Fw: Government Run America!

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Ron Leonard

18.02.2011, 20:06:2418.02.11
an Alaska Citizens Militia, Jeff Webster

This is excellent and too scary! And "right around the corner"........

"Winston, come into the dining room, it's time to eat," Julia yelled to her husband.   
"In a minute, honey, it's a tie score," he answered.  Actually Winston wasn't very interested in the traditional holiday football game between Detroit and  Washington.  Ever since the government passed the Civility in Sports Statute of 2017, outlawing tackle football for its "unseemly violence" and the "bad example it sets for the rest of the world," Winston was far less of a football fan than he used to be.  Two-hand touch wasn't nearly as exciting.  
Yet it wasn't the game that Winston was uninterested in.  It was more the thought of eating another TofuTurkey.  Even though it was the best type of VeggieMeat available after the government revised the American Anti-Obesity Act of 2018, adding fowl to the list of federally-forbidden foods, (which already included potatoes, cranberry sauce and mince-meat pie), it wasn't anything like real turkey.   And ever since the government officially changed the name of "Thanksgiving Day" to "A National Day of Atonement" in 2020 to officially acknowledge the Pilgrims' historically brutal treatment of Native Americans, the holiday had lost a lot of its luster.  
Eating in the dining room was also a bit daunting.  The unearthly gleam of government-mandated fluorescent light bulbs made the TofuTurkey look even weirder than it actually was, and the room was always cold.  Ever since Congress passed the Power Conservation Act of 2016, mandating all thermostats-which were monitored and controlled by the electric company-be kept at 68 degrees, every room on the north side of the house was barely tolerable throughout the entire winter.  
Still, it was good getting together with family. Or at least most of the family. Winston missed his mother, who passed on in October, when she had used up her legal allotment of life-saving medical treatment.  He had had many heated conversations with the Regional Health Consortium, spawned when the private insurance market finally went bankrupt, and everyone was forced into the government health care program.  And though he demanded she be kept on her treatment, it was a futile effort. "The RHC's resources are limited," explained the government bureaucrat Winston spoke with on the phone. "Your mother received all the benefits to which she was entitled.  I'm sorry for your loss."  
Ed couldn't make it either.  He had forgotten to plug in his electric car last night, the only kind available after the Anti-Fossil Fuel Bill of 2021 outlawed the use of the combustion engines-for everyone but government officials.  The fifty mile round trip was about ten miles too far, and Ed didn't want to spend a frosty night on the road somewhere between here and there.  
Thankfully, Winston's brother, John, and his wife were flying in.  Winston made sure that the dining room chairs had extra cushions for the occasion. No one complained more than John about the pain of sitting down so soon after the government-mandated cavity searches at airports, which severely aggravated his hemorrhoids.  Ever since a terrorist successfully smuggled a cavity bomb onto a jetliner, the TSA told Americans the added "inconvenience" was an "absolute necessity" in order to stay "one step ahead of the terrorists." Winston's own body had grown accustomed to such probing ever since the government expanded their scope to just about anywhere a crowd gathered, via Anti-Profiling Act of 2022.  That law made it a crime to single out any group or individual for "unequal scrutiny," even when probable cause was involved. Thus, cavity searches at malls, train stations, bus depots, etc., etc., had become almost routine.  Almost.  
The Supreme Court is reviewing the statute, but most Americans expect a Court composed of six progressives and three conservatives to leave the law intact.   "A living Constitution is extremely flexible," said the Court's eldest member, Elena Kagan.  " Europe has had laws like this one for years.  We should learn from their example," she added.  
Winston's thoughts turned to his own children. He got along fairly well with his 12-year-old daughter, Brittany, mostly because she ignored him.  Winston had long ago surrendered to the idea that she could text anyone at any time, even during Atonement Dinner. Their only real confrontation had occurred when he limited her to 50,000 texts a month, explaining that was all he could afford. She whined for a week, but got over it.  
His 16-year-old son, Jason, was another matter altogether.  Perhaps it was the constant bombarding he got in public school that global warming, the bird flu, terrorism or any of a number of other calamities were "just around the corner," but Jason had developed a kind of nihilistic attitude that ranged between simmering surliness and outright hostility.  It didn't help that Jason had reported his father to the police for smoking a cigarette in the house, an act made criminal by the Smoking Control Statute of 2018, which outlawed smoking anywhere within 500 feet of another human being.  Winston paid the $5000 fine, which might have been considered excessive before the American dollar became virtually worthless as a result of QE13.  The latest round of quantitative easing the federal government initiated was, once again, to "spur economic growth."  This time they promised to push unemployment below its years-long rate of 18%, but Winston was not particularly hopeful.  
Yet the family had a lot for which to be thankful, Winston thought, before remembering it was a Day of Atonement .  At least he had his memories.  He felt a twinge of sadness when he realized his children would never know what life was like in the Good Old Days, long before government promises to make life "fair for everyone" realized their full potential.  Winston, like so many of his fellow Americans, never realized how much things could change when they didn't happen all at once, but little by little, so people could get used to them.

He wondered what might have happened if the public had stood up while there was still time, maybe back around 2010, when all the real nonsense began.  "Maybe we wouldn't be where we are today if we'd just said 'enough is enough' when we had the chance," he thought.  
Maybe so, Winston.  Maybe so.


 "Democracy extends ... individual freedom; socialism restricts it. Democracy attaches all possible value to each man; socialism makes each man a mere agent, a mere number. Democracy & socialism have nothing in common but one word: equality.  But ... while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude [and outcome]." Alexis de Tocqueville, 1848.



Blake Sawyer

18.02.2011, 20:43:4518.02.11
an alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
This story reminded me of the movie V for vendetta.

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"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

George Thompson

19.02.2011, 00:03:4219.02.11
an alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
After reading this, it almost brought me to tears thinking about my own childrens future.
I will never alow this kind of thing to happen and will resist it by all means avalable to me, I hope i wont be alone in the comming fight.

America First
 Freedom is not Free

--- On Fri, 2/18/11, Blake Sawyer <blake.s...@gmail.com> wrote:

ray southwell

19.02.2011, 13:20:1219.02.11
an alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
This is great. As usual, not one person will just say no. We are frightened to get fined or put in jail. We all just accept it. BTW, this is not about progressive vs conservative.
Will we act like the people of Egypt? Applaud when President Obama resigns and the military takes over and abolishes the Parliament/Congress and suspends the Constitution.
Who spearheaded the Patriot Act?
Today one person has stood-up and said no. Schaeffer Cox of Fairbanks. Do we understand why? Will we all distance ourselves from him. Perhaps we better, it could cost us.
Ray Southwell

From: Ron Leonard <diamon...@sbcglobal.net>
To: Alaska Citizens Militia <alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com>
Cc: Jeff Webster <jw...@alaska.net>
Sent: Fri, February 18, 2011 4:06:24 PM
Subject: [AlaskaCitizensMilitia] Fw: Government Run America!

ray southwell

19.02.2011, 13:31:3119.02.11
an alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
Well said George. I have learned many things over my 15+ years, in this fight, for truth. I must stand for what is right, regardless who stands with me. I would suggest you realize, you stand alone.
Stand for what is right and do not expect others to stand with you.
Ray Southwell  

From: George Thompson <flint...@yahoo.com>
To: alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
Sent: Fri, February 18, 2011 8:03:42 PM


19.02.2011, 14:41:1419.02.11
an Alaska Citizens Militia
No Ray I don't understand you saying he stands alone I have his back
and my buddy up the road has mine and his buddy has his. That is why
we are networking to stand for our brothers right

