Fine Particle Physics To Understand Psychosis {HRI 20030227-V2.2} - (Version 2.2 on 23 Jan 2005)

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Jan 23, 2005, 1:19:12 PM1/23/05
Fine Particle Physics To Understand Psychosis

' 27 February 2003
' {HRI 20030227-V2.2}

' (Version 2.2
' on 23 Jan 2005)

My physics professor pointed out that I did not know what the energy
of a molecule of air was - and thus having been made aware, I did
study what I did not know, and as a result I got a high score on
my exam of the physics that deals with gasses, and with heating them
up and cooling them down and so on - the branch of physics called

' If you consider gas to be a collection of very tiny golf
' balls, then you can solve all Thermodynamics problems very
' easily.

>From 'The Nature of the Cosmos' *(1) we know the definition of Life
Energy Particles - and also quite something about what it does and
how it behaves and so on.

So how does a Genie (Arabian spirit) get caught in a bottle? How do
you get closed in, inside a body? Right, by means of Life Energy

' Those very things - remember? - that "don't exist," according
' to charlatans and quacks and kooks. *(1)(2)(3)

Life Energy Particles are causing you to have awareness of your
environment, of yourself, etc.

And Life Energy Particles transmit (store and convey, relay)
perceptions and also thoughts, emotions and so on.

' Take the Life Energy Particles away, and awareness goes away, or
' perception goes away, or memory goes away, or ability to hold
' your own viewpoint, and what you knew very well, etc. GOES AWAY.

' Put (project) Life Energy Particles there around someone, with
' some emotions and feelings and thoughts in those Life Energy
' Particles, and that's what he feels, and what he gets as
' thoughts.

' That's what is being alive, that is how you communicate
' with others.

' Life consists entirely and only of an interaction and
' creation of Life Energies, *(3)

' all matter itself is entirely made up of Life Energy
' Particles, *(1)

' and the whole body operates entirely on and with and from
' Life Energy Particles, and without those Life Energies,
' it is a lump of unmoving proteins and liquids and salts,
' as you can prove in your physics or biology classes, with
' Kirlian photography. *(1)(3)

' Criminal Minds want you not to know this, but of course
' they also use Life Energy, as they are part of The Creation
' even when they say "it does not exist" or "it is all your
' illusion." *(3)(6)

' But Criminal Minds want to use all these things on you WITHOUT

' They hit you or your body with their harmful, poisoned Life
' Energies *(7)(3)

' and then they tell you that "it is all in your own
' brain" - "an illusion," and that

' you must take drugs which indeed make or try to make
' it impossible for you to perceive WHO hit you or your
' body with harmful Energies. *(8)

' So - especially when they have a medical license *(3)- they
' declare you 'psychotic' *(4)

' which they (no joke!) define as "seeing things that
' others do NOT see." *(4)(5)

' That's what is being done to you all the time, and that is how
' you are being mind-controlled.

' Not you of course, because "you are the only one who is
' immune to other people's Life Energy Particles, and to
' being mind-controlled." *(9)

' Everyone else is, but "they are not" - or so it seems when
' you hear certain people talking, or when you read their
' writing, including all those who are thought of as knowing.

' Some call Life Energy Particles even "electronics,"
' to confuse you more deeply on the subject.
' (I won't mention any names, now.)

You can not be kept inside a body (or inside a bottle, for that
matter) - you are a soul, remember -

' unless someone has been and is messing very severely around with
' your Life Energy Particles, which you use (and anybody uses)

' for perception and for feelings and for thoughts and for
' memories, and of course for keeping your body alive and
' healthy

' - in short, for being aware and for living -

' as you know from your own native memory and as I reminded
' you in 'The Nature of the Cosmos.' *(1)

' You see, EVERYONE knows this, as everyone does nothing
' else but that, ALL THE TIME.

