Conces and Hurt on the Fair Tax

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Bob Hurt

Jan 30, 2007, 2:03:47 PM1/30/07

To all Lawmen and Sovereign People:


Yes, I have an opinion on the Fair Tax, and some of you hoping for relief from the IRS might not like what I have to say.  I have published Chuck Conces’ wishy-washy opinion below for your reference.  And now I give you my opinion:




The FAIR TAX imposes a so-called flat excise tax of 23% upon most people through the mechanism of a sales tax.  If you live in poverty, then you get a rebate, and if you don’t then, you’ll probably feel the pressure of poverty to make you cheat on your taxes anyway, buy and sell in the “underground”,  barter, and so on, and you will still have to battle the IRS.


TAXES have grown OBSOLETE, so ANY TAX constitutes an UNFAIRNESS.


Did you get that?  OBSOLETE. 


Why?  Because:


  1. For “legal tender” we use “funny money” (Federal Reserve Notes) that only looks like money but consists of debt instruments that you cannot redeem at the treasury or any bank for anything of equal face value.  Why should you have to pay a tax to use a debt instrument to obtain the necessities and pleasures of life?
  2. The Government destroys the value of the funny money by spending more money than it receives, so much more that the national debt, much of which the Government owes to the Federal Reserve Banks for money services, has reached staggering heights.  Our profligate government has destroyed our money, ruined the value of the money we have or earn, and gotten the US into such enormous debt it can never get out by any lawful means.  In fact, ALL of the income taxes people now pay goes to the Federal Reserve as debt service.
  3. The Government has established oil as the backing for the US Dollar, and rather than joining OPEC and forcing oil prices ever lower, it stands idly by while OPEC members force oil prices ever higher.
  4. The Government destroys the value of our currency by fighting illegal wars against OPEC members because those members, out of spite or self-preservation, sell their oil for Euros rather than dollars, thereby reducing the dollar demand; meanwhile, the government has failed to capture the oil revenues of those countries to offset the cost of the war.  That causes a net loss of liquidity for Americans because it increases our tax burden.


You see, deficit spending and having nothing of value that the people can get their hands on backing the dollar IMPOSES a HUGE DE FACTO TAX on your wages, savings, and possessions pegged to the dollar.  Let’s say you had $100,000 in a Federal Reserve Notes account in the bank 5 years ago. You would have accumulated 2% interest and lost at least 40% through inflation.  So, today that money will buy only $62, 000 in goods and services.


Does that make you an idiot for saving money?  No, but it makes the people running the government a pack of criminals for setting the stage to destroy your money through a back-end DIRECT PROPERTY TAX.  It constitutes a crime because it amounts to a DIRECT TAX on YOU, in violation of the Constitution.


Meanwhile, you have the IRS and DOJ running around like rabid chickens trying to peck your financial eyes out through the imposition of an illegal income tax.  You don’t cure that problem by establishing an even more abusive and destructive unfair tax. 


You cure the IRS problems by rallying to the support of fellow Citizens, demanding your Clerks stop recording bogus Notices of Federal Tax Lien, demanding the Sheriff arrest marauding IRS agents for RICO violations, fraud, and conspiracy to commit grand theft, and demanding your State Attorneys prosecute them to the hilt and get them tossed in prison.  You do by forming Sovereign People groups for that purpose in each county, electing officers, establishing committees, and you GET TO WORK on bringing the perps to justice by whatever means necessary.


Through criminal misbehavior, the Government continues destroying dollar value daily, and the Fair Tax will not stop it.  So, no flat tax will seem fair to me, not even if the government would re-establish proper precious minerals backing for the dollar, repudiate the Federal Reserve Debt, put social security money into indexed stocks, stop backing the oil industry, and slam a 100% hydrogen energy program into fast action for transportation, homes, and industry.  The Fair Tax constitutes an unfair effort to force ALL Americans to support the Government’s insane and criminal irresponsibility regarding our money. 


