crossing the Jordan
river and the Levites carrying the Ark of the Covenant on their
shoulders. ""And it shall come to pass...",91,"HotBot"
" Author Comment
Only Keyword search Books Music Author Comments The Sign and the Seal
: The Quest for the Lost Ark of the Covenant by Graham Hancock Just a
Moment! Are you the Author? If you are not the Author or the Author's
authorized representative, please., 7242
bytes, 1998/08/26",92,"Anzwers"
"The Place for
PILGRIMAGE","","By Father
John Weldon Hardenbrook ""What exactly is a pilgrimage, and what is
its place in the Christian life?"" ""Where do you go on a
","","By Greg Killian This
study represents the first connection that I have been able to find
between Yom HaKippurim, the red heifer, and all of the sin sacrifices
offered on behalf of the whole congregation of Israel with the death
of Yeshua.",47,"Magellan"
"Ritmeyer Archaeological Design Home
Page","","Lists of
Slide Sets Slide Set 1 Alec Garrad's Model of the Temple Slide Set 2
Jerusalem in 30 AD/CE Slide Set 3 From Sinai to Sakhra Slide Set 4 The
Archaeology of Herod's Temple Mount You are visitor number Since 17th
of February '98 NEW FROM RAD.., 6739 bytes,
"The Heart Of A
Christians today are talking about a renewed desire - even a new
desire - to worship the Lord in a deeper, more meaningful way. But
what is true worship?",46,"Magellan"
"Useless Information and
Trivia","","Useless Facts
and Trivia",45,"Magellan"
"The Location of the First and Second Temples
","","by Lambert Dolphin and
Michael Kollen Because of our sins we were exiled from our country and
banished from our land. We cannot go up as pilgrims to worship Thee,
to perform our duties in Thy chosen house, the great and Holy Temple
which was called by Thy name, on account of the hand that was let
loose on Thy sanctuary.",45,"Magellan"
"The immigrant versus the cab
Ethiopian immigrants challenge Portland, Oregon's cab
"Leading Edge New Book
Edge New Book Recommendations",45,"Magellan"
"In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.
The...","","2: 7 Allah hath
set a seal On their hearts and on their hearing, And on 2: 7 their
eyes is a veil; Great is the penalty they (incur). 2: 21 O ye
395 Apologetics, doctrine, cults, evolution, New Age, theological
dictionary and more. Easy-to-use site. Extensive resources. If we wish
to be persuasive, we must know what other people are
"The Salt Lake Tribune -- Travel
November 09, 1997 Blue Nile Falls offers one of most stunning images
in Ethopia. Other memories: grinding poverty, refugee camps, honey
wine. (Jeff Schmerker)",44,"Magellan"
"Ark of the Covenant, a MUD, Guestbook
Page","","A christian based
mud open to all URL: Last modified
22-Sep-98 - page size 2K - in English",0,"AltaVista"
"Ark of the Covenant, a MUD,
Homepage","","A christian
based mud open to all URL: Last
modified 15-Sep-98 - page size 1K - in English",0,"AltaVista"
"Is the Ark of the Covenant Really in
Ethiopia?","","Is the Ark of the
Covenant Really in Ethiopia? URL: Last
modified 11-Nov-96 - page size 6K - in English",0,"AltaVista"
"Ark of the Covenant, Part
2","","Video and printed
documentation is available on these amazing discoveries. The Ark of
the Covenant, Part 2. The Hole that Held the Cross? As should be...
URL: Last modified 11-Jul-98 -
page size 15K - in English",0,"AltaVista"
"The Ark of the Covenant,
Continued","","Video and
printed documentation is available on these amazing discoveries. The
Ark of the Covenant, Continued. The Contents of the Chamber. During
his... URL: Last modified
29-Apr-98 - page size 14K - in English",0,"AltaVista"
Well when I found the Hebrew dictionary, I found out that the Hebrew
word for ""What is it?"" is Ma-Na. Manna literally means the same
thing, ""What is it?"" And when you understand that the Hebrew people
were actually, lived in Egypt for generations, they were the artisans,
they were the metallurgists, they were the craftsman.",65,"Excite"
Psalm 24 The historical background of Psalm 24: the Ark of the
Covenant The Ark symbolized the power of God (Josh 3:7-8, 6:1-17; I
Sam. 4-5) The Ark symbolized the purity of God (I Sam. 6:19-20; 2 Sam.
"!A Ancient Mysteries Series - Ark of the Covenant, Plus 1000's more
Video's at","","Ancient
Mysteries Series - Ark of the Covenant. This Video Title and 1,000's
More Are Available At Discount Pricing From A M R ....Serving
Satisfied... URL: Last modified
6-Feb-98 - page size 2K - in English",0,"AltaVista"
"Ark of the Covenant, Part
2","","Video and printed
documentation is available on these amazing discoveries. The Ark of
the Covenant, Part 2. The Excavation Begins. It was January, 1979...
URL: Last modified 29-Apr-98 -
page size 17K - in English",0,"AltaVista"
The ARK OF THE COVENANT To return to previous page More information To
return to VJRI Home Page Artists' Rendition of Ark",65,"Excite"
Sam Philipe Galleries JERUSALEM The Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza Hotel
