(async ...) and future directions for Aleph and Lamina

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Mar 19, 2011, 4:55:16 PM3/19/11
to Aleph
As some of you may have noticed, I've been recently working on a new
piece of functionality for Lamina, namely a macro called (async ...).
Since things seem reasonably stable right now, I thought I'd just
discuss what it is and why I think it's a big deal.

Sometimes, just being able to register a single callback isn't enough
to do what you want. Dealing with series of events is generally an
exercise in pain, since each callback needs to register a subsequent
callback, creating a deeply nested code structure that's hard to read
and reason about. Even worse, often it's necessary to register two
callbacks: one for a successful outcome, and one to handle any errors
that arise. If you forget to register both callbacks then things can
simply fail silently, without explanation.

My solution for this was pipelines, which consist of a series of
functions composed together, where any function that returned an
unrealized value would cause the pipeline to pause until it was
realized. If the realized value was an error, the pipeline would
short circuit. This was nice and elegant in a monadic sort of way,
but has more or less failed to get traction - probably for the same
reasons as most other things that can be described as "monadic".

The real problem is that as an abstraction, it doesn't offer a lot of
expressiveness over the nested callback solution. Consider the
example used in the pipeline wiki, where we're trying to get the
username and chatroom name from a user before setting up the chat.
The nested solution looks like:

(receive ch
(fn [name]
(receive ch
(fn [chatroom]
(setup-chat ch name chatroom))))

while the pipeline solution looks like

(run-pipeline {}
(read-merge #(read-channel ch) #(assoc %1 :name %2))
(read-merge #(read-channel ch) #(assoc %1 :chatroom %2))
(fn [{name :name, chatroom :chatroom}]
(setup-chat ch name chatroom)))

This is actually cleaner than the first solution, in that each step is
separated from the others, and it lends itself to easier composition
of asynchronous workflows, but it's also more code and more difficult
to read. Pipelines are used extensively in Aleph, but that doesn't
mean that it's the easiest way to get comfortable with asynchronous

Neither of the above solutions is ideal. What we really want is
something that looks like

(let [name (read-channel ch)
chatroom (read-channel ch)]
(setup-chat ch name chatroom))

and if we were to replace 'read-channel' with 'wait-for-message', that
capability has been there almost from the beginning. However, that
requires us dedicating a thread to each user during the initial
handshake, which runs counter to the sort of flow that Aleph is
designed to support. We want the simplicity of the above code, but
don't want to give up the underlying asynchronicity of Aleph.

As it turns out there's a solution, which is partially detailed at
https://github.com/ztellman/lamina/wiki/Async-Programming. However,
the main gist is that by simply surrounding the above code in
(async ...), everything pretty much just works the way you'd want it
to. The async macro can handle try/catch/finally, loop/recur, and all
other syntactic elements of Clojure, transforming them into dataflow
expressions that will yield the thread whenever there's not enough
information to proceed.

This means that to read out messages from a channel one at a time, you
no longer need to read the pipeline documentation to learn that it can
be done this way:

(run-pipeline ch
:error-handler (fn [ex] (log-error ex))
(fn [_] (restart)))

You can simply leverage what you already know about Clojure to write:

(loop []
(when-not (drained? ch)
(handle-message (read-channel ch))
(catch Exception e
(log-error e))

This is marginally less efficient than the first solution, but since
pipelines return result-channels they can be easily integrated into
async workflows to make inner loops more efficient.

This is still all very experimental, but as I said above, everything
seems to just work. There are some impedance mismatches with lazy-
seqs, but the general solution to that is to just bite the bullet and
block the thread whenever someone iterates over them. I think this
has the potential to make Aleph much more approachable for new
developers, and I'm interested to hear what everyone thinks.


David Nolen

Mar 19, 2011, 5:45:32 PM3/19/11
to alep...@googlegroups.com
On Sat, Mar 19, 2011 at 4:55 PM, ztellman <ztel...@gmail.com> wrote:
This is still all very experimental, but as I said above, everything
seems to just work.  There are some impedance mismatches with lazy-
seqs, but the general solution to that is to just bite the bullet and
block the thread whenever someone iterates over them.  I think this
has the potential to make Aleph much more approachable for new
developers, and I'm interested to hear what everyone thinks.


This looks cool. What would you write if one function returns an asynchronous value and you want to feed that to a normal function?

(defn async-fn [x y]
  (async ...))

