Obama Talks Shallow Simplistic Rubbish, Scolds & Lectured Africans As Expected!

ចំនួន​មើល 1

Paul I. Adujie

12 កក្កដា 2009, 1:40:33 PM12/7/09
ទៅ USAAfric...@googlegroups.com

Obama Talks Shallow Simplistic Rubbish, Scolds & Lectured Africans As Expected!

Written by Paul I. Adujie


New York, United States





Finally, Mr. Obama’s much publicized and much debated visit to Ghana has come and to pass and the world can now return to normalcy! Obama LECTURED the Africans, Africans will snap out of their old ways!

All major American television networks reported Obama stop-over for a few hours in Ghana, using words or terms which are usually reserved for truant children. Mr. Obama is reported as being stern, scolding and blunt to people in Africa. Obama is showing Africans tough love? Who need this type of love?

Are these what that all that Africans deserve from a native son? We are not kids! Obama was undiplomatic by choice, he knows how to be delicate with the Russians, he knows how to be measured with the Iranians and he knows not to be his polite best with Israel despite Israel violations of United Nations resolutions regarding Israel's land-grab in Palestine!

Obama was not blunt, stern or scolding when he genuflected in discussions with Pope Benedict XVI in Rome over issues of stem cell research and abortions, issues in which Obama the Pope are at opposite side of the spectrum!


Obama would have been more successful and impressive across the board and he would have shined and come across smelling like fresh flowers if he had visited Ghana, Kenya, South African commencing such well-thought out African visits accompanied with specifics of policies and programs, sundry initiatives and Nigeria as first prong of course.

Additionally, such African visit ought to be coupled with revamped, reinvigorated and more robust American African policy which does not exist presently within the Obama administration.

Better yet, Obama could have attended an African Union summit and engage all African leaders in brotherly conversation and corralled them on how to press the reset button on democracy, good governance, institutional reforms, prosperity and advancement on the continent, instead, Obama chose the simplistic and voyeuristic public shaming and ridiculing of Africans, as if he was a member of the Klu Klux Klan and that is what some are courageously spinning and labeling tough love? I am dismayed!

Obama surely followed a script, otherwise, he knows or ought to know that he would have been more effective at nudging, imploring and engendering reforms, instead of appearing to backhand whack Africans while force-feeding them with archaic and mundane platitudes to which every person on any African street is keenly familiar!

Obama delivered the script of his masters and his handlers! A script written and orchestrated by African “experts” and Obama delivered the script in the form of scolding in stern blunt words which Obama could not use in talks with the Russians, the Pope and the North Koreans etc Obama was at his most condescending mien best when he was in Ghana! And this was mislabeled tough love and I say, Nonsense!

Some Africans already predicted that Obama would lecture Africans, and expectedly, he did to his heart content. He LECTURED democracy, human rights, corruption etc. Mr. Obama’s is that of appeasement and placation of all others, but, he just has made Africa the exception to his appeasement rule?

Obama did not scold or chastise Russia for her war in Chechnya and Georgia... and Russia for corruption and frequent murders of its journalists... and Russia for organized crime and Mafia way of business deal and Russia for preferring business deals with Iran over election matters and nuclear matters which Obama "so care about"

Obama did not scold or chastise Italy, where Obama was for several days... Italy with Prime Minister Berlusconi whose media empire is synonymous his other tools of corruption... in fact, Mr. Berlusconi has faced repeated charges of corruption and there is the Italian Mafia in there... but Obama went to Italy and he did not lecture Italians

Obama did not scold or chastise Israel, despite all that America does for Israel, Israel's current Prime Minister adamantly refuses to listen to Obama "gentle prodding and request" that Israel vacate occupied territories of Palestine and desist from expanding Israeli's land-grabs! Despite United Nations resolutions to this effect and despite the so-called "International Community" urging of Israel to comply

Obama says he will negotiate with Iran and North Korea

UNCONDITIONALLY, and these are "supposed" to be the Axis of Evil ... American enemies per Mr. Bush....

Nigeria, no enemies of America or anyone, is being visited with diplomatic slaps and whacks in the face by this undiplomatic Obama? Obama is a tool in the hands of someone's agenda I was waiting for his apology for slavery and colonialism Ghana and Obama did not seize the moment. I am almost ready to write him off as another Mr. double standard leader of a western nation, preaching to Africa, what they do not practice in dealing with other nations. For his lectures and condescending manners towards Africans and peoples of African descent, I am jumping off this Obama bandwagon!

