I agree that the law of attraction (see below) does not apply universally NOW, as we mature spiritually it applies all the more.
I offer as proof the world around you.
Not a single manmade thing you see came into existence except after some human being or group of humans pictured it mentally first.
God demonstrated the capacity to convert thoughts into physical reality when he created the universe of universes, and apparently, he continues to create it every moment. God gave that power to us.
THAT is the point worthy of the attention of every Christian. We have the power to transform the world around us by seeing the ideals in our minds first, and then working to materialize them. The founding fathers of the United States of America did precisely that when, over time, they declared independence, formed a continental congress, fought a war for independence, and drafted the Constitution of the United States of America.
We now face the problem that a very powerful set of people picture in their minds a set of circumstances that put us at a disadvantage. Those people created the Federal Reserve, pushed into existence the 14th, 16th, and 17th Amendments, and now seek to keep us their financial slaves into eternity.
We who fight government corruption must hold in our thoughts a picture of responsible liberty that effectively opposes that other evil picture in which we serve as slaves. And when enough Americans do so hold the picture of liberty, the actions to ensure liberty will follow just as daylight follows darkness.
Remember that every penniless patriot prisoner knew in advance the fate in store for those who stand alone in opposition to the government. Their thinking landed them in jail, and it can get them out.
I know you understand this because I have read your papers denouncing IRS and DOJ tyranny, and because I know first hand of your efforts to share your vision of liberty with thousands of other Lawmen across America.
You constitute the living proof of your own belief in the Law of Attraction you so handily denounce in your comments below. You believe it so thoroughly that you have worked through the Lawmen Public Interest Group to plant your vision in the minds of “Lawmen” throughout the United States.
Even though your personal struggle against the IRS might land you in jail, beyond any doubt, your vision does spread to others. In time, if you find a way to continue Lawmen after you go to prison for tax evasion as so many like you have, that vision of responsible liberty will so occupy the thoughts of so many Americans that a rising tide of pressure will force a change in our government and laws so as to conform them to your vision.
Now the question is: will you clutch Lawmen to your breast so that no one but you can access the nationwide list of Lawmen members, and will the DOJ and a corrupt judge toss you in prison so as to destroy the link Lawmen across America have with one another? Or will you wisely provide a means to allow Lawmen groups across the country to contact each other, perhaps the way Bob Schulz does in We The People (
Your web sites have already stopped giving information to would-be Lawmen, and they have stopped allowing people to send you email. The Court has already forced you to pull in your horns and enter the quiet zone. It has already begun to strip you of the power to share your vision with others, so Lawmen will not grow the way it once did. As far as I know, your regional Lawmen coordinators do not know the identities or contact information of the other regional coordinators, and they cannot communicate important Lawmen information (so far only your personal ideas and case history) to others in the country.
You might be wise to find some way to put all the coordinators in touch with one another, such as by setting up a web site in a country the IRS and DOJ and corrupt judges cannot influence.
You might consider this axiom: a communication line tends to blow up in the face of anyone who tampers with it.
The key to expanding your vision: open communication the communication channel to Lawmen across America can contact and share that vision with each other.
Bob Hurt
From: [] On Behalf Of Charles F Conces
Sent: Saturday, July 08, 2006
10:50 AM
Subject: [national_lawman] The
Secret of attraction.
Lawmen and Others:
I'm listening to the law of attraction. I can't believe that people are
believing this. Can Schiff think himself out of prison? Can you stop from
getting a traffic ticket by thinking attraction thoughts? Can you stop
having your paycheck from withheld by thinking thoughts of attraction?
Can you stop paying property taxes by thinking thoughts?
This is what is known as gnosticism. It is subjectivism gone mad. This
same kind of thinking have penetrated our churches, our schools, and our
courts. Why can judges believe things that are contrary to objective
truth? It is because they are captured by imagination and divorced from
reality. Why can't Christians stand up against evil? Because some believe
they are going to be raptured out of here, others believe that Christ
told them to do whatever the government tells them to do. "I'm a good
person" type thinking. It is at the root of our troubles.
Even the Federal Reserve System cannot be thought out of existence by
attractive thinking.
Years ago, I complained to the public school system that they were
teaching something contrary to Christian thinking. They were telling
students that "feeling good about yourself" was the be all and end
It was drummed into our kids over and over. Now we see kids who cannot
even deal with reality and do drugs to ease their pain. The Public school
responded by saying the local clergyman was teaching "feelings".
Christ didn't say to the woman at the well, "Go and feel good about
yourself" or "Go and think attractive thoughts". He said
"Go and sin no
Why are so many people willing to sell their own mothers for a better
position or better pay? Because they don't believe that Jesus meant what
He said. They excuse their behavior by reasoning that if they get more
power or money, they will use it in a good way. But they are willing to
lie and steal to get ahead. Why are our politicians so corrupt? Partly
fear of reprisal, but also desire to rise through the ranks. And while
they are doing their dirty deeds, our countrymen wallow in wishful
thinking (attractive thoughts).
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I am not a lawyer. I do not give legal advice. We are America's
Please give your name and Lawman group to which you belong. 5,000 +
God Bless. Chuck Conces