stdout in pyscripter

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Jun 19, 2008, 5:44:05 PM6/19/08
to PyScripter
Hello, I am interested in knowing where stdout (e g printf statements
in c code) ends up in pyscripter.


A c function, compiled into a python module..

int add(int x, int y) {
int z = x + y;
printf("add will return %d\n",z);
return z;

..and a python script using the module:

# file:
import example
z = example.add(2,3)
print "function add was called from python, and returned %d" % (z)

- Running at the command prompt with python.exe - the c printf comes

C:\Program Files\swigwin-1.3.35\Examples\python\simple>python
add will return 5
function add was called from python, and returned 5

- Running in pyscripter using external run - the c printf comes

function add was called from python, and returned 5
add will return 5

- Running in pyscripter, internal engine - the c printf does not show

function add was called from python, and returned 5
(- but if pyscripter is invoked as "C:\Program Files
\PyScripter>pyscripter > myoutput.txt" I get "add will return 5" into
myoutput.txt once pyscripter is closed.)

- Running in pyscripter remote engine c printf does not show and,
myoutput.txt remains empty.

Does anyone know if there is a way I can get the c printf right into
the interpreter output in pyscripter, just as with python.exe from the
command line?

Thanks alot!


Jun 20, 2008, 5:29:48 AM6/20/08
to PyScripter
PyScripter and most Python IDEs redirect sys.stdout. Also GUI apps
like PyScripter have no standard output. What you need to do is

PyObject *f = PySys_GetObject("stdout")

and then use

PyFile_WriteString for writing to the sys.stdout.

This is what Python itself is doing and I think this is the best way
for printing from C extensions anyway.
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