' Love is the intention to connect to life, and
' to make people connect to life.
' The knowledge that inevitably belongs to it,
' is that
' Hate is the intention to disconnect people from life,
' and that
' Hate is even wanting to connect to others, but
' in order
' to make others disconnect from life,
' to make others less connected to life,
' less connected to life as life really is.
' Most people act out of Love,
' out of the intention to connect to Life,
' and - with that Love as best they can -
' to help each other stay connected to Life.
' Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
' human rights philosopher and poet
' 29 July 2002
' Version 2.0i
' (7 January 2003)
The Contents
1. Plato In Dialogue
' 1.a. The Law Of Life Formulated
' 1.b. The Law Of Life More Expanded
' 1.c. A Law Of Life Makes Life Understandable And Ethical
2. Origin Of Hate
' 2.a. "Winning" Over Others
' 2.b. How Cowards Came About
3. Euphoria And Drug Use In Order Not To Feel Hate
' 3.a. Hate Results In Pain And Disorder
' 3.b. Sources Of Hate Promote Euphoria, Or Drug Use
' 3.c. When Getting Off Drugs Or Out Of Euphoria
' 3.d. Understanding Drug Use And Euphoria
' 3.e. Demand For Drugs Or Euphoria
' 3.f. People Who Naturally Dislike Drug Use And Euphoria
' 3.g. Sensing Hate And Disagreeing With Hate
4. Acting Out Of Love
The Text
1. Plato In Dialogue
' Glaucon: "But Hate is the intention to bring about
' disconnection from Life, which is different from the
' intention to make someone connect to Life."
' Plato: "Indeed, Love is the intention to connect to Life. From
' experience we know, that Love hurts when it is hit,
' unexpectedly, by an intention to bring about discon-
' nection from Life."
' Glaucon: "By its very nature, then, Love includes anticipating
' and detecting intentions that bring about discon-
' nection from Life. And in order to generally protect
' Life, you have then not only to understand and feel
' Love, but you have to understand and detect the
' other part too."
' Plato: "Very true! And that other part, that is to be detected
' and to be understood, is that Hate also tries - in many
' ways - to connect to Life, but does so with the
' intention to bring about a disconnection from Life."
2. The Law Of Life Formulated
' To cover and include all known phenomena
' of Life - and it might well be the first time
' that this has been discovered and formulated by anyone -
' I have recently found and formulated that,
' what is actually a law of life
' (law, as in Newton's laws about heavy objects).
' In its simplest form,
' this Law Of Life is
' now (now, and since
' the time that Hate has been introduced into Life)
' as follows:
2.a. The Law Of Life More Expanded
' Love is the intention to connect to Life,
' to make people connect to Life,
' and Hate is the intention
' to disconnect people from Life.
' Hate is also the intention to connect to people in order to
' make them disconnect from Life, to make them
' disconnect from what Life really is, disconnect them
' from what actually happened, and from what is happening,
' and to make them disconnect
' from what they actually felt or could feel.
' Let's make that a bit more personal:
' Love is your intention to connect to Life,
' and for others to connect to Life.
' And Hate is the intention of someone for you
' to try and make you disconnect from Life.
' Hate is the intention of someone also
' who connects to you but who does so in order to
' to try and make you disconnect from Life,
' who makes you disconnect from what Life really is,
' who makes you disconnect
' from what actually happened, and
' from what is happening, and will happen,
' and who tries and makes you disconnect
' from what you truly felt and can feel.
' Love is the intention of another
' to help you connect to life,
' to make you sense and know what happened and what is happening,
' to make you feel
' what there is to enjoy and to feel if you could sense it,
' to make you enjoy that
' what you feel and what there is to feel
' that is the intense beauty and joy inherent in life.
' Love is that same intention of yours for the other too,
' possibly for many others who Love you too.
2.b. A Law Of Life Makes Life Understandable And Ethical
' Nobody has ever, as far as I know,
' formulated a LAW that is - and a law should be by definition -
' that encompassing.
' It is no small achievement,
' far exceeding those of Newton or any scientist or philosopher
' past and present.
' It is aligning all the data on the subject of Life,
' and makes these data comprehensible and
' capable of being evaluated and predicted:
' It gives you a guideline
' by which to make your own choices and
' by which to understand the choices of others;
' to understand choices that have been made in the past;
' to understand choices that affect the future.
3. Origin Of Hate
' Hate was originally not present
' as part of Life.
' Some people therefore
' find it difficult to accept the existence of Hate in others.
' But Hate has been introduced
' and forced upon us
' by some individuals,
' - at times which should not have remained forgotten -
' out of their Envying those of very great Love,
' out of their Envy for those who could intensely Enjoy Life,
' out of their Envy for those who could really create
' and who could really feel compassion.
' They acted ...out of their Envy for you and me.
3.a. "Winning" Over Others
' These Envious persons tried, and try, to make Life
' into "a game of winning over others."
' And "winning" they consider: Achieving first
' the ability to destroy others or their lives;
' and
' "winning" they feel then, is: Exerting or threatening
' that ability to destroy others,
' and further they - in their Envy - consider "winning" to be
' disabling the capabilities of others, of you, of me,
' to Feel, to Create and to Enjoy Life and
' to Enjoy being in Communication with each other.
' By those bred from Hate, "Power" is then defined as
' "the ability and potential to destroy the life of another."