(defn normal-fn [x]

(async (normal-func (async-fn 'foo 'bar)))

Would the above work?


Zach Tellman

Mar 19, 2011, 5:57:44 PM3/19/11
to alep...@googlegroups.com
Yes, that would work. Any calls to a function within (async ...) will
not be made until all the arguments have been realized. For instance:

(async (inc (task 1)))

is fine, because 'inc' won't be called until the thread pool returns
'1'. However, the return value for 'inc' will be transformed into a
result-channel, since it's not guaranteed to execute immediately.


Jeff Rose

Mar 20, 2011, 8:21:37 AM3/20/11
to Aleph
This async work is quite impressive. It's makes me realize how
powerful tree walking can be, but I will have to take it out for a
spin before I can really comment.

I have to say though, that personally I think it would be great to
stick with channels as the core abstraction in Lamina. To me the
channel concept seems clear and easy to work with, and as I've gotten
used to using siphon, map*, etc., I have really found them nice to
work with. It took me longer to get comfortable with pipelines, and I
still find them much harder to trace the flow of execution. How about
enriching channels to support error handling instead of wrapping them?

On Mar 19, 9:55 pm, ztellman <ztell...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The real problem is that as an abstraction, it doesn't offer a lot of
> expressiveness over the nested callback solution.  Consider the
> example used in the pipeline wiki, where we're trying to get the
> username and chatroom name from a user before setting up the chat.
> The nested solution looks like:
> (receive ch
>   (fn [name]
>     (receive ch
>        (fn [chatroom]
>          (setup-chat ch name chatroom))))
> while the pipeline solution looks like
> (run-pipeline {}
>   (read-merge #(read-channel ch) #(assoc %1 :name %2))
>   (read-merge #(read-channel ch) #(assoc %1 :chatroom %2))
>   (fn [{name :name, chatroom :chatroom}]
>     (setup-chat ch name chatroom)))
> This is actually cleaner than the first solution, in that each step is
> separated from the others, and it lends itself to easier composition
> of asynchronous workflows, but it's also more code and more difficult
> to read.

I don't think the problem is expressiveness. At least for me it's
just harder to figure out what this pipeline form is going to do. The
flow of values is hard to follow and I have to kind of play this
little animation in my head to figure out what the outcome is going to
be. How about something like this (untested):

(defn split-at* [n ch fn]
(let [vals (take* n ch)
out (channel)]
(siphon vals out)
(on-drained vals
(fn (take n (lazy-channel-seq out)) (drop* n ch)))))

(split-at* 2 chan
(fn [[name room] ch] (setup-chat ch name room))

> (async
>   (try
>     (loop []
>       (when-not (drained? ch)
>         (handle-message (read-channel ch))
>         (recur)))
>     (catch Exception e
>       (log-error e))
> This is marginally less efficient than the first solution, but since
> pipelines return result-channels they can be easily integrated into
> async workflows to make inner loops more efficient.

This is very cool, but I also wonder whether writing asynchronous code
in a synchronous way is going to make it difficult to reason about?
Alternatively, what about something like this:

(let [msg-ch (map* handle-message ch)]
(on-error msg-ch
#(log-error %)))

> I think this
> has the potential to make Aleph much more approachable for new
> developers, and I'm interested to hear what everyone thinks.

I will definitely give async a try, but I'm still pushing for
channels :-) If we could subscribe to errors and they would propagate
across channel operations like siphon and map* then we could write
code that is similar to using clojure's lazy sequence functions rather
than loop/recur, which seems like the most ideal.


Zach Tellman

Mar 20, 2011, 1:50:23 PM3/20/11
to alep...@googlegroups.com
Channels will always be the core concept underneath Lamina. The async
functionality is meant to be a higher-level version of pipelines,
which as you pointed out are a little difficult to get used to.

The "read messages out one at a time from a channel" example was maybe
too trivial. I don't intend for people to use async for a use case as
simple as that (also, receive-in-order already does exactly the same

As to integrating errors into channels, there are a few potential
issues. For instance, what are the semantics of having an error flow
through a channel? Does that close the channel, so that further work
can't happen? Also, what if we only want to wait a certain amount of
time for each message? Channels don't concern themselves with *when*
messages come through, and I'm inclined to keep it that way.

