How are you fellowshipping?

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Pastor AJ

Apr 9, 2008, 2:18:06 AM4/9/08
to Chosen Ministries
We are told in the book of John that we show ourselves to be Christ's
disciples by our love for one another. Pastor Warren points out in
his book that the bible uses the phrase 'one another' over 50 times in
the New Testament.

That means there are a lot of commands we would not be able to follow
if we didn't belong to a church family.

What are some of the ways you have forged lasting fellowships?

How has being a committed member of a church helped you in your
Christian walk?

Apr 9, 2008, 12:41:28 PM4/9/08
to Chosen Ministries
One way I have forged lasting fellowships is to stay in touch with my
friends and family. I haven't always done this because I really don't
like talking on the phone but now that there is text & email, I am
more willing to stay in fellowship with the ones I love. It may be to
just say "I was thinking of you"

Being committed to Chosen has really changed my life. I have
wonderful women of God in my life that I know I can call on for woman
to woman fellowship. Also being committed, God uses me in ways I
thought I would never do like acting, praise dancing, greeting, even
being Treasurer. 2GBTG!!!!! I have also grown to fellowship with God
which is first and foremost.

Apr 9, 2008, 4:56:05 PM4/9/08
to Chosen Ministries
My Christian walk has been really interesting. I've pretty much always
known (from a little child) that God is real, that Jesus Christ is the
only way to salvation, and that I must accept Jesus as my Savior & His
sacrifice as atonement for my sins in order to get to Heaven. What I
haven't always known was how to truly do that. I went through a few
different church 'denominations' and traditions of men before I
understood what it meant to be a part of God's family. Along the way,
I've gained friends, and even lost some due to various 'beliefs', but
I believe with all of my heart now, that God has shown Himself to me,
and I know that I'm saved!

I guess that I said all of this to say that because my journey has
taken me in many directions and some of the ways were confusing to me,
I just felt (for some time) like God knew my heart, and maybe I didn't
have to 'fellowship' with others. I have since learned that fellowship
is one of the most important aspects of Christianity! God created us
all with a need for other people, and I just had to find a way to
align myself with people who truly wanted to know Christ the same way
that as me. I ABSOLUTELY ADORE my church family now, and each & every
one is so dear to me. I'm thankful that God loves me enough to let me
know that I should not forsake the fellowship. I'm also glad that we
embarked on this journey & accepted God's calling for Chosen, and I
know that the fellowship will continue to grow!

On Apr 8, 11:18 pm, Pastor AJ <> wrote:

Apr 9, 2008, 6:21:34 PM4/9/08
to Chosen Ministries
I think being a committed member of a church is very instrumental in
an individual's Christian walk. I find myself drawn to those
individuals who are not afraid to be transparent with me and whom I
can be transparent with, as well. It's been twelve years since I've
rededicated my life, so I'm not a baby Christian...but, I'm not a
perfect Christian either. To have accountability partners who have
been placed in my life not to judge me, but to pray for me and help me
get back on the right path when it seems like I'm slowly going the
wrong direction, is a blessing. One misconception about being a
Christian, is that Christian's don't have fun...we're boring...we're
too deep...yadda yadda yadda. But, I enjoy the fellowship I have with
my Christian friends more than I ever had when I was hanging out with
my friends partying every day of the week, drinking, smoking, and
doing everything else that would give my mother a mental breakdown if
she only knew what I was really doing. I thank God that He has
blessed me, Walt, and the boys with the Chosen family and look forward
to forging some lasting relationships through this ministry. To God
Be The GLORY!!!

On Apr 8, 11:18 pm, Pastor AJ <> wrote:


Apr 9, 2008, 8:02:10 PM4/9/08
to Chosen Ministries
Since, we have committed to a group study for the PDL reading there
has been major inner changes. I say this because it has always been
real difficult to share or even open up face to face let alone
commenting online. Listening to others problems and breakthroughs I
have more and more things to relate to and experience.
Finally, having found a church home it has been such a breakthrough
and prayers answered. Thank God and Chosen for being available. The
members here have shown always LOVE and comments such "beautiful" or
"are you okay?". Therefore, this has increased my walk to love God
with passion, thoughts, and affections. I am trully grateful and

God Bless,

Since arriving at Chosen I am re-awakened to true importance of a
forged lasting relationship.

On Apr 8, 11:18 pm, Pastor AJ <> wrote:

Tammie J.

Apr 11, 2008, 1:45:57 PM4/11/08
to Chosen Ministries
I can say that fellowship played a major rule in the Church I grew up
in. Being able to share and witness made it easy for me to forge
lasting fellowships; whether it was thru song, dance or words of

I'm grateful to be a faithful member of Souls Harvest Church here in
Dallas, TX that has taught the importance of fellowship. Being
committed to this Church has made me to commit to other things that at
first I was afraid too, but once I got in the environment of
fellowship, it made it much easier for me to let go and let God. I
too was one of those people who thought that Christian Women didn't
have fun. I didn't realize that you could still have a terrific time
fellowshipping with your best girlfriends chatting about our walk
with Christ, the latest styles and sharing family stories and I thank
God for the teachings and the understanding of His word!

I praise God for your ministry allowing me to fellowship with you.
I've been able to share things I've encountered during my walk with
Christ and have received great feedback on other issues one may have
living this life of Christ. I look forward to a continuous forged
fellowship with Chosen Ministries!!

Be Blessed!


May 1, 2008, 1:06:44 AM5/1/08
to Chosen Ministries
Pastor AJ,
First and formost Chosen has touched my family and I in ways I
never thoought possible, our church has made my belief in our Lord
stronger than ever. I felt in some ways I was a selfish Christian
always wanting to be fed by the word, but never wanting to give back
to the church. Chosen has changed all that, it has made me want to
part of the church not just someone who shows up once in awhile. I
want to not just give financialy but to give of myself. To serve not
just the church but my fellow man. I have never felt the feelings the
Chosen has been able to help bring out in my heart.
When it comes to Fellowship, well all I can say is that Ilove
evryone of our members . But if we are talking about our small groups
what can say but the Holy Spirit ia always flowing through the group.
I truly feel sorry for those people thta have not had the chance to be
apart of any group because they do not know what they are missing. I
truely love our members that is why with all my heart I am asking
those who have not had the chance to be part of a group, please stop
making excuses and just try it. I'm sure that your life will not be
the same. All Iknow is that I did not know you could become closer
and love people even deeper than I already did. But you can and
people you didn't know forge a true loving bond with them aswell. I
would love to see our group grow with our church family until all of
us at Chosen are attending a group once a week, and like I said it
will be life changing experience for you.
Hope to see you soon .

On Apr 8, 11:18 pm, Pastor AJ <> wrote:
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