Fwd: Patriot Alert: Bob Schulz Responds to TIME MAGAZINE cover story on: "Locked and Loaded: The "Secret"World of Extreme Militias

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Kath McCubbins-Carlson

Oct 4, 2010, 9:11:45 PM10/4/10
to alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: jmw <honora...@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 2:07 PM
Subject: Patriot Alert: Bob Schulz Responds to TIME MAGAZINE cover story on: "Locked and Loaded: The "Secret"World of Extreme Militias
To: honora...@gmail.com

Please forward this on to your lists.


Response from Bob Schulz to TIME Magazine
Re: October 11, 2010 Cover Story
"Locked and Loaded: The Secret World of Extreme Militias"

Dear Editor:
I am featured in your cover article, written by Barton Gellman, though I cannot understand why.  You have wholly mischaracterized me and the works of my Foundation, in order to shoehorn me into a piece that may work for TIME, but has no relevance to what Gellman and I discussed. The information I provided to Gellman, through more than six hours of face-to-face interviews, plus e-mails and written documentation, has been twisted and wholly taken out of context, rendering it inaccurate, misleading and libelous.
There are so many falsehoods in what was attributed to me that I cannot address them all in this letter. I will take them up with TIME management.
For the record, I have never advocated violence, I do not and have never belonged to any militia, nor do I communicate with militias or influence militias in any way that I am aware of.  However, I do fully support the Constitution’s guarantee of well-regulated militias in every State. To quote the mandate of the second Amendment, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the Right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” Therefore, the absence of well-regulated Militias in every State is repugnant to the constitution.
This article serves neither the truth nor the People of this nation. While it wastes thousands of words regurgitating the intricate details of militia activities, their confrontations with government officials, and a handful of blatantly criminal acts, the article fails to address the fundamental "secret" re-invigorating the Patriot consciousness of Americans across the land.
The "secret" that the mainstream media appears to have an extreme aversion against putting forward or openly discussing, is that over many administrations, with the support of both Parties, the federal government has all but abandoned our Constitution
As more and more People are learning daily, from largely non-mainstream media sources, it is only the Constitution that stands between the People and total tyranny and this dangerous rejection of the Constitution has put the fate of our nation and Liberty of the People at grave risk. It is this stark realization, not racial or religious bigotry, which is driving the pro-Constitution movement, the Tea Parties and likely, the citizen militias. 

The larger, ugly truth is this: For decades the citizens have endured an escalating campaign of constitutional violations including undeclared wars, un-enforced immigration laws, warrantless searches and surveillance of private papers and communications, slave-like direct non-apportioned taxes on labor, a monetary currency conjured out of limitless debt, the giving and lending of public money and credit to private corporations for decidedly private purposes, the absence of a “well-regulated militia” in every State (mandated by the first thirteen words of the Second Amendment) and a privately owned central bank known as the Federal Reserve.