' So Criminal Minds *(10)(11) have to subject you, and
' indeed they have managed and are constantly
' subjecting you and everyone, to a barrage of the most
' idiotic lies about life, about yourself, about your
' own nature,

' not only by all the "wisest of the wisest," but
' also in all schools and universities,

' which, to the great delight of those Criminal
' Minds, are further and further undermined and
' demolished every year by Alfred Nobel,
' dutifully reported to Mankind by a press that
' is trained (by journalists that are trained)
' not to expose any truth,

' let alone to investigate it by itself...

' Life consists entirely of the activity of creating, and moving
' around, and changing or imprinting, or connecting, with Life
' Energy Particles.

' Thinking IS done with Life Energy Particles - take the
' Life Energy away - and you are aware of no thoughts or
' ideas anymore.

' Perception IS done with Life Energy, connecting you
' to your body and its organs, to a greater or lesser
' extent.

' It is a very intensely mean act to people, to NOT inform them of
' this, or to - as Criminal Minds do - to DENY that

' this IS how your and anybody's perception and thought and
' memory works.

' And as you know from 'The Nature of the Cosmos,' matter itself
' is made up of Life Energy Particles.

' And so you get the various interactions between matter
' (meaning the proteins of your body) and Life Energy and
' you, yourself,

' or more important to know: Criminal Minds inflicting
' poisonous Life Energies onto your soul or onto your
' body or onto both.

' Basically you know all this, and anybody basically knows this,
' because you are doing it all the time.

' But you can also track down the experiments, and the
' recorded observations of the last century or two, about
' these things. In other words, do not take my words for it.

' Always go and look yourself, but you can use me to tell
' you what to look for to see whether it exists

' - if you are not in the category of yourself
' being a Criminal Mind, of course, detectable
' as such by your intentional and malicious
' omission of vital and applicable truths, and
' by your insertion of lies and other
' distractions.

' What you did not know, is that Criminal Minds are and
' have been hiding and will continue to hide these
' things from you and from anyone,

' with a tremendous, tremendous amount of the
' most un-imaginable lies,

' and also now - especially in dictatorships with
' the force of torture

' "to make you only see things which
' 'everyone' can see," or

' in the medical field, with the force of drugs
' and lies, from "caring" medical doctors

' "to 'help you' to only see things that
' 'everyone' can see," *(5)

' not explaining to you, of course, that and why
' they refuse to know themselves - let alone tell
' you - what perception is all about, and they
' are

' carefully hiding from you, since millennia,
' since Hippocrates at least, that

' 'you must NOT ever look at Criminal Minds
' and what these do to you and to your
' body.' *(3)

So, they - Criminal Minds that is - throw Life Energy Particles at and
around your soul and your body, and that Life Energy has certain
contents, according to how a Criminal Mind Poisons or Alters it and
what lies he puts into it. *(9)(7)

' You can easily feel those lies, they project these
' with the Energy for you to feel them as "true,"

' which you most certainly have consciously
' experienced at one time or another.

' Any Criminal Mind is a master in that,
' they are perfect actors, and

' they defy any lie-detector, as that works,
' after all, on Life Energy causing tiny,
' very fast fluctuations in a body's
' electrical resistance.

' In simple words: Criminal Minds
' can not be detected by means of
' a lie detector.

' They throw all kind of Damaged and Altered Life
' Energy at people, even broken Life Energy Particles
' that connect to you

' because, after all, these are Life Energy
' Particles, and the basic action of Life Energy
' Particles is to connect you to things in order
' to be aware of those things, but

' with one end (broken Life Energy Particles that you
' connect to at one end), and these are broken to the
' effect that they don't have anything (no 'handle') at
' the other end with which to connect to things,

' and so you feel, you sense, you perceive
' ...nothing,

' like looking through a telescope at night that
' has a cap on it closing the other end, and

' you observe that there is "nothing."

' Indeed, you sense, think, know

' ('perceive' is what a spiritually educated
' person would say),

' that there is "nothing" to perceive.