Obama has a knack for making the platitudinous sound poignant and profound!

He repeated this feat again while addressing the parliament of Ghana, he made banal and meaningless embellished statements to come across as if inspired for Africa.

Imagine when Obama state the obvious, the pedestrian and the rather mundane, such as, “Africa’s future is up to Africans” I would hope so! And in retort, I thought it a fitting response to Mr. Obama’s trite public proclamation in Ghana, I would hope that the future of America is in the hands of Americans, and not in the hands of China, the Chinese who have of course been and still are currently shoring up America’s economy by spending trillions and trillions of dollars for the upkeep of the economy of the United States

Obama came to Ghana empty handed! He arrived Ghana without a program or policy tailored in its specificities toward Africa and Africans. But instead, he made empty speeches, which were replete and loaded with innuendoes which seem reserved for when Obama addresses Africans and African Americans and peoples of African descent.

Obama, during his inauguration speech used the Bill Cosby code-word of “take-responsibility” “taking responsibility” is the same he used while addressing Ghanaians, and even by Obama’s own admissions, he was in effect, exponentially addressing all 900 million Africans, as he ordered American diplomatic outposts to broadcast live and facilitate the spread of his inanities while in Ghana.

During Obama’s inaugural speech as president, I expected him to focus and harp on America’s checkered past and then, state the fact that he stood on the broad shoulders of those who fought his wars, his battles and that he is now stepping into their big shoes comfortably, after those courageous heroes have leveled the playing field through hard work and endless sacrifices, but, all that he pronounced was why some of us should take responsibility. Those who fought liberation battles from slavery to colonialism to Jim Crow on the continent of Africa and in the United States made Obama presidency even thinkable. Obama should not benefit and be repaying them with insulting platitudes.

Clearly, Obama certainly knows who to insult and who to be rude to and when to be cavalier to and I think he has been rude to Africans and peoples of African descent too frequently, in particular, with his pedantic pedagogical preachment of taking responsibility.

Apart from diagnosing African problems and challenges, Obama in Ghana was pure bland blah for a few hours! He came to Ghana to insult Africa, to criticize and to be purposely undiplomatic.

Africa has about 900 million people and Israel has less than 6 million people... what is the amount/quantum of American aid on yearly basis to Africa with a population of 900 million versus Israel of less than 6 million people... So, before some of you here .... suffer burst arteries and cardiac arrest over your perceived amount of aid to Africa do some fact checks... do some reality checks... contact US State Department and US Department of Defense and enquire and compare American aid to Israel compared with Africa during the last fifty years and self for yourselves!

All is agreed, arguably, that the need is greater in Africa, BUT, Africa is not where the greatest amount of foreign aid from America and Europe goes! These are verifiable!

Again, it must be stated that everyone in America and Europe are already familiar with very mundane method to which Obama resorted. It is the case that quite often, anyone and everyone, individuals, institutions and governments are quick to loudly and ostentatiously diagnose African challenges and then, they promptly proceed on their merry way to do nothing about the human conditions in Africa!

What is the point of relevance in loud diagnosis when you have no plan for relief in sight? What is the value of public criticism when you have no specific policy or program which addresses your “eloquent” diagnosis?

How about mutual responsibility? Parts of Europe and parts of Asia received Marshall Plan to enable reconstruction and rehabilitation of parts of Asia and Europe, after the self-inflicted World Wars, Africans and African Americans have not been so lucky, because after slavery, after colonialism, and yes, after the World Wars in which Africans fought as conscripted soldiers on behalf of America and Europe, Africans received no Marshall Plans or any such thing to put us in good stead, we were left to sink or swim, to fend for ourselves. And Obama glosses over, waves all these profound impact away with his left hand? Please!

On the important matter of slave trade history, of horrors and brutalities, Obama only made tepid terse and tired statements full of generalities about human capacity to do good and evil, evil that still exist in the world - blah, blah, blah.

And Obama acclaimed the extraordinary progress between Blacks and Whites; and such efforts which led to the abolition of slavery to his election I suppose. He used the statements again to take swipe at the locals as he spoke about oppression and cruelty wherever it appears. Lectures for primary school pupils?

In all this, Obama came across as suddenly lacking patented and trademarked oratorical skills, he suddenly pretended to lack all his usual fervid luster and manner of speaking, except when he referred to the irony of slave traders having a church erected right atop slave dungeon, the White slave traders exhibited outward manifestations of piety, even as they dealt in death, murder, maiming and shackling of their human cargoes of Africans as slaves. Slave traders with human cargoes treated worse than farm animals, exported out off of their entire familiar.

