Whats the Point?

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pol.science kid

May 6, 2009, 9:02:16 AM5/6/09
to "Minds Eye"
YOU know.... i dont c the point in all the advancements and stuff...
millions of years back..we were still doing what we do now..and will
always do..at the most basic level...eat ,sleep and reproduce.. of
course now its sex minus reproduction mostly..of course now there are
other things to pass time with
like ....careers ..governments ,terrorism....but the point is... what
are we after.....? are we looking to find some ultimate truth. reach
some ultimate stage......i mean after all we are all just gonna die
and life on the planet will finish and nothing will matter.....but we
are all just racing towards something..........


May 6, 2009, 11:11:59 AM5/6/09
to "Minds Eye"
I think you may have inadvertantly hit on something here.

The point is, there is none point to life other than to live. And
understand that I mean life in general, all life, not just human.

As to a porpouse to life, for us humans(as it does seem that mentaly
we need such a thing) well my friend that is for the indivdual to
find. So perhaps a better question would be, what's your porpourse?

pol.science kid

May 6, 2009, 11:23:44 AM5/6/09
to "Minds Eye"
yeah...we all want to find a purpose to make life meaningful..but
then.. when you sort of look at the bigger picture even the purpose
seems meaningless....for some its trying to make the world a better
place by social service etc. but then... i hit the same
question......whats the point......
> > are all just racing towards something..........- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -


May 6, 2009, 12:14:43 PM5/6/09
to "Minds Eye"
What are you really asking here? When you ask 'What's the point' what
exactly do you mean?
> > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -


May 6, 2009, 3:04:48 PM5/6/09
to "Minds Eye"
Nice to meet you political science kid. What is the point? Is a
question that many ponder. A question that we cannot answer on a
technical level. The answer has to come from within. Your personal
goal needs to be reassessed. We don't have an answer to the purpose
of life. But we follow along because we were deemed to be on this
Earth. Some people find their answer through a religious and
spiritual avenue, while others go in a totally opposite direction. It
doesn't mean we have a solution but have simply provided ourselves
with a substitute to the question that has been asked since the
beginning of time. Don't depress yourself with such thoughts. Make
the best out of your life. Be as good a person as you can be,
influence others positively, and let life take its course. Yes, you
will experience moments of pain and suffering, and you will also find
times of exhiliration. I've often found myself in a state of severe
depression when similar thoughts are provoked. I am not going to
assume that you are suffering from a stressful atmosphere, but I will
tell you to try to be strong. Your question proves that you have a
healthy mind and are quite perceptive and skeptical of the world's
existence. There's nothing wrong with that. We as humans will always
search for fulfillment.


May 6, 2009, 4:44:46 PM5/6/09
to "Minds Eye"
I understand that your negative outlook is pretty much justified by
the way of the world we live in.

There is a purpose to Life though. It is for progress of the
intelligence that is the Life force.
The collective intelligence of mankind is capable of overcoming all
the crap. We need to give it a chance by establishing a common
recognition of it. That would eliminate the self righteousness and
greed responsible for the crap.

If that intelligence were brought to light, you would see a world that
'IS a point' worthy of continuing Life.

peace & Love

pol.science kid

May 7, 2009, 6:13:13 AM5/7/09
to "Minds Eye"
By wats the point i meant... wats the point to everything we do...
like doing this post.. wats the point.. it wont make a difference..
wats the point of nething.. when we are all just going to be
finished...... Hey i dont want to sound like some paranoid scientist
afraid of an alien invasion..but all i am saying is.. lets give it all
up...coz there aint no point....lets be like garfield the cat ... know
wat i am sayng....;-)

pol.science kid

May 7, 2009, 6:18:11 AM5/7/09
to "Minds Eye"
hey nice to meet you too rosey... these thoughts about purposelessness
are not depressing at all. . . in fact they are quite relieving... i
feel less burdened following this train thought ... sometimes people
tend to take things and life too seriously..sometimes its actually
helpful to render things meaningless....

pol.science kid

May 7, 2009, 6:32:11 AM5/7/09
to "Minds Eye"

