[ADMB Users] How often is a re-compile needed?

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Evan Cooch

Apr 5, 2011, 4:20:16 PM4/5/11
to us...@admb-project.org
I've noticed a fair amount of recent traffic concerning 'bug fixes' (some seem critical, some more esoteric, perhaps) and the like. Based on this, was wondering what the recommended frequency for 'recompiling from source' is?  On the download page, there seems to be only one link to the tarball -- as opposed to (say) a link to a stable branch, and a link to a nightly build branch (or some such).

Recompiling is not a major issue, but wanted to know if this is something I should do routinely (its easy enough to write a script to grab the nightly tarball, download, extract, and compile), but that might be more that I should do (for any number of reasons).

Thanks in advance...

dave fournier

Apr 6, 2011, 12:34:53 PM4/6/11
to us...@admb-project.org
Short answer is if in doubt recompile.

Longer answer is that you don't need to recompile if you are just adding a
non class member function. However if you add a class member function
it may change the
vtable entries so you should recompile. If you are adding a new field to
a class you should recompile.

If you need to recompile and don't you will often get strange crashes.
So if you experience
a strange crash recompile and get a coffee before you waste time
thinking about it.
Users mailing list

John Sibert

Apr 6, 2011, 1:53:51 PM4/6/11
to evan....@gmail.com, us...@admb-project.org
I do a svn update about once a week and recompile. I have noticed
occasionally that strange errors occur if I for get to do a make clean
and sometimes I need to rerun the configure script.

Dave is right. If you experience something weird, recompile and go have
a coffee or a maitai.


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John Sibert
Emeritus Researcher, SOEST
University of Hawaii at Manoa

Visit the ADMB project http://admb-project.org/

Evan Cooch

Apr 6, 2011, 1:23:11 PM4/6/11
to dave fournier, us...@admb-project.org
Sage advice -- thanks much. Easy enough to set on a cron that does a weekly download/recompile.

Evan Cooch

Apr 6, 2011, 5:27:10 PM4/6/11
to John Sibert, us...@admb-project.org
On 4/6/2011 1:53 PM, John Sibert wrote:
> I do a svn update about once a week and recompile. I have noticed
> occasionally that strange errors occur if I for get to do a make clean
> and sometimes I need to rerun the configure script.
> Dave is right. If you experience something weird, recompile and go
> have a coffee or a maitai.

Thanks -- where does one svn the current source? I can't seem to find an
obvious link to it anywhere.

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