On the whole, Obama failed miserably, to seize the moment. Obama manifested a complete lack of interest, he suddenly appeared tongue-tied and inarticulate, as if in a loss for words. Obama’s comments at the slave dungeon, were surprisingly very short, he sounded tired, distracted, and he sounded as if needing coffee or as if overdue for an expresso-strength coffee-break!

Obama, whether when he addressed the parliament of Ghana or at his one minute statement at the slave dungeons, failed, refused or neglected to outline or layout his policy for Africa, and yet, every buffon-African is supposed to have been appeased Obama’s fly-over stop-over for a few hours, with the ensuing lectures and pronouncements?

Some are hoping, that Ghana can somehow maximize “benefits” from Obama’s quick-stop in Ghana, but what exactly are those benefits?

I guess some feel as if Obama’s stop-over in Ghana is to endorse Ghana as “a country with democratic spirit” is therefore seen as certification of Ghana as a nation fit as destination for investments, trade and tourism by America and Europe. And I am hoping that Ghana gets so good soon, after Obama’s prattling and tattling tales, so good in fact, that the 8 million people who are currently out of work or unemployed in America due to financial meltdown, will mill or troop to Ghana and I for one will gladly follow them to Ghana! As I am happy for Kwame Nkrumah and Jerry Rawlings’ Ghana. This is good for Ghana; our West African neighbor.

Obama’s display of his lack of diplomatic finesse is selective, so this talk about Obama showing tough love through his condescending lecture and diplomatic slap to Kenya, South Africa and notably for me, Nigeria; Obama’s brief foray into Ghana and the preachments afterthoughts wrapped in spin doctoring of Obama’s inept and undiplomatic approach to Africa.

It must be remembered and borne in mind that Obama has a track record of making impassioned and vociferous speeches with rhetorical flourishes, as he did at the Democratic National Convention in 2004, and in Philadelphia during his speech on race in America and Rev. Wright, then Obama’s speech in Berlin, Cairo, Buchenwald, Normandy, etc, it begs the question as to what changed in him in Ghana?

America through Obama has an ulterior and unhidden motive in Ghana even amidst Ghana’s modest gains. Ghana is said to be open to hosting the American military armada as headquarters for Pentagon’s so-called African Command or AfriCom and Ghana is suddenly now and exporter of petroleum and Ghana is seen as amenable and pliable by the Americans.

Obama knows where not to offend his hosts. And Obama knows those who could put his reelection in jeopardy or at risk, Obama also knows where to be a glib talker who speaks obliquely about injustices of the past, present, while sermonizing about responsibility, good governance and corruption redundantly avec sanctimoniously! What Obama parroted in Ghana, are things the average African already knew, and have dissected and digested for more than fifty years. I can only add that Obama is a smart man, who knows all these things.


A commentator in The New York Times wrote: he, (Obama) failed to acknowledge the role the United States played in getting Africa to where it is today. Ms. Susan Rice, the United Nation Ambassador, an undersecretary of state for African Affairs during the Clinton administration should have primed the President a lot better on the United States’ role in undermining democracy and promoting violence in Africa.

For the record, the trajectory of modern African history was shaped by the actions of United States, Belgium and France in today’s Democratic Republic of Congo in 1960, which was then known as the Belgian Congo. Who killed Patrice Lumumba and why?

The overthrow and murder of Patrice Lumumba by Belgium mercenaries radicalized Nkrumah, the leader of Ghana, pushing Ghana closer to the USSR. If an elected African leader could be overthrown and murdered by mercenaries from a country allied with the United Sates who was safe? Nkrumah followed that by funding armed liberation movements to challenge the white settler governments in southern Africa. This introduced an element of violence, unlike Ghana’s transition from British rule. The path taken by Nkrumah had a negative influence on his contemporaries.

Whereas in the affairs of Europeans the United Sates’ role was that of a guardian, nurturing democracy in Eastern Europe, the reader must be reminded that in Africa the U.S. favored any government, so long as it claimed to be pro-Western. Here is a partial list of U.S allies in Africa (and their fates in brackets) between 1960 and 1990: Liberia (civil war), Nigeria (civil war), Zaire (civil war), Sudan (need I say more), Kenya, and yes Somalia! How does anyone explain U.S funding of UNITA in the Angola Civil war? When the military overthrew Nkrumah’s government, the United Sates rewarded the junta by sending food aid and other consumer goods.

