YubNub on Firefox 1.5

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2006年2月10日 13:05:382006/2/10
收件人 YubNub
I have YubNub installed in Firefox from the address bar (by changing
the keyword in about:config). It used to be the case that YubNub
commands with URLs in them did not work for me from the address bar
(for example "blub http://yubnub.org/golden_eggs.xml")

Recently all commands have started working from the address bar, even
ones with URLs. I think maybe they started working since I installed
Firefox 1.5.

Has anybody else noticed this? I am just curious, and happy that it is
working better.



2006年2月10日 16:24:292006/2/10
收件人 YubNub
Hmm, very interesting. I havent used many commands that take URLs.
Maybe a programmer of FireFox is a part of the yubnub community as

My friend got the new IE beta and he said it's like exactly like
FireFox. I guess IE finally got some sense knocked in to them. Thats
pathetic though. FF ALL THE WAY!! ; D


2006年2月11日 19:48:192006/2/11
收件人 YubNub
When I started using YubNub like this I already had FF 1.5 with me, so
I can't really answer your question, it has simply worked as it should
every time (well, almost, we've already discussed that the address bar
chokes on commands like ?> or \\). But maybe that's why there's that
mysterious unencouraging message in the "Installing YubNub" page:
"After a while, the Firefox address bar doesn't seem to recognize
one-word YubNub commands." I've never experienced such trouble.

IMHO, installing YubNub in your Firefox addressbar is THE way to use
YubNub. I'm going to use your post as an excuse to list the reasons:

1) It's pure magic. Just showcase it like this to someone new to YubNub
and her jaw will drop.

2) The address bar is one of the most easily accessible places in
Firefox. There are three (3!) different keyboard shortcuts that take
you there (and they conveniently select all text in there), they are:
[Alt] + [D], [Ctrl] + [L], and [F6] --no matter how you usually rest
your hands, one of those should be convenient. Besides, when you create
a new tab (with [Ctrl]+[T] for instance), the address bar gets focus

3) There are quite some commands that are simply meant to be used from
the addressbar: blub, !bm, desa, dgsub, gpr, alexa, wayback,
cachefromg, strip, tidy, delback, whois, dd, deli, linksto, and, well,
all my "universal" commands (>, >>, >>>, <, <<, <<<).

4) You can easily "overwrite" commands. Angry that 's' is just another
command that Google-searches? Well, just overwrite it by creating a new
Firefox keyword called 's' for something else (like
http://yubnub.org/parser/parse?command=spllw+, which would make 's'
your spell checker.) I'd also recommend overwriting those commands you
use hundreds of times a day (in my case, 'g' and 'a') with their
natural URLs (http://www.google.com/search?q= for 'g' for instance).
This way you'll make these commands faster and more reliable (YubNub
still crashes once in a while), and also lighten the load on YubNub.

5) There are some keyboard shortcuts that can make you even more
effective. For instance, you can type a YubNub command in the
addressbar and press [Alt]+[Enter] to automatically open the command in
a new tab. [Home] and [End] are also great to easily prepend or append
text to your URL.

6) You save screen real state. OK, I'm ridiculously obsessed with this
but it's true. The address bar simply has to be there, ne? I refuse to
have a second, wasteful command line for YubNub when the one that has
to be there will work just as well (better).

Any more reasons that come to mind? Any more commands meant to be used
from the address bar? Any tips?

Jonathan Aquino

2006年2月11日 22:49:192006/2/11
收件人 Yub...@googlegroups.com、elzr
I like the summary Eliazar! Great reasons - maybe I will switch back from
the search plugin :-)

Jon Aquino (Victoria BC Canada)


2006年2月12日 06:18:502006/2/12
收件人 YubNub
Lots of good reasons. The only problem is startup speed. When I
launch the Ubuntu equivalent of the Windows Run box it has loaded
before my fingers get back to the home keys. Then I just type "y
<yubnub command>" and I'm away. Even if I assigned a keyboard shortcut
to firefox it couldn't respond that fast. And the address bar isn't in
focus by default (could write a plugin to do this I suppose). So for
that reason I prefer my shell script. Good points though.

I was wondering about overriding some stuff to not involve yubnub too
but then I thought that if it is going to work you should probably
build as much as you can at the yubnub end (for others) and as little
as possible at your end (where no one else can use it). I would be
wary of having my "own" setup even to the slim extent of overriding 'g'
because it feels like the thin end of a wedge. What does whoever pays
the bills think?



