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Smith Ross, Susan

Jun 28, 2006, 11:37:33 AM6/28/06
to souliv...@googlegroups.com, 22x...@yahoogroups.com, deltab...@yahoogroups.com, windycityj...@yahoogroups.com, uiblsa...@yahoogroups.com


Well another BET Awards has passed us by, and overall it was pretty good. Here is what Brian, Tianna & I have to say about most of the performances; I know yall got your two cents too!! LOL. Also, make sure you vote on the new poll!




BRIAN: Beyonce looked really beautiful and set the bar for performances that night. It was appropriate to have her as the opener. The all-girl band gave it an almost old-school Prince-ish vibe, like they were The Revolution, and they seemed like characters in the performance. It was hot chemistry. Her stomach was SICK, Beyonce’s body is great after Dreamgirls, even after putting on some more weight. Her energy was amazing, as well as her chemistry with Jay-Z. I really think Beyonce has stepped up her performance game. And I know ya’ll peeped Jay-Z smaking B’s butt. I guess the couple is being a little more playful now.

ANGEL: I’m not the biggest Beyonce fan in the world, but I can’t even hate on her performance. She did a good job. She was bouncing and jumping and shit a little too much to me, but it’s whatever. lol. And I know yall peeped her all girl band in the background, she wasn’t playing around with that. Highlight? Jay-Z spanking Beyonce’s ass. LOL. Was she lip-syncing?

TIANNA: Man this was the performance that made me want to watch the show in the first place. Girlfriend KILLED it. Her hair was looking good, her outfit…eh, could’ve been better but I liked the body art so that made it look hot. Then when Jay came and TAPPED THAT ASS, that really hyped me up. Angel she wasn’t lip syncing at all, that girl has a strong voice and she always hits the stage hard when she performs. I also like towards the end when she fell to the floor and started seizuring LOL. Bee is one hot lady and I’ll always love her.




ANGEL: BEST PERFORMANCE OF THE NIGHT, by far!!! Stage props were on point, everyone (except DMX) came out and did their verse. I can’t even front, I was up like I was there; that’s how hype I was. I was happy to see Eminem out too, he still got it. BUSTA definitely knows how to entertain. Much props to him.

BRIAN: Busta Rhymes’s performance was phenomenal. Kelis looked gorgeous, but the outfit was a little… odd to say the least. Will.I.Am always gives a good show, however the “Touch It” remix performance was just great. Hands down one of the best performances of the night. Everyone looked good, and it was just sick. Missy gave a great performance, as well as Rah Digga (who I was pleasantly surprised to see there) as well as Lloyd Banks and Papoose. Busta basically blanked on that performance, seriously. It was amazing.

TIANNA: Busta’s performance was OFF THE CHAIN. This is the performance that woke me the hell up because I definitely zzzed off during the show. When my sexy Kelis came out looking fly I was already feeling it. Then as soon as “Touch It” went off, the whole thing got crazy. Who expected Eminem’s lil ass to pop out from no where? I sure as hell didn’t. I don’t even like him like that and I was hyped when he came out. Good job Busta!




BRIAN: Jamie Foxx’s performance was good… but Fantasia on stage was so unneccesary. What was with that? She almost made the performance tacky with that orange dress and that kiss left a really bad taste in my mouth. Literally. I just thought that she made the whole thing tacky and classless. Leave it to Fantasia. She didn’t even really sing.


ANGEL: Jamie can sing his ass off live, but he needed to save all that lip sucking for behind closed doors. I know some sheets are getting dirty tonight, he wanted some Fantasia. Did yall catch Jamie trying to get another kiss from her towards the end of the performance? She pulled away from him though. LMAO @ Brian.

TIANNA:: Jame and Fantasia kissing…man I was already sick but that made me alot sicker lol. Somebody pointed out that after they kissed Jamie wiped his mouth off ROFL. But umm yea, the actual performace was cool, I like Jamie’s album so I appreciate him singing so many tracks from off there.