On Feb 19, 9:31 am, ray southwell <rait...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Well said George. I have learned many things over my 15+ years, in this fight,
> for truth. I must stand for what is right, regardless who stands with me. I
> would suggest you realize, you stand alone.
> Stand for what is right and do not expect others to stand with you.
> Ray Southwell  
> ________________________________
> From: George Thompson <flintloc...@yahoo.com>
> To: alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
> Sent: Fri, February 18, 2011 8:03:42 PM
> Subject: Re: [AlaskaCitizensMilitia] Fw: Government Run America!
> After reading this, it almost brought me to tears thinking about my own
> childrens future.
> I will never alow this kind of thing to happen and will resist it by all means
> avalable to me, I hope i wont be alone in the comming fight.
> America First
>  Freedom is not Free
> --- On Fri, 2/18/11, Blake Sawyer <blake.sawye...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >From: Blake Sawyer <blake.sawye...@gmail.com>
> >Subject: Re: [AlaskaCitizensMilitia] Fw: Government Run America!
> >To: alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
> >Date: Friday, February 18, 2011, 4:43 PM
> >This story reminded me of the movie V for vendetta.
> >On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 4:06 PM, Ron Leonard <diamondhea...@sbcglobal.net>
> For more options, visit this group athttp://groups.google.com/group/alaska-citizens-militia?hl=en
> Web Site:www.alaskacitizensmilitia.com
> "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the
> right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Blake Sawyer

19.02.2011, 14:54:5819.02.11
an alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
the day they ban butter in america...thatl be the hair that broke the camels back lol

bob bob

19.02.2011, 15:28:0119.02.11
an alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
Ray and John

Not everything is always as black and white as we would like it to be. I have not spoken to Cox since this whole thing happened, but I do know that his inability to stop saying stupid shit will contribute greatly to the mess this has become (telling the troopers you've got more guns, and men than they do and you can have them all dead in one night)(telling the judge better to meet in the courthouse during the day than there house at night). I am not condemning him here I am just shinning a light on why I may be reluctant to jump in when somebody has purposefully stirred the bee hive. Schaffer has placed himself in a very dangerous and potential violent position not because of his failure to appear but because he has directly/ and indirectly threatened the safety of other human beings add on top of that his standing in the militia and his refusal to submit to the court and you have the trifecta of circumstances that make his violent demise that much more plausible.

I like Schaffer, I believe in much of what he stands for ( not all but a lot). I will support him to a point, but I will not leave my family fatherless because he likes to poke rattlesnakes. Most of you are unaware that this almost happened last summer too and was defused by quite a few of us. The road that this could lead one down is not the road of a reactive Militia, but that of a proactive one ......................That is a huge leap to take. The moral, legal and personal repercussions of becoming an armed proactive group are not to be taken lightly. We are not talking about going to see a judge here or paying a fine. We are talking about real death, and real bloodshed is this the cause you are willing to die for is this the person you are willing to fallow through the gates of oblivion? Were not talking about putting on some camouflage and going out in the woods to play war with your buddies here or debating the ins and outs of one constitutional view vs another. The corner that Schaffer has backed himself into here is of his own making mostly due to some very stupid self-important very public threats against people, when they come they will come heavy believe you me and if him or any of his guys tries anything they will all die.

Stand with him if you wish but as of yet I haven't seen any of you stand with em guys packing your crap and heading up there to do it. So sit on your computers ramble about how you stand with him, support him, believe in him all you want but at this point your all full of shit.................( I will retract that when either Ray or John give me a call from Fairbanks)........You guys want to go Rambo then fine do it but don't sit here and play the holier than though card Ray while your still sitting behind your computer instead of behind a scope. 

I for one will not be tossing my life away because Schaffer cant keep his mouth shut. I will be ready if an unprovoked attack comes at any one of you but Schaffer purposefully messed with the Bull (as my dad use to say) and is probably going to end up with the horns, pretty much due to his own stupidity.


> Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2011 11:41:14 -0800
> Subject: [AlaskaCitizensMilitia] Re: Fw: Government Run America!
> From: vision...@gmail.com
> To: alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com

Norm Olson

19.02.2011, 17:10:0319.02.11
an alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
The  News Miner newspaper in Fairbanks has carried some of the news about Schaeffer.
There is also a blog (comments section) following the article that some might want to
subscribe and contribute to.

Norm Olson

19.02.2011, 17:51:1719.02.11
an alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
I don't see the need for violence, nor do I see this escalating into violence.   I see only a challenge to the the
authority of a certain court and the judicial process.  Schaeffer has said some things in public that may be
interpreted by some to be caustic and harsh, and to some even threatening, but no charges have been made
that he is guilty for that.  Being rude should never be a reason to withhold justice or due process.  I'm often
humored by felons who show up in court with a suit and tie, shoes shined, haircut and shave, BECAUSE they
have the delusional idea that the judge will be more lenient and are gullible enough to believe their lawyer.
The judge and the court REPRESENT the law and if a lawbreaker does not honor and respect the law, why
should he play the game of APPEARING to in court?   But I digress . . .
   Back to Schaeffer.  He is being tried for a victimless crime in a court that deals with victims.  He is smart
enough to know the difference between the various court's jurisdictions.  He does not refuse to go to court,
he just refuses to appear before THAT tribunal in THAT venue.   Furthermore, he knows that should he walk
into the ARENA of that particular court, he will give up all rights to discuss important issues with the juror/judges
(yes, that's right...the jurors become the judges when they are seated... The judge becomes merely a referee
of the proceedings.)   Schaeffer then should have the right to address the 6, 8, or 12 judges that sit on the
petit jury and question them as to their understanding of THEIR duty and RIGHT to judge not only the facts
in the case, but also the law itself.    The sitting judge in the courtroom will NOT allow Schaeffer to discuss
the Constitution or vital information that petit jurors need to rightly judge the law.  The judge has already
made his declaration on this matter.   But, again, I digress. . .
   Back to Schaeffer.   There are FOUR eventual outcomes to this matter.
1. Schaeffer Cox will be killed during an arrest attempt.
2. The Fairbanks law enforcement authority will attempt to arrest Schaeffer and compel him to appear before
the court in chains (that is, assuming he survives the arrest attempt).  He will be "defended" by a public
defender who is part of the unholy brotherhood of licensed lawyers and judges.  He will not be able to defend
himself, but will be determined to be mentally unstable by court appointed "examiners."  He will be found
guilty and sentenced.
3. The court will vacate the trial in THAT court and will provide a court where Schaeffer may defend himself
and also speak to the juror-judges.
4. Schaeffer will be tried in absentia.  The Constitution provides that defendants have the right to be present,
but the law also provides exceptions, such as:
  • the defendant waives his right to be present if he voluntarily leaves the trial after it has commenced,
  • if he persists in disruptive conduct after being warned that such conduct will cause him to be removed from the courtroom,
  • a corporation need not be present, but may be represented by counsel,
  • in prosecutions for misdemeanors, the court may permit arraignment, plea, trial, and imposition of sentence in the defendant's absence with his written consent   
Since Schaeffer  is charged with a misdemeanor, and since he refuses to appear, it is likely that the court would
render a guilty verdict.   Following that, a hefty fine will be levied and a lien for that amount filed against his
business.       The court has the power (but not the right) to go forward with a trial without Schaeffer Cox being
present.   This 4th option would, of course, will avoid any bloodshed or confrontation.  
I have already made personal appeals to both Chief Zager (Fairbanks Police Department) and to the
Commander of the State Troopers that no attempt be made to arrest Schaeffer Cox or to harm his
family in any way.  
I do not expect that a violent confrontation will take place.   Any attempt of the militia to muster or in
any way make an overt threat against LE will force another option.

bob bob

19.02.2011, 17:57:1019.02.11
an alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com