It is these violations of our “Charters of Freedom,” that are fueling the voices of dissent.  Liberty is a force of Nature. It cannot be subdued. 
Most disturbing perhaps is TIME's publication of false statements, harmful to me and the We The People Foundation For Constitutional Education, Inc., and designed to detract from our intelligent, rational and professional defense of the Constitution.
Not only does the article falsely brand me as an advocate edging "anti-government" patriots "closer to violence," Gellman and the editors at TIME, violate every principle of journalistic responsibility by failing to accurately report the substance of numerous hours of personal interviews TIME conducted with me, supported by hundreds of pages of legal and historical documentation that I provided to Gellman and TIME. 
The public record I have established over three decades clearly shows that I have always advocated the use of peaceful, non-violent resistance in defense of the Constitution. Any person who has ever heard me speak, including Gellman, has heard me hold up the examples and teachings of Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr.
Our Foundation's legal research and litigation, which stretches over many years is an open book to anyone who visits the archives on our website, as Gellman indicated to me he had done. Our focus has been based squarely on the historical context, purpose and full exercise of the last of the five Rights guaranteed by the First Amendment. 
Gellman knows that each of our First Amendment Petitions for Redress have cited a specific provision of the Constitution, included a factual account of violations of that provision and sought a remedy to the violation.  There were nine Petitions for Redress submitted over a fourteen year period, not “hundreds” as the article states.
TIME knows our work in defense of the Constitution has always been rooted in the Rights of the People and the obligations of the Government under the last ten words of the First Amendment. Known as the accountability clause, those words guarantee the Right of the People to PEACEFULLY hold the Government accountable to the rest of the Constitution. Understandably, the Government would have the Right forever remain the “Forgotten Right.” But why TIME?
In point of fact, it is our research into the fundamental RIGHT of the People to hold their servant government accountable through the First Amendment Petition clause, and the Foundation's aggressive litigation, high-visibility protests and educational efforts that have drawn the iron fist of the IRS. However, any Right that is not enforceable is no Right.  
The article's dismissive note regarding the Supreme Court's refusal to hear the Foundation's case fails to convey the critical fact, known by TIME, that the purpose of the landmark federal lawsuit was for the Supreme Court to declare - for the first time in history - the constitutional meaning of the First Amendment's Petition/Accountability clause. 
That's correct.  I, and other Americans who stood with me, wanted nothing more than our modern day Supreme Court to declare the legal meaning, effect and significance of the government accountability clause of the First Amendment.  The Supreme Court refused to settle the “first impression” constitutional question. We provided Gellman a direct quote from the 1821 Supreme Court decision of Cohens v. Virgina, 19 U.S. 264, 265, holding it was "treason to the Constitution" for the Court to refuse to hear a case it is constitutionally required to hear. Disturbingly, TIME would have its readers believe that I was the source of the quote.
Far from being "anti-government" and advocates of violence, the very purpose of the We The People organization is to educate Americans regarding the history, meaning, effect and significance of every clause of the Constitution, including the accountability through peaceful Petition process clause of the First Amendment.
The essence of Liberty and the enjoyment of fundamental Rights is predicated upon the Rule of Law and the Right of the People to hold their (servant) government accountable. It is our Declaration of Independence which states, “to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the Governed, that whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it ….” 

In denying the public an accurate portrayal of the motivations of those depicted in the article, TIME serves only to deprive the People of vital knowledge regarding a peaceful means -- perhaps the only peaceful means remaining, to restore constitutional governance carried out in decency and good order.
On March 13, 1962 while addressing the diplomatic corps of the Latin American republics, President John F. Kennedy stated, "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."

If TIME truly abhors the initiation of violence, as I do, it should do everything possible to help inform the American People about their possession of a fundamental Right that can be exercised to restore the Constitution through peaceful, non-violent means.
This is the legacy our Founders left us in the First Amendment Right to Petition.  They even told us how to do it in the 1774 Journals of the Continental Congress (quoting):

“If money is wanted by Rulers who have in any manner oppressed the People, they may retain it until their grievances are redressed,
and thus peaceably procure relief, without trusting to despised petitions
or disturbing the public tranquility.”

Journals of the Continental Congress (1774), 1:105-113
The website of the WTP Foundation is www.GiveMeLiberty.org. For anyone who takes the time to read our archives, dating back to 1999, our every action and Government’s every response, are fully documented.
Robert L. Schulz
Chairman and Founder
We The People Foundation for Constitutional Education, Inc.
We The People Congress, Inc.


Norm Olson

Oct 5, 2010, 12:32:52 AM10/5/10
to alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
Actually, the article was quite disturbing to many Americans. The
fierce countenance on the painted faces of camo clad patriots OUGHT to
be the signature of determined men and women who are "locked and
loaded" against the looming threat of tyranny.
When the media takes an interest in your activities, allow it to
see your honest feelings. Growl into the camera if you really mean to
defend your freedom with the blood of tyrants (and patriots, if

We will never stop the tyrant by a cozy handshake. Better to
bring a serpent to your breast than to give even so much as a nod to a

The Ohio Defense Force has learned an important lesson...one that
should have been learned 15 years ago when the Michigan Militia was
torn apart by the media and the internal fear of its members.

