Posted at ed notes - How Long Before Rhee Proclaims, "I'm Not a Crook?"

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Nov 23, 2009, 10:30:00 AM11/23/09

How Long Before Rhee Proclaims, "I'm Not a Crook?"

Five years ago I wrote that one day Joel Klein and his ilk would be taken out of Tweed with coats over their heads. Maybe they'll never catch up to the NYC guys, but they are closing in on some of the ilk.

We have 2 more reports on the growing Michelle Rhee/Kevin Johnson/Obama admin scandal surrounding Johnson's St. Hope charter school franchise, which Rhee was St. Hoping to bring Johnson's St. Hope franchise into the DC schools.

There's nothing like a sex and money scandal to get one's blood boiling, and while the accusations of inappropriate behavior towards students by Johnson may seem to be the more serious charges, the guessing is that the misuse of federal Americorps funds by Johnson and Rhee's attempts to aid the cover-up, are the real buttons to push (though here are details of Johnson's actions with the girls/women). Also bet that we are just scratching the surface. Johnson better hurry up that wedding to Rhee so she can't testify against him.

Watch the tea baggers seize on this issue to further undermine the Obama administration for firing the investigator.
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