3.b. How Cowards Came About
' In order to effectively be able to destroy the lives of others,
' these Envious individuals have developed teams,
' (they can only "win" as they see 'winning,'
' by repeatedly ganging up on, and
' by continuing to destroy,
' the very strong and the very caring)
' and
' they have certain obvious restrictions against destroying
' their own "team mates" - or more precisely,
' they sometimes observe rules about
' when and where and to what extent
' not to destroy their own "friends," their "team mates."
' From this the Coward is born,
' someone who "preserves his life,"
' someone who "preserves his dignity,"
' someone who claims to "exert self-determinism,"
' by appeasing the source of Hate.
' The Coward makes himself "valuable" or "admirable"
' - "valuable" to the source of Hate, that is -
' so as to be spared, that is to say,
' to have his own life
' (whether physical or spiritual conditions of his life)
' spared for a while.
' So, the Coward actually lets himself be disconnected
' from Life ...in order "to save his own life."
' He - or she, for that matter - wants not to experience the Hate,
' wants to "not be Hated" ...by the Source of Hate,
' and therefore does and also thinks,
' what the source of Hate wants him or her to do and to think.
4. Euphoria And Drug Use In Order Not To Feel Hate
' Euphoria or drug use
' (including drug addiction, also addiction to,
' or excessive use of, alcohol or tobacco)
' result from being
' prevented to face (to sense, to detect) or, result from
' refusing to face
' - to experience individuals, past or present or expected,
' who are -
' strong sources of Hate (and who are also the
' sources of extreme Ugliness that stems from strong Hate).
4.a. Hate Results In Pain And Disorder
' The physical, bodily effect of Hate,
' the result of undetected, unopposed Hate,
' is pain or disorder.
' (Expressed in terms of Life Energy fine-particle physics:
' Hate Energy precipitates or solidifies
' into pain and disorder.
' Such pains or disorders, as you know, are
' commonly referred to as diseases,
' as 'syndromes,' as 'immune deficiencies,' and so on.)
4.b. Sources Of Hate Promote Euphoria, Or Drug Use
' Sources of Hate - individuals who live in order to Hate -
' (as well as individuals - Cowards -
' who want these sources of Hate not felt or
' who want these sources not detected as who these are)
' do induce or project Euphoria
' by any method,
' or
' they promote any type of drugs
' - drugs to "remedy" the disorder and pain mentioned above -
' in order for the sources of Hate not to be felt or detected,
' and
' in order for these sources of Hate to then be
' - while not detected, not sensed or felt -
' unopposed
' in generating and inflicting Hate:
' Hate which results, again,
' - if not detected and not opposed -
' in (more) pain or (more) disorder.
4.c. When Getting Off Drugs Or Out Of Euphoria
' When reversing or undoing
' the condition of Euphoria or drug use,
' the same applies indeed:
' When someone gets out of any type of Euphoria,
' or stops taking any kind of drugs
' (including addiction, also addiction to,
' or excessive use of, alcohol or tobacco)
' then he will again - inevitably -
' be faced with, and he will sense
' the unwanted and avoided
' Hate or pain,
' and disorder,
' and their undetected or unfaced sources (individuals).
4.d. Understanding Drug Use And Euphoria
' This gives the key to understanding
' drug addiction or drug use, and
' the key to understanding, and therefore to defining,
' Euphoria (Euphoria is entirely
' lacking the very high responsibility
' that naturally accompanies great and true happiness).
' For some, who do want to be free of drugs or addiction,
' it will give an understanding of
' what is going on with themselves and their body, and
' what or whom they are or could be up against facing.
' It will give them, and people in their surrounding,
' an understanding of what they feel,
' when they quit (when they stop, when they discontinue)
' the compulsion or desire
' not to see Hate and Ugliness,
' to take drugs instead of looking and seeing,
' when they quit
' the compulsion or desire to take drugs in order
' not to experience and not to face
' the Pain, the Confusion, the Ugliness
' produced by Hate.
' They may remember at times, and in time,
' that Love connects them to Life.
' One's own Love acknowledged to exist, if strongly enough,
' pushes Hate away
' even where the glue of lies is holding tight.
4.e. Demand For Drugs Or Euphoria
' Many however will demand
' - at any cost - to NOT have to sense or experience
' Hate with Pain or Ugliness too overwhelming to see.
' Hate that does exist
' - regrettably and painfully enough - in considerable amounts
' even in places
' 'where Hate should not be.'
' Many are trying to avoid
' the seemingly unpleasant responsibility of
' having to sense, and then
' having to detect, and then
' having to oppose
' (to not give in to, to not relay or amplify or aid, but)
' having to recognize precisely
' sources of Hate (individuals who strongly Hate).
4.f. People Who Naturally Dislike Drug Use And Euphoria
' Some people have a distaste for Euphoria.
' They feel that they are being made less,
' they feel being less themselves,
' when Euphoria is projected at them or
' when they are affected by drugs.
4.g. Sensing Hate And Disagreeing With Hate
' And some may choose
' - and some have chosen, and prefer naturally -
' to sense, to face and
' to detect sources of Hate,
' to detect those who are the sources of Pain and Disorder,
' and of the Ugliness that makes it too unpleasant
' to see and stay aware.
' They may choose to detect and face these things
' out of their inborn sense of
' protecting others who have come to be
' less fortunately endowed.
5. Acting Out Of Love
' They may act out of Love -
' out of the intention to connect to Life
' and - with that Love -
' to keep others connected to Life.
' Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
' human rights philosopher and poet
Copyright 2002, 2003 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it, and (or, if he can't learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included, to
others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious agenda, but only to educate and encourage people
to judge un-dominated and for themselves about any organizations
or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
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