Besides, the Congress has no constitutional authority to impose any kind of excise tax on us here in the union states.  We could say we don’t worry about it, but we know what the Congress, President, and tax authorities have done to state Citizens over the past 95 years in their scurrilous imposition of a direct tax under the color of law.  We should worry, and we should rise up in unity against all criminals who foist such a system off on us.


Let us remember that Article I Section 8 Clause 17 LIMITS THE POWER OF CONGRESS TO THE FEDERAL ZONE.  Even if Congress passes a so called Fair Tax act, it cannot force that fair tax upon the people of the union states because its authority does not extend into the union states.  The proponents of the Fair Tax seem to have forgotten that the US Government has no authority to interfere in the affairs of the states or impose any tax upon the people of the states by any means whatsoever, direct or indirect. 


The Federal Government can lawfully impose a direct tax only upon the state governments, not upon the people of the states.


The Federal Government can lawfully impose an indirect tax only upon federal zone residents who engage in taxable activities.


Outrageously, the Fair Tax would seek to impose the huge sales tax upon everyone, including the people of the union states.


Only the ignorant and the idiotic would support such an insane scheme or pretend a Fair Tax will amount to anything more than a disaster.


Fair Tax advocates would do better to work to repeal the 17th Amendment and restore to state legislatures some kind of voting power in the US Senate.  Maybe that would put some sense back into our Congress.  I consider that a vital necessity in the event Congress decides some day to tax the states directly.   Without such power, any direct tax would constitute taxation without representation, one of the main reasons our forefathers fought a violent revolution against the agents of King George.


How quickly and easily some of us forget…



Sincerely and without prejudice,


Bob Hurt, All Rights Reserved
2460 Persian Drive #70 × Clearwater, FL 33763
+1 (727) 669-5511 ×


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I don’t: belong to a Bar; practice law; give legal advice.



Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 11:24 AM
Subject: Fair Tax


Dear Lawmen and Hard Riders:


A few of our members do not think the Fair Tax will be fair or do away with the IRS. One writes:

Chuck - How can we say that this new HR 25 bill is "fair"?  It is the Income Tax with another name.  The Fed and Congress are the real perps here, and you know it.  NOTHING IS GOING TO CHANGE!!!!


Now you know why Russo's upper leaders have refused to allow the solution written by Eric Whoru to be talked about within his group.


This bill legalizes what was the Illegal income tax does it not?   My grandchildren will never be free of the tyranny of the Federal Reserve and stealing our property.



Loma and Others:

If the Fair Tax passage does not stop the IRS from interfering with our lives and our property, then I would agree that it would be bad. If the Fair Tax does not do away with the "income tax", then it would be bad.


As the income tax, as it is now misapplied to individuals, usurps the Constitution, the elimination of it, even of the corporate income tax, would be a good thing. Many folks would find that the fear of the IRS would be gone. Our country would regain a sense of freedom, that we haven't had since the end of WW II. Before WW II, individuals did not have state or federal taxes taken out of their paychecks. My father did not have anything taken out. We have a Detroit member who remembers the same.


The Fair Tax, while it may add 23% to the purchase price of new products, would take the cost of income taxes and the accounting costs out of the price of new goods, and that would be a "wash". Let's use our heads. To rid ourselves of the tyranny that exists now, would allow us to live in freedom. I hear several women complaining about the Fair Tax, and those same ladies live in mortal fear of the IRS each day as they arise from sleep. How can anyone, except the Federal Reserve employees, not want the Fair Tax to replace the corporate income tax and the individual income tax? Even federal employees will want it replaced!


The only reason that the Fair Tax is on the table now, is that we are successfully proving our case that the individual income tax is mostly being misapplied. The Administration knows this and is trying to cover up the facts. To pass up this opportunity does not make any sense, except to those who would rather dump our whole country into the garbage.


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All for the Greater Honor and Glory of God,
Chuck Conces


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Bob Hurt

Jan 30, 2007, 3:27:58 PM1/30/07

Col. Lucius Marsh just pointed out to me that if you deposited $100,000.00 in your bank in 1970, it will buy you $19,239.00 worth of goods today.  Try this calculator:






Bob Hurt



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