I agree with most of what you have said but my previous statement still stands


From: norma...@alaska.net
To: alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [AlaskaCitizensMilitia] Re: Fw: Government Run America!
Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2011 14:51:17 -0800

Norm Olson

19.02.2011, 18:29:3719.02.11
an alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
I certainly don't find reason not to defend your right to state your opinions.  And I'm glad
you do.   It is important to look at this issue from all sides.    There IS the danger that
this could escalate and suck us all into the vortex.   I don't think it will unless someone
gets trigger-happy.   There certainly is a danger of a provocateur to drop the hammer
on some unsuspecting LEO to CREATE a situation.    I've also briefed the Chief on that
possibility and he knows the dynamics and ramifications of that happening.
I would like to keep the Cox issue in the confines of a Constitutional question.  Do we
have the right to defend ourselves in the proper court that deals with a victimless
crime, where nobody is injured or harmed, and do we have the right to question the
juror/judges on their understanding of their right to judge THE LAW as well as the
evidence and facts?
The militia has no involvement in this matter.   This is a matter between a citizen's
right to due process and the corrupted judicial system.  
The outcome of the matter and HOW the situation is handled WILL have lasting
impact on the militia and patriots everywhere.   People are talking throughout
the lower-48 about what is happening.   How the court handles this is crucial.
Will it be resolved peacefully or will there be unintended consequences?
In the eyes of patriots everywhere, the court, the judge, and the entire system
is damned no matter what they do. 
It's turning into a Salem Witch Trial.


19.02.2011, 23:32:1419.02.11
an Alaska Citizens Militia
Bill to reply to your post, Ray had made a comment to George how he
stood alone I was saying he will not, I will back him another will
back me and on down the line. Nothing was said about cox
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­---
>   From: normandm...@alaska.net
>   a.. the defendant waives his right to be present if he voluntarily leaves the trial after it has commenced,
>   a.. if he persists in disruptive conduct after being warned that such conduct will cause him to be removed from the courtroom,
>   a.. a corporation need not be present, but may be represented by counsel,
>   a.. in prosecutions for misdemeanors, the court may permit arraignment, plea, trial, and imposition of sentence in the defendant's absence with his written consent    
>   Since Schaeffer  is charged with a misdemeanor, and since he refuses to appear, it is likely that the court would
>   render a guilty verdict.   Following that, a hefty fine will be levied and a lien for that amount filed against his
>   business.       The court has the power (but not the right) to go forward with a trial without Schaeffer Cox being
>   present.   This 4th option would, of course, will avoid any bloodshed or confrontation.  
>   I have already made personal appeals to both Chief Zager (Fairbanks Police Department) and to the
>   Commander of the State Troopers that no attempt be made to arrest Schaeffer Cox or to harm his
>   family in any way.  
>   I do not expect that a violent confrontation will take place.   Any attempt of the militia to muster or in
>   any way make an overt threat against LE will force another option.
>   Norm
>     From: bob bob
>     To: alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
>     Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2011 12:28 PM
>     Subject: RE: [AlaskaCitizensMilitia] Re: Fw: Government Run America!
>     Ray and John
>     Not everything is always as black and white as we would like it to be. I have not spoken to Cox since this whole thing happened, but I do know that his inability to stop saying stupid shit will contribute greatly to the mess this has become (telling the troopers you've got more guns, and men than they do and you can have them all dead in one night)(telling the judge better to meet in the courthouse during the day than there house at night). I am not condemning him here I am just shinning a light on why I may be reluctant to jump in when somebody has purposefully stirred the bee hive. Schaffer has placed himself in a very dangerous and potential violent position not because of his failure to appear but because he has directly/ and indirectly threatened the safety of other human beings add on top of that his standing in the militia and his refusal to submit to the court and you have the trifecta of circumstances that make his violent demise that much more plausible.
>     I like Schaffer, I believe in much of what he stands for ( not all but a lot). I will support him to a point, but I will not leave my family fatherless because he likes to poke rattlesnakes. Most of you are unaware that this almost happened last summer too and was defused by quite a few of us. The road that this could lead one down is not the road of a reactive Militia, but that of a proactive one ......................That is a huge leap to take. The moral, legal and personal repercussions of becoming an armed proactive group are not to be taken lightly. We are not talking about going to see a judge here or paying a fine. We are talking about real death, and real bloodshed is this the cause you are willing to die for is this the person you are willing to fallow through the gates of oblivion? Were not talking about putting on some camouflage and going out in the woods to play war with your buddies here or debating the ins and outs of one constitutional view vs another. The corner that Schaffer has backed himself into here is of his own making mostly due to some very stupid self-important very public threats against people, when they come they will come heavy believe you me and if him or any of his guys tries anything they will all die.
>     Stand with him if you wish but as of yet I haven't seen any of you stand with em guys packing your crap and heading up there to do it. So sit on your computers ramble about how you stand with him, support him, believe in him all you want but at this point your all full of shit.................( I will retract that when either Ray or John give me a call from Fairbanks)........You guys want to go Rambo then fine do it but don't sit here and play the holier than though card Ray while your still sitting behind your computer instead of behind a scope.
>     I for one will not be tossing my life away because Schaffer cant keep his mouth shut. I will be ready if an unprovoked attack comes at any one of you but Schaffer purposefully messed with the Bull (as my dad use to say) and is probably going to end up with the horns, pretty much due to his own stupidity.
>     Bill
>     > Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2011 11:41:14 -0800
>     > Subject: [AlaskaCitizensMilitia] Re: Fw: Government Run America!
>     > From: visionsst...@gmail.com
>     > To: alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
>     > No Ray I don't understand you saying he stands alone I have his back
>     > and my buddy up the road has mine and his buddy has his. That is why
>     > we are
> ...
> read more »- Hide quoted text -

bob bob

20.02.2011, 00:45:0320.02.11
an alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com

I refer you Rays post at 1020hrs this morning 

get back to me


> Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2011 20:32:14 -0800

> Subject: [AlaskaCitizensMilitia] Re: Fw: Government Run America!


20.02.2011, 02:55:2120.02.11
an Alaska Citizens Militia
Bill all I was refering to was if george needs my assistance I will go
help I hope it is returned if I am in need. I am not putting my place
at risk to drop it all and head to another part of the state 150-300
miles off, to fight a battle that has noting to do with me, would
Now as far as refering to a post from 10 this am I can't get this
googe site back that far, thats why I added a c note to the cause to
help get that other site up and rolling, ya know the one no one cares
to use, I believe theres 4-5 people that has even posted on it, again
I will say it looks like Alaska has no comrodery as far as trying to
have organization within our groups

On Feb 19, 8:45 pm, bob bob <dzfoxf...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> John
> I refer you Rays post at 1020hrs this morning
> get back to me
> Bill  
> > Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2011 20:32:14 -0800
> > Subject: [AlaskaCitizensMilitia] Re: Fw: Government Run America!
> > From: visionsst...@gmail.com

ray southwell

20.02.2011, 10:52:3020.02.11
an alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
Re-read the original post. (from Ron Leonard Thanksgiving dinner) It talks about our future. We allow our rights to be taken away and submit to the destruction of life,Liberty and Property. Oh, we have our friends back, when a stranger comes and asks for some food to feed his family. We know our friends will come to help stop this stranger who is calling for help to feed his family.
The government will come and fine us for hoarding food. Where will our friends be? The media will demonize us and others will nod their head in support of what the media says.
Take note, I said the government will fine us. It will be done in the court system.
I spent an hour of my precious time in court with David Haeg last week. He told the judge of his frustration and fear from the courts injustice. He told how one judge had placed him into API for a psy evaluation. He must be a "nut case", he dared to fire his attorneys and take on the corruption himself.
We are the frogs in the ever warming water. When will we really support Freedom and Liberty?
Ray Southwell