I feel like setting up flows of messages with map*, fork, siphon, et
al and the structured consumption of those flows are somewhat
orthogonal to each other. As you point out, it's possible to consume
two messages using just channel primitives, but once the interactions
get more complex (we only want to wait 500ms for each message, we want
to close the connection if the timeout elapses, we want to calculate
something on a thread pool between consuming the first and second
messages) I think it becomes an exercise in frustration to limit
ourselves to channels, however enriched. As an example of non-trivial
structured consumption of channels, check out
I wouldn't even attempt any of that without pipelines.

You point out that it's hard to follow the flow of code within
pipelines, and that it might also be difficult within the (async ...)
block. I think this is a problem endemic to the entire practice of
event-driven programming. Channels are nice in that you can more or
less abstract away individual events, but when that no longer becomes
a possibility I don't think the answer is to just make channels more
capable. My (somewhat untested) theory is that this new functionality
is going to greatly simplify the sorts of problems that channels can't
solve by themselves. I hope you'll give it a try and let me know if
that isn't the case.


Jeff Rose

May 31, 2011, 10:49:27 AM5/31/11
to alep...@googlegroups.com
Getting back to this conversation from a while ago...

The major gap that seems to exist now is in composing asynchronous
flows of data, and being able to deal with errors. For example, my
current dilemma is in the query engine for Plasma. When a graph query
is executed a channel is returned, onto which the results will be
emitted as they become available. The query engine itself is built
out of a dataflow graph of query operators connected with channels
which output onto the result channel, and often you want to further
map* results or compose them in other ways. The problem is that there
is no way to handle an error in this scenario. Since the channel is
the only means of communication errors would have to be sent mixed in
with data, or else out of band in a secondary channel. A
result-channel like is used in pipelines only represents one value, so
that doesn't work. Also, I need to handle errors that happen both up
front, for example from a bad query, or after having already received
some results, like if a network connection fails. This is why I think
channels need to support error handling.

I've been looking into how both errors and timing are handled in other
asynchronous libraries, such as python's twisted, ruby's
event-machine, and Rx for .net. Without doubt the Rx library has the
most interesting selection of functions (what they call operators),
and the most coherent mechanisms for dealing with error handling and
timing. They all have the basic concept of an error callback, but Rx
has well thought out operators for managing errors as well. To get a
sense for how it works, I recommend checking out this page of samples:


(more RX links below... including 2 that focus on error handling)

On Mar 20, 7:50 pm, Zach Tellman <ztell...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As to integrating errors into channels, there are a few potential
> issues.  For instance, what are the semantics of having an error flow
> through a channel?  Does that close the channel, so that further work
> can't happen?

I think Lamina should use semantics similar to Rx. Each channel would
also have an on-error callback, and errors propagate up the chain of
subscribers. (siphon, map, etc., need to connect both error and
receiver callbacks.) When an exception is thrown in a channel handler:
* channel is locked and the on-error handlers are executed
* if unhandled then the channel is closed and no more messages are emitted
* on-error handlers can:
- retry (msg is processed again) until max-retries
- drop msg and continue processing
- catch (provide a new channel that will act as the new message source)

The other piece of this that lamina basically already does is handling
drained and closed. In Rx there is just on-completed because the
underlying abstraction is slightly different than channels, but in
essence it is the same. The main difference is that lamina emits a
nil on close, which has bitten me a number of times now, and it means
that every handler needs to handle this odd case. I propose that
on-drained should be *the* mechanism for dealing with finished
channels, and nil should not be emitted on close. This will simplify
the semantics and the code, both in lamina and in the libs that use

>  Also, what if we only want to wait a certain amount of
> time for each message?  Channels don't concern themselves with *when*
> messages come through, and I'm inclined to keep it that way.

> I feel like setting up flows of messages with map*, fork, siphon, et
> al and the structured consumption of those flows are somewhat
> orthogonal to each other.  As you point out, it's possible to consume
> two messages using just channel primitives, but once the interactions
> get more complex (we only want to wait 500ms for each message, we want
> to close the connection if the timeout elapses, we want to calculate
> something on a thread pool between consuming the first and second
> messages) I think it becomes an exercise in frustration to limit
> ourselves to channels, however enriched.

I think if you checkout the Rx examples and think about how
lamina.connections could be implemented with these mechanisms, you
might be convinced otherwise.