On May 7, 1:44 am, Tinker <tink...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> I understand that your negative outlook is pretty much justified by
> the way of the world we live in.
> There is a purpose to Life though. It is for progress of the
> intelligence that is the Life force.
> The collective intelligence of mankind is capable of overcoming all
> the crap. We need to give it a chance by establishing a common
> recognition of it. That would eliminate the self righteousness and
> greed responsible for the crap.
> If that intelligence were brought to light, you would see a world that
> 'IS a point' worthy of continuing Life.
C the thing is.....this collective intelligence is actually widely
dispersed... mostly people are so engaged in other lil trifle things
that they dont acknowledge it...its very difficult to establish a
common recognition of it....i dont think its possible at all...and
with the global warming and everything the world coming to a quick
end.. i dont think we'll be able to establish it..so we'll all just
die having achieved very lil..nd your profile quote says it too 'gr8
minds are met with violent opposition from mediocre minds' . i think
its impossible to establish the common recognition of collective
intelligence of mankind...
> peace & Love
> On May 6, 9:02 am, "pol.science kid" <r.freeb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > YOU know.... i dont c the point in all the advancements and stuff...
> > millions of years back..we were still doing what we do now..and will
> > always do..at the most basic level...eat ,sleep and reproduce.. of
> > course now its sex minus reproduction mostly..of course now there are
> > other things to pass time with
> > like ....careers ..governments ,terrorism....but the point is... what
> > are we after.....?  are we looking to find some ultimate truth. reach
> > some ultimate stage......i mean after all we are all just gonna die
> > and life on the planet will finish and nothing will matter.....but we


May 7, 2009, 6:52:16 AM5/7/09
to "Minds Eye"
Ahhh I get ya. Yes I have mulled over that many many times, and the
conclusion that I reach each time is the same.

There is no point, in the and all that you are or have done, or have
attchieved will be forgotten. However human feelings, are not to be
triffeled with. To do so can cause real harm, so although everything
about you will someday crumble and be forgotten, how you choose to
live in the present matters far more than your eventual demise.

It is that very reason that I have choosen to have fun while I'm here.
Laughing is good, and I was talking to the wife about just last week,
the very practice of simply smiling does make you feel better. Try it
out now, go right ahead and let a huge smile light up your face and
then tell me how that makes you feel. Then do the same but directed
at another human, and let me know how that makes them feel.

Life is good, laughter is good, and a simple smile makes life soooooo
much better.

pol.science kid

May 7, 2009, 7:02:45 AM5/7/09
to "Minds Eye"
hey! i tried smiling for no reason..nd kept a smiley face for a long
time .my sis asked me if i was all rite in the head..;-).. we live in
a sad world dude.. but i got your point.. you have pretty much put my
mind to ease... ;-D...


May 7, 2009, 7:19:29 AM5/7/09
to "Minds Eye"
Ahhh fuckin' great! Now where did I put that cape, I can hear a woman

pol.science kid

May 7, 2009, 8:06:37 AM5/7/09
to "Minds Eye"
you have a cape...... nice........ so what you play superman with your
cape and red underpants!!!!!!!!!!

Slip Disc

May 7, 2009, 8:50:59 AM5/7/09
to "Minds Eye"
You are forgetting that there is a great deal more to life than mere
physical existence on planet earth. There is a cosmological aspect to
all things. The earth is not just a place, it is part of a whole, a
system in which various forms of energy coexist. The simple fact
that you can think should bring about a new awareness of something
else going on, as thought is not tangible, cannot be packaged or
seen. Thought is only relayed verbally, written or via technology,
and even then it may not be accurately received. There is spirit and
soul to consider, parallel universes that present the aspect that your
life here may have purpose somewhere else. Your views seem to be
confined to the parameters of your immediate environment and
perspectives of life on earth. There is energy out there and around
us that we cannot see. Quantum physics, quantum fields, metaphysics,
psychics, clairvoyants, savants and mystical phenomena abound and you
want to sit around like Garfield. Start exploring and you may find
the point of it all. Simple examination of human history starting
with our primordial beginnings reveal that there is the progression of
intelligence that Tinker is referring to. You are part of the
millions who fail to see the power of the collective, including the
negative collective that you embrace. It is the collective mind that
has throughout history overcome obstacles and achieved the so called
'impossible'. History shows that collective determination can make
anything happen. Much of it all we can only glimpse on occasion
within our dreams and through our imagination we conjure up that which
we make manifest in our conscious reality.