From: Ironartist <vision...@gmail.com>

To: Alaska Citizens Militia <alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Sat, February 19, 2011 10:41:14 AM

Subject: [AlaskaCitizensMilitia] Re: Fw: Government Run America!
> >>alaska-citizens-militia+unsub...@googlegroups.com

> >>For more options, visit this group at
> >>http://groups.google.com/group/alaska-citizens-militia?hl=en
> >>Web Site:www.alaskacitizensmilitia.com
> >> 
> >>"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the
> >>right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
> >--
> >Welcome to the Alaska Citizens Militia forum.
> >To post send email to alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
> >To unsubscribe send email to
> >alaska-citizens-militia+unsub...@googlegroups.com

> >For more options, visit this group at
> >http://groups.google.com/group/alaska-citizens-militia?hl=en
> >Web Site:www.alaskacitizensmilitia.com
> > 
> >"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the
> >right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
> --
> Welcome to the Alaska Citizens Militia forum.
> To post send email to alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
> To unsubscribe send email to
> alaska-citizens-militia+unsub...@googlegroups.com

> For more options, visit this group athttp://groups.google.com/group/alaska-citizens-militia?hl=en
> Web Site:www.alaskacitizensmilitia.com
> "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the
> right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Welcome to the Alaska Citizens Militia forum.
To post send email to alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe send email to alaska-citizens-militia+unsub...@googlegroups.com

ray southwell

20.02.2011, 11:40:1120.02.11
an alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com


Great job following the media’s distortion of Cox. He understands the Commercial Court system and you do not. I would encourage all to listen to his presentation to the court. Part1 and 2 are on youtube. Here is part one-


I cautioned Cox that he was being set-up for commitment into API for psy evaluation. Another professional health care worker cautioned the same. It would appear you support his commitment to API.

I am sorry for not making myself clear. I have been called a lot of things but never called Rambo. I am 60 years old and have no intention of going off into the woods for a fight.

Allow me to explain further.

We can agree the media distorts the truth. Oh, we recognize when it happens to us. I believe you experienced some of the distortion last fall. When the distortion happens to others we nod our head and say “what a nut job.”

We now have the excuse to distance ourselves from such a “nut case.”

The support Cox needs is in the media and money. This will not lead to a fire fight. The police and courts will wait Cox out. I have seen this before. Cox has gone into hiding. He is now separated from his children (one is just a few weeks old.) and wife. He will eventually run out of money he has stored away. He cannot generate an income because they would locate him. Support will wane until he finally gives up and submits. 

Many in our community will then call him a coward.

The support I suggest is financial. If 100 of us donated $10 dollars a month he could then be on his way to staying in the underground and supporting his family.

Wait just a minute. We may be guilty of supporting a “domestic terrorist” if we send him $10. We better keep the money and buy more beans and bullets to help our family. The Hell with others.

Ray Southwell



From: bob bob <dzfo...@hotmail.com>
To: alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
Sent: Sat, February 19, 2011 11:28:01 AM
Subject: RE: [AlaskaCitizensMilitia] Re: Fw: Government Run America!

ray southwell

20.02.2011, 11:43:4220.02.11
an alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
Norm suggests another way of support for Cox with spending a dime or playing Rambo. The risk is great. They will call you bad names.

From: Norm Olson <norma...@alaska.net>
To: alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
Sent: Sat, February 19, 2011 1:10:03 PM

ray southwell

20.02.2011, 12:00:4820.02.11
an Second Amendment
Here is my post from Saturday AM. It was my response to a post from Ron Leonard.
Ray Southwell

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: ray southwell <rai...@yahoo.com>
To: alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
Sent: Sat, February 19, 2011 9:20:12 AM
Subject: Re: [AlaskaCitizensMilitia] Fw: Government Run America!

This is great. As usual, not one person will just say no. We are frightened to get fined or put in jail. We all just accept it. BTW, this is not about progressive vs conservative.
Will we act like the people of Egypt? Applaud when President Obama resigns and the military takes over and abolishes the Parliament/Congress and suspends the Constitution.
Who spearheaded the Patriot Act?
Today one person has stood-up and said no. Schaeffer Cox of Fairbanks. Do we understand why? Will we all distance ourselves from him. Perhaps we better, it could cost us.
Ray Southwell

From: Ron Leonard <diamon...@sbcglobal.net>
To: Alaska Citizens Militia <alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com>
Cc: Jeff Webster <jw...@alaska.net>
Sent: Fri, February 18, 2011 4:06:24 PM
Subject: [AlaskaCitizensMilitia] Fw: Government Run America!


Ron Leonard

20.02.2011, 12:35:2020.02.11
an alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
Hi Ray:

Hope all is well with you.

How is David doing fighting the beast he has chosen to depose? I read all that info you left, and the more I read the more angry I got.

I did some research into the so called surcharges the courts impose, and could find nothing on it funding judges retirement, just that it goes to training police. Am I missing something or looking in the wrong place?


--- On Sun, 2/20/11, ray southwell <rai...@yahoo.com> wrote:
To unsubscribe send email to alaska-citizens-m...@googlegroups.com

ray southwell

20.02.2011, 13:07:5920.02.11
an alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
Not sure how Alaska works. It was in Michigan that the money collected in child support went into the bank for weeks. It was this interest that was collected as I understand. We need to realize the courts are about money and control. Justice is a distant third issue.
Haeg did well in court. He expressed his fear and disappointment in the attorneys he hired and the poor court system that prosecuted him. The question is whether he is "willing" to bring the case against the court. He stated he was not "willing" but had to do it himself because he is unable to find an attorney he can trust. He and the court are trying to figure it out. The law states he must be "willing to represent himself." He is on the record as not being "willing."
You could tell in his tone he is frightened he may end up back in API for another psy evaluation. The judge did ask what API determined. Haeg said they found him competent. I wonder what API might find regarding Schaeffer Cox?


From: Ron Leonard <diamon...@sbcglobal.net>
To: alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
Sent: Sun, February 20, 2011 8:35:20 AM


20.02.2011, 14:22:2520.02.11
an Alaska Citizens Militia
Ray and whomever else this is a copy of the post that was made that
originated my comment about my guys not standing alone. I do no see
nor did I put Cox's issues into my post what so ever

("Well said George. I have learned many things over my 15+ years, in
this fight, for truth. I must stand for what is right, regardless who
stands with me. I would suggest you realize, you stand alone.
Stand for what is right and do not expect others to stand with you.")