The async support is very cool and I think it will make sense for some
situations, but when I've tried to use it in exactly the query engine
situation I described above it just doesn't fit. I need to represent
streams of values, and then compose those streams, while also having
the ability do deal with errors in a sensible way. With the tools in
lamina now it seems like we have to choose between either streams of
values and no error handling, or single values with error handling. I
thought about producing streams of result-channels, but this means
everything starts composing weird and it requires every function to be
aware of this strange message payload.

So as not to just be sitting here whining, I've started implementing a
set of helper functions inspired by Rx here:


These include:
* enqueue-periodic (periodically enqueue vals from a seq onto a channel)
* indexed* (indexed* (channel :foo :bar)) -> <<<[0 :foo] [1
:bar] ...>>>
* buffered-channel (buffers input channel and periodically emits all
available messages)
* delay-channel (delays input messages and emits them periodically)

If they seem promising I can add unit tests.

Beyond that, I'm mostly interested in getting some kind of error
handling into channels, or else finding an alternative solution. I
started working on it by adding error support to observers, but then I
thought it would be best to talk it over here before spending too much
time. I'm really enjoying Lamina I think with the addition of
composable error handling it could become a vital part of the clojure
ecosystem. Hopefully here I've made the case for error handling more
clearly than in my previous messages. That, or maybe I'm missing a
better way to do what I need to do...?


P.S. RX info:

Here are links to the two basic interfaces that enable everything,
IObservable and IObserver:

These articles discuss error handling (using the javascript version of RX):

Zach Tellman

May 31, 2011, 1:47:13 PM5/31/11
to alep...@googlegroups.com
I'll preface this by saying that I agree that error handling within
channels is a major omission, and one that I intend to fix.

Your suggestion for on-error is pretty close to what I've been
thinking, with a few differences. The primary one is that Lamina
never assumes there will be a handler for any message enqueued into a
channel, so we can't just close the channel if no error handler is
registered. The error will have to stick around until it is handled,
blocking all subsequent messages, or is siphoned into another channel.

The trailing nil is something I've gone back and forth on, but it is a
genuinely useful guarantee that every time you call (receive ...) on a
non-drained channel, you'll get a message. What's more bothersome, in
my opinion, is that the last message is not *always* a nil. In this
case, you'd simply have to put

(when-not (drained? ch)

around your callbacks, which I don't think is a particularly onerous
requirement. And it's worth noting that if you really hate the
trailing nils, you can always use (receive-in-order ...), which
filters them out for you. I'm willing to be convinced otherwise on
all of the above, though, so please speak up if you strongly disagree.

As to the utility functions, I honestly don't see the benefit relative
to pipelines. You're using internal functions to implement something
that could be easily created using pipelines without any knowledge of
the library's implementation details.


(receive-in-order ch
(fn [msg]
(handler msg)
(wait interval))) ;; (wait ..) is in alpha2, but it's just
(read-channel (timed-channel interval))

or even the more verbose

(run-pipeline ch
#(when-not (drained? ch) (handler %))
(wait-stage interval)
(fn [_] (when-not (drained? ch) (restart)))

seem preferable to the recursive callback mechanism used in your
functions. Also, as implemented your function will only receive
messages on precise boundaries of the interval rather than just making
sure there's at least that interval between the consumption of
messages, and the recursive callback will continue to call itself even
once the channel is drained. Neither of these is true of the above

I don't want to harp on these bugs (I've certainly written my fair
share), but I believe it's fundamentally more difficult to have these
sorts of mistakes in an asynchronous workflow described by pipelines.
I know you've said in the past that you don't find pipelines
particularly intuitive, but I'd like to delve into that rather than
jumping to a completely different way of describing the problem. Can
you expand on why you don't like pipelines?

Thanks for the detailed write-up, please let me know if you think I've
misunderstood any of your points.


Alex Miller

May 31, 2011, 9:35:40 PM5/31/11
to Aleph
I've been away from Lamina for a little bit as we have gone a separate
but similar path. I built something similar to channel called pipe.
In case you're interested in a different experience point, in our

- on close, you *always* get an explicit close message as the last
message in the pipe (not nil). I find this easier to deal with than
the ambiguous sometimes nil in channels

- on error, we put the pipe into an error state with a message and the
pipe is subsequently dead (like a close). this is draconian but it has
not yet been an issue. I would add support for reopening a pipe if we
needed it.