Enough of fear! Let it be gone!

Norm Olson, Commander

On 10/4/10, Kath McCubbins-Carlson <kathm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: jmw <honora...@gmail.com>
> Date: Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 2:07 PM
> Subject: Patriot Alert: Bob Schulz Responds to TIME MAGAZINE cover story on:
> "Locked and Loaded: The "Secret"World of Extreme Militias
> To: honora...@gmail.com

> *Please forward this on to your lists.
> *******************************
> *Response from Bob Schulz to TIME Magazine
> *
> *Re: **October 11, 2010** Cover Story *
> *"Locked and Loaded: The Secret World of Extreme Militias"
> *

> Dear Editor:
> I am featured in your cover article, written by Barton Gellman, though I
> cannot understand why. You have wholly mischaracterized me and the works of
> my Foundation, in order to shoehorn me into a piece that may work for TIME,
> but has no relevance to what Gellman and I discussed. The information I
> provided to Gellman, through more than six hours of face-to-face interviews,
> plus e-mails and written documentation, has been twisted and wholly taken
> out of context, rendering it inaccurate, misleading and libelous.
> There are so many falsehoods in what was attributed to me that I cannot
> address them all in this letter. I will take them up with TIME management.
> For the record, I have never advocated violence, I do not and have never
> belonged to any militia, nor do I communicate with militias or influence
> militias in any way that I am aware of. However, I do fully support the
> Constitution’s guarantee of well-regulated militias in every State. To quote

> the mandate of the second Amendment, “*A well regulated Militia, being
> necessary to the security of a **free State**, the Right of the People to
> keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.*” Therefore, the absence of

> well-regulated Militias in every State is repugnant to the constitution.
> This article serves neither the truth nor the People of this nation. While
> it wastes thousands of words regurgitating the intricate details of militia
> activities, their confrontations with government officials, and a handful of
> blatantly criminal acts, the article fails to address the fundamental
> "secret" re-invigorating the Patriot consciousness of Americans across the
> land.
> The "secret" that the mainstream media appears to have an extreme aversion
> against putting forward or openly discussing, is that over many

> administrations, with the support of both Parties, *the federal government
> has all but abandoned our Constitution*.

> As more and more People are learning daily, from largely non-mainstream
> media sources, it is only the Constitution that stands between the People
> and total tyranny and this dangerous rejection of the Constitution has put
> the fate of our nation and Liberty of the People at grave risk. It is this
> stark realization, not racial or religious bigotry, which is driving the
> pro-Constitution movement, the Tea Parties and likely, the citizen
> militias.
> The larger, ugly truth is this: For decades the citizens have endured an
> escalating campaign of constitutional violations including undeclared wars,
> un-enforced immigration laws, warrantless searches and surveillance of

> private papers and communications, slave-like direct *non-apportioned* taxes

> on labor, a monetary currency conjured out of limitless debt, the giving and
> lending of public money and credit to private corporations for decidedly
> private purposes, the absence of a “well-regulated militia” in every State
> (mandated by the first thirteen words of the Second Amendment) and a
> privately owned central bank known as the Federal Reserve.
> It is these violations of our “Charters of Freedom,” that are fueling the
> voices of dissent. Liberty is a force of Nature. It cannot be subdued.
> Most disturbing perhaps is TIME's publication of false statements, harmful
> to me and the We The People Foundation For Constitutional Education, Inc.,
> and designed to detract from our intelligent, rational and professional
> defense of the Constitution.
> Not only does the article falsely brand me as an advocate edging
> "anti-government" patriots "closer to violence," Gellman and the editors at
> TIME, violate every principle of journalistic responsibility by failing to
> accurately report the substance of numerous hours of personal interviews
> TIME conducted with me, supported by hundreds of pages of legal and
> historical documentation that I provided to Gellman and TIME.
> The public record I have established over three decades clearly shows that I

