Alaska State Fair Obama Protest

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Norm Olson

28 aug. 2010 20:46:002010-08-28

Subject: Alaska State Fair Obama Protest

> Check this out:

jeremy hawk

30 aug. 2010 07:06:272010-08-30

I think embarassing them is the wat to go. Put signs in their yards saying how they like to beat disabled vets. Have other kids mock these @ssholes kids. Basically let them know they can be fuucked with without violence. Have local women talk sh1t to their wives. There are a lot of ways to do it.Amen!

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"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

jeremy hawk

30 aug. 2010 11:31:352010-08-30
I apologize for the curse words Commander.This is an embarassment to Alaska.And I pray that appropriate measers are taken with these pot bellied pieces of you know what.
I will try to contain my post to no cursing in the future....

jeremy hawk

30 aug. 2010 11:32:012010-08-30

jeremy hawk

30 aug. 2010 11:45:272010-08-30
This is a virtually innocent civillian being attacked by jack booted thugs.
How should they be dealt with Norm?
After all.When these chumps start violating the Constitution i.e.1st Amendment and picking on our disabled vets and elders to the point they are screaming for mercy then something must be done.Socially.Or not so social.Does not The Alaska Citizens Militila HandBook clearly outline that when our Citizens general welfare is being violated that is where WE step in.???Or no... 

jeremy hawk

30 aug. 2010 11:52:442010-08-30
These pot belllied tards are clearly out of control.And the so called State fair "officials" says that>>>>>>>>>>Oh!We like diversity!Unless its not to our liking that is,Otherwise we will arrest you for expressing your rights!!!!
My apologies.I am perty ticked off about this.And we need to stand the f up on this issue.Or we might as well not be.

jeremy hawk

30 aug. 2010 13:24:412010-08-30
For what its worth-
I just sent the vid to Paul Joseph Watson at

jeremy hawk

30 aug. 2010 13:26:512010-08-30
Awesome show today at Alex is putting Beck in his place.Again!LOL!

Norm Olson

30 aug. 2010 15:27:462010-08-30
Had I been there, I think I would have stood up on that picnic table
and started recruiting for the ACM and encouraging people to
film what was taking place.  Then I'd take up a collection to rent a
table right alongside the democrat's table where dem hopefuls are
talking to people and passing out literature.
Actually, incidents such as this are great recruiting tools.  The video
is being seen by many people.     Thinking people will have to ask,
was it the sign or what the sign said that was the trigger to shut the
guy up?    Most state fairs have solicitors' tables where many different
messages are broadcast e.g military recruiting, anti-abortion, political
messages.   In fact, if politicians can "press the flesh" at the state fair
and pass out literature, then this fellow should be able to also.
Because it was an anti-Obama sign, the security people should have
discussed their action BEFORE confronting the individual.   I doubt
whether a big sign saying "Save The Whales" would trigger emotions
like "Impeach Obama" would.   On the other hand, a large poster
showing butchered aborted fetuses would no doubt trigger a reaction.
What SHOULD have been done first was to inform the man that he
was in the wrong place to show his sign, not that the sign was offensive.
Then he should have been given the choice to take his sign to the area
where politicians and other groups advertise their points of view.  
Yes, he does have the right to speak and to hold up his sign, but IF there
are rules on WHERE such displays are to be staged, he would have to
abide by the rules.
Now, I would encourage the LaRouche people in Anchorage to get a table
and then display the sign.   If the sign is forbidden because it's in bad taste,
then you have a genuine beef.
I hope this fellow goes to trial with this.  It might be interesting to discover
why this happened.   Was it the place where the sign was being displayed
or what was on the sign?

bob bob

31 aug. 2010 01:46:432010-08-31
Not to be the devils advocate here 

This guy was on private property just as if he had been in your front yard, Security had every right acting as the designated agent of the property owner to ask the man to leave and to arrest him for Trespassing should he choose not to leave as with all crimes in Alaska if you see it you may arrest for it. I own a security company and although we would have handled it differently and I don't agree at all with the technical aspects or the training of the security, the property owners were well within there rights to arrest the man. This is not a free speech issue at all for all my libertarian brothers out there this is a private property issue. I have the right to let as many dicks be dicks on my property as long as I invite them there and allow them to stay but when a dick I didn't invite shows up and wont leave thank god I have the right to arrest him and I don't have to wait for the cops to show up(there always ten minutes late anyway) . Again you guys really need to stop framing this as a free speech issue ..................your constitutional argument of free speech is nothing in the face of the right to private property. If this happened on State owned property it would be another story it didn't so its not. Just stop back up and think about what we stand for.


Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2010 07:32:01 -0800
Subject: Re: [AlaskaCitizensMilitia] Alaska State Fair Obama Protest

JJ Alaska

31 aug. 2010 02:12:132010-08-31
till Alaska Citizens Militia
I have been on this for two days and sadly have found some information
that does not make things look good for Sidney Hill, the 52 year old
man that was assaulted. Here is the deal all, the land in which the
state fair is held is PRIVATELY owned by the State Fair Inc. It is
private property, which is why Sidney Hill has been charged with

Here is a run down on what we were going to do, Sunday evening I
contacted the Palmer Police watch commander on duty at the time a SGT,
forgot name I am sorry , but it will be in the log books, and informed
him that my unit and I intended to place the security guards under
citizens arrest monday or tuesday, for assault. They informed me,
should we attempt to place them under citizens arrest we would be
arrested, and likely federally charged with attempted kidnapping, as
well as the fact the DA would not prosecute the guards.

They DID NOT inform Sidney Hill he was under citizens arrest for
trespassing which the Starplex security guards could have done, as
they are charged with security on that private property, but as you
can see in the video they DID NOT say he was under arrest, because
they did NOT say he was under citizens arrest, they are guilty of
assault, as he was not a danger to himself , the crowd, or the guards,
they were required to ask him to leave, and if he refused they then
MUST call the Palmer Police to arrest him, OR inform him of a citizens
arrest, and detain him until again the Palmer Police arrive.

I have several years of experience in the state of Alaska as a bail
enforcement officer ( bounty hunter ).

The guards are REQUIRED to inform him of a citizens arrest before
touching that elderly man, and they DID CLEARLY assault Sidney Hill.

I gave an update Monday morning on the Intelligence Report with Mark
Kournke, and will be giving another update this tuesday morning, if
there is more information PLEASE post it or email it to me, so I can
add it to the update on the morning show.

NOTE as always Sidney Hill has his .45 cal which the police STOLE,
for "safekeeping" and NOTE he was not charged with a weapons charge,
because up here if the land is set up for public use, you may carry
concealed, THE ONLY catch is you MUST leave upon the request of the
land owner, or anyone acting in the owners stead with the owners

Basicly the guard which broke Sidney Hills ONLY good pair of glasses,
and applied DEADLY FORCE to the elderly mans NECK is guilty of
assault and we have been told we will be placed under arrest is we
attempt a citizens arrest on the guard, the guard with man first
contact it would be hard to make an assault charge stick. However
CLEARLY the second guard committed ASSAULT and could have KILLED
Sidney Hill, LOOK at that mans size , you NEVER place your Knee into
the back of the neck that was stressed heavily in my training, ONLY
pressure points to the back area to maintain control as you can break
the neck to easily.

the Palmer Police commander made a statement that upon viewing the
video in his opinion the guards did not us exsessive force, and would
not charge the guards, let me remind everyone, his OPINION is
meaningless and counts for NOTHING, he is to enforce the law as it is
written PERIOD, not bas it on his opinion. Sidney Hill was assaulted
and could have been further disabled or killed by that 360 pound brain
dead gorilla pining him down.

Please I value and need any ideas , information or details I missed.

SSGT Jensen commander of the Mat-Su Arctic Cats, Alaska Citizens

On Aug 28, 4:46 pm, "Norm Olson" <> wrote:
> Subject: Alaska State Fair Obama Protest
> > Check this out:
> > Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
Meddelandet har raderats

jeremy hawk

31 aug. 2010 13:30:572010-08-31
till Alaska Citizens Militia
Also I would like to back you up on this topic by saying that they
should have not let him through the Admission gates with the sign in
the first place if they had a problem with his sign.