' You see - also from this example very clearly -
' that, WITHOUT The Trinity of Science (Love,
' Beauty and Truth) you do not penetrate such
' blocks to gaining knowledge, and without that
' Trinity,

' you will remain highly stupid till the
' end of your days, and

' you will continue to worship Oprah
' Winfrey, *(12)(13) or Albert Einstein,
' *(a)(b) and let yourself

' be blinded by the yearly prizes of Alfred
' Nobel, *(12) or of Joseph Pulitzer.
' *(14)(15)(16)

People of Criminal mind continuously try to and do largely succeed in
taking away, pulling away, and smashing away from your body and from
your soul, Life Energy Particles of yours,

' with which you are aware and with which you hold a
' viewpoint and with which you remember things, and
' with which you connect to your abilities, keep your
' body healthy, and so on, and so on.

' Criminal Minds are entirely without conscience, and they do
' this hitting also to babies,

' and then the medical profession again steps in with drugs,
' to make them unaware of who the Criminal Minds are or who
' the Criminal Mind is,

' who did this to your baby or child, or who did this
' to you when you were a baby or child.

' I find it an exceedingly mean thing, to prevent the victims
' from even knowing, let alone from finding out what is being
' done to them, and how it is done, and by whom,

' which will then happen again and again.

' And so the medical profession

' - not only understanding absolutely nothing and
' wanting absolutely to continue to understand
' nothing, and plied and harried and made even
' more stupid

' than they already have been made by their
' medical education,

' by the Criminal Minds who run legal Drug
' Companies "to care for people" - a medical
' profession, that

' writes (or allows others to write and advertise) that
' mental conditions or even physical conditions caused
' by Criminal Minds in this way, "are incurable," a
' medical profession, that

' says "you must take drugs for the rest of your life,"
' indeed to make and keep you unaware of Criminal Minds
' and of what these do,

' made unaware with psychotropic drugs that work
' generally by fixating you onto connecting your
' Life Energy to or inside your body only, and
' even that very badly,

' which of course makes you quite dead,

' because charisma and feeling with your
' body, is all created by Life Energy that
' is projecting and connecting to outside
' the body, and is interacting with life,
' with nature, with others,

' and with somebody of the opposite
' gender, as Plato would have you
' make Love. *(17)(18)

Criminal Minds

' - about one percent of the population, and occurring in any race,
' in any nation, in any religion, and in any, also the most
' respected or caring profession - *(19)

continuously try to and do largely succeed in taking away,

' pulling away, smashing away from your body and from your soul,

the Life Energy Particles of yours, that you create,

' and with which you are aware, and with which you KEEP a viewpoint
' on what you know and have experienced,

' with which you remember things, and with which you think and feel
' and sense who you are yourself, and who others are.

By this loss, you lose the awareness you had, or you fail to acquire
awareness of things and people you would want to correctly be aware
of - that is, who they are, and what they intend, and whether they
tell you truth, and what they actually feel for you or for others, or
for people in general.

' Again, the loss of that does not happen to you, of course,
' only to others 'who are stupid enough to let themselves be
' tricked or influenced or beaten up Energetically.'

' YOU are exceptionally immune to any form of mind-control,
' of course, and YOU always and precisely see whether you
' are dealing with a Criminal Mind, or with a normal person.

Criminal minds do however not like it at all, that I tell you this,
because they are doing these things, *(10)

' to everyone all the time - they are the "clever" people -

it is how they operate in life, or "on life" you better say.

' I don't think that they should be allowed to inflict all these
' things on people, let alone on babies and children, and on people
' when they sleep,

' but they see that quite differently, of course.

' And they keep it a secret too - Life Energy Particles "do
' not exist." *(1)

' Anybody who talks about Life Energy Particles "is insane:"
' "Nobody is harming anybody." "You do it all to yourself."
' And so on. *(5)(4)

' Hospitals full of sick people, "who do it all to
' themselves" ...really, this is what the medical
' professionals

' (those who, according to Hippocrates, "know all there
' is to know, else they would not be licensed medical
' doctors")

' tell their patients, the majority of whom - despite "all
' the knowledge" - DO die of an illness,

' instead of dying a normal death, that is, free of
' sickness and in good mental health,

' as it of course should be.

