zero degrees knowledge flows?

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Nov 24, 2006, 4:45:17 PM11/24/06
to KnowledgePersons
I am most interested in those crises that we need to flow all our
knowledge around with zero degrees of separation because they revolve
round systemic crises that are spinning so fast and destructively that
there will be no species unless we work out how to reduce degrees of
separation until we are all interconnected

If you believe there are no crises which are that urgent, please you
could leave this thread alone. Oddly I am an optimist by nature but
back in 1984 we first predicted that the connectedness of the internet
and integrating every society into global was an unprecedented change
of system hitting one sustainability generation between 1984-2024
worldwide. We identified 7 crises then including climate, war, extreme
poverty, plagues... and we far behind the open knowledge debates we
assumed people would be questioning and answering by now

some background bookmarks as well as pilot experiments for getting
deeply interconnected:

what interests me most in this thread is to know if there is anyone in
this community that believes that one crisis they are connected with
must be chnage by 2015 or we will lose the human race (locally or
globally) not immediately but within 2 or 3 generations

if so please describe it; and tell us who -or what social networks and
community spaces - you trust most as taking the urgency of this crisis
seriously; or tell us what ideas we need to discuss if we as
worldcitizen networks are going to co-create a solution in time

chris macrae chris.macrae

incidentally if we can find open spaces for worldcitizens to network
solutions to one crisis, I have faith that a lot of those communal
practices will help with other crises. Let's see how fearlessat Q&A a
virtual thread can be

Nikolay Kryachkov

Nov 26, 2006, 2:41:06 AM11/26/06
to KnowledgePersons
For me the main crisis is in educational content and the types of
crisis you, Chris, have nominated are the consequences of it because
human beings make the individual and global history with climate
changes, war, extreme poverty, plagues ...

Consider entrepreneurs' knowledge with all these war terminology -
strategy, tactics, conquering markets, human resources (like soldiers),
etc. I'm not about abstract humanity. I'm about improper reuse of the
past experience given by education where history is represented as a
constant war and it was so.

But today when business becomes more and more individualized from
entrepreneur's and customer's sides, when freelancing will dominate
in employment, when true individual health (not from pills) is and will
be a basis for managing changeable environment ... there is no
alternatives to reconsider organization as network where not only
stakeholders are represented, but also customers, even competitors ...
everyone who has something to add.

The obstacles to network are:

- fear to lose knowledge as if it's physical property,
- abstract and applied idea that in knowledge era there are so-called
developed and developing worlds that turns out new racism, as if
persons from the Globe don't have Knowledge (they probably don't
have computers and web access).

If so, you're right Chris - there are zero degrees knowledge flows
and separated worlds become oppositions.

I started , its blog and this Group with idea that
Knowledge Persons can identify problem of any level and solve it. I can
see that after almost 3 months of word roaming we are near to problem

The idea to discuss and co-create a solution in time?

Maybe this (?):

You know that ancient Greeks invented Olympic Games and there weren't
wars during the Games. Current Olympic Games have 4 years intervals and
hierarchical structure but rich of attention ... and sports itself can
have positive impact on individual health.

What if to think about Knowledge Era Games without intervals and the
global non-profit organization for that?

These Games can be locally organized as constant competitions, but
globally represented since we can have independent text, sound and
video based media. If so anyone can have local access to participate in
such Games and be visible/connected globally, etc.

Maybe we can do this?


""" писал(а):

Raj Aphale

Nov 26, 2006, 3:08:27 AM11/26/06
Great thoughts Nikolay. Here are my two cents.

Agreed that humans make the individual and global history and a major part
of it is destructive. But that is a separate issue from the form of games
that humans are playing from time to time. The cause of the destruction is
more related to greed than the rules or nature of business.

Network business could become a reality sooner and later and as technology
makes it possible, some companies are bound to see competitive advantages
through changing the business model. So that is a paradigm that is bound to
be a reality some day.

