TiddlyWest recap (non-techie version)

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Jun 19, 2008, 3:20:31 AM6/19/08
to TiddlyWiki

It's been a long while since I've posted here so in a sense this is a
newbie post.

In the past, I really enjoyed tinkering, futzing and toying with my
TiddlyWiki, but in the end I got stuck in the middle of the
scalability issue between a plump TW and pondering a local

So, when good folks at Osmosoft and TiddlyTools co-hosted TiddlyWest
atop SuperNova 2008, this was a good chance to see what new magic
appeared since v2.0 and the folks behind it.

As probably the only nontechie in the audience, some of the
descriptions maybe garbled in transmission, but I hope this initial
post will stimulate more disclosures from the fellow attendees on the
great stuff presented.

Phil Whitehouse did a wonderful job of organizing and keeping the
agenda of show and tell going. I hope he can move the TiddlyTrail onto
other places.

Here are some of my notes in tw syntax:
caveat: I wasn't social tonight so I missed out on the names, please

!Use of tw with confabb notesharer
*missed; came late. argh. I came in on the tail end bit about notes in
different scopes.
but you can find more here: http://blog.confabb.com/?p=106

!SimonMcManus on ccTiddly serverside collaborative platform
*a workspace is a tw file
*users can create their own workspaces on the server
*can upload files, but open permissions on server
*openid and ldap support
*basic user mgmnt
*supports a really super cool hot skin/theme by changing a parameter
in the workspace url ?skin=
*there was some talk of atom feeds or syndicating tiddlers in
different ways

!Eric of TiddlyTools on Customizing TiddlyWiki
*incredibly the presentation was done with tw and not powerpoint or
keynote. Tiddlers were slides further extending the tiddler metaphor
of mutable microcontent.
*He used his tasktimer plugin to time the presentation and ran an
activity report/table afterwards.
*showed animation plugin shooting out words
*tw bkgrd image was attached image as base64 dataURL not a link using
his Attach image plugin
*Had story viewer plugin with arrows and drop list UI navigation
*goto plugin showed incremental search
*Customizations in 3 ways
*Eric is a natural TiddlyWikiTeacher
**If you like his clear lucid explanations of TW on this group. He is
even better in person. It was a great refresher on TW internals.
**O'Reilly needs to, no wait make that Manning needs to send Eric a
book publishing agreement. He can truly author something like
TiddlyWiki, the Missing Manual

!Greg (?) of UnaMesa spoke on their support of TiddlyWiki as a
decentralized user empowering tool for social programs:
*They support open source developers furthering the social program
goals of communities throughout the world
*He highlighted how tiddlywiki served as a frontend to wikispaces to
help Hesperian, a traditional print publisher explore the web as a
publishing medium: http://disabledvillagechildren.projects.unamesa.org/
furthering their reach
*Jeremy recalled the initial email of 2005 of UnaMesa's offer of
support. Be nice to developers and good things grow.

!Phil Hawksworth demoing TeamTasks
*build on top of tw for task mgmt simplicity
*simple to understand but configurable and customizable.
*applies templates to a tiddlers which the user can configure
metadata from the extended fields to cluster tasks in many ways.
*showed a real world team example with many tiddlers as tasks in a
sortable table.

!Paul Hammant with co-demoer Simon
*http://www.paulhammant.com/ of thoughtworks
*Showed testing tool Selenium IDE http://selenium.openqa.org/ tests
web apps and TW is such a creature.
*SeleniumIDE can create source (ruby, php, python) from recording of
actions (testing) on a tw
*The wizardry I saw: simon opened up SeleniumIDE atop a tw and set it
to record.
*A new tiddler was made and Selenium IDE picked up these actions to a
source file which could be configured to any language.
*Rerunning the source started up tw making a tiddler (the test bit)
*Paul noted that Selenium IDE would be a great boon to the
professional QA folk. I got lost after the Rspec DSL stuff, but
everything he said sounded impressive.

!Paul Downey on TiddlyProcessing http://blog.whatfettle.com/2008/05/11/tiddlyprocessing/
*john resig brings processing to js
*Paul brings processing into tw. tiddlyproccessing = tw + processing
*He notes Simon Baird tweaked his plugin a bit.
*with a flourish, Paul dropped processing code from Resig's site for a
petalling twirling animation and like magic it showed up undulating in
the tiddler
*very neato to marry imaging with tw

!Jeremy turn at the show and tell with his incubating work on
*it was a new way for users to view their tw with an Edward Tufte sort
of viewpoint
*it lowers the barrier of entry for user interactions with
accessibility of tiddler history in an intuitively visual way
*I think it is still under wraps so hopefully more will be

!Lastly, a good chap(?) presented a real show of contact juggling
*He wowed us with rolls and spins and presented a good example of tw
as a vehicle for asset management on a cd
*learning contact juggling is difficult to describe in words
*video can be set to tiddlers and tw is a framework to house

In sum, I was surprised that TiddlyWest could fill the >3 hrs. There
was so much to see. Phil kept folks fed.
It was a good sprinking of what Eric noted as the 2 sides of
Tiddlywikiness, the collab/sharing aspects and the personal notebook/
user aspect. If there ever was a Legos of Web 2.0, I think TiddlyWiki
would be it. The tiddler metaphor is alive and well.