> have always *advocated the use of peaceful, non-violent resistance in
> defense of the Constitution*. Any person who has ever heard me speak,

> including Gellman, has heard me hold up the examples and teachings of Gandhi
> and Martin Luther King, Jr.
> Our Foundation's legal research and litigation, which stretches over many
> years is an open book to anyone who visits the archives on our website, as
> Gellman indicated to me he had done. Our focus has been based squarely on
> the historical context, purpose and full exercise of the last of the five
> Rights guaranteed by the First Amendment.
> Gellman knows that each of our First Amendment Petitions for Redress have
> cited a specific provision of the Constitution, included a factual account
> of violations of that provision and sought a remedy to the violation. There
> were nine Petitions for Redress submitted over a fourteen year period, not
> “hundreds” as the article states.
> TIME knows our work in defense of the Constitution has always been rooted in
> the Rights of the People and the obligations of the Government under the
> last ten words of the First Amendment. Known as the accountability clause,
> those words guarantee the Right of the People to PEACEFULLY hold the
> Government accountable to the rest of the Constitution. Understandably, the
> Government would have the Right forever remain the “Forgotten Right.” But
> why TIME?
> In point of fact, it is our research into the fundamental RIGHT of the
> People to hold their servant government accountable through the First
> Amendment Petition clause, and the Foundation's aggressive litigation,
> high-visibility protests and educational efforts that have drawn the iron

> fist of the IRS. However, *any Right that is not enforceable is no Right*.

> The article's dismissive note regarding the Supreme Court's refusal to hear
> the Foundation's case fails to convey the critical fact, known by TIME, that
> the purpose of the landmark federal lawsuit was for the Supreme Court to

> declare - *for the first time in history* - the constitutional meaning of

> the First Amendment's Petition/Accountability clause.
> That's correct. I, and other Americans who stood with me, wanted nothing
> more than our modern day Supreme Court to declare the legal meaning, effect
> and significance of the government accountability clause of the First
> Amendment. The Supreme Court refused to settle the “first impression”
> constitutional question. We provided Gellman a direct quote from the 1821

> Supreme Court decision of *Cohens v. Virgina*, 19 U.S. 264, 265, holding it

> was "treason to the Constitution" for the Court to refuse to hear a case it
> is constitutionally required to hear. Disturbingly, TIME would have its
> readers believe that I was the source of the quote.
> Far from being "anti-government" and advocates of violence, the very purpose
> of the We The People organization is to educate Americans regarding the
> history, meaning, effect and significance of every clause of the
> Constitution, including the accountability through peaceful Petition process
> clause of the First Amendment.
> The essence of Liberty and the enjoyment of fundamental Rights is predicated

> upon the Rule of Law *and the Right of the People to hold their (servant)
> government accountable.* It is our Declaration of Independence which states,

> “to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among men, deriving
> their just powers from the consent of the Governed, that whenever any form
> of Government becomes destructive of these ends it is the Right of the
> People to alter or abolish it ….”
> In denying the public an accurate portrayal of the motivations of those
> depicted in the article, TIME serves only to deprive the People of vital
> knowledge regarding a peaceful means -- perhaps the only peaceful means
> remaining, to restore constitutional governance carried out in decency and
> good order.
> On March 13, 1962 while addressing the diplomatic corps of the Latin
> American republics, President John F. Kennedy stated, "Those who make
> peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."
> If TIME truly abhors the initiation of violence, as I do, it should do
> everything possible to help inform the American People about their
> possession of a fundamental Right that can be exercised to restore the
> Constitution through peaceful, non-violent means.
> This is the legacy our Founders left us in the First Amendment Right to

> Petition. They even told us how to do it in the 1774 *Journals of the
> Continental Congress* (quoting):
> *

> “If money is wanted by Rulers who have in any manner oppressed the People,
> they
> may retain it until their grievances are redressed,
> and thus peaceably procure relief, without trusting to despised petitions
> or disturbing the public tranquility.”

