TiddlyTweets - a TiddlyWiki web app to archive your tweets

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Mar 9, 2009, 11:54:39 AM3/9/09
to TiddlyWiki

I don't know if people on this list are as mental as I am about
Twitter, but I really enjoy using it and, more recently, playing with
it as a messaging channel... Anyhow, after prompting from Jeremy, I
assembled this Twitter Archiver, which is a TiddlyWiki presented as a
web app:


I'm posting here because I think it's an interesting example of using
a theme to hide the guts of TiddlyWiki, with a little button that
switches you back into TiddlyWiki mode so you can get to the stored
data and plugins, and see how it's put together.

If anyone has any thoughts about how to make this into a better
example of this pattern, or has any similar examples, I'd love to hear
about that here.

If you have any feedback or ideas about the application itself, I set
up a UserVoice to use for that, where you can vote stuff up and track
what's planned, development and finished.





Mar 9, 2009, 2:49:44 PM3/9/09
to Tiddl...@googlegroups.com

Ken Girard

Mar 9, 2009, 6:18:56 PM3/9/09
to TiddlyWiki
Fails to download tweets in IE6.
Manages to tell me the number of tweets, then just sits at
"Downloading..." for the next part.

Ken Girard

Alex Hough

Mar 10, 2009, 6:49:03 AM3/10/09
to Tiddl...@googlegroups.com
This offers some interesting possibilities, like tweeting with [[tw
stuff]] to send stuff to your own TW.
Also twitter can become the first step in an expendable channel.

Could the plugins be easily adapted for delicious?


2009/3/9 jnthnlstr <jnth...@googlemail.com>:
t: 0161 442 2202
m: 0781 372 50 17
skype: alexhough
delicious: alexhough


Mar 10, 2009, 8:46:17 AM3/10/09
to TiddlyWiki
Thanks Fred for fixing the url and to Ken for being the first to
report a bug! ;)

Alex, I do like the idea of a Twitter client written in TiddlyWiki...

About your idea of tweeting [[tw stuff]] to send to your own
TiddlyWiki, I've been trying to make that. You could do that very
easily if you're happy to tweet in public; for privacy, I think you
either need another Twitter account to send a dm to, or make use of a
service that lets you dm yourself (I'm trying to make that too).

What do you mean about Twitter becoming the first step in an
expendable channel?


On Mar 10, 10:49 am, Alex Hough <r.a.ho...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> This offers some interesting possibilities, like tweeting with [[tw
> stuff]] to send stuff to your own TW.
> Also twitter can become the first step in an expendable channel.
> Could the plugins be easily adapted for delicious?
> ALex
> 2009/3/9 jnthnlstr <jnthnl...@googlemail.com>:

Ken Girard

Mar 10, 2009, 9:26:35 AM3/10/09
to TiddlyWiki
Works in IE7, but gives the "Are you sure you want to navigate away"
warning when switching themes.

Ken Girard

Jeremy Ruston

Mar 10, 2009, 9:34:53 AM3/10/09
to Tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Lovely stuff. Couple of ideas:

- Would it be possible to include in the archive any tweets from other
people to whom user has @replied
- Would it be possible to demangle any URLs from tinyurl.com, is.gd
etc to the real underlying URL?

Best wishes

Jeremy Ruston


Mar 10, 2009, 9:38:26 AM3/10/09
to Tiddl...@googlegroups.com
> - Would it be possible to include in the archive any tweets from other
> people to whom user has @replied

That would be possible, but might easily get out of hand (e.g. exceeding
the Twitter API limit with the number of requests).

Back when I was writing the Twitter adaptor, I imagined this sort of
thing would be loaded on demand (i.e. using loadMissingTiddler).

> - Would it be possible to demangle any URLs from tinyurl.com, is.gd
> etc to the real underlying URL?

Good idea, that would provide further independence from possibly
unreliable online services.

-- F.