Hopefully someone will pipe in with better more technical descriptions
or video minutes. :-)


ps. I want to publically apologize to Eric for not exchanging
greetings for truly it was good to see and enjoy his infectious
enthusiasm of TiddlyWiki again.

I admit, I was sleep deprived, schelepping after work so my brain
could have used a configTweak; so 'hello' to all the attendees too. :-)


Jun 19, 2008, 4:14:34 AM6/19/08
to TiddlyWiki
Terrific report, thanks for sharing!
Very interesting for those of us that could not make it.

> !SimonMcManus on ccTiddly serverside collaborative platformhttp://www.tiddlywiki.org/wiki/CcTiddly
> !Phil Hawksworth demoing TeamTaskshttp://www.hawksworx.com/journal/2007/10/29/teamtasks-version-03-rele...
> *build on top of tw for task mgmt simplicity
> *simple to understand but configurable and customizable.
> *applies templates to a tiddlers which the user can configure
> metadata from the extended fields to cluster tasks in many ways.
> *showed a real world team example with many tiddlers as tasks in a
> sortable table.
> !Paul Hammant with co-demoer Simon
> *http://www.paulhammant.com/of thoughtworks
> *Showed testing tool Selenium IDEhttp://selenium.openqa.org/tests
> web apps and TW is such a creature.
> *SeleniumIDE can create source (ruby, php, python) from recording of
> actions (testing) on a tw
> *The wizardry I saw: simon opened up SeleniumIDE atop a tw and set it
> to record.
> *A new tiddler was made and Selenium IDE picked up these actions to a
> source file which could be configured to any language.
> *Rerunning the source started up tw making a tiddler (the test bit)
> *Paul noted that Selenium IDE would be a great boon to the
> professional QA folk. I got lost after the Rspec DSL stuff, but
> everything he said sounded impressive.
> !Paul Downey on TiddlyProcessinghttp://blog.whatfettle.com/2008/05/11/tiddlyprocessing/


Jun 19, 2008, 4:38:40 AM6/19/08
to Tiddl...@googlegroups.com
> Terrific report, thanks for sharing!
> Very interesting for those of us that could not make it.

I second that - thanks Tony!

-- F.

Chris Bryant

Jun 19, 2008, 4:42:31 AM6/19/08
to TiddlyWiki
Thanks for the notes Tony, it was great to join the group and meet new
faces. Thanks to everyone for the presentations. It's pretty exciting
to see all the unique directions people are going with TiddlyWiki and
how well suited it is for all of these things.

> !SimonMcManus on ccTiddly serverside collaborative platformhttp://www.tiddlywiki.org/wiki/CcTiddly
> !Phil Hawksworth demoing TeamTaskshttp://www.hawksworx.com/journal/2007/10/29/teamtasks-version-03-rele...
> *build on top of tw for task mgmt simplicity
> *simple to understand but configurable and customizable.
> *applies templates to a tiddlers which the user can configure
> metadata from the extended fields to cluster tasks in many ways.
> *showed a real world team example with many tiddlers as tasks in a
> sortable table.
> !Paul Hammant with co-demoer Simon
> *http://www.paulhammant.com/of thoughtworks
> *Showed testing tool Selenium IDEhttp://selenium.openqa.org/tests
> web apps and TW is such a creature.
> *SeleniumIDE can create source (ruby, php, python) from recording of
> actions (testing) on a tw
> *The wizardry I saw: simon opened up SeleniumIDE atop a tw and set it
> to record.
> *A new tiddler was made and Selenium IDE picked up these actions to a
> source file which could be configured to any language.
> *Rerunning the source started up tw making a tiddler (the test bit)
> *Paul noted that Selenium IDE would be a great boon to the
> professional QA folk. I got lost after the Rspec DSL stuff, but
> everything he said sounded impressive.
> !Paul Downey on TiddlyProcessinghttp://blog.whatfettle.com/2008/05/11/tiddlyprocessing/


Jun 19, 2008, 6:13:37 AM6/19/08
to TiddlyWiki
Thanks for sharing, Tony.

Some videos of earlier presentations by Phil:



Simon Baird

Jun 19, 2008, 7:47:00 AM6/19/08
to Tiddl...@googlegroups.com
On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 5:20 PM, ccahua <cca...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hopefully someone will pipe in with better more technical descriptions
or video minutes. :-)

Hey, that was great. Thanks very much for posting this. Wish I had been there! Contact juggling!!!! :)





Jun 19, 2008, 10:48:31 AM6/19/08
to TiddlyWiki
Thank you very much, Wolfgang and Phil!

Yes, this was Jeremy's zui work, I was wowed by http://vimeo.com/1156022
It was one of those i-didn't-know-tw can do that?! it was beyond.

