MRSA Answer for Cinnamon

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Still Undefined

2007年10月15日 下午3:07:492007/10/15
收件者:Texas Rainbow chat group、
Hi Cinnamon....sorry for the delay in responding since I cannot get to
a computer on a daily basis. I did put this identical email under the
old topic but it did not show up on the Topic page.

Keep in mind, I knew nothing of Staph or of MRSA before this.

I, personally, believe that the infection was too great for the
natural antibiotics to be of any effect. Possibly, had I started them
immediately, perhaps, they could have helped.

Or maybe, without them, it would have been worse.

And, in case you haven't followed the story, I am going to go into the
sequence of events, ONE more time, so your questions might be

Or that someone reading this, for the first time, might learn
something that might save their life if it should happen to them.

To begin with, I thought I had a real serious case of poison ivy,
since there was so much of it at the Gathering. I saw many serious
oozing poison ivy sores of those who had been there longer than I.
Even though I took many precautions to stay healthy and poison ivy
free, I left the Gathering with some rough bumps on my shoulder.

Seven or ten days after the returning, my whole back was covered with
oozing sores, bleeding through my clothes. I had sores anywhere I had
a cut or mosquito bite or scratch or a tweezed facial hair and with a
few abscesses on my legs. Two of my figertips looked like I had
gangrene. I eventually lost a fingernail. I had been told that poison
ivy can get into your bloodstream and break out anywhere on your

I was putting all sorts of natural healing substances on the
"oozies"....fresh aloe vera mostly and also alot of hydrogen peroxide.
Echinacea/Goldenseal oil also. Internally & externally. And there
wasn't too much pain. My son had some Noni juice I was drinking
then. A swallow a day.

However, one abscess in the calf of my leg, was not "oozing" and now
swelling with red streaks going across my skin. That sent me to the
ER at the urging of my LPN daughter (I described it to her over the
phone). There, they lanced, drained and packed it. And cultured the
ooze and told me I had Impetigo w/a Strep infection. I was very

They put me on an anti-biotic, doxycylene, (for 5 days) and it cleared
up (the sores stopped "oozing")! The abscess in my leg hurt from the
lancing so I spent a week with my leg propped up.

I started getting ready to hit the road for S. Dakota, when I got one
bump on my shoulder. I didn't think it was what I had 2 weeks before
that, because it was now only one bump and not all the yucky oozing

To avoid going back to the expensive ER and in an attempt to resolve
it in a natural way, is when I decided to start some "natural"
alternatives to antibiotics. I wanted to find a solution other than
the antibiotics.

My research says that MRSA is a pan-demic proportion medical disaster,
the next possible plague, with the bacteria mutating into antibiotic
resistant superbugs. I was very excited at this opportunity to find
other solutions.>

I went to a holistic healer who recommended colloidal silver and a
powerful probiotic, L.acidophilus, with the strength of over 8 billion
CFU's. (HMF Super Powder by Genestra Brands). Cost was about $100
(for both). Being in Austin, I was picking the aloe vera plants from
the back yard and putting the fresh gel on the bump.

I, also, continued taking the following: Echinacea/goldenseal oil and
large amounts of vitamin C, 1000-2000mg per day

The bump grew, then burst open like a ripe tomato, to which I applied
hot water compresses, that had been soaked in a bit of bleach, because
things got better with the previous sores, once they
"oozed"....however, the pain was getting worse, unlike the previous
sores. Eventually, my son took a digital photo of it so I could see
it in the LCD screen. It was filled with clusters of "pustules" and
was so extremely painful. Totally not like the first batch of sores.

I went immediately to the ER. They lanced and debried the abscess
and put a drain in it. The morphine and local anesthetic did nothing
to minimize the pain. The pain was the worse....I shook and pueked
for an hour afterwards. The experience is just a memory now, but it
messed my head up for several weeks. I couldn't even change the
bandage without getting shakey. Now they said I had MRSA.

I had to return to the ER 2 more times for them to clean and remove
the packing. On the 5th day I came down with a fever. I was still on
the new batch of Doxycylene and I immediately went back to the ER
where they admitted me.

Within 4 hours I was delerious and very ill, for 3 days before the
fever broke. They were administering saline solution thru an IV, as
well as, the super duper antibiotic vancomycin. I believe, had I not
had been there, I might not have survived.

The other AGR discussion group discuss the essential oils. The info
in these discussions have been very informative.

My recommendation is to get medical attention if one supects they have
staph ASAP! is too life threatening of a situation.

Cinnamon Meeker

2007年10月15日 晚上9:28:122007/10/15
Thank you so much for taking the time to go over all of this again Cassie! :-D (i sure wish that these google groups had the cute little smiley icons that so many message boards have)
On the basis of all I've heard about the MRSA strains of staph, I'd have to agree with you about seeking medical attention if one suspects staph. I was mainly asking because I wanted to know what alternatives you used & if you felt that you had tried the alternatives early enough, thank you again for the input.
Please know that my prayers are with you over your current situation.
Big Hugz to you Sis!

We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children."
Native American proverb

Iron rusts from disuse; stagnant water loses its purity and in cold weather becomes frozen; even so does inaction sap the vigor of the mind.  Leonardo da Vinci

Still Undefined

2007年10月16日 上午10:43:322007/10/16
收件者:Texas Rainbow chat group
No problem on rehashing it. I find it still amazing that it
happened. What an educational 3 months! Just like Job, of the
Bible! ....covered with boils and sores! ....and embracing
forgiveness was the way out of Hell!

And I am now learning more. I am looking into so much now....on MRSA,
now being called the Plague of the century. A good friend of mine
almost died of MRSA 3 years ago. He told me all about it, and how
even his brother had it for years and didn't know it. I thought that
it would not affect me so I paid no attention to him. Well, it now
has my attention!

I think my response then was a typical denial system we all have. I
have learned this: Once you have it, it is a desperate struggle. The
best weapon is "prevention" of contracting it. And that is through

And I am learning to meditate and change my consciousness in
preparation for whatever the future has. Thanks


On Oct 15, 9:28 pm, "Cinnamon Meeker" <> wrote:
> Thank you so much for taking the time to go over all of this again Cassie!
> :-D (i sure wish that these google groups had the cute little smiley icons
> that so many message boards have)
> On the basis of all I've heard about the MRSA strains of staph, I'd have to
> agree with you about seeking medical attention if one suspects staph. I was
> mainly asking because I wanted to know what alternatives you used & if you
> felt that you had tried the alternatives early enough, thank you again for
> the input.
> Please know that my prayers are with you over your current situation.
> Big Hugz to you Sis!

> --
> "Treat the Earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was
> loaned to you by your children

> We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our
> children."
> Native American proverb
> Iron rusts from disuse; stagnant water loses its purity and in cold weather
> becomes frozen; even so does inaction sap the vigor of the mind. Leonardo

> da Vinci- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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