And I dont know if there is a sign declaring no firearms at the
entrance or not.But if there isnt then I would think he had every
right to carry concealed.Unless he was asked to leave as stated
above.And it did not look to me as if they ever asked him to
leave.They just asked him to take the sign down.This will be an
important issue to bring up during the next Sheriffs elaction in
Palmer also.
> > > quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

jeremy hawk

31 aug. 2010 13:33:562010-08-31
till Alaska Citizens Militia
I agree with you 100% JJ.But sadly I am at a loss of what to do or
suggest to do without getting any of our fellow members in the clink
ourself.And it looks like you have a whole heck of a lot more
experiance than me on this type of thing.Excpet for maybe my
suggestion in my first post on this issue above.

Thanks for your effort and sevice.

Excpept for maybe my suggestion in my first post on this issue above.

On Aug 30, 10:12 pm, JJ Alaska <> wrote:
> > > quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

David Luntz

1 sep. 2010 00:33:242010-09-01

 I have been told from guy I work with who live in that area that signs are posted restricting guns on private property.
Also this guy parks in the area like all the time posting this sign off the back of his truck..
Probably good intentions, wrong approach.
In service of the Republic
> Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2010 10:30:57 -0700
> Subject: [AlaskaCitizensMilitia] Re: Alaska State Fair Obama Protest
> From:
> To:


3 sep. 2010 03:31:502010-09-03
till Alaska Citizens Militia
But the fair isn't a private event.

My understanding is that the security was hired outside.


On Aug 30, 9:46 pm, bob bob <> wrote:
> Not to be the devils advocate here
> This guy was on private property just as if he had been in your front yard, Security had every right acting as the designated agent of the property owner to ask the man to leave and to arrest him for Trespassing should he choose not to leave as with all crimes in Alaska if you see it you may arrest for it. I own a security company and although we would have handled it differently and I don't agree at all with the technical aspects or the training of the security, the property owners were well within there rights to arrest the man. This is not a free speech issue at all for all my libertarian brothers out there this is a private property issue. I have the right to let as many dicks be dicks on my property as long as I invite them there and allow them to stay but when a dick I didn't invite shows up and wont leave thank god I have the right to arrest him and I don't have to wait for the cops to show up(there always ten minutes late anyway) . Again you guys really need to stop framing this as a free speech issue ..................your constitutional argument of free speech is nothing in the face of the right to private property. If this happened on State owned property it would be another story it didn't so its not. Just stop back up and think about what we stand for.
> Bill
> Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2010 07:32:01 -0800
> Subject: Re: [AlaskaCitizensMilitia] Alaska State Fair Obama Protest
> From:
> To:
> On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 7:31 AM, jeremy hawk <> wrote:
> I apologize for the curse words Commander.This is an embarassment to Alaska.And I pray that appropriate measers are taken with these pot bellied pieces of you know what.
> I will try to contain my post to no cursing in the future....
> On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 3:06 AM, jeremy hawk <> wrote:
> I think embarassing them is the wat to go. Put signs in their yards saying how they like to beat disabled vets. Have other kids mock these @ssholes kids. Basically let them know they can be fuucked with without violence. Have local women talk sh1t to their wives. There are a lot of ways to do it.Amen!
> On Sat, Aug 28, 2010 at 4:46 PM, Norm Olson <> wrote:
> Subject: Alaska State Fair Obama Protest
> > Check this out:
> >
> --
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> "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
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JJ Alaska

3 sep. 2010 09:51:062010-09-03
till Alaska Citizens Militia
Aye it is a public event set up for the use and enjoyment of the
public, and the Alaska Supreme Court has already rule on a matter very
close to this. They clearly state, land set for public use which is
privately own shall not and may not restrict individual rights,
however the rights of the land owner are fully retained and they can
demand you leave at anytime they wish for no reason at all, this also
applies to security personnel the land owner has authorized to act in
thier stead.

We do not know what was said before the tape started rolling, the
guards are poorly trained and Starplex should fire them however.

