SandBox wigging out?

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Oct 28, 2008, 1:20:45 a.m.2008-10-28
to AdWords API Forum

Along the same vein as a previous poster who was getting weird
internal errors with the Sandbox, we're suddenly seeing a lot of "More
than one adwords account exist for the specified login" errors being
returned from the Sandbox for calls to

This is stuff that was all working just fine sometime in the last 18



Oct 28, 2008, 3:07:23 a.m.2008-10-28
to AdWords API Forum
I'm actually seeing this for any API calls in the sandbox right now,
not just AccountService calls.

the headers should be right

email - my adwords api account email
password - duh
developerToken = myemail++USD
applicationToken = ''
clientEmail = client_1+myemailaddress

anybody else seeing this? any call at all for me in the sandbox
returns that error string

"More than one adwords account exist for the specified login"


AdWords API Advisor

Oct 28, 2008, 11:50:44 a.m.2008-10-28
to AdWords API Forum
I can answer the "SandBox wigging out?" question in the affirmative:
yes, the Sandbox is wigging out. It's having some trouble coming back
after one of its periodic data refreshes. The engineering team is
aware of the issue and is working on normalizing things.

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team


Oct 28, 2008, 8:59:50 p.m.2008-10-28
to AdWords API Forum
well, good to know it's not just me :-).

could you keep the the group advised of what's going on?

thanks so much,

On Oct 28, 11:50 pm, AdWords API Advisor

AdWords API Advisor

Oct 29, 2008, 12:08:49 p.m.2008-10-29
to AdWords API Forum
I haven't received official confirmation from the engineer who was
looking into it, but the Sandbox environment does appear to be fully
functional from my tests. If you're still running into issues now, let
us know.

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team


Oct 30, 2008, 11:12:32 p.m.2008-10-30
to AdWords API Forum

Yes, we're still seeing this error. Any call to any API in the
Sandbox for us right now results in in the error "More than one
adwords account exist for the specified login", with no additional
information returned at all.


Any call to the

On Oct 30, 12:08 am, AdWords API Advisor

AdWords API Advisor

Oct 31, 2008, 10:56:25 a.m.2008-10-31
to AdWords API Forum
Hello Mark,

Are you using the same email address that you're posting
under to access the Sandbox? If not, what's the username portion of
the address?

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team


Nov 2, 2008, 11:48:18 p.m.2008-11-02
to AdWords API Forum

Yes, I am using the dev key/token for the same email address. i just
checked again, and any access to the sandbox returns the same error.

thanks much,

On Oct 31, 10:56 pm, AdWords API Advisor

AdWords API Advisor

Nov 3, 2008, 11:31:07 a.m.2008-11-03
to AdWords API Forum
Hello Mark,

I just checked and the error message you're getting does appear to be
accurate (albeit inconvenient). There are actually two entries for
your GMail address in our Sandbox's user account data store. There are
a handful of other addresses with duplicates, though the majority of
email addresses have only one entry.

I've opened a bug with the engineering team to see if they can figure
out how the duplicate entries might have been created. This behavior
does appear to be limited only to the Sandbox environment.

I don't have the ability to delete your extra entry and since there
shouldn't be any data in your Sandbox client accounts following the
refresh, I think the quickest thing would be for you to create a new address and use that for Sandbox access. The extra entry
for your account should automatically be cleared up next month when
the Sandbox environment is reset, and you can go back to using your
original address at that point if you'd prefer. Apologies for the
inconvenience in the meantime.

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team


Nov 4, 2008, 12:13:16 a.m.2008-11-04
to AdWords API Forum

Great, Thanks for helping out with this. We've been able to get
around this by using another account, yep.


On Nov 4, 12:31 am, AdWords API Advisor <>

AdWords API Advisor

Nov 12, 2008, 2:38:46 p.m.2008-11-12
to AdWords API Forum
FYI, a code change has been submitted to the Sandbox environment that
should address an issue that could cause duplicate accounts to be
created. I'm hopeful that following the next Sandbox reset we won't
see this crop up again.

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team

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