GDS shows and searches UTF-8 encoded Trillian chats incorrectly

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Nov 10, 2005, 9:50:10 AM11/10/05
to Google Desktop Plug-in: Trillian
I tried to use GDS Trillian plugin but can't find anything from
non-english chats. Also when i'm searching for some nicknames i see
such chats in incorrect unreadable encoding. Is it a known bug and when
would it be fixed?

Chess and Cookies

Nov 11, 2005, 1:35:30 PM11/11/05
to Google Desktop Plug-in: Trillian
The Trillian Plugin for GDS only indexes new conversation logs. Are
you searching for logs from before you installed the plugin?

Chess and Cookies

Nov 11, 2005, 1:37:00 PM11/11/05
to Google Desktop Plug-in: Trillian
Oh, I misread your question.
I believe GDS only searches English encoded logs, you might want to
request a different one from the software's developer.

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