TW worked successfully on Nokia N800

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Nov 28, 2007, 2:41:05 PM11/28/07
to TiddlyWiki
Don't know how many people will be interested, but I just sat with a
co-worker who has a Nokia N800 (flashed with the upgraded OS2008,
which has a Mozilla browser rather than Opera), and give him an SD
card with a vanilla version of TW2.2.6. I was able to create a new
tiddler and save the change successfully (had a few Javascript
warnings I had to tap "OK" to confirm, but that was all).

As a result, I am now going to be looking to get an N800 or, more
likely, an N810 (will have the same browser so it would also work,
plus it has the integrated keyboard, GPS, etc).

-- BJ (TampaGeek)


Dec 3, 2007, 3:53:36 PM12/3/07
to TiddlyWiki
Thanks for the report, BJ!
I've been waiting awhile for this to happen since N770 and the defunct
Palm Foleo.
There are now 2 ways for making TW a bit more mobile and thus serving
a larger audience: Nokia N800, N810 with OS2008 and the Asus eeePC
Now we just have to find a small screen css TW theme for these mobile
devices or get out the magnifying glasses :-)

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