On Feb 20, 9:07 am, ray southwell <rait...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Ron,
> Not sure how Alaska works. It was in Michigan that the money collected in child
> support went into the bank for weeks. It was this interest that was collected as
> I understand. We need to realize the courts are about money and control. Justice
> is a distant third issue.
> Haeg did well in court. He expressed his fear and disappointment in the
> attorneys he hired and the poor court system that prosecuted him. The question
> is whether he is "willing" to bring the case against the court. He stated he was
> not "willing" but had to do it himself because he is unable to find an attorney
> he can trust. He and the court are trying to figure it out. The law states he
> must be "willing to represent himself." He is on the record as not being
> "willing."
> You could tell in his tone he is frightened he may end up back in API for
> another psy evaluation. The judge did ask what API determined. Haeg said they
> found him competent. I wonder what API might find regarding Schaeffer Cox?
> Ray
> ________________________________
> From: Ron Leonard <diamondhea...@sbcglobal.net>
> To: alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
> Sent: Sun, February 20, 2011 8:35:20 AM
> Subject: Re: [AlaskaCitizensMilitia] Re: Fw: Government Run America!
> Hi Ray:
> Hope all is well with you.
> How is David doing fighting the beast he has chosen to depose? I read all that
> info you left, and the more I read the more angry I got.
> I did some research into the so called surcharges the courts impose, and could
> find nothing on it funding judges retirement, just that it goes to training
> police. Am I missing something or looking in the wrong place?
> Ron
> --- On Sun, 2/20/11, ray southwell <rait...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> >From: ray southwell <rait...@yahoo.com>
> >Subject: Re: [AlaskaCitizensMilitia] Re: Fw: Government Run America!
> >To: alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
> >Date: Sunday, February 20, 2011, 9:52 AM
> >Ironartist,
> >Re-read the original post. (from Ron Leonard Thanksgiving dinner) It talks about
> >our future. We allow our rights to be taken away and submit to the destruction
> >of life,Liberty and Property. Oh, we have our friends back, when a stranger
> >comes and asks for some food to feed his family. We know our friends will come
> >to help stop this stranger who is calling for help to feed his family.
> >The government will come and fine us for hoarding food. Where will our friends
> >be? The media will demonize us and others will nod their head in support of what
> >the media says.
> >Take note, I said the government will fine us. It will be done in the court
> >system.
> >I spent an hour of my precious time in court with David Haeg last week. He told
> >the judge of his frustration and fear from the courts injustice. He told how one
> >judge had placed him into API for a psy evaluation. He must be a "nut case", he
> >dared to fire his attorneys and take on the corruption himself.
> >We are the frogs in the ever warming water. When will we really support Freedom
> >and Liberty?
> >Ray Southwell
> ________________________________
> From: Ironartist <visionsst...@gmail.com>
> ...
> read more »- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

Mary Morgan

21.02.2011, 22:54:3521.02.11
an alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
Well I am going to add to this post.
Schaeffer Cox is a man with much Godly Wisdom.
Have you checked into the "liberty bell" yet?
People get threatening, obnoxious, unconstitutional, and disturbing
incidents with the "law enforcers" and with one phone call to the
"liberty bell", you can have militia people showing up.  They follow
the unconstitutional police, they tape record, they video, they try
to get the situation under control.  What a wonderful concept.  Watch
the "law" so you can stand against their illegal actions.  Think they might
be getting a little nervous??
So it was with Cox.  He responded to a liberty bell call.  He was at the
door tallking to the people inside the house, and was suddenly in a lock
down from behind.  No warning, NO "stop in the name of the law", or any
other thing they are supposed to do.  By listening on the tape, the cop
had Cox in a lot of pain, started to pat him down before Cox knew who he was. 
Cox had to ask who are you? As his back was still to the person attacking him, that is
when the cop said his name. 
 As soon as Cox heard he was a cop, Cox immediately told him he had a gun
in his pocket.  Fast forward a few minutes, Cox is under arrest, without any
charges.  Cox asked what he was under arrest for, cop said he was going to
research to find out.  After Cox was taken to jail, he was told he was arrested
for weapons violation.  Apparently in the "law" you are to notify cop within 30
seconds that you have a gun on you.  By listening to the tape, we listened, rewound,
and listened again several times.  We pulled out a stop watch.  We counted...one
thousand one, one thousand two... no matter how many times we listened to the
tape and counted, we clearly hear Cox tell cop about the gun within 20 seconds
of being locked down from behind. 
With so much pain in Cox's voice on the recorder
it was obivous he could not have struck out toward the cop, or defended himself
in any way.
So lets see, Cox is at a door, with his back to the street.  He gets assaulted from
behind and put into a painful lock down position.  Cox is unable to see his
attacker and asks who it is.  He immediately tells him about his gun.  He gets
arrested without a reason, and with no warrant.  That now becomes a weapons violation.
Schaeffer knows the Constitution, he knows all this is bogus b.s.
The judge assigned to this case, has stated there will be no discussion of the Constitution
in his court room.
Now doesn't this whole thing sound like justice?  That Schaeffer will be given any sort of
a "fair trial"?  Really, it should have been thrown out of court a long time ago.
Okay, so we did.  We filled papers about the errors of this stupidity.  We filled papers that
this was being taken out of the hands of money grabbers, and being put into a Constitutional
Court. We called for the Court in local establishement. We sent "legal" papers to everyone involved.
We demanded everyone be there, from the "judge" to the "cop". No one from the "legal" side showed up.
The cowards.
 We called over 100 people to come take part in a Constitutional trial.  We had both a
Judge, and a notarary (who is the highest "authority",even over a judge).  We had 17 people who responded by
wanting to be jurors.  We had another 25-30 people there who came only to watch.  witnesses
gave their testimonies.  Jurors were allowed to ask questions of the witnesses, and of Schaeffer,
and of the Judge.  We read the entire law Schaeffer is being accused under, not merely a phrase of it.
For over 4 hours we all experienced a true court.  A court done the way our forefathers envisioned it to be.
It was the most beautiful event I have ever witnessed in my life.
It is sad that so many of you missed it.
It is slowly being transcribed, as I don't have a lot of time at the end of my work day.
By Common Law Court, Schaeffer was found not quilty of any weapons violation.  Smile
We then sent such paperwork in to the "legal" group.  So they respond with an arrest warrant for Schaeffer.
I know this is a bit lengthy, I only have a couple of questions.
Do you feel the passion of a man who knows and desires to follow the Constitution?  And desires for others to
also follow the Constitution?
I'm glad to hear someone has Schaeffer's back, but who has Marti's back?
God Bless you all,

> Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2011 11:22:25 -0800

> Subject: [AlaskaCitizensMilitia] Re: Fw: Government Run America!

Norm Olson

22.02.2011, 01:20:5522.02.11
an alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
Thank you, Mary, for your insight and courage to speak up.   There are nearly 100 people
on this forum, only a few ever speak out.   It is a shame, but I understand completely!
There are those who want me to speak out for them, which I will do since I have no fear.  
There are others who are frightened to speak up because they are afraid to be listed as "troublemakers."  
  Bless your heart. You have the courage and conviction to speak up and speak out!  
Question with courage...challenge with boldness...confront the tyranny without fear!
  Now, I want to ask that everyone who has Mary's spirit to speak up...even if you cannot
because of your own personal reservations and fears (which I honor and respect),   will YOU
consider contributing a few dollars each month to the Shaeffer Cox Relief Fund that is being
set up in Fairbanks?     This fund will assist Mrs. Cox and the family to meet its financial
obligations for utility bills and other obligations.    I'm asking that 100 people give just
TEN DOLLARS to a relief fund that will help offset the financial burden that Schaeffer is
   Consider that Schaeffer is questioning the authority of the Alaska Judiciary System
and its corrupted courts.   His fight is OUR fight.  
Will you contribute? 
I will be providing information about the Schaeffer Cox Relief Fund on this forum in the
coming days.    PLEASE allow our Righteous Lord, Jehovah, to touch your heart
to help defray the expenses that Schaeffer Cox has WHILE he is in hiding from the
King Ahabs and Queen Jezebells who want him silenced.
Be prepared to give...   
I will provide HOW TO HELP in the coming days.
Do not answer this post, but allow God's Spirit to touch your hearts.   Schaeffer is fighting
an enemy that opposes each and every one of us.    Let's stand and support him as he
refuses to bend the knee to the Corporate powers of corruption.
I will be contacting all of you this week.  Please be ready to help.   I ask you this
from my heart.
Norm Olson, Commander
Alaska Citizens Militia
Kenai Peninsula Divison
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2011 7:54 PM
Subject: RE: [AlaskaCitizensMilitia] Re: Fw: Government Run America!