So the reader must note the irony that crestfallen Black-Star, Kwame Nkrumah’s Ghana, the final resting place of WEB Dubois, the NAACP pioneer, is still the best example of Africans managing their own affairs and the hope of the race in Africa.”


Above links where Mr. Clement Ikpatt wondered about Obama’s redundantly mundane speech in Ghana


Above links where Mr. John Iteshi wondered if Obama is fraud on the Black race

Obama knows where not to mince words. Or defer to diplomatic politesse and labored, tortured deliberate over-calibrated message, in which Obama seek to avoid unproductive confrontations and unnecessary loggerheads, his only exception so far, is Africa!

Obama certainly knows when to be a superb diplomat and an expert at delicately balance or even obfuscate through parsing of words, when the feelings of others are involved; It seems as if, in Obama’s view, he has some sorts of poetic license to be rude and undiplomatic especially when world issues relate to Africans, because, some percentage of the blood which runs through his veins is of Africa? Obama used this pedestrian but emotive line, to cloud and shroud his condescension with which he lectured Africans

As we kept hearing during Obama’s brief stop in Ghana, that Ghana is being REWARDED! Rewarded with Obama’s quick stop, but Ghana is being rewarded with what exactly? You would think Ghana is Israel which receives billions of dollars in American aid every year, and does not care what the US think! Israel has a population of less than 6 million and Ghana, America’s new best friend, has a population of 24 million people and what was America’s aid to Ghana last year compared with Israel? Ghana rewarded with what?

Obama announced in Ghana, that he will support nations which make democratic commitment, and shun other nations who do not, fine! So, what ever happened to unconditional talks with nations previously designated, rightly or wrongly, as enemies of America? Is this where candidate Obama meets President Obama in reality check? There is tyranny in Russia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and for some unstated reasons, other than known facts, Obama is not shunning these nations?

Obama seem to conflict, contradict and confuse his own policies! He visited Russia to ask for a reboot, reset of relations between America and Russia. He failed to criticize Russia’s corruption, Russian Mafia way of doing business through organized crime. Obama failed to criticize Prime Minister Vladmir Puttin’s self-succession, from president to prime minister while handpicking President Medvedev akin to former President of Nigeria Olusegun Obasanjo favoring President YarAdua to succeed him, but, at least in the case of Nigeria, Mr. Obasanjo has no official post or role in current Nigerian government!

It is okay to acknowledge the fact that Obama did put his undiplomatic foot in his mouth when flippant Obama tactlessly accused PM Puttin of have a foot in the past! But on the whole, while in Russia, Obama conducted himself in a very measured manner, nonetheless. Just as he faked neutrality in the post election protests in Iran. Obama seem to know when to wring his hands shyly, as when he gingerly begged Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu on Israel’s land-grab settlements in Palestine and Israel’s usurpation of political and economic oxygen in Palestine.

Let us repeat for emphasis here again, Obama did not visit Kenya, his ancestral homeland, nor visit South Africa and more importantly, Obama overlooked visiting Nigeria. He shunned these nations with commitment to democracy!

What commitment to democracy does Egypt and Saudi Arabia reminds anyone reading this of? These are the same nations which Obama visited during the preceding 30 days before his trip to Ghana! Egypt for instance, has a president for life, endorsed by every American president since Ronald Reagan, Hosni Mubarak has been president of Egypt since 1981. Under President Mubarak, Egypt has violently cracked down on political opposition and in particular, the Islamic Muslim Brotherhood. Mubarak has been extreme in his violent repressive measures, including detention without trial, and I guess this fit perfectly with America’s phobia for Islam? Detentions without trial in Guantanamo is really not different from detention without trial in Egypt or is it?

Anyone can say, arguably, that democracy is not perfect in Kenya, South Africa and Nigeria and indeed, the rest of the world! I make bold to say that the imperfect democracy in Kenya, South Africa and Nigeria, is better day compared with the non existence democracy night in say, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. When was the last election in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait? And when is the next election in both nations? Is Obama shunning these nations? Why isn’t he? Looking at Obama, I can now say that the beautiful ones are not yet born!



13 កក្កដា 2009, 3:40:37 AM13/7/09
ទៅ USAAfric...@googlegroups.com
Paul, if it were not for the report that I have copied below from The Guardian of 11th July 2009, I might have agreed more with some of your points.  But whatever we in fora and discussion groups such as these may think, the sad truth is that our rulers feel no shame in the kind of begging recounted in this story.  And if - as is also the case - our rulers have displayed a tendency to give a lot more weight to the views and instructions of Western leaders, then let them - Barack Obama, Nicholas Sarkozy or whoever - give the kind of finger-wagging lecture that someone who has actually thought about Africa's conditions and the reasons for it might find deeply offensive.  One thing is for sure however, Obama is basically telling us that we are on our own.  The complaints in the story below suggest that that message is yet to penetrate the brains of our African rulers ...

