MacFusion 1.1 Release (try 2)

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Michael Gorbach

May 22, 2007, 12:24:44 PM5/22/07
to MacFusion-devel
Going to try and repost this as Google groups was being problematic.
MacFusion 1.1 is released! There are many bug fixes and requests
implemented so I suggestion everyone upgrade as soon as possible from
the beta. I'm looking forward to your feedback on this release.
The full changelog is at the bottom of this post.

You can grab the new release at Google code:

Another note:
After several user requests, I have decided to set up a way for
MacFusion users to donate to help support the development of the
project. I've created a secure paypal link on the right side of
MacFusion's shiny site here:
Any donations would be greatly appreciated and I'll be putting them
directly to use in supporting further development of MacFusion.

Stay tuned for updates on new plugins for MacFusion and the future of
the project as a whole.
I'll also be asking for feedback soon on proposed future directions
for MacFusion.

MacFusion 1.1 Changelog:

1. Compatible with standard Fink and MacPorts installations;
MacFusion (curlftpfs and sshfs plug-ins) will recognize alternate
paths to libfuse.
2. Contextual menu for the Favorites view.
3. Contextual menu option: duplicate an existing favourite.
4. Contributors to code are credited in an authors file.
5. Dependency checking: MacFusion? should warn once if it
encounters a version of MacFUSE that is untested with the running
version of MacFusion.
6. Favorites window floats. Window can be minimized. Window is lost
only when Exposé is active.
7. Headers are packaged in bundle under headers.
8. Log is written to ~/Library/Logs/MacFusion.log where it is
readable by Apple's Console utility.
9. Log window pane resizes in harmony with window frame.
10. Log window scrolls automatically if nothing else is selected.
11. Logging API improved, using plug-ins to guarantee properly
ordered presentation of notifications.
12. Logging from the macfusion core should now go directly to the
log window and log file instead of the console.
13. OK button fixed for saving changes to paths, sshfs options and
other fields in the Edit sheet of the Favourites window.
14. Plug-ins link against MacFusion?.app using -bundle_loader.
15. Preferences are written to ~/Library/Preferences/
org.mgorbach.MacFusion.plist at time of preference.
16. Processes from sshfs are now correctly terminated on unmount
(using SIGKILL) if we are using -odebug in the advanced flags.
17. Selection changing discontinuously fixed.
18. Quick Mount window floats.
19. Sparkle checks for updates to MacFusion application bundle
(only) are preferred by default for first-time users. Preference
window at first launch should no longer be obscured.
20. Sparkle updating is now enabled and linked to the appcast of
macfusion off
21. UI improvements.


Michael Gorbach

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