> **Journals of the Continental Congress (1774), 1:105-113*

> The website of the WTP Foundation is

> www.GiveMeLiberty.org<http://www.givemeliberty.org/>.

> For anyone who takes the time to read our archives, dating back to 1999, our
> every action and Government’s every response, are fully documented.
> Robert L. Schulz
> Chairman and Founder
> We The People Foundation for Constitutional Education, Inc.
> We The People Congress, Inc.
> http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/Article/076366-2010-10-04-patriot-alert-bob-schulz-response-to-time-magazine-cover-story.htm
> --
> Kath

> --
> Welcome to the Alaska Citizens Militia forum.
> To post send email to alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
> To unsubscribe send email to
> alaska-citizens-m...@googlegroups.com
> For more options, visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/alaska-citizens-militia?hl=en
> Web Site: www.alaskacitizensmilitia.com

> "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,

> the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."


Oct 5, 2010, 1:47:01 AM10/5/10
to Alaska Citizens Militia
Thank you for the presentation of Schulz's rebuttal to this ambush
piece by the main drain media.

On Oct 4, 5:11 pm, Kath McCubbins-Carlson <kathmac...@gmail.com>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: jmw <honoramer...@gmail.com>
> Date: Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 2:07 PM
> Subject: Patriot Alert: Bob Schulz Responds to TIME MAGAZINE cover story on:
> "Locked and Loaded: The "Secret"World of Extreme Militias
> To: honoramer...@gmail.com
>  *Please forward this on to your lists.
> *******************************
> *Response from Bob Schulz to TIME Magazine
> *
> *Re: **October 11, 2010** Cover Story *
> *"Locked and Loaded: The Secret World of Extreme Militias"
> *
> Dear Editor:
> I am featured in your cover article, written by Barton Gellman, though I
> cannot understand why.  You have wholly mischaracterized me and the works of
> my Foundation, in order to shoehorn me into a piece that may work for TIME,
> but has no relevance to what Gellman and I discussed. The information I
> provided to Gellman, through more than six hours of face-to-face interviews,
> plus e-mails and written documentation, has been twisted and wholly taken
> out of context, rendering it inaccurate, misleading and libelous.
> There are so many falsehoods in what was attributed to me that I cannot
> address them all in this letter. I will take them up with TIME management.
> For the record, I have never advocated violence, I do not and have never
> belonged to any militia, nor do I communicate with militias or influence
> militias in any way that I am aware of.  However, I do fully support the
> Constitution’s guarantee of well-regulated militias in every State. To quote
> the mandate of the second Amendment, “*A well regulated Militia, being
> necessary to the security of a **free State**, the Right of the People to
> keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.*” Therefore, the absence of
> well-regulated Militias in every State is repugnant to the constitution.
> This article serves neither the truth nor the People of this nation. While
> it wastes thousands of words regurgitating the intricate details of militia
> activities, their confrontations with government officials, and a handful of
> blatantly criminal acts, the article fails to address the fundamental
> "secret" re-invigorating the Patriot consciousness of Americans across the
> land.
> The "secret" that the mainstream media appears to have an extreme aversion
> against putting forward or openly discussing, is that over many
> administrations, with the support of both Parties, *the federal government
> has all but abandoned our Constitution*.
> As more and more People are learning daily, from largely non-mainstream
> media sources, it is only the Constitution that stands between the People
> and total tyranny and this dangerous rejection of the Constitution has put
> the fate of our nation and Liberty of the People at grave risk. It is this
> stark realization, not racial or religious bigotry, which is driving the
> pro-Constitution movement, the Tea Parties and likely, the citizen
> militias.
> The larger, ugly truth is this: For decades the citizens have endured an
> escalating campaign of constitutional violations including undeclared wars,
> un-enforced immigration laws, warrantless searches and surveillance of
> private papers and communications, slave-like direct *non-apportioned* taxes
> on labor, a monetary currency conjured out of limitless debt, the giving and
> lending of public money and credit to private corporations for decidedly
> private purposes, the absence of a “well-regulated militia” in every State
> (mandated by the first thirteen words of the Second Amendment) and a
> privately owned central bank known as the Federal Reserve.
> It is these violations of our “Charters of Freedom,” that are fueling the
> voices of dissent.  Liberty is a force of Nature. It cannot be subdued.
> Most disturbing perhaps is TIME's publication of false statements, harmful
> to me and the We The People Foundation For Constitutional Education, Inc.,
> and designed to detract from our intelligent, rational and professional
> defense of the Constitution.
> Not only does the article falsely brand me as an advocate edging
> "anti-government" patriots "closer to violence," Gellman and the editors at
> TIME, violate every principle of journalistic responsibility by failing to
> accurately report the substance of numerous hours of personal interviews