Well I am going to add to this post.
Schaeffer Cox is a man with much Godly Wisdom.
Have you checked into the "liberty bell" yet?
People get threatening, obnoxious, unconstitutional, and disturbing
incidents with the "law enforcers" and with one phone call to the
"liberty bell", you can have militia people showing up.  They follow
the unconstitutional police, they tape record, they video, they try
to get the situation under control.  What a wonderful concept.  Watch
the "law" so you can stand against their illegal actions.  Think they might
be getting a little nervous??
So it was with Cox.  He responded to a liberty bell call.  He was at the
door talking to the people inside the house, and was suddenly in a lock

down from behind.  No warning, NO "stop in the name of the law", or any
other thing they are supposed to do.  By listening on the tape, the cop
had Cox in a lot of pain, started to pat him down before Cox knew who he was. 
Cox had to ask who are you? As his back was still to the person attacking him, that is
when the cop said his name. 
 As soon as Cox heard he was a cop, Cox immediately told him he had a gun
in his pocket.  Fast forward a few minutes, Cox is under arrest, without any
charges.  Cox asked what he was under arrest for, cop said he was going to
research to find out.  After Cox was taken to jail, he was told he was arrested
for weapons violation.  Apparently in the "law" you are to notify cop within 30
seconds that you have a gun on you.  By listening to the tape, we listened, rewound,
and listened again several times.  We pulled out a stop watch.  We counted...one
thousand one, one thousand two... no matter how many times we listened to the
tape and counted, we clearly hear Cox tell cop about the gun within 20 seconds
of being locked down from behind. 
With so much pain in Cox's voice on the recorder
it was obvious he could not have struck out toward the cop, or defended himself

in any way.
So lets see, Cox is at a door, with his back to the street.  He gets assaulted from
behind and put into a painful lock down position.  Cox is unable to see his
attacker and asks who it is.  He immediately tells him about his gun.  He gets
arrested without a reason, and with no warrant.  That now becomes a weapons violation.
Schaeffer knows the Constitution, he knows all this is bogus b.s.
The judge assigned to this case, has stated there will be no discussion of the Constitution
in his court room.
Now doesn't this whole thing sound like justice?  That Schaeffer will be given any sort of
a "fair trial"?  Really, it should have been thrown out of court a long time ago.
Okay, so we did.  We filled papers about the errors of this stupidity.  We filled papers that
this was being taken out of the hands of money grabbers, and being put into a Constitutional
Court. We called for the Court in local establishment. We sent "legal" papers to everyone involved.

We demanded everyone be there, from the "judge" to the "cop". No one from the "legal" side showed up.
The cowards.
 We called over 100 people to come take part in a Constitutional trial.  We had both a
Judge, and a notarary (who is the highest "authority",even over a judge).  We had 17 people who responded by
wanting to be jurors.  We had another 25-30 people there who came only to watch.  witnesses
gave their testimonies.  Jurors were allowed to ask questions of the witnesses, and of Schaeffer,
and of the Judge.  We read the entire law Schaeffer is being accused under, not merely a phrase of it.
For over 4 hours we all experienced a true court.  A court done the way our forefathers envisioned it to be.
It was the most beautiful event I have ever witnessed in my life.
It is sad that so many of you missed it.
It is slowly being transcribed, as I don't have a lot of time at the end of my work day.
By Common Law Court, Schaeffer was found not guilty of any weapons violation.  Smile


22.02.2011, 01:22:0122.02.11
an A C M
Well I am fully and completely pissed now! What a bunch of HORSE SHIT! So based on both sides of this story with information thus far presented I say Cox is being railroaded and so where and when are the rest of us, who claim we are willing to fight, going to protest this horse shit and stand against this injustice? Even as I am currently on some dumbass 2 year probation and must avoid any jailable offense I am willing to risk it to stand up for this. Those badge toting criminals need to be pointed out, highlighted, photographed and placed on display in every possible form of media.

What can I do personally to contribute to the disclosure of this corrupt act against Mr Cox?

Just now my four year old, after hearing me read my response to my husband prior to sending this said, "I'll handle it. I will handle this and take care of it."

So it now occurs to me: what a novel idea! Why not get a group of children to stand up and get this message out to the media? Why not gather our children of all ages and have them speak out, even reinact this entire mess and from a real and constitutional stand point? Now that would grab some media coverage. And the people would listen. And children would learn something about the real world that they could help teach the adults who are not listening, just a thought.

But I'm still really really pissed!!! And I'm willing to stand.
From: Mary Morgan <purpl...@hotmail.com>
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2011 18:54:35 -0900
Subject: RE: [AlaskaCitizensMilitia] Re: Fw: Government Run America!

Norm Olson

22.02.2011, 01:28:4422.02.11
an alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
I'm asking all who receive this to consider participating in the
Schaeffer Cox Relief Fund...  We want to provide financial support to Schaeffer
and his family during this time.   His greatest concern is for the welfare of his
family... We honor his dedication to the principles of the Constitution, but we
know that the safety and welfare of his family weighs heavy on his mind.
  Therefore, I'm asking everyone who has the spirit of Mary Morgan, (email below),
to consider supporting Schaeffer during these difficult times.
   I will be contacting everyone on this list, asking that they spare just a few
dollars to help defray the financial obligations that Schaeffer has, i.e. electric,
phone, heat, mortgage, insurance, etc.     You and I know full well that Schaeffer's
primary consideration is the welfare and safety of his family..    He is NOW embroiled
in a battle that affects each and every one of us.   He is fighting OUR fight.
I will contact you all via this forum, asking that you set aside just 10 dollars
each month to send to the Schaeffer Cox Relief Fund.
I will provide information to you all, this week...
May the Lord bless you...   Help Schaeffer Cox.   
Norm Olson, Commander
Alaska Citizens Militia
Kenai Peninsula Division
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2011 7:54 PM

Norm Olson

22.02.2011, 01:43:5922.02.11
an alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com

Mary Morgan

22.02.2011, 02:06:5222.02.11
an alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
Norm, it is wonderful for you to start the Schaeffer Cox relief fund.  I am planning on going
to fairbanks this weekend.  If I can take anything with me, will be happy to do so.
Please call me at 764-6630.  Thanks, Mary

> Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2011 22:43:59 -0800

> Subject: Re: [AlaskaCitizensMilitia] Re: Fw: Government Run America!

Christopher Waddell

22.02.2011, 03:54:4222.02.11
an alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
who do i make the check payable to?

--- On Tue, 2/22/11, Norm Olson <norm.ma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> alaska-citizens-militia+unsub...@googlegroups.com

>   > For more options, visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/alaska-citizens-militia?hl=en
>   > Web Site: www.alaskacitizensmilitia.com
>   >
>   > "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free
> State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be
> infringed."
>   --
>   Welcome to the Alaska Citizens Militia forum.
>   To post send email to alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
>   To unsubscribe send email to
> alaska-citizens-militia+unsub...@googlegroups.com

>   For more options, visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/alaska-citizens-militia?hl=en
>   Web Site: www.alaskacitizensmilitia.com
>   "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free
> State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be
> infringed."
> --
> Welcome to the Alaska Citizens Militia forum.
> To post send email to alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
> To unsubscribe send email to
> alaska-citizens-militia+unsub...@googlegroups.com

> For more options, visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/alaska-citizens-militia?hl=en
> Web Site:   www.alaskacitizensmilitia.com
> "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,
> the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Welcome to the Alaska Citizens Militia forum.
To post send email to alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe send email to alaska-citizens-militia+unsub...@googlegroups.com


22.02.2011, 12:41:0822.02.11
an Alaska Citizens Militia
Hey Norm I have spammed all the patriot folks on my email, to agree
with chris do we have an address to send our donations to. Also Norm
A.W.R.M. has a patriot defense fund I bet some in the lower 48 will
add to the cause, here is the link, to the thread

On Feb 21, 11:54 pm, Christopher Waddell <ccwa...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> who do i make the check payable to?
> --- On Tue, 2/22/11, Norm Olson <norm.mary.ol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> From: Norm Olson <norm.mary.ol...@gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [AlaskaCitizensMilitia] Re: Fw: Government Run America!
> To: alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
> Date: Tuesday, February 22, 2011, 6:43 AM
> >   > From: visionsst...@gmail.com

ray southwell

22.02.2011, 14:13:2522.02.11
an alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
Thanks Mary.