2006年2月12日 13:59:282006/2/12
收件人 YubNub
Wow, Thanks elzr. I learned a few things there.

Other commands that are good to use in the address bar are delurl
(similar to delback), tec, gbs, and ffbl.



2006年2月12日 19:52:242006/2/12
收件人 YubNub
Since the day I discovered YubNub I installed it on my FireFox address
bar, and I'd never, EVER take it off. It's a great idea making new
keywords for commonly used commands, thanks! I didn't think of that!


2006年2月12日 23:45:022006/2/12
收件人 YubNub
Glad you liked it Jon and do give the address bar another try.

Using a runbox to call YubNub is an intriguing proposal. I may give it
a try but I don't think it'll work for me, mostly because an insane
share of my computer time is spent working on my browser windows (and
this will only increase with new developments like GMail Talk). If I am
already on a browser window it *is* faster to use the addressbar than
to call a runbox, because you don't have to prepend that "y".

>I would be wary of having my "own" setup even to the slim extent of overriding 'g' >because it feels like the thin end of a wedge.

I was wary myself too, but, just like for you, sometimes speed (and
reliability) is simply all-important for me. On the other hand, I do
agree very much with your assessment of the importance of the commons,
and I hope Jake figures out a neat way to allow our YubNub aliases to
be shared with the world. ^_^

Glad you liked it and thanks for the list of commands. I didn't know
about ffbl and found it quite useful. It's also nice to know that tec
(technorati) automatically interprets a URL query as a linksto query.

Looking through the list of Golden Eggs I found two other commands
"meant" to be used in the address bar: login and 2t (this one is
strangely cool). Hope to hear more commands from everybody!

Heh. So now there're two confessed staunch supporters of


2006年2月13日 02:26:132006/2/13
收件人 YubNub
I just discovered 2 simple and beautiful commands that are *really*
meant to be used from the address bar. They may not be very useful but
they sure are fun. The commands are simply "back" and "forward". ^_^


2006年2月13日 04:53:032006/2/13
收件人 YubNub
Regarding sharing aliases. Perhaps creating a user should bring into
existince a !<username> command that gives you access ot that user's
aliases? So to get to the Lloyds TSB site of my example you could do
"!bakert llo"?

I suppose aliases are mostly stuff that aren't useful to another person
so this may be a bit of a pointless feature. Also, people may want
privacy for some of their aliases.

Hmm, I'll shut up now.



2006年2月13日 18:01:032006/2/13
收件人 YubNub
LOL Tom, this is a very interesting idea... Perhaps have a setting to
for certain commands to be for you only and some to be "shared"
commands... I'll have to look in to it. I used ffbl and saw many
mentions of YubNub (aliases) in various blogs and such. Brian, I like
your use of:

>(add ChicagoSage to your YubNub Aliases)

Which links to "!set chicagosage [your blog url]". Very cool! ;D

IMO, every command is meant for the address bar, because every command
links to a URL, well except for those that are used for piping only
(like %, filterstring, slice, etc.). I mean, really if you think about
it, all commands like "g", "ebay", anything like that is just...
address bar compatible! LOL.


2006年2月13日 18:07:542006/2/13
收件人 YubNub
Oops!! This is magicjj "in disguise"! Logged in no the wrong account.


2006年2月13日 20:02:562006/2/13
收件人 YubNub
Yes, in a way, all commands are meant for the address bar, but there
are some commands that are more "meant" than others. ^_^

A command that takes URLs as its input is more "meant", because it
really shines when used from the address bar. For instance, if you're
browsing the Yubnub blog and you decide to subscribe to it, you just
Ctrl-L to the address bar and prepend blub to the URL.


2006年2月14日 17:05:222006/2/14
收件人 YubNub
Yes, I see what you mean LOL.

Jonathan Aquino

2006年2月18日 03:07:462006/2/18
收件人 Yub...@googlegroups.com、ely....@gmail.com
Also I love using autotr on urls in the addressbar, for translating the
current page into english.

Jon Aquino (Victoria BC Canada)

-----Original Message-----
From: Yub...@googlegroups.com [mailto:Yub...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2006 5:03 PM
To: YubNub
Subject: Re: YubNub on Firefox 1.5


2006年2月18日 11:28:362006/2/18
收件人 YubNub
Woa, great command!

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