PS: Please try typing out full words for the consideration of our
global community who may not be familiar with tech jargon or our
Thanks Kid
I no ur in2it 2b kuel but 2 sum its not Gr8.

pol.science kid

May 7, 2009, 9:05:43 AM5/7/09
to "Minds Eye"
hey stop being so hard on me..;-)...i was just posting wat i
thought...you can say all you want... i think we'll all just die
dumb... without having achieved much.. sorry for sounding so
negative.. but thats wat i think.. and sorry for not using full words
sir! plus.. I aint in2it coz its kuel... i just type what comes to the
mind.cool or uncool..

Slip Disc

May 7, 2009, 9:07:58 AM5/7/09
to "Minds Eye"
Since when is expounding on thought being hard on someone? In case
you haven't noticed, that is what Minds Eye is primarily all about.

nupur rana

May 7, 2009, 9:16:11 AM5/7/09
to Mind...@googlegroups.com
all rite all rite ... i will write more sensible stuff in my new posts....God...

Slip Disc

May 7, 2009, 9:22:46 AM5/7/09
to "Minds Eye"
I see you are into ceremonial observances and believe in God! lol

nupur rana

May 7, 2009, 9:29:02 AM5/7/09
to Mind...@googlegroups.com
oh yeah.. no beginings without God.;-)

Chris Jenkins

May 7, 2009, 10:33:02 AM5/7/09
to Mind...@googlegroups.com
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pol.science kid

May 7, 2009, 10:39:32 AM5/7/09
to "Minds Eye"
its definitely no beginings without GOd... GOD came first.. i dont
know in what form .....but all the same ... no beginings without

On May 7, 7:33 pm, Chris Jenkins <digitalprecip...@gmail.com> wrote:
> No God without beginnings...
> "...did you make mankind, after we made you?" - Dear God, XTC
> [ Attached Message ]From:nupur rana <r.freeb...@gmail.com>To:Mind...@googlegroups.comDate:Thu, 7 May 2009 18:59:02 +0530Local:Thurs, May 7 2009 6:29 pmSubject:[Mind's Eye] Re: Whats the Point?


May 7, 2009, 11:05:47 AM5/7/09
to "Minds Eye"
Hey, kid, if you are convinced that there are no beginnings without
"god", then you've got your point right there. Maybe you should
discuss it with God :-).

Personally, I get along fine without him/her/it/them/whatever. You/we
make your/our own point. All the time, ongoing, developing. It's the
great challenge and reward of our existence. Of course you can do a
Garfield, if you want to - but where are you going to get the lasagne?


On 7 Mai, 16:39, "pol.science kid" <r.freeb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> its definitely no beginings without GOd... GOD came first.. i dont
> know in what form .....but all the same ... no beginings without
> GOD...
> On May 7, 7:33 pm, Chris Jenkins <digitalprecip...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > No God without beginnings...
> > "...did you make mankind, after we made you?" - Dear God, XTC
> > [ Attached Message ]From:nupur rana <r.freeb...@gmail.com>To:Minds-...@googlegroups.comDate:Thu, 7 May 2009 18:59:02 +0530Local:Thurs, May 7 2009 6:29 pmSubject:[Mind's Eye] Re: Whats the Point?


May 7, 2009, 11:10:22 AM5/7/09
to "Minds Eye"
"... no beginings without GOD..." - psk

And, when asked why...the silence was golden!

On May 7, 7:39 am, "pol.science kid" <r.freeb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> its definitely no beginings without GOd... GOD came first.. i dont
> know in what form .....but all the same ... no beginings without
> GOD...
> On May 7, 7:33 pm, Chris Jenkins <digitalprecip...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > No God without beginnings...
> > "...did you make mankind, after we made you?" - Dear God, XTC
> > [ Attached Message ]From:nupur rana <r.freeb...@gmail.com>To:Minds-...@googlegroups.comDate:Thu, 7 May 2009 18:59:02 +0530Local:Thurs, May 7 2009 6:29 pmSubject:[Mind's Eye] Re: Whats the Point?


