Preview of Soap functions

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belum dibaca,
5 Mar 2006, 04.43.1305/03/06
kepadaPhp Object Generator
Hi everyone,

We've just commited a stable revision of the pog source code to the SVN
repository. The code now includes one of the new features of 2.0: SOAP
webservice that allows code generation without going through POG's

The soap webservice is now also used internally. That is, even when
users use the POG interface, POG creates a Soap client and connects to
itself to generate objects. This is so that there's only one code to

A "preview" can also be found on the beta subdomain. In a few days,
we'll post an article on the blog, with instructions/examples on how to
generate objects using the soap webservice, and list some example uses.

the WSDL for the POG webservice can be accessed for now at

There are 5 SOAP functions:
1. GetGeneratorVersion
2. GenerateObject
3. GenerateObjectFromLink (@link)
4. GenerateConfiguration
5. GeneratePOGPackage

In addition to providing the source through open source, we do not plan
to adopt a membership/account system for end users to access the pog
webservice. I.e no need to register an account/etc. There is also no
plan to limit the number of requests per user / per month..etc.

To keep things brief, the soap functions are very promising since they
will ease the development of other small applications built on top of
POG..., the first of which being
which should have a preview release soon as well.

If you have any comments, feedback etc. feel free to post below.


belum dibaca,
8 Mar 2006, 14.14.1208/03/06
kepadaPhp Object Generator
As promised, here's a first look at the POG SOAP API documentation

For those that are interested, the documenation shows you how to use
the 5 SOAP methods currently implemented, along with working code

If you have any question or find a bug in the documentation, feel free
to let me know.

The SOAP API is mostly meant for developers who like what POG does and
would like to create their own web application based POG. Some example
scenarios from the top of my head:

1 Creating an arbitrary, user defined storage (similar to Google Base)
where the user defines what fields they want to create to describe
their products.

2 Create an auto-upgrade functionality for any web application already
based on POG

etc. etc.

Hope some of you find this document helpful.

Questions? feel free to add them below...

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