So we come to the point now of the occasion for which I originally
wrote this HRI:

' An example of a persistent, violently psychotic person who kept
' on throwing out the wildest and most insane lies about people and
' about life, even though he had and has all the proof

' that he does throw out lies, and

' that his lies are intentionally harmful to life. *(20)

' He has been immersed in Life Energy Particles that prevent much
' of his connection to be aware of and to understand his
' environment and the people in it, correctly.

' Indeed, he is quite insane, per 'Definition Of Insane.' *(21)

He does not like that he is immersed in Life Energy that a well-
known and well-recognized Criminal Mind has forced onto him,

' but part of the content of the Poisonous Life Energy forced on
' him, is,

' that he does not know and does not want to know what
' Life Energy Particles are, and

' that he certainly does not want to know, that

' Life itself IS basically 'handling Life Energy
' Particles.'

He - the person who serves as our example - has been debilitated by
the Criminal Mind who did this to him, to that extent

' - and that was part of the messing around with his Life Energy
' Particles, done by the Criminal Mind in question, who drove him
' that insane -

that he now actively DENIES the existence of Life Energy Particles:

' He denies the existence of Life Energy, and he has been compelled
' to deny especially the existence or content of those very Life
' Energy Particles

' (which contain ideas and false perceptions)

' that have been thrown around him like a cocoon of thoughts and
' feelings:

' He denies the existence of those very Life Energy
' Particles, in which he is immersed

' so as to exclude his own perception -

' that is, the broken or Poisoned Life Energy by which the
' Criminal Mind intended to shut down his normal perception

' (I say 'perception,' but you would call it his
' 'sensing' or his 'feeling,' his 'emotion,'

' and some would say, his 'thinking' or 'reasoning,' or
' his 'knowing,'

' because you think of perception as light and
' sound, which is only a very, very small part of
' all the things that you are

' - consciously or subconsciously -

' sensing, sensing continuously, even in your
' sleep), the normal perception

' that he would have been doing with his own,
' self-created Life Energy Particles *(1)

' if he could penetrate the mist, the cloud, the cocoon of
' contaminated Life Energy Particles, *(29)

' if he would not be so immersed in the Bad Energies forced onto
' him by the Criminal Mind he knows so well.

' 'Bad Energy' you call it probably, and the Green Peace
' people actually are fighting THAT pollution,

' but also they are far too immersed in it, to
' see or even to suspect the correct targets for
' their actions

' in order to accomplish their lofty goals. *(21)

The person of our example does not like to be in that condition of
being immersed into false feelings and false perceptions and false
ideas, and he has a pretty good idea who did it to him,

' as you could read almost daily in his very angry writing - he is
' mad as hell about the condition inflicted onto his soul, a
' condition inflicted by a Criminal Mind

' who has been sufficiently mentioned as a major source of
' evil and deception and lies, and who maintains still, by
' proxy, a subversive organization with USA tax exemption.
' (But we won't mention any names, today.)

Now that Criminal Mind, who did this to him, apparently did a trick,
and that trick is the subject of this present article actually - the
part of the subject-title that is 'To Understand Psychosis'. *(20)

The Criminal Mind who did it to him

' - again, I won't mention his name because it gets so boring,
' maybe you like to call him 'Voldemort,' or 'Sauron,' or
' 'The Source,'

' to be somewhat in tune with present day society's
' cultural awareness of evil and the infliction of very
' severe harm onto others by means of Poisoned Life
' Energies;

' and let's call his helpers 'Agent Smith,' to synchronize
' with the movie called 'The Matrix,' (only the first sequel,
' 1999 movie)

' that shows in surreal extremes both the phenomenon of
' projected but false perceptions and feelings,

' and, also in surreal extreme, the matter of your Life
' Energy being sucked away from your soul and body,

' for Criminal Minds to use that Life Energy
' against you, and

' to keep you subdued and even unable to see what is
' done to you by them, and

that particular Criminal Mind apparently did the simple trick, of

' to the mental cocoon of the persistent Psychotic of our example,

' some Poisoned (Altered, falsified) Life Energy Particles, with

the content, that makes the Psychotic about whom I am talking now,
feel and believe,

' while in fact continuing fully to be victimized without his
' knowledge, he thinks for sure,

that he "has won, has vanquished, has conquered, has bested, has
defeated his tormentor."

