First day of Y-12 Trial in Knoxville - 3 CWers among them: Steve Baggarly - Norfolk VR , Mike Walli - Wash DC and Fr Bill Bichsel - Tacoma WA

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Frank Cordaro

May 10, 2011, 11:12:06 AM5/10/11
to National CW E-mail List
Previous posting: MEDIA RELEASE: TRIAL of 12 for July 2010 witness at
Oak Ridge Tn starts on Monday, MAY 9, 2011

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From: Felice & Jack Cohen-Joppa <>
Date: Tue, May 10, 2011

Dear friends,

Following is a report from Ralph Hutchison of OREPA of the first day
of the trial for 12 people arrested at the July 5, 2010 action
protesting nuclear weapons production at Y-12.  You can also see TV
news coverage here -

Below Ralph's report is a story from the Knoxville paper.

Felice and Jack


First day of trial went fine. had a great Sunday vigil the evening
before at Y12 as we revisited the scene of the crime. celebration of
hope-filled resistance was powerful and grand. a group of students
from Miami Dade University, about 15, visiting the area, came to both
events, from US, Cuba, Venezuela, and they loved it. one young woman
sang a song at the celebration.

Monday morning: processed to the courthouse led by Buddhist drumming
and chanting. tall peace crane banners, people on stilts. channel 10
(WBIR) covered and ran a story. haven't look at it but it can probably
still be found. morning and into afternoon on jury selection. we heard
openings ‹Mike Whalen, Brad Lyttle (now pro se) and Steve Baggarly.
they were great, and I wish I could recap, but that will have to wait.
Courtroom packed with supporters.

Ted Sherry, Y12 manager testified and opened the door to a lot of
things, we think. today we cross examine.

It's not unthinkable that the trial will end today, but we will see.
we start promptly at 9:00.

Knoxville news sentinel had a decent article on the web site; haven't
seen the print paper. photographer came late and took a picture of
Denise drumming and chanting; she kept vigil outside the courthouse
for several hours before they ran her off. people also stood on the
street with 13 posters of defendants and handed out leaflets to

We retired to Lissa's house for curry and sipping and thinking and
relaxing and John LaForge on muted cornet and Jake on accordion
playing Guantanamera.

peace to all,
Anti-nuclear activists' trial continues
Knoxville News Sentinel
Federal attorney: Case a matter of crossing a line


By Matt Lakin
Posted May 10, 2011 at midnight, updated May 9, 2011 at 10:03 p.m.

Prosecutors say the trial amounts to a simple case of crossing the line.

The defense says it's about the survival of the human race.

Testimony continues today in the federal misdemeanor trial of a dozen
anti-nuclear activists accused of trespassing on the grounds of the
Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge. Another protester will be
tried separately because of illness.

The activists, whose ranks include academics and Catholic nuns, don't
deny they crossed the blue line in front of Y-12 during a peace rally
July 5. They say they were obeying a higher law.

"These arsenals are not safe," said Bradford Lyttle, one of the
protesters who's acting as his own lawyer. "A mathematical probability
analysis shows they will be used, accidentally or intentionally. That
use will mean the end of civilization. What we did was not something
that should be condemned, does not deserve the word of guilt and does
not deserve punishment."

Assistant U.S. Attorney Jeff Theodore said the whole case comes down
to a line on the pavement.

"They exercised their First Amendment rights," he told the jury. "That
wasn't enough. They decided to cross the line. They openly and
intentionally broke the law. They knew what they were doing. They
wanted to be arrested."

U.S. Magistrate Judge Bruce Guyton ruled last month the activists
can't argue U.S. nuclear policy violates international law. That
didn't stop the defense from comparing their clients' protest to the
Boston Tea Party, civil-rights pioneer Rosa Parks' refusal to sit at
the back of the bus, and other acts of civil disobedience from
biblical times to the present.

Y-12 manager Ted Sherry testified the protesters didn't put up a fight
but couldn't have overlooked the warning signs and orders from guards
to stop.

The case could take two to three days.

Matt Lakin may be reached at 865-342-6306.


The following list shows all of the individuals currently on trial for

•Steve Baggarly of Norfolk, Virginia
•Brad Lyttle of Chicago, Illinois
•Jackie Hudson of Poulsbo, Washington
•Bill Bichsel of Seattle Washington
•Bonnie Urfer of Luck, Wisconsin
•Mary Dennis Lentsch of Washburn, Tennessee
•Beth Rosdatter of Lexington, Kentucky
•Carol Gilbert and Ardeth Platte or Baltimore, Maryland
•Michael Walli of Duluth, Minnesota
•Dennis DuVall of Prescott, Arizona
•Jean Gump of Bloomington, Michigan

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