AdSense Host Api access

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Filippo Silvestro

не прочитано,
30 лист. 2012 р., 05:20:0730.11.12
I already have a sandbox account for the new Host API and I want to test my implementation live.
Do I have to create a new project with the API Console and request access for the Host API again, or I can just create an access token and refresh token with the account that we use for the v3 of the host api?

Sérgio Gomes (AdSense API Team)

не прочитано,
3 груд. 2012 р., 08:36:3403.12.12
Hi Filippo,

You can do as you mention, although I would advise sticking to read-only methods until you run your implementation through us. Once you do, we'll give you a new set of developer credentials on your existing account, with your production callback URL (should it be different from the sandbox one).


Sérgio Gomes
Developer Relations

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