' And indeed, there are many people

' - not you and I of course, but others, who are
' walking around here, as 'un-feathered bipeds' -

' who are very convinced that they have bested (won from)
' such mind-controllers or Criminal Minds, and

' who are convinced that "they themselves are clear in mind,
' are free to perceive and thus in full awareness of their
' environment and of the people in it." *(22)
' Really...

' They are nevertheless fascinated by the movie The Matrix,
' but they say, that is "because life is an illusion or
' 'maya'" and "Criminal Minds do not really exist," and some
' even inform you, that "you need evil in order to have
' life,"

' and other indeed highly psychotic ideas, which, when
' asserted firmly enough, lead them to 'Extinction' or
' 'Enlightenment' - or so they like to think life will
' be for them - and, by consequence

' in order not to feel Criminal Minds and the
' Ugly Energies that Criminal Minds produce,

' those conditions then have to coincide or converge,
' happen at the same time, and thus

' ('Extinction' and 'Enlightenment' and
' 'destroying-all-desires-to-enjoy-life,'

' thereby doing exactly what Criminal Minds
' WANT them precisely to do - to destroy
' life forever and most thoroughly), those
' things

' have to be "equal" of course, *(23)(24)

' as the more intelligent reader will observe.

But now I come along, and they feel (and the Psychotic of our example
also feels) that I am

' by my presence, by my words, by my radiating truth,

' by the very fact THAT I EXIST, *(25)

' (yes, indeed - the intelligent reader knows it already - it
' is with my own Life Energy Particles), that I am

making Criminal Minds and their actions somewhat more perceptible.

' Or as you would say it, making them 'being sensed,' 'being
' felt,' 'being considered to exist,' 'thought about,' and
' so on

' - my doing so by the fact that I hold a viewpoint on
' them with my own Life Energy Particles, by my
' 'Energetically' holding a viewpoint,

' by 'me being me' or by 'my action of being,' as
' some would and did express it.

' And they all mean, that I create pure, uncontaminated, and
' powerful, Loving, Beautiful and Truthful Life Energy as it
' is the nature of The Creation; *(26)(27)

' and it is your nature too, as I described it in 'A Poem of
' Love and Adventure.' *(29)

In this way, by creating my pure Life Energy, I destroy or touch upon
the very forceful Delusion that the person of our example suffers,
I touch and

' crumble his Delusion, the Poisoned Life Energy by which the
' Criminal Mind has convinced him,

' that "he is now free from" and "has defeated" the Criminal
' Mind(s) who did (and does) control his thoughts.

' He is not free from it at all, he is in a cocoon of the
' Energies of this Criminal Mind,

' and that is why he can not see, sense or feel me,

' and why he can not see the nature of The Creation,

' and why he cannot sense or feel his own nature.
' *(30)

And now here comes the 'pointe' as the French say (they like to make
things sound just a tiny bit softer):

' In order to restore and reinforce his Delusion

' - that "he is the conqueror who defeated evil and who
' masters it now" -

' he 'has to destroy me,'

' and he went about it in wild and unfettered abandon.

So call him what you will for his intensely and persistingly
psychotic and destructive behavior, but this is apparently what he
was caught in and why he did what he did.

' (There are others, of course, who are caught in that, and who
' act, think, write and "feel" like marionettes

' - while they think and claim very loudly, that "THEY are
' the ones who are free and who do see and oppose evil" -

' and now you know the mechanics of it, so you can understand them
' better. *(9))

And I thought this was a good example to demonstrate to you the use
of having an understanding of Fine Particle Physics.