Tel. 02-6588981 The Renaissance Hotel Tel. 052-408712 King Solomon
Hotel Tel. 02-5699555 The Sheraton Plaza Hotel Tel.
"The Ark of the Covenant,
Continued","","Video and
printed documentation is available on these amazing discoveries. The
Ark of the Covenant, Continued. Time Passes By. Danny and Ronny were
now... URL: Last modified
29-Apr-98 - page size 10K - in English",0,"AltaVista"
"Re: Raiders of the Lost Ark
Raiders of the Lost Ark Ending [ Follow Ups ] [ Post Followup ] [ The
Indyfan Forum ] [ FAQ ] Posted by Aaron on September 01, 1997 at
16:17:13: In Reply to: Re: Raiders of the Lost Ark Ending posted by
Ultra Seven 21 on September 01, 1997 at...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"Mediev-L: Re: j heazlewood's comments on
j heazlewood's comments on ecco Kesselring Krista J
(6k...@QLINK.QUEENSU.CA) Thu, 5 Feb 1998 22:33:04 -0500 (EST) There's
also a story that the Templars might be responsible for the
intricately designed, as yet unsolved, 'treasure' pit on
Oak...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"Understanding the Law and
Covenants","","- The
law is often referred to by some Sabbatarian Christians as the
ceremonial law excluding the Ten Commandments. They maintain that this
law has been fulfilled and done away with at the cross, but not the
Ten Commandments, defined as the moral law.",65,"Excite"
"True Covenant","","- WISDOM
FOR THE WISE, Mal. 3:1-2; Rev. 10:1-7, or TALENTS OF GOLD AT THE END
OF THE RAINBOW MEANING OF THE COLORS: Light passing through a prism is
refracted or divided into the colors of the spectrum.",65,"Excite"
"The Allegory of the
""Wolfram had transformed Chrétien's Grail cup - or vessel - into a
stone....The Ark of the Covenant was, after all, a receptacle too, and
it did indeed contain a stone - or rather two stone tablets upon which
the Ten Commandments had been inscribed by the finger of God."" ""Both
the Grail and the Ark served as oracles, and the weight of the relics
""seemed to be...",65,"Excite"
& The Levites Carrying the Ark of the Covenant. Sam Philipe depicting
the miracle when Joshua first entered Israel, crossing the Jordan
river and the Levites carrying the Ark of the Covenant on their
shoulders. ""And it shall come to pass...",91,"HotBot"
"INDYHQ","","Subscribe to the
IndyHQ Newsletter! Main Current News Archived News Rumor Mill
Interviews IndyHQ Newsletter IndyHQ Forum Bookstore Logos and Buttons
Hosting Apply for hosting --Henry's Study Game Info Game Recap
Articles Story Characters Enemies...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"Daily Scripture for August 31,
1998","","Scripture Reading for
August 31, 1998 From John 8:48-8:59 8:48 Then answered the Jews, and
said unto him, Say we not well that thou art a Samaritan, and hast a
devil? 8:49 Jesus answered, I have not a devil; but I honour my
Father, and ye do...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"A - Z of Modern Paranormal
From Australian pharaohs to spotted zebras: welcome to the world's
strangest alphabet, whose letters are illuminated in the following
pages by such ambassadors of anomaly as horse-men and golems, missing
moons and vampire trees, rock 'n...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"Void | Notes:
Estuary This is an extended metaphor describing the condition of being
between two contending forces. Having seen a variety of cultures and
subcultures, it is clear that those caught between two cultures are
seldom accepted by either of...",91,"HotBot"
& The Levites Carrying the Ark of the Covenant. Sam Philipe depicting
the miracle when Joshua first entered Israel, crossing the Jordan
river and the Levites carrying the Ark of the Covenant on their
shoulders. ""And it shall come to pass...",91,"HotBot"
& The Levites Carrying the Ark of the Covenant. Sam Philipe depicting
the miracle when Joshua first entered Israel, crossing the Jordan
river and the Levites carrying the Ark of the Covenant on their
shoulders. ""And it shall come to pass...",91,"HotBot"
"Third Message: Exhortation and
Message: Exhortation and Warnings Choice is life and good, death and
evil 30.15; Moses calls for Israel to choose life 30.19. Moses
identifies Joshua as the leader who is to go with his people into the
new land, revealing the nearness of his..",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
and later the Phoenicians considered this half-man half-fish to be
their main deity. In the Bible it tells that on conquering the
Israelites, the Philistines stole the Ark.",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
republic2","","OKLAHOMA CITY,
OK -- PAGE 2 FILM VIOLATES PORN LAW Police Confiscation Questioned An
Oklahoma County judge ruled that an Academy Award winning film, ""The
Tin Drum"" contains child pornography and should be banned. LICENSE TO