From: Mary Morgan <purpl...@hotmail.com>
To: alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
Sent: Mon, February 21, 2011 6:54:35 PM
Subject: RE: [AlaskaCitizensMilitia] Re: Fw: Government Run America!


22.02.2011, 15:37:5322.02.11
an A C M
I'm in
From: Christopher Waddell <ccw...@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2011 00:54:42 -0800 (PST)
To unsubscribe send email to alaska-citizens-m...@googlegroups.com

Norm Olson

22.02.2011, 15:49:0822.02.11
an alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
First, watch the youtube.com segments of Schaeffer Cox in court.  There he explains his
Next, be prepared to contribute the the Schaeffer Cox Relief Fund that is being set up
in Fairbanks. (more on this later).
Also, after coming up to speed on the situation, contact the Fairbanks News Miner Journal
with letters to the editor.  You can do this on line at   www.newsminer.com  
That's about all that can be done.   I haven't the slightest idea how the state would
drop its charges.  To do so would undermine their power and make them admit that their
rules are wrong.  So that's out.    That being the case, Schaeffer's case must go to trial.
The question is whether he will be there to represent himself.   Personally, I don't think
he will set foot in that commercial court.   Therefore, the only outcome I can see is that
the court will be convened with Schaeffer in absentia    (look it up on Wikipedia).
    As patriots, we couldn't ask for a better situation.  Schaeffer knows this.  He knows
that the State must deal with the hard questions about it's own judicial system.  The people
are watching.     It might also be beneficial to contact Fairbanks representatives, they are:
Bob Miller
David Guttenberg
Scott Kawasaki
Steve Thompson
Also State Senators:
Joe Paskvan
John Coghill Jr.
Their email addresses and phone numbers are listed at:   http://vote-ak.org/Officials.aspx?State=AK&Report=AK
Send them the YouTube.com links so that they can watch for themselves.
If anyone has a better course of action, please share.  

ray southwell

22.02.2011, 16:06:3822.02.11
an alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
Now your talking and not one shot fired.
The question is, do we have the courage to publicly support a "domestic terrorist?"

Sent: Tue, February 22, 2011 11:49:08 AM
Subject: [AlaskaCitizensMilitia] Schaeffer Cox v. The System

Norm Olson

22.02.2011, 16:59:4622.02.11
an Representative_...@legis.state.ak.us, scott.k...@gmail.com, j...@joethomasforsenate.com, Senator_J...@legis.state.ak.us, Senator_Jo...@legis.state.ak.us, alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
You all know Schaeffer Cox from Fairbanks.  Right now, he is a fugitive.
I urge each recipient to watch the youtube segments below.
Does Schaeffer Cox have any options?    He refuses to appear before a court that
he contends has no jurisdiction.  His argument in these videos is quite persuasive.
Please take the time to watch them.
Here are three scenarios of how this thing might end:
1. He will be killed in a firefight involving local or State Law Enforcement.
2. He will be arrested, hog-tied, gagged and be dragged into court.
3. He will be tried in absentia by the court, found guilty, fined, and after which,
    his business and home will be liened.
At this time, he is standing his ground and his stand is drawing attention across
the country.  
I want to bring this matter to your attention as representatives from Fairbanks.
The people are asking for answers to Schaeffer's allegations about the jurisdictional
standing of the court.  Each of you should keep abreast of this "stand-off."   Fortunately,
it is a Constitutional and legal matter at this time.   No lives are in danger, but that
could change IF either State, federal, or local law enforcement becomes aggressive.
Perhaps a call from your office to Law Enforcement agencies would be prudent
at this time.    Also, the FBI    MUST NOT BE ALLOWED TO TAKE CONTROL OR
I am available should you have questions.
Norman Olson, Commander
Alaska Citizens Militia
Kenai Peninsula Division
Phone   907-776-3745

Norm Olson

22.02.2011, 17:03:2622.02.11
an alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
Thanks for the offer...   I don't think there's anything they need, other than $$.   

Kath McCubbins-Carlson

22.02.2011, 18:31:5122.02.11
an alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
MY big concern?  Opening an "account" would entice more government intrusion.  I could see them calling in the feds to put a levy on any funds that come to them -- then where would all our donations go?

Isn't there another way we could get money to them without having to go through the federal reserve?  Collect it here then hand-deliver it...pay their bills for them...



On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 1:47 PM, Ron Leonard <diamon...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

If you set up a pay pal account, we can fund it directly, and if sent as a gift it costs neither end a fee. It can also get a debit card to withdraw it, and put in their own accounts, or use directly from there.


--- On Tue, 2/22/11, Norm Olson <norma...@alaska.net> wrote:

From: Norm Olson <norma...@alaska.net>

Subject: Re: [AlaskaCitizensMilitia] Re: Fw: Government Run America!
To: alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
Date: Tuesday, February 22, 2011, 4:43 PM

I should have information on the account within the next few days.   Will let you
know.   Don't send any money yet.
Also, please commit yourselves to send $10 or more each month until Schaeffer
is back to work.  
I appreciate the commitment.   Will keep you posted
----- Original Message -----
From: Elizabeth
To: A C M
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 12:37 PM
Subject: Re: [AlaskaCitizensMilitia] Re: Fw: Government Run America!

I'm in
From: Christopher Waddell <ccw...@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2011 00:54:42 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [AlaskaCitizensMilitia] Re: Fw: Government Run America!

who do i make the check payable to?

--- On Tue, 2/22/11, Norm Olson <norm.ma...@gmail.com> wrote:

From: Norm Olson <norm.ma...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [AlaskaCitizensMilitia] Re: Fw: Government Run America!
To: alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
Date: Tuesday, February 22, 2011, 6:43 AM

> alaska-citizens-militia+unsub...@googlegroups.com

>   > For more options, visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/alaska-citizens-militia?hl=en
>   > Web Site: www.alaskacitizensmilitia.com
>   >
>   > "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free
> State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be
> infringed."
>   --
>   Welcome to the Alaska Citizens Militia forum.
>   To post send email to alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
>   To unsubscribe send email to
> alaska-citizens-militia+unsub...@googlegroups.com

>   For more options, visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/alaska-citizens-militia?hl=en
>   Web Site: www.alaskacitizensmilitia.com
>   "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free
> State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be
> infringed."
> --
> Welcome to the Alaska Citizens Militia forum.
> To post send email to alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
> To unsubscribe send email to
> alaska-citizens-militia+unsub...@googlegroups.com

> For more options, visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/alaska-citizens-militia?hl=en
> Web Site:   www.alaskacitizensmilitia.com
> "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,
> the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Welcome to the Alaska Citizens Militia forum.
To post send email to alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe send email to alaska-citizens-militia+unsub...@googlegroups.com


George Thompson

22.02.2011, 18:53:1022.02.11
an alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
Using anything but cash puts all at risk. I would not use the banking system.
One order from a judge will confiscate all money in the account and they will go after whoever sets it up. A hand carried envolope hand delivered is the best and safest way to help them.

America First
 Freedom is not Free

--- On Tue, 2/22/11, Kath McCubbins-Carlson <kathm...@gmail.com> wrote:

Ron Leonard

22.02.2011, 17:47:0522.02.11
an alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com

Norm Olson

22.02.2011, 17:43:0622.02.11
an alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
I should have information on the account within the next few days.   Will let you
know.   Don't send any money yet.
Also, please commit yourselves to send $10 or more each month until Schaeffer
is back to work.  
I appreciate the commitment.   Will keep you posted
----- Original Message -----
From: Elizabeth
To: A C M
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 12:37 PM


23.02.2011, 00:25:3123.02.11
an alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
Some folks may want to send cash.