BRIAN: Janet Jackson looked stunning and classic with the members from the Good Time’s cast. She really just looked beautiful. My only question for that part was: Why was ole girl carrying her purse on stage?

ANGEL: LOL, She was carrying it because she knew she was at the BET AWARDS!! Niggas will still your shit. And I could have sworn Janet’s ass got smaller, I guess I was wrong. lol.

TIANNA: I busted out laughing when Bernadette came on stage with her purse. Don’t she know she out the ghetto lol? But Miss Janet looked very sexy, I can’t wait for her album to come out.




BRIAN: The Chaka Khan tribute was amazing. Everyone was so on point. Yolanda Adams sounded amazing! It was good to see Stevie out there doing his thing too. India.Arie should have waited until tonight to premiere her newly bald head again. She appeared on Jay Leno last night with a wig on and then tore it off to expose her newly bald head, so it wasn’t really a surprise. Chaka Khan sounded amazing though. I really enjoyed her! Who let Kanye bring his digital camera though? Hilarious!

ANGEL: I actually forgot how many hits Chaka had! I’m just happy she didn’t pop out of that tight leather outfit she was wearing; I know she was hot!! lol. India and them did a good job, waaay better than that bootleg tribute Toni Braxton and them did for Gladys Knight last year.

TIANNA: Man this Chaka tribute was off the hook, I was singing every song. I wish Chaka could’ve singed everything, Yolanda and India did good but ain’t nothing like here Chaka do her own songs. When she singed “Through The Fire” I was about to get teary eyed…man that song got too much history with me lol! LOL @ Angel, yea Toni ain’t sound right doing Gladys.



ANGEL: AHAHA. Did yall see that crusty ass platform he was standing on? That thing was shaking like crazy, I know he was worried about that. Chris did a good job though, I can’t even hate on him. His dance game is crazy, and he even stepped it up a bit with the vocals. YOOOOOOOooooo!!


BRIAN: Chris Brown is ELECTRIC. Usher and Omarion both need to watch their backs and step up their games, because Chris really set the bar for young male R&B talent. He has so much stage presence, and to be doing so much dancing and still be able to hold his own vocally was simply amazing. He really put on a show. And big ups on his Viewer’s Choice awards too.

TIANNA: This is when I fell asleep lol. I don’t know, I guess I really didn’t wanna see Chris’s lil ass after he won so many awards in categories where I was rooting for other people. I heard he flipped off the stage into the audience, that sounds a lil dangerous yeah lol?




BRIAN: Keyshia Cole looked alright. Her face and hair were beautiful, but I was really wishing that her dress could have been a little more classy because that “Love” performance had the potential to really be good. The dress was really not at all flattering to her body. She gave a little too much at the beginning and lost momentum towards the end, you could really tell she was tired.

ANGEL: Yeah homegirl did get a little bit tired towards the end, she was walking around on that stage a little too much. I love Keyshia Cole though. Her album is fire, and I’m glad she is getting some much deserved shine. Vocals were good though.

TIANNA: I wish she would’ve done another song, or combined “I Should’ve Cheated” with it. I dunno, this song was just too much for me and her voice was getting a lil annoying. This is one of those songs you can listen to by cd but can’t listen to it live lol. She looked cute tho, I can’t wait to see her ghetto reality show.




ANGEL: Damn, I fe lt so bad for the homie TI. They really fucked up his performance. I know he made some head rolls backstage. Good thing Diddy called BET on that shit later in the show.


BRIAN: T.I. really held his own during the performance, it’s just a shame that the mics were too turned down. The orchestra performance of “What You Know” would have been extremely hot if they’d just gotten the audio right. Seriously, I can say that he’s one of the few rap artist I love to watch perform because he’s energy is extremely high and he carries so much intensity.

TIANNA: Man they did my boy WRONG yo! And I was getting really hyped when it began because this is my song. then the music cut off and I’m like wtf lol? It would’ve been so hot if BET had the audio working…damn black folks!