I think maybe the most significant functional difference between our
pipe and channels is that our pipes don't deliver a message on the
callback, they just notify the listener and the consumer can choose
whether to peek the state of the pipe, dequeue, check whether the pipe
is closed, get the error message, etc. If you dequeue the explicit
close message, you know you've read the last item. We have thus not
needed separate callbacks for closed and drained.

We are also doing dataflow-like computations similar to async where
the computations are spread over a fork/join pool. While we initially
were doing things very differently, I suspect we might be conceptually
a lot closer to Lamina than when we started now though. Zach, I hope
you get a chance to chat with Dave McNeil who's done most of the work
on it at Strange Loop... We'll probably submit a talk on our stuff
for the conj too.
> >http://codebetter.com/matthewpodwysocki/2010/07/20/introduction-to-th...
> >  javascript-error-handling-part-i/
> >http://codebetter.com/matthewpodwysocki/2010/08/02/introduction-to-th...
> >  javascript-error-handling-part-ii/
> >> On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 5:21 AM,JeffRose<ros...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> > Hi,
> >> >  This async work is quite impressive.  It's makes me realize how
> >> > powerful tree walking can be, but I will have to take it out for a
> >> > spin before I can really comment.
> >> > I have to
> ...
> read more »

Zach Tellman

May 31, 2011, 11:11:34 PM5/31/11
to alep...@googlegroups.com
I'll be sure to search him out. A lot of the semantics being
discussed here are actually pretty orthogonal to Aleph's
implementation (though not completely, obviously), so I'm definitely
amenable to making some breaking changes. I think the sometimes
closing nil will be turned into an always closing nil in one of the
subsequent alpha releases (this won't break anything that's relying on
the old model, and will allow for future code to be simpler).
Anything more drastic will have to wait until I've got a stable
release with the current semantics.

I'm always glad when something I've made can inspire strong opinions
and discussion. If anyone else has feedback, please don't hesitate to
speak up.


Jeff Rose

Jun 1, 2011, 10:45:38 AM6/1/11
to alep...@googlegroups.com
Ok, so there are three topics here. I'll respond in one message, but
feel free to split into three threads if that makes things clearer.

1) error handling with channels
2) trailing nil (or the broader question of propagating signals across channels)
3) utility functions

Error Handling:

On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 7:47 PM, Zach Tellman <ztel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'll preface this by saying that I agree that error handling within
> channels is a major omission, and one that I intend to fix.

Great! I'm happy to hear this.

> Your suggestion for on-error is pretty close to what I've been
> thinking, with a few differences.  The primary one is that Lamina
> never assumes there will be a handler for any message enqueued into a
> channel, so we can't just close the channel if no error handler is
> registered.  The error will have to stick around until it is handled,
> blocking all subsequent messages, or is siphoned into another channel.

Ok, so the possible scenarios are:

* exception in a receive handler
* exception in an on-closed handler
* exception in an on-drained handler

For channels that have been siphoned, mapped, etc...
* error coming from an up-stream channel (on-error handler called)

While error handlers are being called the channel(s) need to be locked
so more receive handlers don't get called, right? This is pausing,
but not closing. If one of the error handlers does a retry, drop, or
catch, then the error is handled and operation continues. If there
are no error handlers, or they take one of these actions, then what?

* keep allowing new messages to be enqueued, but don't run handlers
until the error is handled or the channel is explicitly closed
* close channel and stop executing handlers

or maybe something else?

Trailing nil:

> The trailing nil is something I've gone back and forth on, but it is a
> genuinely useful guarantee that every time you call (receive ...) on a
> non-drained channel, you'll get a message.

It seems that the on-drained callback and the trailing nil are
duplicate signals for the same event, except that compared with using
(on-drained ...) checking for nil is more obscured in the code and
prone to conflict with data since nil also a valid value to enqueue.

I guess the reason you would want to guarantee that a (receive ...)
handler will get called is because you've counted on it to get back
the flow of control, but is this a valid assumption when errors can

> What's more bothersome, in
> my opinion, is that the last message is not *always* a nil.  In this
> case, you'd simply have to put
> (when-not (drained? ch)
>  ...)
> around your callbacks, which I don't think is a particularly onerous
> requirement.  And it's worth noting that if you really hate the
> trailing nils, you can always use (receive-in-order ...), which
> filters them out for you.  I'm willing to be convinced otherwise on
> all of the above, though, so please speak up if you strongly disagree.