Yar'Adua Urges G8 Countries To Redeem Pledges To Poor Countries
From Madu Omuorah, Abuja

PRESIDENT Umaru Musa Yar'Adua yesterday called on leaders of the Group of Eight Industrialized nations (G-8) to fulfill their past and present pledges of developmental aid to developing nations in Africa and other parts of the world.

While welcoming the pledge of $20 Billion by the G-8 leaders for efforts to boost food production in poorer nations, Yar'Adua said that African leaders were concerned that previous pledges have not been fulfilled.

In a statement sent from L'Aquila, Italy where President Yar'Adua is attending the summit, Special Adviser to the President (Media and Publicity), Mr Olusegun Adeniyi, quoted the President as saying that "Nigeria values the African Outreach Session of the G-8 which started in 2000 and we also acknowledge the various commitments that the G-8 has made to our continent over the last decade.

"While we appreciate these commitments which indicate the willingness to build an enduring partnership between the developed and developing countries, we are concerned that we are yet to see the fulfillment of some of these pledges even as concrete actions have become more urgent due to the impact of the current global economic crisis."

President Yar'Adua added: "On our part as African leaders, we are determined to make those difficult choices that will enable us deal with the complex challenges facing us because we recognize that the responsibility for peace and development in Africa rests squarely on our shoulders. Some of our efforts are, however, being eroded by the prevailing global economic and financial crisis. That is why we are calling on the G-8 to, as a matter of urgency, fulfill all past and present commitments to Africa."