SPEED The Appearance of..",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"All DVD Titles to rent or buy! - Digital Video
Connection","","Most complete
selection of DVD titles for rent and purchase! Wholesale to the
public! Special orders welcome!",91,"HotBot"
"Raiders of the Lost
of the Lost Ark (1981) South America, 1936: The film opens with famed
archaeologist Indiana Jones tempting death to retrieve the Golden Idol
of Fertility from its ancient resting place. When Indy returns to the
United States, where he is a..",91,"HotBot"
"WCDR Impact News
Page","","""Information that
really counts"" This page was last updated at 1:00 p.m. on April 14,
1998. Top IMPACT NEWS Stories April 14, 1998 Bible Literature
International Ark of the Covenant Search UM Supreme Court Won't Hear
Issue Unusual Punishment Anti..",91,"HotBot"
"b14ch005.htm = Book 14 of 66: 2 Chronicles: Chapter
14 of 66: 2 Chronicles: Chapter 005 of 36 HTML by Wesley Tilson This
page based of version 10 of the KJV by Project Gutenberg The E-text is
available via gopher at Previous Chapter . . Next
Chapter . . 2 Chronicles Contents..",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"Graeber Road Church of Christ: Patterns in the Bible (Old
the Bible, we see that God has always had a specific plan for His
people. And from the very start, mankind has tested God's
steadfastness to those rules. In the Old Testament, His chosen people
were the Israelites, and in His dealings...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"Bordeaux Pilgrim - Text 8a: Jericho and the Dead
who visited the Holy Land between the IV and VII century THE ANONYMOUS
PILGRIM OF BORDEAUX (333 A.D.) 25. Jesus raises Lazarus 26. The
Jericho area in the Madaba Mosaic map 27. The desolate landscape of
the Dead Sea The Text: 8a. The...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"Chronicles I,
I Chapter 15 15:1 And David made him houses in the city of David, and
prepared a place for the ark of God, and pitched for it a tent. 15:2
Then David said, None ought to carry the ark of God but the Levites:
for them hath the LORD chosen.",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
& Performance Business & Finance Children's Exploration & Travel
Family & Learning History Arts Biography Cultural Science & Technology
Spiritual Sports War American Revolution Armed Forces Civil War
Vietnam Weaponry World War I World War II...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"The Treasures of the
Temple","","Exhibitions The
Treasures of the Temple 1.Reconstructed Vessels of the Temple
2.Exhibition of Paintings 3.Films 4.Models 5.Tour 6.How to Reach Us
Reconstructed Temple Vessels Click on the images below to learn about
our vessels The museum of The...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
Schedule: Lost Tribes, Sunken Continents & Ancient Astronauts Week 6,
Indians, Moundbuilders, and Everything but the Kitchen Sink: Lost
Continents, 1 *Moundbuilders Harkin *Vikings in the Midwest Wilsey,
Erdman *Runes, Ogam and Ancient...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"Illuminated Quotations & Biblical
Quotations & Biblical Paintings Each Biblical painting consists of an
illustrated phrase or sentence quoted from a ""parsha"" or portion of
the Bible. These paintings, some of which have been reproduced as
quality prints, are particularly.",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"Joshua 3 from the Holy Christian
Bible","","Sponsor this page.
Click here if you're single The NEW Site Navigator
Discussions OnLine Bible Devotional Writings Bookstore e-newsletter
Worship >> NetShow> RealAudio...",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
"Joshua 3 from the Holy Christian
Bible","","Sponsor this
page. Click for Mint Condition NFL Trading Cards! The NEW Site Navigator Discussions OnLine Bible Devotional
Writings Bookstore e-newsletter Worship >> NetShow>
RealAudio",0,"Yahoo! (USA)"
November of last year when writing P.T.73. I closed with a mention of
the possible discovery of the Ark of the Covenant in Jerusalem. Since
then I have had the opportunity of following this up, and
"Ark of the
Waters. Return to Living Waters Home Page Back to Questions Page. What
Happened to the Ark of the Covenant. ""Whatever happened to the ark of
the... URL: Last modified
12-Nov-97 - page size 5K - in English",0,"AltaVista"


Dec 19, 1998, 3:00:00 AM12/19/98
Leave your religious beliefs elsewhere.

"Reb" Ruster <> wrote in article

> On Tue, 15 Dec 1998 10:29:29 -0500, "Dan McMillan" <>
> wrote:
> >
> >"Reb" Ruster wrote in message <>...
> >
> >
> >Hehe, kind of a funny illustration. It looks like an Ethiopian artists
> >rendition? Where did this come from "Reb"?
> >
> >
> >Dan
> >

Reb Ruster

Dec 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM12/20/98
On Sat, 19 Dec 1998 21:02:02 GMT, "Mark" <>

>Leave your religious beliefs elsewhere.

Thank you, Reverend Mark.

0 new messages