This key point is so so important, if Sidney Hill was asked to leave
the premise at once he is required to do so or go to jail, your rights
do not allow you to infringe on anothers rights, in this case the land
owner and how they wish thier land used ( why I will never be going to
the fair again protesting with my wallet )

At no time do I hear the security personnel tell him to leave, THEY
DO HAVE TO, just telling him to put the sign away does not cut it, he
was admitted in with it, his money was taken, and they darn well
should not have even let him in with the sign if it was an issue.

Trespassing is KNOWINGLY violating private property ignoring all
posted signs, ignoring any and all verbal requests and demands to
leave at once, not accidently being in the wrong place. if I need to I
will pull up all the court rulings on this matter, but I hope this
helps clear things up, Alaska law was clearly written to be a
nightmare, we as a state in some ways are very unlucky the state was
formed when the lawyers had gained a foothold in America.
> > "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."- Hide quoted text -

bob bob

3 sep. 2010 15:49:572010-09-03
Yes it is private

Do you pay admission to gain use of there facilities yes you do its just like going to a concert or any other private event its private its not open to the public you have to pay in paying you agree to a contract ie you'll act within the scope of there rules. Where the security is from has no bearing on the issue  although one would think the "Alaska State Fair Inc" would want to hire Alaskans.

Dropzone Bill

> Date: Fri, 3 Sep 2010 00:31:50 -0700
> Subject: [AlaskaCitizensMilitia] Re: Alaska State Fair Obama Protest
> From:
> To:
> For more options, visit this group at

Elizabeth Daniels

4 sep. 2010 02:16:282010-09-04
till A C M
Hey Dropzone: you want to hear a blonde joke?
What do you call a paragraph with no punctuation?

Wait for it:

INHALE (4-3-2-1)

exhale (((((((((

Here it is:

A: a fast-talking blonde you have to remind to "take a breath" between sentences.

Don't take that personally. I'm the Blonde.

(Dude, I kept up with EVERY WORD! Really) from one blonde to another : breath.


From: bob bob <>
Date: Fri, 3 Sep 2010 12:49:57 -0700
Subject: RE: [AlaskaCitizensMilitia] Re: Alaska State Fair Obama Protest

bob bob

4 sep. 2010 02:30:172010-09-04
Hey never said I was an English Major but if you ever need anything broken or blown up I'm your guy

Dropzone Bill

Subject: Re: [AlaskaCitizensMilitia] Re: Alaska State Fair Obama Protest
Date: Sat, 4 Sep 2010 06:16:28 +0000

Elizabeth Daniels

4 sep. 2010 02:42:472010-09-04
till A C M
I'll memorize my coordinates so I can call halt!
You know I'm not being sarcastic I hope.


From: bob bob <>
Date: Fri, 3 Sep 2010 23:30:17 -0700

Elizabeth Daniels

4 sep. 2010 02:45:092010-09-04
till A C M
You make me think of hillbilly kin folk down south! Wher'ya from?


From: bob bob <>
Date: Fri, 3 Sep 2010 23:30:17 -0700

bob bob

4 sep. 2010 02:45:122010-09-04
LOL and here I thought you were tea totterer 

Dropzone Bill

(I started signing DZ Bill cause folks were getting me confused with the other Bill and he is much nicer and diplomatic than I) 

Subject: Re: [AlaskaCitizensMilitia] Re: Alaska State Fair Obama Protest
Date: Sat, 4 Sep 2010 06:42:47 +0000

Elizabeth Daniels

4 sep. 2010 03:07:442010-09-04
till A C M
I have two brothers both named Bill, Dad, nephew, two uncles. Yep all Bill.


From: bob bob <>
Date: Fri, 3 Sep 2010 23:45:12 -0700


4 sep. 2010 14:00:522010-09-04
Now thats funny, "this is my brother bill and this is my other brother bill" LOL

Elizabeth Daniels

4 sep. 2010 14:47:422010-09-04
till A C M
LOL!!!! IT FITS! LOL! The oldest is kinda slow like the Darrell/Darrell thing they had going on with Newhart Show!
Its still funny! And they are my own brothers! They have even made the joke in our family a lot and everyone gets it! Even the two brothers! Course, takes #1 a bit longer to get it; but he gets it, too. LOL


From: "Ironartist" <>
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 2010 11:00:52 -0700
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