Are you going to Google Developer Day?

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Dan Morrill

May 29, 2007, 11:09:49 PM5/29/07
to Google Web Toolkit
Hello everyone!

Hopefully you've all heard about Google Developer Day, which is happening this Thursday (the 31st of May.)  I think this is going to be an absolutely awesome event, and I hope you're all as excited as I am.  I know that the GWT team is too, and we hope to meet many of you there.

There are 10 locations world-wide, so there's a good chance there's one near you!  There will be GWT-specific presentations at the events in Mountain View, Beijing, London, Paris, Sao Paulo, and Sydney.

One of the aspects I'm most excited about is the opportunity for developers to connect with each other.  Many of the GWT team members will be attending the Mountain View event, so if you are planning to attend there, look us up!  Bruce Johnson, Joel Webber, and I have technical sessions lined up, and we'd love to meet you at them.  It looks like there's going to be a lot of great stuff happening, though, so if you miss our sessions, you can also catch up to us at one of the other activities.  There will be a GWT Fireside Chat Q&A session to attend (your chance to get your "burning" questions answered), a GWT get-together over lunch, and a station in the product demonstration area. We'll also be at the main Google campus after the event for the party, so you'll have a chance to chase us down there, too.

If you can't make it in person, then I hope you'll find the time to check out the festivities and watch some of the session online, via the live Developer Day webcasts.

If you are planning to attend, let us know on this thread!


- Dan Morrill

Some useful links:
Google Developer Day --
Mountain View sessions list --
My session --
Bruce & Joel's session --


May 30, 2007, 11:32:44 AM5/30/07
to Google Web Toolkit
I'm going, in Paris! But I think I won't go to GWT conf because it's
full but I'll try ;) However I have the place of other interesting
confs, see you there!

> Google Developer Day --

> My session --
> Bruce & Joel's session --

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