As my Thermodynamics professor, Mr. Borghouts (he even wrote a book
about it) told me:

' 'You have to know that they are Particles, and you have to know
' what Energy these Particles have.'

Little did he know...

Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
human rights philosopher and poet

' 'Men of all nations came
' to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
' sent by all the kings of the world,
' who had heard of his wisdom.'

' 1 Kings 4:34

(1) 'The Nature Of The Cosmos As Seen From Earth' (Version 1.0)
' (29 August 2001)

(2) 'The Mafia Code Against Mankind' {HRI 20021018-V2.0}
' (18 October 2002 - V2.0 on 10 October 2003)

(3) 'What Is Depression or Lethargy' - {HRI 20041107-V1.5}
' (7 November 2004 - Version 1.5 on 23 Nov 2004)

(4) ''Insane' "Defined" By Criminal Minds As 'Ability To Perceive
' Them'' (22 April 2004) {HRI 20040422}

(5) 'Current Understanding of Mental Illness - Consequences'
' (9 Dec 2002)

(6) 'How Do You Face Evil? - A Questionnaire'
' (1 February 2002 - issued 20 Feb 2003)

(7) 'Defining The Major Harmful Or Bad Energies - As They Are Created
' And Projected By Criminal Minds' (11 June 2003)

(8) 'Not WHY Is There Suffering, But WHO Causes It - Is The Question'
' (10 June 2003)

(9) 'The Bush Effect' (5 March 2003)

(10) 'Standard Responses Of Criminal Minds' (9 May 2003)

(11) 'Detecting Criminal Minds By Their Intentional Omission Of Truth'
' (19 August 2002 - Version 1.2)

(12) 'Criminal Mind Tom Cruise 'In Bed With' The Norwegian Nobel
' Undermining-And-Demolishing-Peace Prize Committee Member(s)'
' (27 October 2004)

(13) 'Famous American Life Energy Vampires - Unsuspected Of Destroying
' Your Emotional Integrity' {HRI 20031110-V2.1}
' (10 November 2003 - Version 2.1 at 13 July 2004)

(14) 'News Agency 'Reuters' "Definition" of 'Criminal Mind' = 'China'
' (that is, insulting over one billion people)' (15 August 2004)

(15) 'Associated Press Journalism "Definition" Of Murderers, Today'
' (27 October 2003)

(16) 'Agence France Press Journalism "Definition" Of Murderers, Today'
' (27 June 2004)

(17) 'Plato On Making Love' {HRI-20041114} (14 November 2004)

(18) 'Definition Of Sanity' {HRI 20040410-V1.2}
' (10 April 2004 - Version 1.2 at 16 Apr 2004)

(19) see section 'Books,' below

(20) 'Definition Of Psychotic' {HRI 20040530-V2.0}
' (30 May 2004 - Version 2.0 on 1 June 2004)

(21) 'Definition Of Insane - Relation To Humor' (5 Feb 2003)

(22) 'Drug Use Confuses Perception With Reality' (11 April 2004)

(23) 'Normal Life Disaster From Not Understanding A Criminal Mind
' (A True Story)' {HRI 20040927-V2.7}
' (27 Sept 2004 - Version 2.7 on 17 Oct 2004)

(24) 'Leonardo Da Vinci - About Aliens, Dimensions, Consciousness,
' Time, And Earth's Past And Future' (29 August 2004)

(25) Quote from 'Two More Tools To Detect Criminal Minds'
' {HRI 22030716} (Quoted on 19 Nov 2004)

(26) 'Only 'Zero Tolerance For Criminal Minds' Can Tolerate Them'
' {HRI 20040205-V3.0-beta-1-p1}
' (Preview 1 of Version 3.0 PART ONE, on 26 Oct 2004)

(27) 'Only 'Zero Tolerance For Criminal Minds' Can Tolerate Them'
' {HRI 20040205-V3.0-beta-1-p2}
' (Preview 1 of Version 3.0 PART TWO, on 30 Oct 2004)

