HOLY(775) There is no existence save his existence

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24 апр. 2010 г., 18:06:5824.04.2010
– Sufi-History, HOLY-Lan...@googlegroups.com, Allahs_...@googlegroups.com, Middle-east-p...@googlegroups.com, Spain-...@googlegroups.com, Maulanas...@googlegroups.com, Sufis-...@googlegroups.com, Egypt-...@googlegroups.com

“There is no existence save His existence.”

Salaam and Greetings of Peace:

“There is no existence save His existence.
The existence of the beggar is His existence, and the existence of
the sick is His existence.
And the existence of all created things, both accidents and
substances, is His existence;
and when the secret of one particle of the atom is clear,
the secret of all created things, both outward and inward,
is clear; and you do not see in this world or the next anything
except God.” – ibn Arabi

Ya Haqq!

from LINK above and
Master of the Jinn: A Sufi Novel, on FB
Irving Karchmar 21. April um 17:54 Antworten
Here is a new post on the Darvish blog on the great Spanish Sufi
master ibn Arabi's view of the Oneness of existence, or tawhid:


Ya Haqq!

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