Who is Mirona Iliescu?

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Oct 28, 2006, 3:03:35 PM10/28/06
to knowledg...@googlegroups.com
Dear all,

Mirona Iliescu is the newest group member--thank you, Nikolay, for inviting me.

I am a LinkedIn [LION, 500+] member from Bucharest (Romania, Europe), and blogger--so far, mainly on personal interests, which have proven too varied for most people. Professionally, I'm looking at the first time in my life when I'm to flourish counting on my powers alone, as I've ended my last employment contract at the beginning of this month and decided to give my existing company a chance.

I am a communications consultant with 6+ years of PR, mostly with the leading Romanian agency, and a good number of amazing jobs in the overall 12+ working years, among which I count radio, TV, the record industry, and advertising. My company, 'artemis, catching stories' offers mainly communication consultancy and copywriting services and proves a challenge to me, especially in the context of Romania's EU accession in January 2007.

I am almost 30, very much in love, larger than life, online since 1995, and wanting it all. Looking forward to getting to know you better and finding ways to contribute to the group.

Hoping that you enjoyed this brief introduction, have a grand day/ night, wherever you are.

Mirona Iliescu
artemis, catching stories

Nikolay Kryachkov

Oct 30, 2006, 7:22:46 AM10/30/06
to KnowledgePersons
Hi Mirona,

I have the questions for you and for other Knowledge Persons:

Why some companies need to hire copywriters or run one-way blogs (with
disabled comment feature) for spreading news? Maybe they don't want
to be in dependence on a person (blogger) or don't want to be
associated with his personal public self-exposure?



Nov 3, 2006, 4:03:38 PM11/3/06
to KnowledgePersons
Dear Nikolay, Dear all,

I've been pondering on Nikolay's excellent question in the past days.
There is no simple answer from what I know and think.

If you asked me, the practice of running one-way blogs is wrong,
especially at a corporate level. A blog is nowhere without its
credibility, which also comes from transparency, openess, and dialogue.
While I can understand why Belle de Jour or Dooce have the comments
disabled (only sometimes on Dooce), corporate blogs are in a very
different game.

Corporate communication, from a PR standpoint, is about dialogue with
stakeholders. Talk one way and you'll certainly build a sand castle
only. Communication does not exist without feedback, its integration.
As long as PR doesn't sell, like advertising does, there must be other
channels for collecting feedback. Online, eliminate dialogue and you
have another type of website but blog--more of a media section of a
normal corporate website.

The reasons why bloggers are not directly targeted by some
corporations, in my opinion, are fear, lack of interest, and lack of
resources. The bright side is that bloggers do talk about such
corporations; if only the latter listened. Many corporations still do
not care about what consumers have to say, thus they do not allocate
resources for listening.

Old-style companies are keen with controling communication, both
outgoing and incoming, thus not transparent. The only worth controling
in the corporate communication landscape, and even that only to a
decent degree, are messages, for obvious reasons.

It is my belief that corporations will have to change radically in the
coming years or we will witness their vast majority vanishing within
our lifetime. A good example of change is Microsoft, in regard to
blogging/ communication.

A bad example is the largest independant worldwide PR consultancy,
Edelman, where the CEO blog allows comments yet is heavily censoring/
filtering them, where employees are not encouraged to have blogs, yet
one of the most successful PR bloggers (Steve Rubel of Micro
Persuasion) has joined the team this year--very confusing; speaking of
messages :)

Please let me know if my answer offers you any satisfaction. I can
detail on any account above if needed.

Best, Mirona

Nikolay Kryachkov

Nov 5, 2006, 6:52:48 AM11/5/06
to KnowledgePersons
Thank you Mirona,

It's a question of a comparison, perhaps.

Anybody knows the researches (?) - for example, sales dynamics without
blogging goods and services or with blogging with disabled comments AND
sales dynamics with blogging goods and services with commenting

Maybe executives/marketers didn't approach such the comparison?

Any comments, links, suggestions please.

>Communication does not exist without feedback, its integration (Mirona).

I agree, but how it can be integrated if people from one department
sometimes don't know what's being done in another one?

>The reasons why bloggers are not directly targeted by some
>corporations, in my opinion, are fear, lack of interest, and lack of

>resources (Mirona).

I know there are many bloggers among us (Knowledge Persons). How much
money you need to blog some goods and services (or lead a corporate
group blog), of course if you will find these goods and services worth
to blog?

This question interconnects with "Writing/Editing - Art or Business


Nikolay Kryachkov

Nov 5, 2006, 7:24:51 AM11/5/06
to KnowledgePersons
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