> TIME conducted with me, supported by hundreds of pages of legal and
> historical documentation that I provided to Gellman and TIME.
> The public record I have established over three decades clearly shows that I
> have always *advocated the use of peaceful, non-violent resistance in
> defense of the Constitution*. Any person who has ever heard me speak,
> including Gellman, has heard me hold up the examples and teachings of Gandhi
> and Martin Luther King, Jr.
> Our Foundation's legal research and litigation, which stretches over many
> years is an open book to anyone who visits the archives on our website, as
> Gellman indicated to me he had done. Our focus has been based squarely on
> the historical context, purpose and full exercise of the last of the five
> Rights guaranteed by the First Amendment.
> Gellman knows that each of our First Amendment Petitions for Redress have
> cited a specific provision of the Constitution, included a factual account
> of violations of that provision and sought a remedy to the violation.  There
> were nine Petitions for Redress submitted over a fourteen year period, not
> “hundreds” as the article states.
> TIME knows our work in defense of the Constitution has always been rooted in
> the Rights of the People and the obligations of the Government under the
> last ten words of the First Amendment. Known as the accountability clause,
> those words guarantee the Right of the People to PEACEFULLY hold the
> Government accountable to the rest of the Constitution. Understandably, the
> Government would have the Right forever remain the “Forgotten Right.” But
> why TIME?
> In point of fact, it is our research into the fundamental RIGHT of the
> People to hold their servant government accountable through the First
> Amendment Petition clause, and the Foundation's aggressive litigation,
> high-visibility protests and educational efforts that have drawn the iron
> fist of the IRS. However, *any Right that is not enforceable is no Right*.
> The article's dismissive note regarding the Supreme Court's refusal to hear
> the Foundation's case fails to convey the critical fact, known by TIME, that
> the purpose of the landmark federal lawsuit was for the Supreme Court to
> declare - *for the first time in history* - the constitutional meaning of
> the First Amendment's Petition/Accountability clause.
> That's correct.  I, and other Americans who stood with me, wanted nothing
> more than our modern day Supreme Court to declare the legal meaning, effect
> and significance of the government accountability clause of the First
> Amendment.  The Supreme Court refused to settle the “first impression”
> constitutional question. We provided Gellman a direct quote from the 1821
> Supreme Court decision of *Cohens v. Virgina*, 19 U.S. 264, 265, holding it
> was "treason to the Constitution" for the Court to refuse to hear a case it
> is constitutionally required to hear. Disturbingly, TIME would have its
> readers believe that I was the source of the quote.
> Far from being "anti-government" and advocates of violence, the very purpose
> of the We The People organization is to educate Americans regarding the
> history, meaning, effect and significance of every clause of the
> Constitution, including the accountability through peaceful Petition process
> clause of the First Amendment.
> The essence of Liberty and the enjoyment of fundamental Rights is predicated
> upon the Rule of Law *and the Right of the People to hold their (servant)
> government accountable.* It is our Declaration of Independence which states,
> “to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among men, deriving
> their just powers from the consent of the Governed, that whenever any form
> of Government becomes destructive of these ends it is the Right of the
> People to alter or abolish it ….”
> In denying the public an accurate portrayal of the motivations of those
> depicted in the article, TIME serves only to deprive the People of vital
> knowledge regarding a peaceful means -- perhaps the only peaceful means
> remaining, to restore constitutional governance carried out in decency and
> good order.
> On March 13, 1962 while addressing the diplomatic corps of the Latin
> American republics, President John F. Kennedy stated, "Those who make
> peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."
> If TIME truly abhors the initiation of violence, as I do, it should do
> everything possible to help inform the American People about their
> possession of a fundamental Right that can be exercised to restore the
> Constitution through peaceful, non-violent means.
> This is the legacy our Founders left us in the First Amendment Right to
> Petition.  They even told us how to do it in the 1774 *Journals of the
> Continental Congress* (quoting):
> *
> “If money is wanted by Rulers who have in any manner oppressed the People, they
> may retain it until their grievances are redressed,
> and thus peaceably procure relief, without trusting to despised petitions
> or disturbing the public tranquility.”
> **Journals of the Continental Congress (1774), 1:105-113*
> The website of the WTP Foundation iswww.GiveMeLiberty.org<http://www.givemeliberty.org/>.
> For anyone who takes the time to read our archives, dating back to 1999, our
> every action and Government’s every response, are fully documented.
> Robert L. Schulz
> Chairman and Founder
> We The People Foundation for Constitutional Education, Inc.
> We The People Congress, Inc.
> http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/Article/076366-2010-10-04-patriot-aler...
> --
> Kath

