Who Feels Bach Correctly - The Soul Of Music - {HRI 20040704-V3.1} - (Version 3.1 on 12 June 2005)

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Jun 12, 2005, 5:07:12 PM6/12/05
to Koos-Nols...@googlegroups.com
Who Feels Bach Correctly - The Soul Of Music

4 July 2004
{HRI 20040704-V3.1}

(Version 3.1
on 12 June 2005)

(suitable for foreign
language students)


Because the music of Bach is about feeling life itself,

not about pretending to feel it, but feeling and truly
connecting to life,

those who perform Bach to my understanding correctly, are caring,
loving, sincere, beautiful beings:

The ideal performers of Bach's music, of course.


Someone who plays the Bach Cello Suites correctly, (*) is
Robert Cohen.

Someone else who plays the Bach Cello Suites correctly
as well, who is equally gentle and beautiful in his
performance, is Pierre Fournier.

Those are just two examples of Bach performers, who make
the connection that Bach intended, to feeling.

Of each of the six Suites for cello, I have taken the
first parts - the most creative parts, or Preludes -

I play these one after the other, as I like these
parts most, above the other parts -

the other parts were, at that time, dances,

dance music, which you can still see from
the names of those parts: 'Bourree,'
'Gigue,' 'Sarabande,' 'Courante,' and so


Then there are those musicians, again an endless list, and not only
performers but also composers,

who equally have felt the connection that Johann Sebastian Bach
makes to music, the connection he makes with music, the
connection he makes for others with music,

who feel with that music a connecting *(1)

to The Creation - that is, to the true nature of life
itself, a connecting -

to life and to themselves,

and who then have used that feeling,

of 'endless space in which to create'

- also when they were not consciously aware of most of the
things that make up the true nature *(2) of their own
life and that of others, but feeling some of it no less -

because The Creation exists, regardless of how much
one is at a given time made unaware of it, or whether
one is regaining (again getting back) some awareness
of it - thus connecting to The Creation

to pursue partly or sometimes entirely their own course in music.


And some of them have made their own rendition of Bach

- playing together with Bach (so it might feel) in a
timeless duet -

building their own music, and feeling free by a secure
connection, *(1) to create their own emotion and express it
in music with Bach.


Being securely connected makes you free and able to act freely.

This, a very good parent might know, is the way also
for well-intentioned children to be really free:

Because they know they are secure

- because they are seen, felt and also
respected as they are,

because they are able to express that
what they really feel,

because they are able to feel correctly
what others express truly,

in other words, because they are
securely connected to feeling life -

they can then act freely in what they choose to
do, wherever they choose to be.


The composer Gounod might have built his famous 'Ave Maria' with
that feeling:

Building it on the first part of Bach's Well-Tempered
Clavier, using its gentle succession of notes that reach
time and again to heaven, gently.

And on that firm foundation of 'space in which to create,'
Gounod is putting his own melody

to express the gentleness of the greatest Love one
can imagine:

Love as Plato meant it, Love that Francis of
Assisi made felt.


I have mentioned, that - after leaving my parents' house - I grew up
to listening to performances that opened that door to music:

Music that connected, and that continues to keep my soul
connected, to heaven,

that is, to The Creation as it actually exists - and exists
regardless of how much awareness or feeling of its nature
and existence anyone has available.


Without knowing it consciously at all, these musicians kept me

- with their musical performance expressing their own
soul and feelings -

in a world where there are more lies 'per square inch of
printed paper,'

many more than you could comfortably detect,

where there are more denials of who and what you are,

many more than you could sense and feel

(and thus many more impinging on you than
you could discard - as you do discard
them, by feeling these denials of life)

that exist 'per cubic centimeter' polluting the
'air' which we breathe with our souls. *(4)

People ARE souls, after all. *(2)*(5)


I have mentioned Louis Van Dijk, Chris Hinze, Thijs Van Leer,
and I am sure they are not fully aware of what marvelous,
exceedingly valuable job they did for people,

else they would maybe work as hard as Bach himself did,

and which he did despite the members of the town
council of Leipzig - as has been well recorded.


Many a performer who is a caring, loving, sincere, and beautiful
being - Andre Rieu comes to my mind - did manage to keep that
awareness of

how tremendously he enriches the lives, the souls of

like you know it, too, from a singer, Nat King Cole,
whom I have mentioned elsewhere. *(6)


So, now we could maybe say something about those who can not play
Bach correctly.