I have different views on games. Not that I disagree with the concept, but
look at it from a different angle. Sports can have positive effects on the
health and can improve team work for sure. However, fundamentally, games are
essentially win-loose situations, whereas businesses thrive best when
parties can achieve win-win situation. The fact that there were no wars when
Greeks played games perhaps relates to different reasons. I am not an expert
on history, but can we say that there was no crime, or no fanaticism or some
form of terrorism at that time? Remember, we have suffered more casualties
during peace time, due to the above factors, than war. Coming from India we
see this as a routine picture. Though there is no war, the amount of damage
that is happening in so called peace time far exceeds that in the wars that
India had to face, damages of both human life and to property.

Another dimension - you mentioned no war during sporting times. But these
days we see war in sports. The stakes are high, monetory, career and status;
and people go to any extent - be it drugs, fixing matches et al, to win a
particular event. How do we get rid of this war in sports?

A thought on non profits - will they survive? Will they remain really
non-profit organisations?



Maybe this (?):


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Nikolay Kryachkov

Nov 26, 2006, 5:03:30 AM11/26/06
to KnowledgePersons
Please post what you think and/or invite those who could post. I'll try
answering all the questions later.


"""Raj Aphale писал(а):

Nikolay Kryachkov

Nov 28, 2006, 1:20:06 PM11/28/06
to KnowledgePersons

Games are essentially win-loose situations if intervals between them
are big, I think. The lesser intervals are the more opportunities to
improve and demonstrate better performance. Public business is being
traded daily and depending on info can have signals for improvements.

Wars have intervals (world wars, for instance), but what you have
described, Raj, is daily practice. The idea is an adequate daily
opportunity for everyone - Knowledge Era Games.

War in sports is also the fact. Maybe it's because one can destroy
him/herself for the sake of so rare global competition with limited

Non-profit might remain such an organization and survive if collected
attention including its monetary part would be transferred to the
participant of the Knowledge Era Games. But, perhaps, it can be the
business as well.

Any criticism or any other thoughts please.


"""Nikolay Kryachkov писал(а):

Nikolay Kryachkov

Dec 22, 2006, 2:12:59 AM12/22/06
to KnowledgePersons
An additional reading for you from - Bankroll An Olympian -

(Don't just watch next year's Games in Beijing. Put your own swimmer,
cyclist or boxer into competition):


"""Nikolay Kryachkov писал(а):

Mario P. Lopez

Dec 26, 2006, 2:00:46 PM12/26/06

Greetings. I've read your thoughts and Raj's on this topic; if you allow me, I'd like to contribute with my view on certain trend that I've noticed while watching on TV soccer and basketball matches as well as the way that businesses are being done (in Latin America and particularly in Mexico) in this global economy of ours:

Even though world sports events like Olympic Games or national sports events such as Baseball, Football, Hockey (in the US) or Soccer Tournaments in Europe, Africa and Latin America have intervals, despite the fact that they display team work and a unified performance in order to achieve a win-win outcome strictly on an sport (and even ethics) basis, as I told you, I've noticed an unfortunate trend where athletes are getting involved in medical problems (drugs) and an increasing violence: some days ago, I watched on TV news about a huge brawl during a Basketball match in Europe between Greek and Serbian fans (if I recall correctly); I've also watched a similar trend in Europe during Soccer games (particularly in Spain, Italy and England) where fans have said racist insults against African players as well as recent brawls during Soccer games in Latin America.

The bottom line in my opinion, is the presence of a certain underlying trend in sports and even business: the pressure to win no matter the cost. Allow me talk about businesses: I think that it's worrying when known persons (some politicians, economists and musicians - Bono - ) have expressed that globalization (I wouldn't include anti-globalization activists because those guys tend to protest against everything) is already "destroying" countries: I recalled Bono saying earlier this year that multinational banks should forget about money they lend to African countries that are already struggling with AIDS, an utter poverty and political violence: we've also witnessed that hundreds of illegal African immigrants are fleeing by sea in an effort to reach Europe (particularly Spain and Italy). I'm afraid that such facts can not be part neither of Knowledge Era Games nor Ethics.