BRIAN: Yung Joc and Diddy’s performance was randomly fun and they looked like they had a good time. It was a good little crowd stirrer.

ANGEL: Like I said earlier, It was funny how Diddy called BET out on their fuck ups. I know they were mad. Good performance though, I can’t lie I got up and did the “Tom Cruise” too. How dope would that have been if Tom came on the stage though?

TIANNA: IT’S GOIN DOOOOOOOWN. I dunno, I could’ve done without this performance, and I think Joc was rap syncing. But seeing how this song was the anthem of the summer, of course they had to do it.




BRIAN: Mary’s outfit for her performance was a mess. That one piece with that denim shrug, and that HUGE silver zipper blatantly on the back of that outfit? With that awful weave pony tail? Her performance to me was boring and low energy, and honestly, I’ve never been fond of Mary’s live voice. I was happy for her winnings, though.

ANGEL: Same ol Mary J performance to me. So this one gets a big ol NEXT! Still love Mary though, don’t get it twisted. She did better on Busta’s shit though.

TIANNA:I think I was sleep during this performace because I was wondering what happened to Mary. But if it was boring I’m glad my medication had me knocked out lol. Her lil denim piece looks cute but the jacket is too much YUCK.




BRIAN: Mary Mary looked and sounded awesome. I really love their chemistry on stage, their performance was beautiful and heart-felt. Those girls have some voices on them.

ANGEL: Point blank, these sistas can sang their asses off. I can’t believe that was actually live. Much props to them.

TIANNA: Man I love Mary Mary, they never fail me. Of course they won’t because these some CHUUUCH singers right here. I wish the audience could’ve showed them more love and not sat on them because the performance was so heartfelt to me. Oh and their hair ALWAYS looks right, do it up sisters!


Harry Belafonte Speech

BRIAN: I was so glad to see Harry Belafonte out at the awards. He looked really good for his age! My mom used to love him, so it was really good to see him out. It was good to see him get some recognition for being an activist and humanitarian because a lot of times, things like that are looked over. Not only that, but he’s mastered all different kinds of the arts. He really spoke the truth on the awards tonight!

ANGEL: It was good to see a living legend at the awards tonight. He has done so much in a lifetime, I could only imagine. Good to see he is still kickin, and making changes in this messed up world.

TIANNA: Harry is such a legend and it was really inspiring to see him speak. The acceptance speech he gave was so well spoken and powerful, I think alot of people from our generation could’ve taken so much from just those five minutes of hearing him talk. He definitely deserved that award.



ANGEL: Damon Wayans was horrible. Why was he even there? Did yall catch that wack ass african/g-unit joke he did at the beginning of the show. LAME!!

BRIAN: Damon was pretty much the definition of boring, corny and unfunny. They really could have chosen someone better for a host. And what was with that untied bow tie? I swear, the absolute worst.

TIANNA: Three words - HOR-RI-BLE. He wasn’t funny, and just wasn’t a good host period. His brother Keenan probably would’ve done better than him, at least he’s better eye candy.



BRIAN: I was really impressed with the award show, except for Damon’s performance. He was really terrible. Worse than Jessica Alba on the MTV Movie Awards. I was really expecting the awards to suck, but it turned out to be a really nice event. There was few room for complaints in my book, save T.I.’s audio mishap. They had top-notch performances and it just seemed pretty classy. I really enjoyed it - wouldn’t mind watching again.

ANGEL: I have to admit, I hyped myself up a bit for it, so I was kind of disappointed. It was a great show overall though. One of the best ones so far. BET really stepped up their game this year, well in the performance area that is. I know those BET Execs are fighting over who hired Damon Wayans as the host though. lol. Hopefully, Mo’Nique will come back next year, and tear down the house again. lol. BLACK STAR POWER was out in full force tonight..

TIANNA: I thouht it was alright. I kinda was hyped for it and it wasn’t even all I expected. The show had its good points and it’s bad points. Last year’s show was WAY better IMO.


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