Cornelius Hamelberg

13 កក្កដា 2009, 7:44:27 AM13/7/09
ទៅ USA Africa Dialogue Series

President John Atta Mills the proud host welcomed president Barack
Hussein Obama:
Africa listened, I’m sure that all the incumbent presidents of Africa
followed the event in Ghana.
It’s been very exciting indeed. Many of us have entertained great
expectation and waited with much anticipation as to what he was going
to say and now the Barack Obama we are all getting to know better has
told Africa some of what Paul I. Adujie does not want to hear, some
bitter truths laced with lots of understanding. And he got a standing
ovation from the Ghanaian Parliament and from me too, watching the
whole show on TV.
Before that the momentum had been building up both in the Africa and
Diaspora media and here in our USA- Africa dialogue series.
The message could not have been worded more starkly and by none less
than the Godfather of Nigerian letters, Professor Wole Soyinka who has
been widely quoted as having said, “If Obama decides to grace Nigeria
with his presence, I will stone him. The message he is sending by
going to Ghana is so obvious, is so brilliant that he must not render
it flawed by coming to Nigeria any time soon,”
And there have been other voices:
Michelle Gavin, the White House Senior Director for African Affairs
mentioned a “a problematic election in Nigeria” and compared to Ghana
whose Mills won by a hair’s margin, the difference between Ghana and
Nigeria is clear. And we are free to talk about it, even insightfully
in this free zone, – without being shouted down – by any Nigerian
including Yara’dua himself who admits that the election that he won
was very seriously flawed.
And now, the incredible Paul I. Adujie rides again, on the same wave.
Strident, but not saying much, repeating the same lumpy gravy and
codswallop over and over, again and again ad nauseum.
In his last appearance in this series “Palestinian Freedom & Iranian
Democracy” he lambasted USA and the rest of the West for allegedly
fanning the flames of post-election street protests in Tehran and
other parts of the Iran. His ire with USA continues unabated and I
suspect that the anger, disappointment and disillusionment that
Brother Obama chose to visit Ghana for a day and not his own
motherland the Great Nigeria has not yet subsided and that must be
some of the additional fuel that is fanning the flames in Paul I.
Adujie latest attack article. It’s rather long-winded and repetitive,
bursting at the seams with an array of disconcerting accusations, and
once again Israel is the lynchpin of many of his comparisons, Israel
in his opinion being USA’s darling - whilst Iran – understandably is
not and until Nigeria shows signs of shaping up, how does Nigeria
intend to lead Africa – is my question to Adujie.
First of all let me say that Brother Barack Obama, the first black
president of the United States is far too cultured, too polished, too
decent, too diplomatic and sophisticated enough in his nuances, to
fall into the pit in which Paul I. Adujie would like to confine him.
This was one of his best speeches and policy details will follow
later. This was just an outline, during his brief stop-over ,
encouraging, inspiring and challenging to you and me. Yes . It’s a
challenge to Africa.
Here are a few examples of Adujie being either incomprehensible,
illogical and unjust as he simply gets lost in the welter of his own
words. The power of the word over the main ingredient that should
carry his message home: Reason, not “Shallow Simplistic Rubbish” and
indeed we needed the lecture from presidential brother Obama who was
both corrective and inspiring. Before he told us, we knew and after he
told us , we still know what is wrong and what we have to do …yes, us
Adujie: “he knows how to be delicate with the Russians, he knows how
to be measured with the Iranians and he knows not to be his polite
best with Israel despite Israel violations of United Nations
resolutions regarding Israel's land-grab in Palestine!”
Perhaps there was one NOT too many in the last sentence and he really
meant to write “ he knows how to be his be his polite best with Israel
despite Israel violations of United Nations resolutions regarding
Israel's land-grab in Palestine!” ?
Not true. He has been very stern with Israel where his popularity has
plummeted to 6% ( In Israel six percent of Israelis believe that he
is pro Israel) and witness the flurry of responses:
Professor Kenneth Harrow made concrete and credible points about farm
subsidies etc
If Paul I Adujie intends to be taken more seriously, or seriously at
all, he should learn this one thing: Thou shalt not exaggerate - and
here are the more glaring, atrocious examples of exaggeration and
complete abandonment of nuance by Paul I Adujie taken at face value,
the ingrate giving the kick in the face and he should be thoroughly
ashamed of himself should repent in sackcloth and ashes for writing
“He came to Ghana to insult Africa” ( Paul I Adujie)
“Obama could have attended an African Union summit and engage all
African leaders in brotherly conversation and corralled them on how to
the reset button on democracy, good governance, institutional
prosperity and advancement on the continent, instead, Obama chose the
simplistic and voyeuristic public shaming and ridiculing of Africans,
as if
he was a member of the Klu Klux Klan…” ( Paul I. Adujie)
“I have pledged substantial increases in our foreign assistance, which
is in Africa's interest and America's. But the true sign of success is
not whether we are a source of aid that helps people scrape by - it is
whether we are partners in building the capacity for transformational
change………… Aid is not an end in itself. The purpose of foreign
assistance must be creating the conditions where it is no longer
needed.” (BARACK OBAMA said in GHANA)
I suggest the following assignment for Paul I. Adujie: to write an
article in which he reconciles his understanding of ““Africa’s future
is up to Africans” with his lamenting the lack of a Marshall Plan,
for Africa…..
Or he may write about CLIMATE CHANGE and consider that an additional
six degrees rise in temperature will render many parts of our
Africa , unliveable……and start doing something about it , now.
“Africa gives off less greenhouse gas than any other part of the
world, but it is the most threatened by climate change” So said Barack

On Jul 12, 7:40 pm, "Paul I. Adujie" <lawcar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Obama Talks Shallow Simplistic Rubbish, Scolds & Lectured Africans As
> Expected!
> Written by Paul I. Adujie
> *
> **Lawcareer2...@aol.com* <Lawcareer2...@aol.com>
> Obama did not scold or chastise *Russia *for her war in *Chechnya* and *
> Georgia*... and Russia for corruption and frequent murders of its
> journalists... and Russia for organized crime and Mafia way of business deal
> and Russia for preferring business deals with Iran over election matters and
> nuclear matters which Obama "so care about"
> Obama did not scold or chastise *Italy*, where Obama was for several days...
> Italy with Prime Minister Berlusconi whose media empire is synonymous his
> other tools of corruption... in fact, Mr. Berlusconi has faced repeated
> charges of corruption and there is the Italian Mafia in there... but Obama
> went to Italy and he did not lecture Italians
> Obama did not scold or chastise Israel, despite all that America does for *
> Israel*, Israel's current Prime Minister adamantly refuses to listen to
> Obama "gentle prodding and request" that Israel vacate occupied territories
> of Palestine and desist from expanding Israeli's land-grabs! Despite United
> Nations resolutions to this effect and despite the so-called "International
> Community" urging of Israel to comply
> Obama says he will negotiate with* Iran* and *North Korea *UNCONDITIONALLY,
> and these are "supposed" to be the Axis of Evil ... American enemies per Mr.
> Bush....
> Nigeria, no enemies of America or anyone, is being visited with diplomatic
> slaps and whacks in the face by this undiplomatic Obama? Obama is a tool in
> the hands of someone's agenda I was waiting for his apology for slavery and
> colonialism Ghana and Obama did not seize the moment. I am almost ready to
> write him off as another Mr. double standard leader of a western nation,
> preaching to Africa, what they do not practice in dealing with other
> nations. For his lectures and condescending manners towards Africans and
> peoples of African descent, I am jumping off this Obama bandwagon!
> *
> Obama has a knack for making the platitudinous sound poignant and profound!
> *
> Obama only made tepid terse and tired statements full of ...
> read more »