Businesses in Mexico reflect a similar trend: since Mexico, the United States and Canada signed in 1994 the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in order to "improve" the quality of businesses, trade and legal immigration, twelve years later, I can conclude that in Mexico we have seen the opposite: since our Government has failed in achieving those goal, during the last presidential term (2000 - 2006), due mostly to political, social and economic disagreements between our Government and society as a whole, the way that wealth has been distributed (very few business men are wealthy here), was an absolute failure whose result was an increasing and dramatic illegal immigration to the United States during this period of time because of a severe unemployment and drugs-related violence in Mexico (just for the record, I'm also unemployed).

Finally, I wouldn't like to say that I'm also an activist; on the contrary, I'm worried about History because there are countries that raised against this kind of injustice in the past... I'd really like to get a new job in order to become a more intelligent, professional and better activist to advice people to fight for their basic rights: education, health, jobs and a solid social awareness.

Thank you very much. Happy Holidays.

PS: Although is still think that my English is reasonably good, if you find some grammar mistake, hopefully it will be a minor one because I haven't practiced for a while because most of the people I know don't speak the language... :-)

S i n c e r e l y,
Mario P. Lopez
Mexico City, Mexico
Additional on line Contact: db720110 (Yahoo Messenger)
On line Profile - Eng: (LinkedIn)

-----Mensaje original-----
De: []En nombre de Nikolay Kryachkov
Enviado el: Viernes, 22 de Diciembre de 2006 01:13 a.m.
Para: KnowledgePersons
Asunto: [Knowledge Persons] Knowledge Games?

An additional reading for you from - Bankroll An Olympian -

(Don't just watch next year's Games in Beijing. Put your own swimmer,
cyclist or boxer into competition):


"""Nikolay Kryachkov      ( ):

> Hi,
> Games are essentially win-loose situations if intervals between them
> are big, I think. The lesser intervals are the more opportunities to
> improve and demonstrate better performance. Public business is being
> traded daily and depending on info can have signals for improvements.
> Wars have intervals (world wars, for instance), but what you have
> described, Raj, is daily practice. The idea is an adequate daily
> opportunity for everyone - Knowledge Era Games.
> War in sports is also the fact. Maybe it's because one can destroy
> him/herself for the sake of so rare global competition with limited
> access.
> Non-profit might remain such an organization and survive if collected
> attention including its monetary part would be transferred to the
> participant of the Knowledge Era Games. But, perhaps, it can be the
> business as well.
> Any criticism or any other thoughts please.
> Nikolay
> """Nikolay Kryachkov      ( ):

> """
> > Please post what you think and/or invite those who could post. I'll try
> > answering all the questions later.
> >
> > Nikolay
> >
> >
> > """Raj Aphale      ( ):
> > > """      ( ):

Nikolay Kryachkov

Dec 27, 2006, 4:16:11 AM12/27/06
to KnowledgePersons
Thanks Mario,

I think fighting takes place when people are in one space and can't
share it.

I also think that Olympics was created to substitute the space and add
rules. But despite this sport became business as usual and sport and
business support one another, including country/political dimension. I
can suggest a book:

Sport, Power and Culture
A Social and Historical Analysis of Popular Sports in Britain
by John Hargreaves

(it can be in libraries)

Nothing bad in country/political dimension on sport, if sport is for
everyone and the global networking media might channel the global
attention and money stream to everyone involved. There are so many
parameters except seconds and marks which characterize the healthy

Maybe Knowledge Era Games might be an example of the
networked/collaborative goods and services for prolonged healthy life?

I would like to not only discuss with you (employed, unemployed,
business Knowledge Persons) the variants of the networked goods and
services, but try to make them real with you.


Mario P. Lopez

Dec 29, 2006, 6:40:48 PM12/29/06


Thank you very much for your reply and the book you kindly suggested. I look forward to continue networking with you and talking about as many forms of knowledge and business as possible.

S i n c e r e l y,

Mario P. Lopez
Mexico City, Mexico
Additional Online Contact: db720110   (Yahoo Messenger)
On line Profile - Eng: (LinkedIn)

-----Mensaje original-----
De: []En nombre de Nikolay Kryachkov
Enviado el: Miercoles, 27 de Diciembre de 2006 03:16 a.m.
Para: KnowledgePersons
Asunto: [Knowledge Persons] Re: Knowledge Games?
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