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Re: Resizing Images & Tutorials

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Nov 20, 2008, 11:33:19 AM11/20/08
look in the help under "actions" and "batch". basically you do you modification while recording an action, then you run the action in a batch on a folder full of images and it processes all of them the way you did the 1st one...

Nov 20, 2008, 11:31:50 AM11/20/08
Formerly using other image software, I have just loaded up CS2 and have a quick project to output that has about 1,000 images in it. All the images need to be stretched width wise by about 133%. Can someone direct me to a quick way to do this on ALL the images quickly instead of one by one as I did with my old software? The images are all .BMP's

Also, and second to the above, if someone can direct me to Adobe CS2 tutorials either free online or purchasable on DVD that would be quite helpful.

Nov 20, 2008, 11:35:05 AM11/20/08
(on a side note: you realize that by "stretching" 133% - adjusting the width and not the height - you'll be distorting the images right? to keep the image looking normal, you need to adjust the width and height by the same percentage...)

Nov 20, 2008, 11:46:29 AM11/20/08
Regarding the side note regarding the distortion part thanks for the input because I could have been headed off course huh? However, that's excatly what I want to do.

These are screen shots off an HDV video that are 1440x1080 non square (which is the same as "squeeze" on a 1920x1080 timeline and are of course in the normal mpeg2 24mbps stream that are 4:3 non square. So, by leaving the height set and stretch the width the non square pixel image actually goes into the image that it was uncompressed to . . a 1920x1080. But doing it manually takes about 8 hours which is a major waste of time wherein a friend said, "use Adobe Photoshop and you'll be done in like 15 minutes."

So I plunged (for other reasons too of course) into Adobe CS2 and not knowing how to even get pics IN Photoshop, I'm trying to get this one out then buy me some videos to learn how to use the software.

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