He had the tiddlers freely zooming on a virtual desktop clearly
illustrating his point that playful user interaction would probably
facilitate more wiki adoption/use than perhaps adding a wysiwyg

I was thinking with the new buzz of cognitive science, it would be
great to see a mashup of Project Cecily with something like Cognywiki
where the relative scale of the zooming tiddlers was determined some
sort of extended field like a changecount or reference count. Or maybe
someone will come up with a Google PageRank algorithm for tiddlers,
In a sense, your continued tiddler interactions determine its size in
your virtual TiddlyWiki brain canvas. Sprinkle in some RippleRap
serveside goodness (sharing) and pair with a touch interface frosting
in a mobile handheld pan and that would really bake my cake!

Thank you TiddlyWest presenters, it is fun to dream again.


Phil Whitehouse

Jun 19, 2008, 11:05:52 AM6/19/08
to TiddlyWiki
Thanks for the positive feedback, Tony!

I've uploaded some photos (and a video of Rich doing his contact
juggling) here:



On Jun 19, 7:48 am, ccahua <cca...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jun 19, 3:13 am, wolfgang <wolfgangl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Thanks for sharing, Tony.
> > Some videos of earlier presentations by Phil:
> >http://vimeo.com/user423727/videos
> > W.
> Thank you very much, Wolfgang and Phil!
> Yes, this was Jeremy's zui work, I was wowed byhttp://vimeo.com/1156022


Jun 19, 2008, 12:19:31 PM6/19/08
to Tiddl...@googlegroups.com
> I've uploaded some photos (and a video of Rich doing his contact
> juggling)

Amazing! Maybe I should spend less time TiddlyHacking and more time
learning really useful stuff like that*...

-- F.

* or that: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjNLTZOJOCA&fmt=18


Jun 26, 2008, 4:20:31 AM6/26/08
to TiddlyWiki
Wow it only takes me a week to catch up. This is a long post or
longer than I was expecting to post at least.

I was the guy at the end of TiddlyWest that was Contact Juggling. I
wasn't planning on 'showing' anything. I Just got up and fiddled
around with Contact Juggling for a bit.
Then I just started to babble about TW and Contact Juggling and my
Phil sent me a link to me babbling about Contact Juggling while I
flipped a ball around at TiddlyWest, need to find that so you can
check it out.
My project is called the Dream Machine(A Machine to help you reach
your Dreams) and it is part of the Legacy Project. It stems from my
need for a Multimedia Notebook. If something existed I probably would
have stopped a while ago but nothing really does. You can have a
media player. You can have a website. You can have a lot of things
but most of them don't work together, unless you add something and pay
extra. Even then you are getting partial compatibility or limited
functions. Oh and I wanted something that 20 years from now I would
still be able to use. As I have not a single document from 20 years
ago that I can still use in their original program. As their original
programs don't exist on my modern computer(slight lie as I have
emulator software). I want to link a video, to a text document, to a
song, to an idea, to a web site, to a friend and back again, hence the
Dream Machine.
I started using a wiki called Blast - it was a PHP wiki. I wrote up a
'wish list' document of what would be 'ideal' in a wiki for my
purposes. I am still looking for it since I recently moved I can't
seem to locate it easily.
From memory I wrote things like
1. Define the Wiki inside the Wiki
2. Add information and system information inside the Wiki
3. Wiki has plug ins and add ons to allow for all media types
4. Wiki can export to a generic form for long term back up and
universal compatibility
5. Encryption to keep your 'private' data private
6. Categories for my wiki pages to help sort and organize them
7. Wiki should be portable and cross compatible and easily usable by

Well the day I found TW several years ago I almost cried as almost
everything I wanted was there and the things that weren't were added
as time went on.

As far as Contact Juggling goes you can see some of my stuff at
youtube as well http://www.YouTube.com/RichShumaker
Not that I don't like the video you linked because I do I just figured
I would send you a link to my stuff.
The LegacyCd is being Re-Released to include the Dream Machine on
8-8-8 the original release was on 5-5-5
The Dream Machine Project will have it's home at Tiddlyspot and if I
need to do 'fancy' stuff I will have it at my site.
By fancy I am looking at creating what I call a Suite of TW - Each
with specific tasks to do what they do best.
So a TW for my Books, Movies, TV, Contact Juggling, Contacts, Music,
General Data - The 'Suite' of TW's will be linked together in one
So you can cross reference a book to a movie to a contact to a
website, seamlessly.
Oh and my dreams are not your dreams so the Dream Machine will be made
as a Generic Template for people to adapt as they want.
I am creating the 'framework' and the 'machine' you supply your

Thanks to everyone who has helped in any way on TiddlyWiki.
I enjoy using it everyday and I am excited to get a new version for
myself to help me grow as an artist and in life.

Rich Shumaker
http://www.RichShumaker.com - v 0.2 being replaced soon by v 3.0(bet
you can guess what I am going to be using to build it) Oh and I did
not just skip V1 and V2 they were just not compatible with what I am
using now and had to go back to the trusty HTML plain jane circa 1962
model(hehehehe I need a vacuum tube and more refrigeration for my
10kilobyte computer)
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