Alex Hough

Mar 10, 2009, 10:51:58 AM3/10/09
to Tiddl...@googlegroups.com
> What do you mean about Twitter becoming the first step in an expendable channel?
ahhhhh ... there is a typo here.... i meant expandable channel. By
expandable i mean expanding it by filtering, number of ways it can be
shared, number of ways it can be combined and linked with other
information. I've tried to get out what I mean below. Its not been
refined, so there could be some errors ;)

Double Brackets in Delicious
At the moment I am experimenting with adding [[double brackets]] in
Delicious. I am using Delicious to bookmark resources for a group
interested in Creativirty and Health. The idea is that the group
adopts using the same tag; this has some evidence of success in the
'Community of Practice' community (Community of Practice [0.5] has
some established credibility, in education and healthcare so I am
using it as an example to show the tags and bookmarks are not
something crazy i dreamed up.

The same principal is behind hash tags in twitter. I see a use for
both Twitter and Delicious being aggregated and saved in TW used by a

The value of this in my project is because security is very tight. Web
is not available in some areas, and there is crackdown on memory
sticks. An html TW 'magazine' which can be e-mailed or a printed to
PDF could show the content generated elsewhere. It would enable those
who are trying to encourage the innovation in social media in contexts
like health and education can see what is going on; At the moment
their IT environments are vastly different from ones us outside enjoy

Report Extended in Delicious
The horizon 2009 [2] report makes use of Delicious tags to add extend
the report's 'text' to include dynamicl produced elements [3]. If you
wanted to extend these resources into your Personal Non-Linear
Learning Notebook, you could add double brackets when you bookmark and
tag (more often than not i generate the note by selecting the abstract
before bookmarking - the text is automatically added to the bookmark).
When you fire up your tw, you can then review the bookmarks and expand
out following nonexisting links. The underused 'references' function
would form a link to the bookmark and the URL if the link was
existing. This process would come in especially usefull when
bookmarking [[academic references]] containing [[keywords]] -- capture
them from the paper then check 'em out in wikipedia! ha

TWs, with Tiddlers with links expanding from the bookmarked URL would
enable a team to build up a knowledge base of linked together stuff,
some of which is public and other bits private.


[2] http://wp.nmc.org/horizon2009/
[3] http://delicious.com/tag/hz09+personalweb
When imported into a TW using <<rssReader asText>> the double bracket
is wikified.

2009/3/10 jnthnlstr <jnth...@googlemail.com>:


Mar 11, 2009, 9:01:23 AM3/11/09
to TiddlyWiki
TiddlyWiki's pulling in both tweets and delicious bookmarks, yes that
could be done. It'd be interesting to pull in from a variety of
sources, where you get anything tagged with a certain tag. I'm sure
there are examples of this being done somewhere (non-TiddlyWiki).

> 2009/3/10 jnthnlstr <jnthnl...@googlemail.com>:


Mar 11, 2009, 9:06:25 AM3/11/09
to Tiddl...@googlegroups.com
> TiddlyWiki's pulling in both tweets and delicious bookmarks, yes that
> could be done.

The TwitterAdaptor we already have - and Simon's created a Delicious
adaptor a while ago:

Not sure how it complete it is though.

-- F.

Alex Hough

Mar 11, 2009, 5:13:39 PM3/11/09
to Tiddl...@googlegroups.com
> TiddlyWiki's pulling in both tweets and delicious bookmarks, yes that
> could be done.

>It'd be interesting to pull in from a variety of sources, where you
get anything tagged with a certain tag.

Individual bookmark tags have their own feeds. It would be nice to
pull in the full set of tags and make them editable and wikifyable: i
think that building up a set of linked tiddlers from tags would be
quick productive way of quickly gaining an overview of a topic and
relevant sources- especially emerging ones.

FND - thanks for the pointer towards the delicious plugin.


Alex Hough

Mar 12, 2009, 4:26:28 AM3/12/09
to Tiddl...@googlegroups.com
It would be nice to be able to pull in stuff from databases like the
ones in university libraries. Would be nice to sack off Endnote and
not think about Zotero.


martin lindner

Mar 18, 2009, 4:21:54 AM3/18/09
to TiddlyWiki
awesome. i cannot wait for more microcontent-apps like that, with new

that said, i'm afraid i doesn't work for me in Firefox with my 1600+
tweets: download process gets stuck.

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