Professional PHP Developers

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Welcome to the Professional PHP Forum.

Due to the large amount of SPAM coming in, we have opted for new member posting moderation. New members will be delayed as we review your profile (and posting topic). Thank you for your patience new members, please only post once, duplicate posts are only deleted and annoying...

Please keep topics to a "Question and Answer" format. This board is NOT for job openings, freelancing, random links to stuff, etc. We want to to help programmers solve PHP/MySQL problems only.

In response to SPAM that does get through (occasionally jerks slip through my very aggressive moderation practice here)...

  1. DO NOT reply to their thread, it propagates the message subject and keeps it focused and on top
  2. I try to clean the little bit of garbage that slips through once or twice a day... I will get it 99.9% of the time
  3. Try not to start threads about spam problems, it just means our real topics get buried and members get useless emails if they receive every message.
Thanks - Keeping the Board Clean : Signed, Joel - The Webdevil - List Admin