Norm Olson <norma...@alaska.net> wrote:

>I should have information on the account within the next few days. Will let you
>know. Don't send any money yet.
>Also, please commit yourselves to send $10 or more each month until Schaeffer
>is back to work.
>I appreciate the commitment. Will keep you posted
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Elizabeth
> To: A C M
> Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 12:37 PM
> Subject: Re: [AlaskaCitizensMilitia] Re: Fw: Government Run America!
> I'm in



23.02.2011, 00:28:2623.02.11
an alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com

George Thompson <flint...@yahoo.com> wrote:

>Using anything but cash puts all at risk. I would not use the banking system.
>One order from a judge will confiscate all money in the account and they will go after whoever sets it up. A hand carried envolope hand delivered is the best and safest way to help them.

>America First
> Freedom is not Free

>--- On Tue, 2/22/11, Kath McCubbins-Carlson <kathm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>From: Kath McCubbins-Carlson <kathm...@gmail.com>

>Subject: Re: [AlaskaCitizensMilitia] Re: Fw: Government Run America!
>To: alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com

>Date: Tuesday, February 22, 2011, 2:31 PM
>MY big concern?  Opening an "account" would entice more government intrusion.  I could see them calling in the feds to put a levy on any funds that come to them -- then where would all our donations go?
>Isn't there another way we could get money to them without having to go through the federal reserve?  Collect it here then hand-deliver it...pay their bills for them...
>On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 1:47 PM, Ron Leonard <diamon...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

>If you set up a pay pal account, we can fund it directly, and if sent as a gift it costs neither end a fee. It can also get a debit card to withdraw it, and put in their own accounts, or use directly from there.
>--- On Tue, 2/22/11, Norm Olson <norma...@alaska.net> wrote:
>From: Norm Olson <norma...@alaska.net>

>Subject: Re: [AlaskaCitizensMilitia] Re: Fw: Government Run America!
>To: alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com

>Date: Tuesday, February 22, 2011, 4:43 PM


>I should have information on the account within the next few days.   Will let you
>know.   Don't send any money yet.

>Also, please commit yourselves to send $10 or more each month until Schaeffer
>is back to work.  

>I appreciate the commitment.   Will keep you posted


>----- Original Message -----
>From: Elizabeth
>To: A C M
>Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 12:37 PM
>Subject: Re: [AlaskaCitizensMilitia] Re: Fw: Government Run America!
>I'm in


Norm Olson

23.02.2011, 01:18:2523.02.11
an alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
How about money orders?    I could be the conduit for money orders directly to
Mrs. Cox.    I'd be willing to accept the risk, if any.    
How about we get the names and account #s of the utility company, mortgage Co.
Insurance Co. etc and publish the address.   Contributors could send money directly
to the people who want money every month.
I've given the problem of security and reliability to the folks in Fairbanks.   There are
some good minds there who can advise us.
Will keep you all posted.

Norm Olson

23.02.2011, 01:20:1723.02.11
an alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
Cash is no problem... We just want to remind everyone to fold
cash inside tin/aluminum foil. I'll keep that in mind when talking
with our fellow patriots in Fairbanks.

Norm Olson

23.02.2011, 01:24:3423.02.11
an alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
We can certainly arrange anything that will be the most secure and

The Fairbanks patriots are monitoring our deliberations on this matter.

You're input is valuable...


23.02.2011, 01:31:5223.02.11
an A C M
How about Gift Cards? Walmart for instance

From: "Norm Olson" <norma...@alaska.net>
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2011 22:18:25 -0800


23.02.2011, 01:33:0523.02.11
an A C M
Also Walmart has gift registry and items can be paid for by others and picked up by recipients.

From: "Norm Olson" <norma...@alaska.net>
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2011 22:18:25 -0800


23.02.2011, 01:36:5023.02.11
an A C M
Another idea is making anonymous payments to Enstar, HEA and other essential services credited directly to recipients accounts.

From: "Norm Olson" <norma...@alaska.net>
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2011 22:18:25 -0800

Kath McCubbins-Carlson

23.02.2011, 04:03:4723.02.11
an alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
I am flying up there next month and would be willing to take whatever I can get my grubby little mitts on for them!


Norm Olson

23.02.2011, 15:08:2623.02.11
an alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
Sending money directly to the utility companies is a popular idea that provides
safety so that the funds are not taken by the court.
What a country we've become!  The gangsters, bandits, and goons are the
people who once support and defended life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of

Norm Olson

23.02.2011, 15:19:2323.02.11
an alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
 That is a fine idea.  
 What is your address so that folks can start sending you donations? 
Donors should write their checks to Kath (which she can cash before she leaves)
Money orders are fine, just leave them blank.
Cash should be mailed directly to Kath.  Please wrap cash in aluminum foil.
I can vouch for Kath's integrity and honesty.    

Kath McCubbins-Carlson

24.02.2011, 00:42:4524.02.11
an alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
Kath McCubbins Carlson
39929 Knoll Ct
Kenai  99611

Or if  you want to hand deliver it to me, I could meet up with people in Kenai or Soldotna...I live 1/2 way between them.  Call between 2 p.m. and 6 a.m. (I work nights)...394-2111

I'll (most likely) be heading up to Anchorage the afternoon of the 11th, then flying to Fairbanks the next morning...but please don't wait until the last minute! 

If any of you live in Anchorage, give me a call and we can meet up there.  (I am actually going to be in Anchorage this weekend)

I personally know Schaeffer (served with him in Illinois on the Third Continental Congress), so I can guarantee any and all funds that come for him and his family through me will get to them!  Plus, I teach women's self-defense classes and carry a gun...if that will set your mind at ease about me being mugged!!


Norm Olson

24.02.2011, 02:10:5524.02.11
an alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
Kath Carlson has offered to be a Point of Contact for
the Schaeffer Cox Relief Fund in our area.
Please send all contributions to her.    She will get  your
contributions to Schaeffer or his wife, whichever is best.
Please send cash, money orders, gift cards, personal checks
(please make them to Kath Carlson) to her at the address
below.  She will get them to the right people in Fairbanks.
Please keep in mind that our effort is to provide Schaeffer
with funds enough to defray monthly obligations (gas, heat,
utilities, food, etc.) on a continuing basis.
My cash is in the mail.     Please do the best you can
to support Schaeffer Cox.   His struggle against the corrupted
courts is OUR STRUGGLE.  
Norm Olson

Norm Olson

24.02.2011, 02:52:4524.02.11
an alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
All contributions to the Schaeffer Cox Relief fund should be sent to either
of the two addresses below.   
We encourage all patriots everywhere to support this man who has set himself
against the corruption of the judicial system.   Please send your cash, money orders,
personal checks (make them out to the addressee), gift cards, etc. to:
SCRF c/o 
Katy Cubbins Carlson
39929 Knoll Ct
Kenai  99611
c/o Norm Olson
P.O. Box 8494
Nikiski, AK 99635

Kath McCubbins-Carlson

24.02.2011, 04:40:3824.02.11
an alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
Hey, folks...my name should read:

Kathy McCubbins Carlson  

if you are sending a check to me to cash...otherwise Kath is fine (which is what I go by...)

Welcome to the Alaska Citizens Militia forum.
To post send email to alaska-citi...@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe send email to alaska-citizens-m...@googlegroups.com
For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/alaska-citizens-militia?hl=en
Web Site: www.alaskacitizensmilitia.com
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."


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