Cornelius Hamelberg

13 កក្កដា 2009, 5:00:47 PM13/7/09
ទៅ USA Africa Dialogue Series
Re ( can’t get enough of your love baby) ” contact US State
Department and US Department of
Defense and enquire and compare American aid to Israel compared with
during the last fifty years and self for yourselves!” ( Paul I Adujie)

I think that on one side of the equation is the rock solid foundation
of what Israel does for The United States. There is a degree of
reciprocity in the exchange of technology and cooperation in research
etc……and, and

to give substance to the rhetoric in the current discussion , there’s
the very relevant question of what are Nigeria - USA relations in
terms of transfer of technology, brain drain and other resources will
have to be quantified in terms that will tell us what Nigeria is
doing for the USA…..as well as what the US is doing for Nigeria……..

“16 Feb 2009 ... "Investing in People" is the top U.S. foreign
assistance priority in Nigeria.”


On Jul 12, 7:40 pm, "Paul I. Adujie" <lawcar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Obama Talks Shallow Simplistic Rubbish, Scolds & Lectured Africans As
> Expected!
> Written by Paul I. Adujie
> *
> **Lawcareer2...@aol.com* <Lawcareer2...@aol.com>
> Obama did not scold or chastise *Russia *for her war in *Chechnya* and *
> Georgia*... and Russia for corruption and frequent murders of its
> journalists... and Russia for organized crime and Mafia way of business deal
> and Russia for preferring business deals with Iran over election matters and
> nuclear matters which Obama "so care about"
> Obama did not scold or chastise *Italy*, where Obama was for several days...
> Italy with Prime Minister Berlusconi whose media empire is synonymous his
> other tools of corruption... in fact, Mr. Berlusconi has faced repeated
> charges of corruption and there is the Italian Mafia in there... but Obama
> went to Italy and he did not lecture Italians
> Obama did not scold or chastise Israel, despite all that America does for *
> Israel*, Israel's current Prime Minister adamantly refuses to listen to
> Obama "gentle prodding and request" that Israel vacate occupied territories
> of Palestine and desist from expanding Israeli's land-grabs! Despite United
> Nations resolutions to this effect and despite the so-called "International
> Community" urging of Israel to comply
> Obama says he will negotiate with* Iran* and *North Korea *UNCONDITIONALLY,
> and these are "supposed" to be the Axis of Evil ... American enemies per Mr.
> Bush....
> Nigeria, no enemies of America or anyone, is being visited with diplomatic
> slaps and whacks in the face by this undiplomatic Obama? Obama is a tool in
> the hands of someone's agenda I was waiting for his apology for slavery and
> colonialism Ghana and Obama did not seize the moment. I am almost ready to
> write him off as another Mr. double standard leader of a western nation,
> preaching to Africa, what they do not practice in dealing with other
> nations. For his lectures and condescending manners towards Africans and
> peoples of African descent, I am jumping off this Obama bandwagon!
> *
> Obama has a knack for making the platitudinous sound poignant and profound!
> *
> Obama only made tepid terse and tired statements full of ...
> read more »

Cornelius Hamelberg

14 កក្កដា 2009, 3:46:04 AM14/7/09
ទៅ USA Africa Dialogue Series
RE – “Is Obama right by saying that “Africa doesn't need strong
men but strong institutions” ?

Grandpa McCain was made in the image, and dressed up by the media to
look like an elderly Tarzan type strongman leader. (“Bomb Bomb BomB
BomB Iran “ etc.
Benjamin Netanyahu must be missing the war veteran John McCain now -
at least much more than he is missing his good friend the “arch-
terrorist”, Rabin’s “ peace partner“ Yasser Arafat……


Ernest Bai Koroma is a leader I endorse him and if he is indeed the
Messiah, then he will lead the Israeleone Diaspora back to the
Promised Land……( smile)

Barack Obama has a winning smile is a nice guy, is a strong man,
arguably the most powerful man on the planet, the president of the You-
nited States of America; but he’s not a dictator ( like Paul Biya). On
so many occasions, Congress has to approve – and then there’s the
vibrant press which can make or break a president – and the press-ure
keeps the president and his staff on their toes…..