ray southwell

Oct 5, 2010, 12:52:19 PM10/5/10
to alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
Everyone supports the Second Amendment, in words only.  I am so tired of individuals like Mr. Schulz, stating they support the Second Amendment. In the next breath, state they would never be in one.  Glenn Beck is another talker who lives in New York City. Where is the Militia that is going to help him? Talk, Talk Talk... Blah Blah Blah.
If I had a dollar from every individual who has told me they support the Militia, but cannot be active in one, the IRS would not be beating me to death.
Understand, it makes no difference how eloquent you are or pretty you present yourself, the Militia will be called every name in the book.
After 16 years I no longer care what they say about me. God knows my heart. I am too old to run to the woods. I stand ready at my home.  Bring on the name calling.
What was it we learned as children, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me"

We were more courageous as children.


From: Norm Olson <norm.ma...@gmail.com>
To: alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
Sent: Mon, October 4, 2010 8:32:52 PM
Subject: Re: [AlaskaCitizensMilitia] Fwd: Patriot Alert: Bob Schulz Responds to TIME MAGAZINE cover story on: "Locked and Loaded: The "Secret"World of Extreme Militias
> alaska-citizens-militia+unsub...@googlegroups.com

> For more options, visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/alaska-citizens-militia?hl=en
> Web Site:  www.alaskacitizensmilitia.com
> "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,
> the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Welcome to the Alaska Citizens Militia forum.
To post send email to alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe send email to alaska-citizens-militia+unsub...@googlegroups.com

Kath McCubbins-Carlson

Oct 5, 2010, 7:02:31 PM10/5/10
to alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
Just for everyone's info, I am NOT a fan of Mr. Schulz.  Yes, I was one of those who represented Alaska last fall as an ALASKAN.  I had not heard of Mr. Schulz prior to about a month before the Continental Congress, so went to Illinois with no pre-conceived ideas.  My eyes were opened to many things there, one being that Mr. Schulz is power-hungry and controlling.  I only forwarded the email I received as information from his "chief of staff", not that I agree with or believe what he said.
oh, and Glenn Beck resides in Connecticut...fyi.  I think his heart is slowly going in the right direction.  He just has/had ideas he needs to work out in his mind and heart.  Instead of bashing him, I think we need to pray for him that he will SEE the truth he is searching for, and soon.  He does have a huge following; many people listen to him and believe that what he 'discovers' is the truth. 