(28) 'Criminal Minds Know Themselves Very Well They Are Lying'
' {HRI 20040520-V1.3} (20 May 2004) (Version 1.3 at 21 May 2004)

(29) 'A Poem of Love and Adventure'
' (17 July 2004 - Version 2.4 on 12 Jan 2005)

(30) 'Two More Tools To Detect Criminal Minds' (16 July 2003)


(a) Angstrom is a term from the period on Earth, when the Criminal
' Mind Albert Einstein and others, promoted the idea
' that perception and awareness, and thus time, are
' determined by photons. *(b)

' Photons are indeed particles with a mass that results
' in the hitting energy from the speed of its mass, as
' Newton already formulated it precisely

' (E=mV^2 or, if the speed of a photon is C, then
' of course E=mC^2)

' but for which Albert Einstein got a Nobel Prize.

' This dubious honor, bestowed on the Criminal Mind
' Albert Einstein, was then used by him to advance the
' idea, that awareness (of time) *(c) is determined by
' photons, which he called a "Theory of Relativity,"
' and he was

' stating at the same time that it was just a
' crazy idea, to prove how extremely stupid
' humanity is, or "The more crazy an idea, the
' more easily it is accepted by humanity."

' This was indeed known to various dictators -
' not only to those whose messages were received
' by the populace, by 'hoi polloi,' *(d) through
' a 'Volksempfanger.' *(e)

' The term Angstrom has been used amusingly by me, in another
' article, to contrast it with the return of someone's natural
' perception of truth

' - as perception, also of truth, (as you all know and do) is
' of course done by Life Energy,

' with which you also perceive light or photons and/or
' whatever your body's sense organs make of it -

' when Life Energy is used to perceive what is there. *(1)

' This has given rise to various Human Rights Issues, which
' describe what Criminal Minds do, with that, what also Criminal
' Minds themselves

' - even though they vehemently deny it, which, as you know,
' all Criminals do -

' perceive to be the truth.

' It is NOT at all true, that "they do not perceive the truth," or
' that "they are too materialistic" or "still too unaware," but
' *(28)

' what IS true, is that they DO perceive the truth very well, and
' it is exactly that truth, that THEY WANT NOT TO BE PERCEIVED, but
' that they want denied and seen differently than it is.

' (See further, "Detecting Criminal Minds ..." *(11))

' Several HRI's describe how Criminal Minds influence and distort
' the perception of others, of who you are - a perception which,
' after all, is done by means of Life Energy Particles only.

(b) Photons - Photons are indeed particles with a mass that results
' in the hitting energy from the speed of its mass, as
' Newton already formulated it precisely (E=mV^2 or, if
' the speed of a photon is C, then of course E=mC^2).

' The hitting energy of photon particles is expressed by
' how fast they vibrate,

' which also determines to what extent they are
' deflected by objects, (you know this from
' radio waves) and thus, how fast these vibrate,

' by consequence, determines the minimum size of
' objects that can be detected by photons

' of that rate of vibrating (which rate of
' vibrating you perceive as the various
' colors of light),

' in physics also called wavelength,

' because while it vibrates, the
' (photon) particle moves forward,

' and how far it moves forward while it
' has completed one vibration, is called
' obviously the wavelength,

' expressed as a size in meters, or
' centimeters, micrometers, or nanometers,
' or in

' Angstrom being one tenth of a nanometer

' (especially for easily referring to the
' vibrating rate where photons are visible
' to the eye - as in the colors of the
' rainbow.)

(c) See Definition of Time,

' in the
' Textnote: '(b) ----------- (Time)'
' sub: ' ------ (The Present)'

' as found amongst the footnotes of

' 'About Aliens, Dimensions, Consciousness, Time, And Earth's Past
' And Future' {HRI 20040617-V3.7}
' (17 June 2004 - Version 3.7 on 21 July 2004)

(d) 'hoi polloi' - Greek for 'the many,' meaning the populace, the
' unthinking mass whose Life Energy is continuously
' and so severely smashed by Criminal Minds, that
' 'hoi polloi' become incapable of feeling,
' retaining, or even desiring truth that would be
' most vital for them to defend their health and
' their happiness.