For argument’s sake we can start with the premise that Africa needs
both strong men ( extend your definition a little) and Africa
certainly needs the rule of law and Justice, strong, people-powered
and people-oriented/ people-friendly intuitions. If only we could
recover, by going forward - to regain – once more attain to the Law
Courts and the integrity that we once had in the judiciary - up to
Sierra Leone’s Independence Day, to the quality of secondary school
education, to rigid meritocracy as an apt quality of the bureaucracy
then known to be an efficient civil service, to the state of the
macadamised roads that could not resist being dug up by the heavy
rainy season rains but soon under repair, to the Sierra Leone House of
Parliament, to the antiseptic smell of the outpatients at the
Connaught Hospital, Roy Hutton the optician, the sound of Mike Rekab
or Francis Gordon’s dentist drill, pleasant walks “Up the Greens” on
sunny, peaceful Sunday afternoons….

Now some proud Africans would like Brother Barack Obama the
Herculean, to have come out with a detailed plan, announcing exactly
how he is going to fix Africa - because in their dream of Super
power, unlimited power, it is believed that president Bush can spend
some seven hundred billion in Iraq alone, then with a little more love
and consideration, the United States could do what e.g. Paul I. Adujie
wants, that Obama should pay reparations to Africa now – for the
European colonisation of Africa……….

What does partnership mean?

Black & Proud,

It means taking responsibility for playing your part…..it does not
mean being the perpetual child or parent, or the eternal super-

Obama speaking : “This is the simple truth of a time when the
boundaries between people are overwhelmed by our connections. Your
prosperity can expand America's prosperity. Your health and security
can contribute to the world's health and security. And the strength of
your democracy can help advance human rights for people everywhere.

So I do not see the countries and peoples of Africa as a world apart;
I see Africa as a fundamental part of our interconnected world --
(applause) -- as partners with America on behalf of the future we want
for all of our children. That partnership must be grounded in mutual
responsibility and mutual respect. And that is what I want to speak
with you about today.

We must start from the simple premise that Africa's future is up to

On Jul 12, 7:40 pm, "Paul I. Adujie" <lawcar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Obama Talks Shallow Simplistic Rubbish, Scolds & Lectured Africans As
> Expected!
> Written by Paul I. Adujie
> *
> **Lawcareer2...@aol.com* <Lawcareer2...@aol.com>
> Obama did not scold or chastise *Russia *for her war in *Chechnya* and *
> Georgia*... and Russia for corruption and frequent murders of its
> journalists... and Russia for organized crime and Mafia way of business deal
> and Russia for preferring business deals with Iran over election matters and
> nuclear matters which Obama "so care about"
> Obama did not scold or chastise *Italy*, where Obama was for several days...
> Italy with Prime Minister Berlusconi whose media empire is synonymous his
> other tools of corruption... in fact, Mr. Berlusconi has faced repeated
> charges of corruption and there is the Italian Mafia in there... but Obama
> went to Italy and he did not lecture Italians
> Obama did not scold or chastise Israel, despite all that America does for *
> Israel*, Israel's current Prime Minister adamantly refuses to listen to
> Obama "gentle prodding and request" that Israel vacate occupied territories
> of Palestine and desist from expanding Israeli's land-grabs! Despite United
> Nations resolutions to this effect and despite the so-called "International
> Community" urging of Israel to comply
> Obama says he will negotiate with* Iran* and *North Korea *UNCONDITIONALLY,
> and these are "supposed" to be the Axis of Evil ... American enemies per Mr.
> Bush....
> Nigeria, no enemies of America or anyone, is being visited with diplomatic
> slaps and whacks in the face by this undiplomatic Obama? Obama is a tool in
> the hands of someone's agenda I was waiting for his apology for slavery and
> colonialism Ghana and Obama did not seize the moment. I am almost ready to
> write him off as another Mr. double standard leader of a western nation,
> preaching to Africa, what they do not practice in dealing with other
> nations. For his lectures and condescending manners towards Africans and
> peoples of African descent, I am jumping off this Obama bandwagon!
> *
> Obama has a knack for making the platitudinous sound poignant and profound!
> *
> Obama only made tepid terse and tired statements full of ...
> read more »
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