Trying Everyman

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පළමු නොකියවූ පණිවිඩය දක්වා මඟ හරින්න


2007 මාර්තු 25, 20.17.462007-03-25
සිට Polyphasic Sleep
I've been interested in polyphasic sleep for a few months, but never
tried it because the only schedule I had come across was Uberman, and
since I'm still at school it would be absolutely impossible to

But not long ago I came across the Everyman schedule. It seems that I
will be able to have more waking hours while managing to fit in school
in the middle of a couple of naps.

I figured out that if I nap just before and just after going to
school, between 7:30 to 8:00 and 16:30 to 17:00, and then have a core
sleep of 3 hours between 23:00 and 01:00, I can get about an extra 4
1/2 hours awake. Over easter I get a half term of more than two weeks,
so I thought I could start this schedule during then.

My current monophasic sleep is pretty erratic, because I tend to do
important things when I should be sleeping. The end result of this is
that I tend to be tired a lot during the day, and not so much during
the night.

Admittedly, this is because I'm a terrible procrastinator, but
hopefully the extra hours will help me do more of the important things
and less of the things which, although quite interesting, are rather
less important.

Does this sound like a schedule that could work? Will two weeks be
enough time to adjust to the schedule? Should I attempt this with
exams soon (early June)?

Daniel Yokomizo

2007 මාර්තු 26, 01.58.572007-03-26
On 3/25/07, Sam <> wrote:
> I've been interested in polyphasic sleep for a few months, but never
> tried it because the only schedule I had come across was Uberman, and
> since I'm still at school it would be absolutely impossible to
> attempt.
> But not long ago I came across the Everyman schedule. It seems that I
> will be able to have more waking hours while managing to fit in school
> in the middle of a couple of naps.
> I figured out that if I nap just before and just after going to
> school, between 7:30 to 8:00 and 16:30 to 17:00, and then have a core
> sleep of 3 hours between 23:00 and 01:00, I can get about an extra 4
> 1/2 hours awake. Over easter I get a half term of more than two weeks,
> so I thought I could start this schedule during then.

I'm on everyman for a couple of months now and while I'm not an expert
there are some hints that I can give you:

- The farther away from your core the more tired you'll feel so it's a
good idea to place the core just before you start working, going to
school, etc., which means (for most people, anyway) just before dawn.
My core goes until 5AM.
- Instead of planning your schedule around the amount of hours
sleeping/awake, let this amount set naturally during adaptation. Also
IME it's best to make a core with two full NREM/REM cycles, so while
on average this cycle lasts for 90 minutes for you it may be longer or
shorter. Also the nap length is really tricky, if you start to
struggle with 30 minutes try to make it shorter, it usually is much
- Just two naps is very hard to do, but not impossible. Most people
take three naps, sometimes more if necessary. I'm on two naps, but my
schedule is quite unusual.

> My current monophasic sleep is pretty erratic, because I tend to do
> important things when I should be sleeping. The end result of this is
> that I tend to be tired a lot during the day, and not so much during
> the night.
> Admittedly, this is because I'm a terrible procrastinator, but
> hopefully the extra hours will help me do more of the important things
> and less of the things which, although quite interesting, are rather
> less important.

IME it won't happen. More hours awake, more hours to procrastinate, but YMMV.

> Does this sound like a schedule that could work? Will two weeks be
> enough time to adjust to the schedule? Should I attempt this with
> exams soon (early June)?

Everyman takes longer to adapt than uberman for most people. Most
reports suggest three weeks is the usual time. Also some zombiness may
happen, but much less than on uberman, so I wouldn't attempt it
without some free time (i.e. vacation, spring break) on the first ten

You could go for a longer and smoother adaptation, first just getting
the naps without actually reducing your core, then cutting a couple of
hours of your core every week.

Daniel Yokomizo.

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