' Truth is knowing 'what happened (to you)
' and who caused it.'

' Life Energy contains (your) perception
' and (your) memory, as well as (your)
' intention and desire to connect to these.

(e) 'Volksempfanger' - (also 'Volksempfaenger') a radio that the
' German households were allowed to have, and

' by which they should and also did listen to
' National Socialist (Nazi) Propaganda
' speeches and "news"

' - not unlike the glossy magazines and
' 'newsletters' from 'scientology' and
' their front groups, that contain as
' much truth and as many lies -

' as the German populace under Hitler was
' subjected to, and indeed felt to be "true,"

' not only experiencing the sensation or
' compulsion given to them, that they accept it
' as if "it must certainly be true," but

' they in the beginning also really believed it
' to be as the "news" and speeches gave it to
' them as if it was "reality."


(Robert D. Hare)

' 'Without Conscience - the disturbing world of
' the psychopaths among us,' in particular its Chapter 7.,
' about 'white-collar Psychopaths.'
' By Robert D. Hare, University of British Columbia, 1993.
' (New York: Pocket Books, 1995)
' (New York: Guilford Press, 1999 - ISBN 1-5730-451-0)

' From the back cover of the book:

' 'Robert Hare makes a strong case for the view that
' psychopaths are born, not made. A chilling, eye-opening
' report - and a call to action.'

' 'Of exceptional value to anyone wishing to look behind and
' guard against these baffling predators [or parasite or
' virus personalities] who live amongst us in fearful [in
' large] numbers [sixty million of them on Earth].'

(Hervey Cleckley)

' 'The Mask Of Sanity - the acclaimed study of the
' psychopathic personality'
' By Hervey Cleckley, Medical College of Georgia, USA.
' (St. Louis, MO - USA: Mosby Press Medical Library, 1982)
' (New York: New American Library, ISBN 0-452-25341-1)

' From the back cover of the book:

' 'Arrogant, shameless, immoral, impulsive, antisocial,
' superficial, alert, self-assured, boastful, callous,
' remorseless, charming, irresponsible:'

' 'This is the poisonous mix of traits, that make up the
' psychopathic personality. [...]'

' 'Psychopaths also sit in corporate boardrooms [as
' directors of companies or institutions,] or function
' as scientists or physicians [medical doctors,] or in
' any number of respectable capacities [holding
' respected jobs or positions].'

' 'They are all legally competent. [In the legal sense,
' they are not insane, because they can talk and
' think as brilliantly as a lawyer, to achieve their
' purposes.]'

' 'None of them "hears voices" or displays any
' psychosis [that a psychiatrist could easily
' recognize or could recognize at all, as these can not
' and also do not want to define psychosis correctly].'

' 'But they [psychopathic personalities] are all headed
' for [causing others] big trouble, in a life-long
' string of [causing] disasters [for others], that
' could run the gamut [range, the whole spectrum]:

' From [causing] financial ruin, to murder.'

' 'Psychiatrists know neither the cause nor the cure of
' this disorder [and they can not and do not want to
' define 'disorder' either, and they have been working
' and will continue to work very hard to hide the
' cause of any 'disorder,'] which evades [their]
' established definitions of either sanity or insanity;

' [So, I have defined all these terms, for you,
' in the Human Rights Issues {the HRI's}, as none
' indeed existed. So it is for the first time in
' history, that correct definitions exist and
' are published.]'

' 'indeed, psychiatrists themselves

' [and any persons who try to help and to
' understand Criminal Minds (psychopaths)]

' are at times as helplessly manipulated by the
' psychopath, as are the psychopath's other victims.'


Copyright 2003-2005 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it, and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included, to
others who might be able to learn from it.
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or religious agenda, but only to educate and encourage people
to judge un-dominated and for themselves about any organizations
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