Typically, Glenn Gould comes to mind, who uses Bach in order to
get people to listen to the insincerity and lack of care for
life, that is the nature of Glenn Gould; and to get the audience
to applaud unwittingly to that too.

This becomes more obvious even, when you hear Glenn Gould
play Mozart.

Mozart provides a connection to the soul,

with music approaching you with that very
intense sincerity of his very alive Beauty,

that connects you to life itself. *(8)


In contrast, Glenn Gould, as already his friend Robert
Fulford, a distinguished Canadian author, wrote about

"Even as a child Glenn was isolated because he was
working like hell to be a great man."


The point is, that people ARE souls, and some of them ARE great - and
this was known to Bach, you might understand from his various
conversations -

Johann Sebastian Bach whose soul - as you might know - was
born shortly thereafter again, as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart;

and the difference you observe in those two life times, is
largely due to the fact that Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart had an
undetected Criminal Mind *(7) as his father (Leopold),

who had spiritually blinded his son Wolfgang and kept
him blinded to such an extent, that

Wolfgang acted on the belief, that he, Wolfgang
- with his enormous capacity to create Love and
to Care - was able

"to make even a Criminal Mind be decent
and helpful (to him, and, if only by
supporting him, to Mankind as well)."


Wolfgang having that much of his Energy
continuously drained however, rather than
having it at his own disposal for perceiving
and defending himself against Criminal Minds,

impaired Wolfgang's ability to stay alive
himself - impairing it so severely, that he
died early, by

putting too much of his tremendous vitality in
the very wrong hands. *(7)(5)(9)


That Bach IS a great soul, you may further see from the connection
to Leonardo Da Vinci, who is - and this you might not know - the same
soul, born earlier, in Italy.

Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
human rights philosopher and poet

'Solomon's wisdom was greater
than the wisdom of
all the men of the East,
and greater
than all the wisdom of Egypt.'

1 Kings 4:30


(1) 'The Feeling "When God Has Left You..."
- Introduction to 'What is Hell' ' {HRI 20031124-V3.1}
(24 November 2003 - Version 3.1 on 22 Feb 2005)

(2) 'The Nature Of The Cosmos As Seen From Earth (Version 1.0)'
{HRI-20010829-V1.0} (29 Aug 2001)

(3) 'Fine Particle Physics To Understand Psychosis'
{HRI 20030227-V2.2} (27 Feb 2003 - Version 2.2 on 23 Jan 2005)

(4) 'Not WHY Is There Suffering, But WHO Causes It - Is The Question'
{HRI 20030610} (10 June 2003)

(5) 'What IS Depression or Lethargy' {HRI 20041107-V2.2}
(7 November 2004 - Version 2.2 on 14 Dec 2004)

(6) 'Understanding The Origin Of Evil' {HRI 20031025-V1.1}
(25 October 2003 - V1.1 on 3 Nov 2003)

(7) 'Rights of Criminal Minds' {HRI 20040108} (8 January 2004)

(8) 'The Trinity Of Science - Truth, Love and Beauty'
{HRI 20030307-pi-1-V2.1} (7 Mar 2003 - Vers. 2.1 on 17 Oct 2003)

(9) 'Criminal Minds ENJOY LYING, And THEY Know They Intentionally Lie'
{HRI 20050527-V3.5} (27 May 2005 - Version 3.5 on 10 June 2005)


'The Promised Definition of Friendship' {HRI-20050327-V2.4.1}
(27 March 2005 - Version 2.4.1 on 7 Apr 2005)

'Learning And Reading - Leonardo Da Vinci and Galileo Galilei had
an excellent command of reading and writing' {HRI 20040811}
(11 August 2004)

'The Trinity Of Science - Truth, Love and Beauty'
{HRI 20030307-pi-1-V2.1} (7 Mar 2003 - Vers. 2.1 on 17 Oct 2003)

'Living In The Present - Definition' {HRI 20030102} (2 Jan 2003)

'A Poem of Love and Adventure'
(17 July 2004 - Version 2.4 on 12 Jan 2005)

'Famous American Life Energy Vampires - Unsuspected Of Destroying
Your Emotional Integrity' {HRI 20031110-V2.2}
(10 November 2003 - Version 2.2 on 27 Jan 2005)

Issue Note:

(*) This article started originally as: 'Who Plays The Bach
Cello Suites Correctly.'
Versions 2.0 and earlier, had the subject title: 'Who
Plays Bach Correctly - The Soul Of Music.'



Copyright 2004, 2005 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it, and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
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