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Web Site: www.alaskacitizensmilitia.com
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."


ray southwell

Oct 7, 2010, 2:00:39 PM10/7/10
to alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com


Thanks for the update on Beck’s residence. I guess his office is in New York City. I am sure there is a strong militia in Connecticut.

My point was not to be “bashing” anyone. We assume they are leaders for change. All that is done is talking. Talking never gets a job done. We buy their books, we spend hundreds of dollars to hear them speak and nothing changes.

I understand Alaskans have been talking about an all-Alaskan gas pipeline for 30 years. In 2002 62% of the voting population chose to develop a gas-line. We continue to talk about the gas pipeline. Nothing gets done but talk. When Walker came forward to build the gas-line, where were we?  Talking about how bad and corrupt it is. Did we write letters?  Did we send him any money?

There are five ways of changing government, four peaceful one violent. One of those peaceful change tools is the press. Have we been sending letters to the papers, or paid for ads to express our thoughts and concerns? No, we spend money on all the information from the talkers but do not step up and put our name to our thoughts in the paper.

The violent change is within the militia. We have forgotten, what our Founders understood, the threat of violence can cause change. The Nation’s Founders codified the second amendment to put the corrupt on notice, that the people can use violence to change government.  Politicians have always understood this threat. Throughout this country’s history people have stood and frightened the corrupt. Change occurred.

If the militia stood openly, perhaps change would occur without violence. The potential threat will not be ignored.

We are frightened of being called a bad name. We are concerned my friends might not like me anymore.

As I said before “sticks and stone may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.”

We had more courage as children.


From: Kath McCubbins-Carlson <kathm...@gmail.com>
To: alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
Sent: Tue, October 5, 2010 3:02:31 PM


Oct 8, 2010, 2:55:24 AM10/8/10
to Alaska Citizens Militia

All militia units and their respective command staff should take a
lesson from this.

The enemedia has used the militias as a crutch to garner increased
ratings. It's been their method since the early 1990's, and it has
worked in their favor every time. Consequently, Time-Warner has been
at the forefront of nearly every anti-gun initiative since it’s
inception. The CEO and staff make no qualms that only the elitists
should be armed, other than Law Enforcement and military units.

In this epic upcoming struggle; one must always remember that battle
lines will be drawn in the sand, sides must be chosen, and mud will be
slung. That is the nature of the beast.

It must be mentioned that militia and patriot leaders will always be
at the forefront of these vicious personal attacks, and by consequence
of leadership, requires a strong and steady thought process that
exudes confidence, and yet allows for deep consideration of what long
and short term ramifications represent to the unit as a whole. There
is nothing free out there in this world, offers always have a strings
attached, and this demonization of the Ohio unit came about because
its leadership failed to understand the simple premise of “Loose Lips
Sink Ships”; a term most favorable in the light of day considering the
present end-result thereof.

In my own personal opinion; when I am asked if I belong to a militia,
I am not afraid to say “Yes Sir I AM!”. For anything less would be a
betrayal to myself, and the things that I hold close to my heart. I
hold that anyone afraid to stand up and be counted as an american, has
already been beaten down and made afraid by the opposition by virtue
of the fact that denial of one’s patriot duty and rights, are
paramount to success. How can one then be expected to participate, if
their fear is thus overshadowing his/her life already.

I am not afraid, nor will I bow my head or bend my knee, or smile like
some silly school boy when the cameras come rolling. The cameras are
whores and harlots, and those that allow the temptation of five
minutes of fame to entice them, lay with the whore and sleep with the
enemy-and thus must be ready to reap what they sowed.

Franke Schein
State Commander-Alaska Watchmen

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