Or only use receive handlers to process messages, and use the
on-drained handler to handle termination/cleanup. Then you don't need
to check for nil or drained or any special cases in your handlers.


Utility functions:

> As to the utility functions, I honestly don't see the benefit relative
> to pipelines.  You're using internal functions to implement something
> that could be easily created using pipelines without any knowledge of
> the library's implementation details.

If you mean to use a pipeline and restart rather than a recursive call
with delay-invoke in the implementation of these functions, then sure,
that might save from having to check on-drained, which as you say, is
a bug in my implementations. But pipelines are no replacement for
having a set of channel oriented functions like this. The problem
with pipelines is that while they can use channels, they don't compose
with channel functions. For me this makes them basically useless,
since I need to return a channel representing future values. Having a
library of utility functions like this (as in Rx) seems to me like a
powerful and clear way to compose asynchronous event streams. Last,
if channels get error handling that propagates, then what are
pipelines for?

> Also, as implemented your function will only receive
> messages on precise boundaries of the interval rather than just making
> sure there's at least that interval between the consumption of
> messages

I implemented the delay-channel to mimick the delay operator in Rx,
and what you are talking about is another operator, throttle, which
would also be useful. Taking throttle as an example... Using channel
functions we could do something like this to keep track of the number
of requests per client and throttle each one:

(defn client-chan [client]
(-> (:ch client)
(throttled-channel (:msgs-per-sec client))))

The returned channel can then be passed around and further composed
using other channel functions. This seems like a very attractive
programming model to me. What's the alternative using pipelines?

> Can you expand on why you don't like pipelines?

It feels like an awkward split in the programming model to switch
between channels and pipelines. More importantly, with channels I can
see how I would use a library of functions like the Rx operators to
handle many different scenarios cleanly, and with pipelines everything
I see requires reading the code within each pipeline to understand
what is happening, rather than creating a composable library of
pipeline operations.


Zach Tellman

Jun 2, 2011, 1:13:57 AM6/2/11
to alep...@googlegroups.com
Okay, I hate when these conversations get too heavily nested, so I'll
just respond to everything in one place.


Error handling is going to be a bigger change, I want to think about
it a bit before getting too in-depth. My current train of thought,
though, is that I'm not sure I can come up with a reason not to always
close the channel in the case of an exception. If we want to resume
in the case of an error, we can simply create a new channel. Anything
else seems a little too much like using exceptions for flow control,
which I'm not a fan of.

This is all still pretty nebulous, though, so it almost certainly will
be subject to change.


I do use message receiving for flow control, but more specifically I
use (read-channel ...) for flow control, and there's not reason I
can't change its signature from

(read-channel channel timeout)


(read-channel channel timeout closed-message)

where 'closed-message' defaults to nil. I think this will obviate the
need for trailing nils, but I need to think about it a bit more.


I'm all about having rich composable operators for channels, believe
me. Pipelines are just a flexible way of *defining* these operators,
even if they're currently mostly used to create terminal operators
that only consume the stream and don't generate a new one. But look
at how reduce* or partition* are implemented, and keep in mind that
the recursive receive callback approach will overflow the stack for a
sufficiently large channel, but pipelines never will.

I think there are definitely ways to simplify the specification of
non-terminal operators, and I intend to work on that front, but I'm
currently more concerned with having a general mechanism for
structured consumption of channels than lots of built-in operators.
Yes, having all the seq utility functions in Clojure is great, but if
it were a choice between only having loop/recur and only having the
utility functions, I'd choose loop/recur every time.

I think I understand your vision for how you want to be able to
interact with channels, and I hope to be able to support that very
soon. I'm going to focus on getting the 0.2.0 release out, then look
at error handling, and once there's a more solid foundation we can
work on getting analogues for the Rx operators.

In the meantime, please consider getting more comfortable with
pipelines, so that you can provide specific feedback on them as well.
I'd be interested to hear your thoughts.


Sunil Nandihalli

May 28, 2014, 3:01:20 AM5/28/14
to alep...@googlegroups.com
Hi Zach
It Looks like the async macro never actually made it into released-version of lamina. Is this true? or has it just taken a different form in the current release?

Zach Tellman

May 30, 2014, 4:49:16 AM5/30/14
to alep...@googlegroups.com
Hi Sunil,

It was in the 0.2.x releases, but I ended up taking it out, because I felt it was a bit too opaque of an abstraction.


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