May 7, 2009, 12:42:33 PM5/7/09
to "Minds Eye"
The collective intelligence is like a force field around the Earth.
You are one of very very few who have/will acknowledge it.
To establish a common recognition is very possible. The problem is
that people use it to justify their own personal beliefs and are
afraid to acknowledge that it is our common link. It would take away
their claim to 'their truth'.

Your view of the way of the world is correct. The window of
opportunity for making the change with the common recognition of our
'One' (col. intel.) will be closing soon.

It can be done, but every day the odds are slipping to the favor of

peace & Love


May 7, 2009, 12:49:33 PM5/7/09
to "Minds Eye"
God was 'ping'. In the beginning there was nothing, "ping", an action
of energy, the reaction "pang" (Yin/Yang).
That was the beginning of our existence. Just like the 0s & 1s of
computer technology develop, so did the creation in which we exist.

peace & Love

On May 7, 10:39 am, "pol.science kid" <r.freeb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> its definitely no beginings without GOd... GOD came first.. i dont
> know in what form .....but all the same ... no beginings without
> GOD...
> On May 7, 7:33 pm, Chris Jenkins <digitalprecip...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > No God without beginnings...
> > "...did you make mankind, after we made you?" - Dear God, XTC
> > [ Attached Message ]From:nupur rana <r.freeb...@gmail.com>To:Minds-...@googlegroups.comDate:Thu, 7 May 2009 18:59:02 +0530Local:Thurs, May 7 2009 6:29 pmSubject:[Mind's Eye] Re: Whats the Point?


May 7, 2009, 6:06:39 PM5/7/09
to "Minds Eye"
nothing is exactly that, no-thing!


May 7, 2009, 6:24:03 PM5/7/09
to "Minds Eye"
Do you mean no(minus)thing is the same as zerothing? Or are you (just)
talking semantics?


May 7, 2009, 6:36:31 PM5/7/09
to "Minds Eye"
no thing zero thing
then along came ping
now we are being

peace & love


May 7, 2009, 9:07:25 PM5/7/09
to "Minds Eye"
gabby, just saying there is no such thing as nothing...'tis all....


May 8, 2009, 3:53:34 AM5/8/09
to "Minds Eye"
I see we’re talking, Tink.
Never mind the missing ink.


May 8, 2009, 3:55:18 AM5/8/09
to "Minds Eye"
Which reminds me of the same endless conjugation patterns Pottsie
tried to impose on us.


May 8, 2009, 8:34:34 AM5/8/09
to "Minds Eye"
Just one more example of humanity's insistence on imposing meaning
everywhere it turns.


May 8, 2009, 10:39:18 AM5/8/09
to "Minds Eye"
"Which reminds me of the same endless conjugation patterns Pottsie
tried to impose on us." - gabbers

Yep...we all have memories. In particular, I was remembering a small
group lecture in a Buddhist temple by Robert Thruman...and he was
discussing a debate he had a while back about dharma...and, the voice
inflection he gave with "Nothing is nothing!" still rings in my ears
and marrow...

Much of intellectual stuff can be or at least appear to be
imposing...as many have said, take it or leave it...I type...I
read...'tis all.


May 8, 2009, 11:50:02 AM5/8/09
to "Minds Eye"
Please help me to understand why you are telling me "there is no such
thing as nothing" while you were being taught that "nothing is
nothing"??? This is not all this is nothing.
> ...
> Erfahren Sie mehr »


May 8, 2009, 12:42:01 PM5/8/09
to "Minds Eye"
..doubt that I could help gabby...had to be there and hear the words
and experience the moment. Thanks for asking though!
> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > millions of years back..we were still doing what we do- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -...
> read more »


May 8, 2009, 1:34:49 PM5/8/09
to "Minds Eye"
I don't mind
I thought I was blind

peace & Love
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